A Line mark here on oai H that the nub Hcrihcr to this copy of The New is be hind on subscription Please make a pay ment aa Boon as con venient. H Ji. k $ f MOUJfl AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 0, WIS. NO. 10 fox. xrxrr SWEPT BY DEMOCRATS. XSassachusett Elect Democartic Ckvernoor Maryland Choam aDemocrat fcr U. S. Senate. 1 Nw York, Nov. 4. Election return at a late hour tonight bowed a complete triirmph for the D.inocrat in Massachusetts w h e re a governor anil1 state tide t were chosen in a four cornered fight ; the dectin of a Demo cratic governor ami state ticket in Virginia without context; the ascendency of Fusion over Tm inanp in New York City with tixlHHtiiM of Il4ipiili!iiin victory for the New York asmibly and judicial ticket; ami a close fight for the Mate ticket in New Jersey, where. President Wilaon and administration forces fought to deft Jatrnes J. Fielder to the governorship, in Maryland' a De mocratic senator was chosen. In Massachusetts David I. Walsh, Detnocrat, present lieu tenant governor, was elected governor ly a plurality of atou fO,0X) over AuguNtus P. Gardner, Rcblican, Charles S. Bird, Pro gressive and Governor Eugene H. Fow, Independent. Henry C. Stuart, wart chosen governor of Virginia, together with, an entire state ticket, Republicans nnl Prcgrowvrs having declined to name candidates because of in ability to agree on a united) tick et. Return. frtxm Nw Jersey were delayed, though Democratic lead ers claiwned a safe plurality for Jaimes J. Fielder for governor over Edward C. Stokes. Re-icib-liean, and Everett Colby, Pro gressive. The Democrats cla'mi ed Hudson county for Fielder by 25,000 while RejniMieaii leaderr! asserted supremacy for Jbtokes. Fielder. who succeeded President Wilsctt f! jfvernor"of New Jer soy had the support of the na tional a'ninisiration, veral imemiheis of the cabinet taking the sihimpi' in his behalf. Prci deint Wilson and h policies were made the dominant wue. In Now York city th tri-ienjph of the Fusion ticket was assured and late returns f rxftn the tite indicated a Republican majority Vn the general asscunhlv ami the selection cf a Republican chief jrndge of the court of appeal nnd nisie Supreme court justices. For United States Senator, Maryland chce Blair Lee, De mi .'rat. Jurc-r fcr December United f States Court. The jurors for the December term of United States dldrint court lrwni from this section ire as follow: JosetIlD Samuel, Mt. Airy, route 1, RoJ)t Goldin-g, Mt. Airy route A. M. .Smith, Mt, Airy, T. V. llvn .. Doha r . NOBODY SPARED. Kidrwp" Troubles Attack Mount Air' Men and Women; Old f'ndi Young. Kidfiey Ills seize young ami' old Often come with little waniing. Children suffer in their early yearri ('an't control the kidney secre tiouM. lirk are languid, nervous, suf fer pain. Wnnen worry, can't do daily work. Men. have lame and aching laciks. If you have any form of ki 1- 1 1 nev ills You must reach the can s the kidneys. Doan'K Kidnev Pills are f.-,r! Wcalv. kidiK Vt4 The following testimony proves tlu ir w.rt)i : K. Neuoonv, KintcM. X. ('.. says: "We used Duin's Kid- ll'V I 1 1 Ls id i the t,l,lllU- Willi troou results. do Mill I know what thev will'h.- klief him, he -ays. before it 111 U"!al tl reeiillllllelid them. One i f the faniily had weak k.ilnes. She w.ii nerviuts iA d;ijrv, anl her hack a bed. I )ia ii "s Kidnev' Pills stopped these .'lilmeiits and aetd vn a tonU'." For sale by all dealers. Price .0 cents. h-ster - .Milturn lo., Wlwii they retiirntsl home from Buffalo, New York, sole agentSjth,. theatre, he was compiled to fo. tHe UnJtetl States. submit to a severe "s-olding" Remember the name D an's j administer d by his wife, he de- aji take no other. j dares." TAB HEELS WTN HIGHEST AWARDS FROM HERO FUND O. N. Wriffht and W.L. Dillard Get Medal and $2,000 Each. TittjAjurffh, Pa Oct. 31t. Nearly $100,000 is disbursed' to heroes or their relative by the Carnegie Hero Fund '(im mission! in its report made public today. The Yiiunission distrirbut s im mediately 4.!M,(HM) in award of 2.)00 and JrUXX). There are lfi awards of f2.XM) and .W of $1,000 The remainder are in awanls eon- aitii!iif of ix-nioi rangniff frcm $2), to $C a month, ami in cali inns under $1,(KJ), In every a- ward a medal is gvven, either brore, silver or gold. In a few intan-c only a meilal waa awanlel. The hichewt award, eoiiHKtiijf .f a gold meLd and $2,0() in cash money, (?oe to Charles N. Wrr-it, a (merchant. .'W years old, of Hinhlaauls, N. (J., who with Waiiam h. Dillard, a liverynnan, :5J years old, cf the ;ime place, helpd to save R. Ang'iwtus Baty, a carpenter, 2fi yeaw obi. frcm a f.Ul dwn a precipice at that place Mar 14, 1911. Dillard re ceived ;i tiihuer medial and $ii,fHX). Iiaty had fallen frtmi the sum mit fii "Whiteside mountain at Fool' IK-k and rolled ISO feet wn an almost vertical elkff, arnl loxjetl aga4nt a srnaW bush, 2 inrluM fnvm the brin-k of a pre cipice 2,0)0 feet deep, jwirt of his Ixxl- dangling over the edge. Writ and Dillard descended the vertical bige, their only hamlholilM or footholds leirrf? rVljes and hollows not tnore tlutn an in height ' or depth. Wright's wife saw him aiid be .gan to aeream. He wa.s nearh' unnerved!, lut pushed on, St'- yir. ? at a tiny basii six feet abwe I5:itv, he let his feet down to a Inle fwo feet alxwe the brunt atitl then . grwtpeii - -Itaty'a cxr l collar. Baty ifve a sudden-jerk, hut became quiet when, Wright threatened him. Pinning lids lrs arouml the bu-b, Wright drew Baty ilp to n pla,ee of compamtive sjfity, wirere DUl-i. J '.v'::o had l-?t lr ntrve in tht l'nd stug-'S d the rescue, was wiaiting. The two men iuiw trrR nnry, wno win dnlirous l.") f;et a?n the bare face (if the el:ff, witliin IS inch es f f the briiiik. Then they mov d: Rity to the fot (f the. ver tical Udge at the 9iirnm:t. frcm whu-h point he w-is lioistet by mer.iM cf a line. He recovered The re'ene to k two hours and :!() mi unites. Kirsed By Actress, He Sues fcr $5,000. Denver, Nov. 1. Five thouamd dollars is the price tula. for a ks by J. S. Blakeley. No. 152 Wevt. Ss'.oi:d avenue, in a suit fibs! in the D'Htrvt ciurt against Mi's Myrtle Howard, vaiuleville aetretys. Blakelcy awrts Mia llwartl luft the staige hirir:g her act at tlie Talnr OraiKl Theatre May 11, trirnntl hiwk to the Seat wliK-h he occupied aixt deliberately- IckmI hiftn In the .presence of his wife. In the playlet rfented by Mia HowartL callel "New Years I've in Sim Franc'wce," it is custom to leave the sfciitge mingle with the audience. Ac - conlinsg to the sliow management, ; arrantgennents lutd been made for! M'rss llowanl to make her way in j to the HUijiei.ce and bestow a; kiss on a man who had eons-jiit id to allo'w her that privilege. ; pi,rt aecea.sed, we notify all per M:ss I Iowa i l stdectl theiA.ms holding claims against the ill 1 ..i . i i wrong man. l he nun sue nai ar I rangeil to kiss was se;ited near : Ba Ik -ley and greatly rfM'inoi.1 him. Tlie "k:Ls-;ioI man is! !: ildheadei.l aiwl so is Bl nkelye. ! J in bir of recovery thereon. In h'ls coinvlaint Blakeh-y its- All persons indtbttd to the es .serts he was etiBiduetirg hiin.s.-.lf tato are retiicstid to made pay "i:i a nerf.vtlv ur-b rlv manner" ' 'lient to us immetliately. when MLss lb wind approached him h(Lilv and witlumt warning.! lie had time toward (.it the euhtoiy attack, which was t i rely uaieYp'Vtcd." s- eii- 1 As the result of be i nig ki. .ssnl y an actress. Blakeley 1ats, ' his wife has become estranged : ,x. I has threat ems! to leave him. Facta About The Game Lawi. The shooting season is &out hero anc Hixortumen will be in terested in the ffanne laws. Renulers of th nifWMjapers Jiave rviticed recently caws in the Fed eral courts for violation (xf jrame laws. Tliia mean that Uncle S;im nowl w game laws and it behooves the jport.nan to ac quaint liimself with the Fbral regulations, for they will prob idblly Ie more rigidly enforc! than the State and local laws anil the citizen who gets into the Federal eurt will find that it cts more tlmn th" lo-al court. Recently the Federal gane laws, designed to protest iniijfraitory and insectivorous birds, have been pnnnulgated. f)ot(her 1st tlie Pres'ulent arovel regnila tioriH drawn up by the United Stated Department -of Agriculture at the direction j (longress, by tJie tenns of which, the Federal jfovernment a.saumes control of all migratory game and irwectiv oroiw lrirdH, aiul fixcH closed sea sons for the specie affected. Laws enacted by the several States cannot lengthen but can shorten these closed seasons fix ed ry the Federal law. Follow ing is synopsis of the closed sea sons set for "zone 2," which in cludes North Carolina. Regulation 2. A daily closel season on all migratory ranie and' insectivoroiis binls shall ex tent! from sunset to sunrise. Resrukiticn 3. Tliere shall be a perjetual elofel season on the following migratory irwH-tivor-ons birds, and on all other perch ing birds whali fetd entirely or eh'mfly on insects: Bobolink oat-j binds, chickalees, cualcooa, flick ers (yellow-hammers), fly catch ers, grosbealh, ht:mm.ing binLs, kiiigi-ts, martins, .meadowlarks, r.:.gh't-h-..wvl(s or bull bats, nut hatches, orioles, rc-bina, shrikes, swallows, swift, tamgers, tt mice, thrushes, virftoa, warblem, waxings, whipporwiil?, woblpeck ers aad "wrens. Regnlaticn 4. A closed season shall contiaue until September 1, PJ1S, gn the followir.g migratory ganw birds: Fan-tailed pigeons, Jittle Itnwn, sajilhill and wlioap ing crant-s, swans, curlew1 ami all hore bid-ds exwpt tl black lrf xst(l aid golden jver, Wil won or jaksiupes, wwxlcoek aiwl greater ad ir yellow kgs. RftruVtion 9. For the pur poses of this regulation, ea"h peritd of time herein prescr'.btd as a close ! sason shsjl be con stnid to include the first day m l to exclude th- lat tlry ther- of. CIoshI -tea son Waterfow l, Feh rnary 1 to November 1 ; wood eoeki, Jariiury 1 to November 1 ; rails, eix.'ta- ai;d gdlinubn, !) cenisT 1 to Stptomiber 1. The chNd season on blank -.breasted ap goldeii' plover, jacksn'rpe or Wilson sniH', and greater and lessvr yellowlers s! ill be I Vht ru ber 16to September 1. Ijoc.sI iortanen aro interested in onV a few tf tlue bin!? b chiUs we hflve only a few otf tlnsn, but they will take not'ee that robins -.ind me:tl'nv larks can't be k.illed tt any t'me. Th-re has been consldf-ra-lle nh in ishco-tirg in the vi-'in'tj nf SdatesviMe as well as in oth r section of the ftate. Ileraf- her ler killing a roh:n at any t:me aiKi.will jnean taking chinces in ufndre B mi's court .StitMvl'e Landmark. Notice. Ti r.ii;il:fied as Administra tors jf the estate of T. W. Fol- ; i-;ate to preseait the .same To T.ne . undersigned for jm nient within in,, vrar lriin the date o.I this: notice or the notice will be nlead- This S.-p. 15th UIU. of T. W. Folger, Dee'd. Valuable Land for Sa. 1 luive about 25 acres of land iu suburbs of Mt. Airv on Kan- ey Cap road. This laud lays j ; well. I Lis had twelve thousand j loads of inaniue on it in five! years. Been used for Trucking, is in high state of cultivation. O. V. Bclton. For further particulars see Robert Beltcn. MISOHTEVOUS 0 ROW HAS TO BE KILLED. Pats Ertjjtne Out cf Buimeai, Blind Chickens and Stops a Passenger Train. Portlard, Ore., Nov. 1. Jim. the c.niw at the liig Eddy, has jiiKt been sliot. They aim ply hal to do it, for Jirrn ' lorjf career (-if crime anl trouble n whed tire lmiit "wlien he developed the out iir frt if plnr;kirg out the ia'ix of rhicketi.t in the vicinity. Jinn "was initniwie w lonj? as he merely supplied thrills for the workmen, Irut when ho developed into a marauder they luid to ktU him. Any one who has "worked a romr.fi the Portage roaI rwar the Big1 VkUly kfKiwii Jim. The age-ut claimed h'wii once njion- a tme, b'.it disownid ail cant him out when Jim Isn-wme the blank sheep of the construction gang. And every one aroiuul" the Portage roal has a reis-rtoire f stories concerning the deviltries of this erorn'. He was known from Tle Dalles to (Vlido. .Him liked soap. How he ac fuired! the taste is a mystery. Arrwav. tlw fact remaij)el that Jim could never res'wt taking a iiece of stap wherever be saw it. The worll'iien anti tHntractors marvelwt at his capacity for soaip. One day when the water had re codd and it time to start ttu a oig engine the machinery wtjniM it work. hverj thing seemeil all right, but the engine refuseu to run. I hen some one looked into the water tank. It contained a mass of amis and resmbled a Monday mornint? wah tub, Jim had been d nip ping pieces of toilet Boap into the tatk; the soap disolved and whn th. fires were started and time came to operate the engine, the water simply churned into) lather. No wonder the engine wculdta't work'. It retired an entire day to scomf out the tank before steasn couM be raised. Then ther was the time that Jim was the- cause of seven car-lo-ala of passerigers Iwanf thrown alnwwt cnit of their sata. Th's was when there was blasting for the portage enterprite. A sr rvI H.vstn had been arranged. One toj-jxlo on the track nti ritl pissiifg trairs that there .vhs a bl;it realy to go off ami to stop. Two torpileH meant al! .ife. The foTtiman who arranged the torpedoes pled two on the track aft.T a )nst. Jim saw the tin-coven d torjtedoes 4?listenin :3, the sun, so he swooptd, down , tIe nn- Pff re the foreman could jJo-c incther aloi:g cAine a pawener train, and when tlve engineer heard the oeie torpetlo explcd? he ''orrit Irs train to a stop so quickly that every one wa jolted Tlie fopennan would liiave lost h's j.4 on the Hjwt, evm if he h"d suj"hil the assault ti the en Tineer. h-d the foreman net had yee"ltnr.s.ses. All thee things were j nit up with "but when Jim develojMd a ta.de f.r blinxling ch'ckern. rflti cire eeisd to be a virtue. They diot hHn. Demand That Huerta Besign. MexK-o City Di -ixatch. .'VI. Presidet ! Huerta has been told he must resign the prcsridrey of Mexico without lort of t:me and that he miwt rKt leave is his suc cessor Cen. Aureliano Blaiuriuet, his Minister off War. or any other joy nine nun s.-nt ever trom the in.s i-1er (f his official family or , Treasury Department at Washing f the uncxffie.ial coterie whom he ton. Between 25.0(H) and I'W.OOO might Ive exjwctel to control. ;tMis of silver ail so is being count Thi ultimatum from Washingtcit cd, a. well s several million was conveyed to President Huerta dollars in bills and a few torts of i J thn.rsh hii private svntary, ere: R h:nri. bv NVlst,n O'tSha- ;i!hii!'-v. t!.e American, charge d "affa:ri-s, nx-tii ir ui:l 'r ins i..j I titvr s fr.tm the State Depar'ment. I Ni-iior R:ilKigo pris.'i;ted the I :iii m raiK'nm to bis chief late Sim- I-ii- !... i.i. tli'..i ni.p;m Ipr dent Ih.erta bad M.irned i u i ' I-- a : '. .ix j-.. t - . . lea: t:ttl ! ..ti iril.il ah- 1 .1 con- ! ' : t.s f re. in ;l..ist 1'. m"' h"" f l"ie:al er.l int imate ci 'm lers. Tln;e who barntil of the W::shii -'U n note retriml (ien.'ral ll ierta 's position as i Jie in whitdi. he will be fomnl to give one of two anwt! r fi.d iMunt hlai.k j to ci iii!y with the dt in ird h siblv irointr so far as to hand the j diplomatic representative his pass ports, or tlie t lduiiiatioii e f huu- !i-'.f offieiallv. Dramatic Scene Enacted at Lec ture. Wasltiritffton, Nov. 4. Law tu- Lents at Georgetown university were telling t'sa if a dramatic sv'ike in a class rorn hint night in which Dr. Holme (Jonrad, pm- fejor of law?, and (.aW Powers, the Kentucky congnwrnan, were tlw actors. In d leciture to a post graduate cliLs Dr. HoUrww whm denounrintf jnibikj .rmpathy for criminals anc d.n lari that alone, through mst- taken pifldic sentiment, were -ir-! ried to places o jswer when! released f rwn prWwt j "Who was that man in Ker - tiwikjy who killed another and wan nent to Congress!" askenl the nrofew4r of the class to illus trate his point. Durin the hirh that immenl iatelv fell over the room, Caleb Pdwers, a student, sitir in the Sexen-.jse, m il when he want a front row, r to h'w fe.-t withjdniJd he takn-s it, awl wua'Jy it M'.rfe.it comiwure, arid in a clear, is ra-l at a fountain. vo.ee said: Cliak:--r was lorn in Ru-hmoml, "I am that man, loctor; I was ' Madi n county, Kentuoky, Mar. not igiiilty." '27, 1H10, aicconlrng to authentie Dr. Holmes (Imnul a(ologi.ed,; rt'on!a whinh he willingly shows coutimud: his lecture ami after-all who ask for proif of his ward made a formal apology to rtmarka.ble aKe. It m rwt his Powers, saying be had not knowait?e alow, that caws won-ler-the national re)re.ntative was m-nrt, hut V is remark apdy hal tn.Tivhr i if el.L,s Powers! he ar.rars to be nearer GO than spent eight years, three month and three days in Kentuckry ris- ons fighitnjr for hi l;fe. He whs ehargml w-ith coeiKplje-ty in sr.iirder of 'CJovern r 0 el. A.ntrl; '.lie mo-t precious mem MultiinUlionaire Passes in Checks! ori- he ohernhes that cf little ('Ir-aro. 111.. Nov. 3 Edward Morr'w, president cf Morris & ('cmpajy. jvitkers, died at his home tolay after an illnesH of more than a year. Mr. Morris was born inr Chicago 47 years ago and was the oldest son of the late Nelson Morris, pioneer packer. He suffered a nervous breakdown about a yefr ago-and was obliged ta give vp active business. The seriousness of his condition became known last week, upon the arrival of his brother, Ira Nelson Morris, sum moned hurriedly from Italy. Mr. Moris is survived by hi widow, two sons aiul two daughters. Edward Morrs wis a multi millionaire nrji one of the best knrwn me it pa ikers in the world. In the will of Nelson Morns, the lmildir g of the vast Morris fortune was attributed largely to the geriiw and energy of Ed ward. He wa-s only fourteen years old when he entered the office of his father as an employe. So keen was his interest ird so great was the aptitude he dis played in business affairs that even his father wis astonished. The wealth hell by Mr. Mor ris is est 'minted at between 10, 000.000 and $50,000,000. He was a liU-ral contributor to many i-haritiit. In 1WM) Mr. Morris marred Helen L. Swift, daikghter of the founder of .Swift and Company. Counting Tens cf Geld and Silver Money. New York Dispatch. Alxni.t 84 tois of gokl which lit a in the United States sub treasury in Wall street, guarded right and day by a small army erf watchmen and a Iwittery of micliiic cur, is tHing coiK.teid imrkles aim! coppers Tlie tak' was besruii Tuc-day ar i wi'l keep nire skilled men bi:y for" three wct-ks. At the i rl ( f tint t:m: thiy are ex jv;'?.l to iirl'eim Mai tin Vogel, Lsistant United Sta'e.s Treasurer iu i-li;ni'i. f the "t w York smh- Trei-i iy. that he has $171,10:1,- his ...... ..x...! k t ir-. If thev should report one d Mar more or les than th t.iui ii.t there would be no rest un til the csuse t f tlu." discn-pancy was di-snentl. Mr. Yogel ttk office cn Mon ! iv an 1 -beeaaie r sjnuis'Jdc fcr the ui r.v in the vaults. lie is)" in:. 1 r jjl'tl.(HH) bonds aiwl will be rcouirvd to e'rve a recevpt for the , mom y on band. Or.y when a new oliicial t:tka vharge w such a count made. Lincoln's Pal at 103 is Looking for a Wife. San Frane'iHco, Nov. 3. Cliarle 0. Clunker (jf iSan Diego, the old est Elk in the world, U: years of ae anl a ?afhj3or ajinonncm that he is looking for a wife. He is not looking prejciptately, for hi rtw that he will forswear the in-derjs-ndence cf baehelorlSd ik" not involve fulfilment uriiil 191o, n n he will have reac!il the nielUxw age of H3. l'-ker is bale arl hearty. He wan a toyhood chum cf Abraham Liru-oki ars it is his great pleas- Ure to tell hjw they roanud th wooi together nearly a lnwalred years ao, eatirr persimmons arl pawrpaws. aiii a little later burst - une the raiwoon and the psiuu. Kveiy d;y tliis sturdy .-Id geit t! man walks 20 eitv blocks fr the eenturv mark. 'Uncle CliarU-.v," as he is call el, dots rot carry a cane, he has theinevvr ued glas-cs, his hard a ! firm and mre, nrxl he heani the lu.v t ' ' en words. Abe Lirreoln with whoni he v. T.t T-.'nri'r,',' fjr s prirres when he art I A")e were boys. Ale was a yjair oilier than Uiwle (.liarley, lift cfsild not bring down the .jame. "He never did learn how to Moot." Uncle Oiarley sa'.d. "arkl it was a contsanti trial to him that I couH rest my long iuirrei gi?n on the back of & log and bring ddtwn anything kr siiht." "fi(peaili!g of the fair sex, frcm his vast apiport unity, for experi ence, Uncle Charley said: "I have ibeen a bachelor all my life. I halve always done just what I pleased ami I have always led a peaceful ami eijoyalde existence. "I believe that 105 years is the nrBMr time for a man to many, and I am contenplath.jr tr.'Jirsg a wife in 1915 by way of cehibratirg the Panam.i-Paoif:j txiposition aixl tlie ojx-ning of the PanHima Canal. "What Win.1 of a girl will I marry? We! I, now, you've ot me." The cid boy chuckled whei: r arouml t,. t'u t ciert diK-ia-sion abc-ut th ideal wctnan. He hal heard the sub jeit dj'cui-sed from every phase for the last 100 years. Uncle Charley was a major in the militia before the Mex;cn war. When the war came he went to tike front ami participat ed in a minrher of engagements Soon afterwards he and several companions came to California, where he hB lived ever since. Uncle Charley aiTrUutw las longevity to his motto: "Never worry, ert heartily, &leeip Rourl' ami je hapv." Notice. By virtue of a Deed of Trust execistcd to me by J. H. Davis and wife for the benefit of J. C. Hollingwworth, to se-urc a note of seven hundred seventy dollars payable monthly on the first day of Dec. 1911, $10 per month ami providing that failure to pay any of sakl notes shall cir' tlw en tire amount to become d ie, and default havirg IdSMi ma k- .I 'd' the note beirg mm- ;a-t tine, on application cf .1. C. 11 iH n-sworth 1 will ell for cash cn the Sth i'ji.v cf Dec. 1913 at 1 o'cl.ck, P. M. in front uf the Town 11:11 in Mount Airv N. C. to t'ne hitched bidd.r t!:e followii g real estate. ti wit : Lvirjf ar.t rfir.-g in xr ry County, N. C., in the town of Mt. Airy, beginnirg at a stake set on Kat edge of Junction St. ard ru" with sa'd stre t N. 3 deretis East f0 f,t to a .-take; theiM-e N. dc jrre-s East about 210 feet to a plant d r-je'k ; thence Siiuth 4 degrees W. C feet to a planted rock : thcr.ee S. s7'. degre W. about 20".) . fe t to the beginning. This N. v. 6. I9l:j. R. E. Iloliingsworth, Tnistce.

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