A blue mark here tneanw that tiie sub trriber to this copy of The News in be hind on subscription. rit'.W make a pay ment as soon aa con JrOL. XXXIV MOUX1 AIRY, MOUTH. CAROLINA, THURSDAY.) NOVEMBER 27, 1913. MO. 22 GOVERNOR BLEASE'S THANKSGIVING GIFT. r&role 99 South Caroolina Con ricts, Pardoning- one Other. Odnmbiia, Nov. 22nd. Ninety -nine M vu" Ta-r,k) w'n' jiTxviit k-m'I toelay by (Jovernor BWb as h'w lluarik-Mgiving- gift to prisoners in. the iState pem SUvitiary ami the public works an line tnveral counties of South Clipolinn. This is unidoubtestly a mird for executive chfliietficy. A hurried eompilatietfi piv tl? follow img1 a tin- nature of the yrioiw crimen for which the , Wero serviftg sentences: Murder, 28; manslaughter, 26; bigmmy, 1; violating dLiwwy kiwi, ; liurglary and larcviiy, 7; fiKsault aim! battery with imitt villi in. RMcriiilt And tiiatteirv tf hijrh ami aggravated nature, 4; liKniisebreakluig uiid larceny, 5; highway rohhcry ami 'larceny, 1 ; larceny of live stock, 1; oJxtaim , xsig -fgnoSa tcmUt false, pretences, M . V t A. and petit larceny, 1 ; wipe, 3 : 1reach of trust, 1; breach of trust, fraudukoit intent, 1 ; tn.nu laiuyihter ami carrying eoneeal tl weapons 2; grand larceny, 1; safe oracling, J ; larceny and for fftr 1 ; total 100. "With, tjhe insuin of the large lnvteh of Tluuiklsgiving pardons and. paroles, Governor Hlease'a clemency record j.pjroaclre the 2)00 mark. The records in the SeeirejtJiry tu Mate a otrnce show that up to yestertlay he had issued 2o7 Hmirs ami e'cnnrmitaticaiH- and Ii25 paroles, making a gramX to tal of 782 jurvVrtis, comraurtAtirpifi rul parous. T1h Governor's first oat of vlcnnt'iKC!- after cuniiig ixirbo tlic cuTkio was to (tMiunmtie tJie fwB tttv of Joliai lVixlk'.ngTacB o,f "WUViiunifdnurg 0nni,ty fixmi h'tng mg to life imprLsoiroitflC llhia ras Awn? January 10, 1911. Ac ,orviito the records tl first . . j ft . . m - - - ip3roio was srkai tti u. j asa ter, a former client of Oaver(n , IiVuo law fum whcin the Gov ynwur pnrohxl on Felmtru'arj"1 20, 1911. Hunter Iwd bem serving avn eig-lbt-jwur wmttvice for aaain rUinti(ter. Tliis caw CTeAtenl ymit imterKt. MlioiuW the CVve(riw;r puw the 1,000 nvark: My the next cfii of Oci'ral Aimbly, he will lia-sv .-eraCT'd one pardu, eom miHtattiVit or panic, n diy s'j ku1 flH-nnnirtr office three yk'irs lo m 4m of the IiginlAtuiv. Hie paroles are datixl N'owm Iht 2j. hi all hirt. oaic, whfcfli Is a pir lon, tli prisini'rH rchia''d nulf.T the jwirole a-t. ' Some Good Read News. The. critjzerN who liv on the Ttvhl lid,:ii,.sf fxcun the Tiwky Toixl cm Pkh rivT to the AI-Ui Airi aiml lXlii road n.tir AVill Atklins nftulriKce, okscrvrnl Injrth of the (good road days and the rwuk wwh ho gratifying that tiny have worked, five days with iWr tejioiiH aiihd have hired fl.n 'Xtrn teuin to IwJp gr!(Wk. Ono Blb:mai of the road w an line care ctf J. A. Blue rtrxl A. M. K-, Tlrt following, e'rtizeixH 3uf' c-omitributed hiiior or e.Lsh to hvi do the work ; (h-o. Jaknon John Ky, W. E. Ilayinore, M. iS. Knv. (J,m, Ulue, W. (5. Kev, .1. 'AI. Ilajvll. Wjilstm K".v, K. M. I"vii, J. A. IUn', A. M. Key ajid Kd lariolk. nie otlur Aeetitui w in the care, of uS. Y. Simpson, S. M. (l)a;p!aniil, Wibi JI.u-m.ii ?uid tlitttM. T!n rowtd i about half gra4l aiiini the work will 1m eon linund nnt il iw rul is .eoniipl"it tl and in tine sjmiog the Hjjlit. log dmg will lv is-ied to kvip the ro.ul in condition whi!e i;icK inj. !'!,) its tihe liiov' for trd' TtUuU in this .etixtfi. 'llw etti-j if. ali g ;.( rcd truly gae, .111 li'H t i ii .i'.y ! i, i,2cs fri the yradi' vh,ie Mi(!t(l, All thej ':tierw nU-isg tin- ri:ul hav- ex- liixlt-d a hilp'ig It a i d; hik f ii rj! j-Ii YJtr aid vmnc cjlJi fi; J'in- Nnwj;.s. The road wlu-n fin-; "isl.ed wiU be a endit t ti e n!i;-' mrm'.ty it paso.-s tlimli. The grad-ii.u vi!l Ve fini-hid U'fore the wealJier g-t.s ti freezing liard. nfure is a good intenfC in ro.ul buUd'ui in tit's wvtitui d" l)o!4ll UWli.-hip U.il for gtd nmds for SluI7l g"'ni-ra.l. I THE CITYWARD DRTJT. Mm Contented to Live in the Open, But Their Wire Want Company. IIerlrt Quick, m Gool IIou.se kltieping Lsgaxine. Jfy exploratioiw of the mmh of framem backed by my own i 1 iift on a fa.mn, ant the live of in'y tnother, tf'j-itcrM, auntx, ciiw'.rw, urki wounea .jJdMg'MorH liivod, 11 me to the concliiMon that the "drift to the ciU-.V h;w betni largc-ly a woman movement. I lijivif found the men on Unm mifh more coutmted o.nl hapiy than tln women. II y another wanted my fatheT to leave the farm and nwie to a llcge town wU re the children could have "a better ohnmce." He d'ml not av.'ide to her w'whos, nnd one hit, of spiritual lrift M-as ol necked. Hut jvwt to tlie degree tlmt fanners have reaeluxl the plane of lettnajj- tie wife - aaml daughter vote en the future tf tire family the' have been push ed toward tlie city. Out on broad ad tie' ranges I have found men and Uns filled with tlw? traditUTiiial joy of opti juvs arml the frcedomi of spirit which (gtxii with it ; Irtit in nvury , many (tw tlieir women were pining for neighbor, for domes tic heli for prt'ttv clothes, for choul3, muHic, art, ar.l the th-ings taUl when the magj-utuvts waine in. So here we have one of our greatest national prohk-m re'at cd batik" to tliat eig'lith or fcukth jersi(n in our population who happunt to be a fawn woman. Our agricultural life has been falliig to pieces. T3ic ragfnont br.ve 'leen siKkxl to the cities. 1 ht jiritk'o f the nation once lay in its sturdy fanners. Prom their ranJis came our Ht'itcduDeYj, our scholar, our f inane iem Tlw irou-dn.tlve nat icon's hlood name fmra U .blade of aevhtea and iet aml.tho pol: from . jaLT T"" plowshares. THie farmera fought our hattks and tmilt our rail ways' ami bridges. They Slave been tlw? wfldiers of progrtts. 'And u nuts we cam st.ul iniaait-aiiJ a farm life in which the grvntn of American life can flower, the armies of prgnti will Kiiffer that tleca-.lence which cxwiuis to he lwMta of any natiun wIkh they oouie'froBn paynnentjs UJte;td of from uneadiow aiul plow (id fieklri. Tlie farm Wonuei must batr th:-se oiuin;;ug ho.t.s of stnaig men, or they v'll iKt be borne. And iui!vis flic tan n wmeii irui live under eoiiditions which imakie for hapiiil'.s6, liealth and pride, our whole iation wiill he weaknn ed ly I ho ill healtli unhatppww, and unrest t f tlwMO m4.heiM ail uivc. There i a movemenit for K't tcr things ainojijg the fanmins' wii't cf he lflixl. There r a new crganizatiojk ei m interna tional cale. TUnv are pcKtini ing nd revioit anl prognM in the runul hoiuw. TJi'w khsi iy fuuluig reeogtwtiotn affiuuvg (hem, that all Hit pci&is of pnogrniai are nj iongu- to le alkiwetl to go to the man life cn .tlie farm, wh.le the woman life w to vegetate. Tine faH is that tilie Inciter ci ditionis wJuch liau4 wane to fann ers throiiigh prigTtss ar.d dnvcai tion have I km n huigely forced up on the amtn. nee the two ex ck were on a parity in the 'mat ter of hblr and livOng. The old notion of a very e4inivteJit farm er's wife was tilie one who "wa ii ed a3il nwKj'ped, ami bakWl and brewed, at id iiti a run, and went a vu-sitimt; wl the n moon." Hut the 'pneJiit vxniaji jnove ineiiit on the farm is toward a higher plane than the e'onoiuie plains It 'm a d'miiJid for bappi-i Jt ami ciw aal tlw frutu if Ui-(..vS ill tl'ti Imuse, is we'd u.s out it. hi brief, the fniun woman r is iw lein.uilir.,g, and rei-eivLii-g better thinH in the order if t.he".r nirintn to her daily life1 t'sivt, thiue.s in the ho!ic for In-r I ;iM.e, I Ll'g ; weol il'v, thir.g.st in the hoiLse for her children'! ha; j 'e r ai d fuller 1; . :ne 1 f ; a'wL thirdly, th'i.s out s'A hiLSf, in (he neirhborhHid, T lie fvr the bitter ii!l fuller cuili'liuoie life of hervhf, h-r chihlnn, hr hub;uul, aiid her im-iu-bbors. Thus Ls th ou'Liic of the rurd uplift which i.s atlurii f iie every 1hv. THE DREAM COME TRUE A year 4?o ve had dreanw o' a Wber t-sjtrm of treei for this town we hal been drnii)g alltnit U'tU-r tmita for years, Imt it -lotvketcf to' us like the time had oouve for a iv?iVization of the dra!a. 'Ie mud then waf rSoc top kep on Main Street wdiieili tappearod in tle same space wit'Ji a vkiw to ereating a puheiw sentJantaat in favor of a 'better syNtnm of strtts. Wc had hop a tUuit tiw dream would oonve tnw ilirt nt that time men wlvo sliouM lia eoioourapf d r.s m our effiort to create a public entim yst ActivUly hiumtc! and laugh d t itlcut. Ami no it is witth n liMk pride tinat we have seem tine (ineam come tne at ho earH- a date. Hy tlie t'me tikis paper is reiul the Main strext of this town wiiill le jitiit fiiiHtittl, and it lo kVi fully ".w AveJl as the above l:vt,w-ir op tlw ;iirtiifit coohi pre kiot. All that ;jart of Main Mtroet wflvere tl bulk of the re ail ami wlulesale husine? is duxnw is ivow a' credit to our town rl would lx; a credit to any city in the state. The work if ipattltxjr it (Jmvn has lle1n(V)I, by mem who knew tili luine and imthrrv has Imjcii left inkhwie to malic it ;i fln-tt clt-. j. Mr. CM. Miller, omi f tle Iwl but veyors mi tlw state made aU thd .surc8 asul male ttvem as they Khould 'U nwidv -u -it u t its isnme :.ndiVidia'H wamWxl them, as has too oi'tni bni Uh ease in the pi.e, Mr hoy Hruwn, of Winstoav Md u was eriiphiyett to mine hro and taku aeitive cluirge of tlw work. Mr. J. V. Jones was the contrmetor ami irf an exvi enecd workman in wtnn" mml c'in -nt ami hxs giWui irt hw ptsmiutal fct tent ion 'torn the hosriniwg. t firt the street wus raled propiuly, then a en'imoit bed of rtk ail svtid was la:l five 'Hr lies detp and m th'w a layxir of Ktoin1, eefcr size, wa filnccul imd vtml with ht tar. After roll ing wit h the heavy Mtieium rollor a not Imt layer of small rock "w as ,-)HKrd witli tar and this covered with fine stone. Altogether! the KhI if lock is nine imdim thick, five inch U'n-ig of eenmat aifcl tilie ro laycm 1uihI t rretht r with two eoaUs of tar. Tflno tar V a prejKtatioii 'HK'de for the ...pur pew tfluit will iet get toxi ft in hot weather, im1 at all t'mcH it w sujifpomd to serve ari a h'mfwr to keep the. rock in sitin. Pncou tire fuct Mr. J. A.,Yokhy; htm lead in thiw motmunt and lie has hnl th hearty v;'prrt cif the other cum mlsskwiers. Mr. YtJJey has KjM iit mit h of hi- t'ne during the past few m.i4l:n hiking after the details f the work iumI seeug that it was projwrly exeen'td, and it ;s "an to his efforts in the main that the town has been' able tonake this prognwivti (move ai Mils time. It is admitted hy every one who i entitled to an opinion tluit the we rl ' of nukm? the .-.treot is a first class job and a envliit to ur ppognke town. It has cost our eople, all told, UN much as e:.ght or nine tli'us uul tlollais arnl Jialf of this kimii will 1m pi.id 'hy the men who o.eai pr.Kity along the street. An I b- it srd tu the evevlititlng cnxl'-t of the propirty owners that we have not heard of a single man who lias not cheerful ly e.iHUK-nited with the town and net his part of the expense like a u hi e spirited citizen. Ai d .mi the dream has com.' true. Resculticrs cf Respect. Wheieji.s it has plea.vd our II. .; : j:i'v Father in His whe )t-t v','d -i ! to rniu fc fn in our! in'di J our est) inixl brollur .lol'.n ! I. Ja-eiv,.-n ; . tiK'reii ie be it rc . 1 viil ; P;itT 11 1 at we lnw in bum- : lle SI hllli4ol) to His diviiu will, j S. u l ; Tll.lt hi his death the Ir.hie KLiL'e Coum-il No. 7:1 dr. . IT. A. M. Mount Airv, N. C. has io-'T a t-yai a-Ml ta JliiuI menu n r. lUilrd. Thet h;.s lordly ar.l vtioji to duty 'e eoiniimidd as worthy of eiiiulat.Loa. P'UVth, That Ve extend to the hreaved widhw ami children our ' VNVV' iGMkltoH 7 ' rl u it tccmx rvtvr.', TIuh was done lf j Msinpa'hy in this their n.'jV'i ilde h s m il ciiumid n to a hv.iiitr and nioiviful (i'l who a!i!H' can comfort hr; If , n h.ciiited. Fifth, That a copy of tin' olutivis K ns'oubd: in tl ie re the iiuiui's i tir iiu:ieu. a 'Jit. to the family fur3i'(d d the local aiiil eOj-jS lap'i-s for pir-ica:ion. I. AV. l-arp, H. V. iVyerh. (xniu Jttie. All gMxls lKM!(.'ht at Kniirhts is guaranteed to be as reprcieiiid. Wesley Edwards is in Bad Health Taken to Farm. Riehmoiid, Va., Nov. 21. Wea hy frlwards, one of the men en- paf til in the chootuigr iql of the CVtrroll cotsity eoxirt March 14, 1912, now servir;' a term of 27 yeaxg, has hem removed from thq pcflttntittrr to the state farm.. tSxhia Allen and the other metnbers of the clam there are three behind prwon walls, heiles Wesley Ketwards art reportetl to be in good lalth. Dr. Maakn sakl that in ease WiVili- Kslwamk innproveel and he jmiw no reason why ho shonild not I? woiild le reitunei to the primai till he sliall have coun seled tlie -time. for whk'h he was originally senteneel. The tiano that he Mpeiuks in the hospital at htc stte farm M-ill cottut in his coiif.rneimejiit as though Ive were i.1 the puiiteiirtLarj'. Tlie change was nude to pre vent -possible develo fluent f tuireaulus8. In the Hjruig of th ytNir the proner was atUwkell with (nea-Jes, jk! since that t'niie he has suffered several attack of pleur'y, and these have Herv ! to tmatcritully mhnv the stal wart frame of the otiw harely iiftnuitaiiH'er. Dr. Herbert Mara; jnunitentiary surgeon, askvd regarding tine re moval of Wesley EdwanU, Avid that he had ordered the man re nun'etl lo'air' lie was Mfraid that (iomplkiatioiH might follow. He admitted tliat Uie prinuer ia mihdi worn, that confinement is telliiig him, and tliat attae-kjs enf ineaskis wit phnirby have left him in a weakened eiwid'irtioiv To guainl against dewhpmcnt of any jmlnuuiary trouble be deem ed at but, the.vih KiSwaids is a lonvf-term jwisomr, to ortler that he le takk'ii Up to the stite faitai in (Jooeldajyl comity. Wt-ttlej- Kdwaivls has been work ii ,' in tlue shoju for more tlwin a ytir, an t so rar as w Known ne has imui' a tiuAUd . prise4r. He was arrested kn lew a several itionhts after tlu xhoot:Ja; ti.ok ji!aev while working as a street piver. He rv.wkd arrest md tli eu'.f'u-e'is were .giTn a busy eiii?a:iriiiui:t in getting him to the jliee station. Valuable Land for Sale. I luve about 2o acrs of Uiul in suburbs cf Mt. Airy on Fan cy ap road. This land lays well. Has had twelve thmsatul loads of manure on it in five years. Ueon used for Trucking, is in high state of cultivation. O. V. Helton. For further particulars, see Robert Beltcn. Spemoer Ycung Lady Chose Hi Tar, Had. fincer, Nov. 22. With tragic dnwhwHtiorp f love, pitlh-txr ap peals of devotion ami tlw? viw thl'ijt "tlv pcojfle ah all W iuy pisuple, ami wfliat is mine hall !? tlttine, alml thire mini'," intry Mii MaikI Tne'kiir, of H-x.-m-er, on T3i!umbiy hsjame tlw hlitddntf bride' ef tl. R. , 0:tte- a well klvwri yNMK'.ff iman of this place, w5fn WIm? ctatte- In irrefercned to K:srl JVrw, 'of Ind.iiUKtp lis, while tlm two ntum txiil side by hide in. uie of tlw. pr'uiciij street of piifwier. Fi;u'.h if with tlie oth er foir tine heart and hai'd of the yoiwijp wwnsvv ef(ch preAsaij his eltim for a lac at hr siiW. Wliile." in tliss attitude ami facuig the two suitors, Mjt-w Tucke r tiok her place hy the s'ule of the hipejucer ttowi aa(l the three walk ed! to the pursenaage of the Hei ecr Ifcuitfist church, where the marriajrei ocrmiif y was p-rfonn-. etl bf' ilev. J. L. Vipifnn an. Mr. Pjirrw caime to North tlarolina TliiurMily memrif for tlie pur pose of mwrryuiig M-k Tucker. He was snirprise.id to find his claim for a bride strongly ron-te-KUd by Mr. (lites who has Iwm for mesiffhs an admirer of the bride. Name Omitted From Tombstone, He Sues. M;ryMvrJ!e, Mo., Nov. 22ml. llex'-ause his name wits omitted from tlie sUie nrarkinig tin graW of his wife, Jth I). rickett sm1 the wife's clulilnai for $10, 000. He lt. the wu in the De Kalb (Jounty ("Hrcu'.t court hre, but hjaa ajJialexl to tlie Supreme court, Pickett ami Ollie S. iX-lvee were cliikllud Bwee'thcarU an this iieahl-rhcod. Pick(?tt tm Ittsttxl for service in the Ciwl war ami hecaine rgeant in the sevemtetmth regiment. After th "war FVli.it t Ritnel lme and found that las . c14 aweet Jusiirt had anajrkd Edwin. L. Fierce. Pick'ett later maraikld. In 1893 Pierce dixl. Pichett di vorced Ms wife andf lahT 'ntarrietd Mrs. Pierce againt the wishes of hvr ohildre'n. iPkikwtt ami t!le former Mm. Iierce Uuef lived tegether ttm Veiars iml nearly four months wlfcMi'she elied. Tlie lierce chil dren temikj'pvssitisum of all her beWngiugs cxut the prtpcrty Wt to l'vJci'.tt hy her will, ami she was burial in tlie Maysville cuinet-.ry. TSien the children de eidcsl to iria'ttf tlie iboety of Pierce, heir first lisisshatmL, from Winslow ami lury it Uiskle Imt gnaw here'. The iinonnniuiii.t wh'ieh hal stexd in Pierce's grave also was brtniight here aiml this epitaph was ibdkhxl to tflie inHcrrptioji on it T.-Vitiitg to Pierce "Ollie S. Delvce, wife of K. Ii. Pktfco lnorn in Franklin eonin y, Ma-s July 24, 1851; die-d MamJi 29, 1912." P.rkl4. thought tlw UUh1 in 'rkirtjicn sluJl lisave sliown tliat he was the 1baiiil of Mrs. Pierc !W1 wllepel lie had leoem diunag V$10,0(X), iiKwrnnWi aa the tn'ws k'koii of hw mine fnmn tlie (monu ment, ataiiliig in pkiin view of tlie ffe-nenLl pnhlic, caused him groat aniiiiKh. Two Troup Trains Blown Up. El TW, Tex., Nov. 22. Two febiral troop trains, en re'iitfe fron tiiUia.tdifua to .Juarez, were bViwn nip at RvunMeria, C6 Tnil1 smith of Juarez, this afternoon hv dv- Jiftfliiiite maU'M phieed along the railmeul titucld by the rebel. Thw was he statu anent given oi;t to rxight ls' Gem-ral Fniii'"0 Villa, wluo rettkittted to Juare7. fretn UiWi e-hfia where hi treR are a wait ing the file nils aproiicli. He said tilierc were l,r,0 f.nlerals on th train fluMreiyid and that the e-f life was enormous. The reiU 1m iii-wcit tluit they captureil ere of the trains. Notice cf Land "Sale. Tlx- uihl-rigKd hte for .stile, at very r -...lahlo price' a tn.i't f I ' l l, ! '! a " .. r more, with in jii rt ,,iu'-!ia'i .'i':t f Mt. An . T..U iaii I 's l.ui tuliiunto h:Trl i.'d e'.'lll h hiUL'ht at a Ul f-i.'.n. I -aU'd on li p hl'e nitd which will idieirtly he parad ed '.a it t u 1 -lay d. If viter.t ei sn e ith-. r f us. I . A . thlC tit 'tl, and J. H. Folccr.