A blue mark hero tnea.ia that the sub scriber to this copy jf The News is bo hind oa subscription Please male a pay ment as soon as con venient. TO j HO r. f H h I VOL. XXXI V MOUN1 AIRY, NORTE CAROLINA, THURSDAY. , JANUARY 15, 19 14. NO. 29 VIRGINIA CITIZEN DISAPPEARS. Will Lawson. of Ararat, Va, Dead or Has Deserted His Home and Family. . Citizens from tho Ararat, sec tion of Virginia tell' a thrilling Wtbrv of the interest that has 1 v been aroused by the' disapear atice of Mr. Will Lawson, a well- to-do citizen who lives in Vir ginia about eight miles northeast of thifc city. The story goes that Mr. Law son left hi home on Christmas eve late in the evening1 and told his family that he was going up near the mountains to buy a saw mill. It wan known to his'-fam ily that lie, had with' him as much as fifty dollars in money. At the time he left be was somewhat under the influence of liquor, but lie had no liquor with him. He was seen by a neighbor going Along the public highway late in the afternoon of the above nam ed day, ami since that time if any one his Keen him it has not been reported. For two weeks his fumily thought little of it, for he is a man who drinks at times and was not any too devoted to his people when under the influence of liquor. They were under the impression tliat he . w,as visiting among some, of his relatives. About a week .ago the people in his section became aware of hiisdisappearwnce and search was m,iTf'i " pftof 01 las where great interest was at once.' aroused- It was remembered thait he bad spells with his heart when drinking. It was ah-M recalled that he was kicked on the head ,in Winston some weeks ago by a anule and badly hurt. He left home, without selling all bis tobac co ami there was almost nothing to indicate that he had deserted his people. All this left tlbe invpreKsnon hat Ji wh dftd. possibly, and his body lying somewhere in neighWhood without burial. When this idea got abroad every man in five miles' of his horn, with a very few exceptions, quit business anil every foot of land for miles around has U-en search ed. It tho opinio now that if Ins body in within five miles of bis homo it must bo under the water, for tlie scajrch has been 00 thorough that Had lie been in that wet ion he would have been found. Ttdegrams have been sent to distant joints where he is sup jtoscd to have gone should ho I' out of the country, but not the least civ id e nee has yet been sc tuml as to wih ere- ha may he. lie rait-cd eighteen barns of tobacco hurt year and had six lianiH about ready to sell, and there it no reason for his leaving his home and family that is known to his people. 1 1 is farm is one of the in that sec- lion and is worth not less than ix thousand dollars. He leaves a wife and twelve children. Any information, about him will be aijfpreciated by his people. He is- about, forty five years of fige, is of medium heighth. rath er heavy, weighings pos-sibly ICO Us. rel face with sandy mus tache. Seme Hcg Killing Hints. ''rogressi ve Farmer. Before killing hogs get a hermonu-ter, such as are usital tubaeeo, and v used in curing f test t!i' water.. For grown lios! have th.c water ls." degrees, fori young hogs, lti.") tlegrets. I'.y J- i .serving this there will K no dsnger of getting the hair "Ket." Kill not more than three hugs before K-alding 'a ud butelnTimr. When thiwe are fiiL:hcd, kill ot h- prest-H. tJo-m in the tim re ers. lie sure (id l.-t the animal seriln-d by liw or this md'u-e will ieat get ut of the e arenas be-1 U 'ph-ad in liar of their e-ilbe-J'ore salting. Salt it well and tion. C. S. Cilmer Kxr. d not unpaek. until the melt is ready to hang up. AN INTERESTING LAW SUIT. Thirty Thousand Dollars Involv ed Surry Girl Resorts to the Courts to Obtain, Her Right. In the state oa Indiana, in a county court, attorney O. E . Snow, of Pilot Mountain, on Wed nesday began the trial of a suit that involves a nice sum of tmun fy", some thirty flhousand' dollar. The story, which is not the brightest charpter in our local history, is about as follows: A quarter (if a century ago thTe lived in tli Pilot Mountain Seotion two young people, Miss Kllum Cook and Everitt Cox. . A daughter was born'to Miss Cook out of wedlock ami report said that Everitt Cox was the father of the child. In tlhe course of time Oox went west and made his permanent home. He acquir ed valuable land and when he died! a year ago he wbus supiwxl to own proerty to the value of thirty thousand dollars. During all the years he is said to have sent money back! to his daughter at different timps. Ellen Cook remained' single and lived with her daughter to whom she gave the name of Daisy. The baby developed into a beautiful child and w hen it was eld enough to talks it was learned that the little one Was both dealf and dumb. When she wa.s old enough she was sent to the institution that the 1 state provides for this unfortunate class and was educat ed there. She is now a young woman, twenty three vears of age and rather good looking. When Mr. Cox died a vear aeo in Indiana he had brothers and sisters in that state who laid claim to his property, he having ney married. Attorney O. F. y jtj funjMoyeti 10 aeieTft that state and the ease was set for trial on Wednesday of this week. Lawyer Sno and Mi-s Cook left Pilot Mountain last Sunday to attend the court and will be away for as much as ten days. The law that applies in a case of this kind is interesting' and is something like the following. Trte old English eutinn, known as the common law, governs in suck cas es where no statute has;bcen made by legislative ldies. The old English law waa that a child ',hom out of wodkK'k was Nullius J'Uius, that is, to put at in Lng Lsh, NoilMKly's mm. Anl the child could never become heir to any property exeopt that belong ing to its mother. lliere wasi long ago recognize what became known as common law iiiarriagejs, whidli were the result oif con tran't betw(Hj a man and a wo man, but in which no legal mar riago was ever performed . A child fby a common, law marriage wjls cavtitiled to its father's es- twte if the marriaee could be linn n. IV I' i'r x,iiir in i t i"fs .I ii H,t,',"1"' riiolu-d among lb v, n.1 iioi'i-nwi i" ...... the Cither admitted the marriage ami the fliifld to be hi.s own. In the present case the fact that money was sent back, here from time to time to the mother of the child, is not admirable in court for the fact tint Miss Kl h'i Vok w the onb' witness to . i ' . r .... 1 .1... i..f ii i.miik. U I I. U I nil. I tiur ''"'.III v i I . . i .... (,'d bruin. .Not knowing w (ixitent witness ai:l by the rules. e 't . oil....... i )n In' bear was dead or how of ewdeiwe is not allowed to testify in the. ease. Uut they eliiin that witnesses can be secured in Indiira who w 11 testfy to he tact tliat xx admitted on various oeec'ions that, he had a d.'.i.glter bncK 'n this state.. If a jury decides th't Mi-s Cook is his daughter, and tliat he fo admitted the fact, then she will heroine sole heir to all his pro'MM'ty, otherwise bis brothers and .sisters will irct it. Those in positron t know tliink' that Miss (m k has a very fair chance to win the suit. Having of the w Executors Notice. uitr iiualilKM as exe-uror ill ( Uev. J. A. Ciilnier; ; all l.irties owing the estate will i ; make ptiit ayment anl sivej ; cost, and all parties holditigj i elaiuus asraiawt. the estate . will (IrvensWo, N. C. 11. F. 1). Nov. A), PJ13. EXC1TIN0' BEAR HUNT IN BURKE MOUNTAINS. One of the Largest' Bears in that Section Was Deamed and Final ly, Killed, Morganton, Jain. 10. There are many places in the old ' north state that one can go to enjoy himself, but very few places thAt one, can get more real enjoyment than' at the home 'of Jim Parkft' in Linvilk? townhhip, Hurke coun ty. It is a most luMpitable home ant strangers are alwavs welcome and arc trated to th very btt, that thus rich Linv'ule bottom' laml cavtafford. ' Thrtime hais long passed, when big gam' was' plentiful but there are still a few bears and other large game left in the mountains up the Linville river and1 back of the Table ltock, ami there is no greater pleasure than for John, Charlie and'Jiud Parks to take you on a camping trip of three or four days up the river ' with their celebrated bob tailed bear hounds. In the davs 'of Daniel lltoono perhajis no , mora thrillintf event took! place than did abou two weeks ago when on, the head of the chimney branch one of the largest, bears killed in years was demicd and killed by the Parks loys ami a company of friends composed of Ed ftp.ainhour, Pete Fox and Pert Wwe. It happen ed in this wise: The "stander" were pjaced on the Chimnv ridgf which ridge is the main ridge lea1 rng fnom the top of the moun tains and- 'Which a bear must ne cessarily cross in going either up or down the river. The "driv ers," or men who eo with the honu.ls and seethat the dugs iget over and aronud cliffs, etc., then; drove aromid the east side of S?h orM), mo u nta i n a4lri.d the monving the bear trail was struck. The honuds trailed tVwn Linville river . over about five miles of the rough tt country east of tihe R(Hiki'S, one would imagine if he could hut see it and then across the Chimney ridge where the slanders were placed. Every man was quiet ami near er and nearer around the moun tain and up the ridge the bear came direct, to Pete Fox who iflaced a shot behind his left shoulder hu thru in was a little to far off and on he. went after hav ine been fired at seven more trines by Pete. The bear went " on for about two miles and was finallv denned in a cliff which was the most ideal den possible. It was only Urge enough for the bear to get in easily awl was hol lowed out inside and sloped grad ually downward ir:s:de. The openir.'sr was on trtw side of the mountain and was therefore very difficult to get at him. On reaching the den the men began wondering how thev were to pet him out "when all at ( nee out the the cr w Shots were fired' at him and he tumid back; to his d-Mi. Th;s stunt waw repeateI several trines until at lat his eyes were shin 'il inside the cave an I Kd Spaiu hiur ti k aim aid fired not know inir wh -ther or not he had. killed lrm. The ipiiestion thei'. iros ps ; ti who would go in and see about hether many other hoars tlier" wit' in the e ve. Ed S')iiiih nr. tiut to his aim that he had t ik "i. un1il h" trappii'. aid crawled into tlu .cave. The first place, so Ed stys. that he put h" hand, wa.s ir the bear's mouth since he thotV'ht tiie bear was lying with his head to he side, but to his horror the head v-s the firt iliint of eon - tact. Th-n realiir.g that the;;) - ; t ! er.u-.gh t; put a gui-' in; bear was ' f eoin.se d 'ad, he hitch-; h:s I t-N himI daie h'.'m to f:re. ci a buck ..V in. to the bear's heels! Main a man talks threateningly ! an I yelled to the f dlows .-vitfs'de to pr;il hi- feet and pulled him. :iuy ait so ami out eame M and tlie bear. Tin- bear wa.s tlieii tied t'l'tthrr by the fttt and h Vi le run tlm.uirh ard va borne ihmiic in tins manner. Midi us a liunt on Iniville th ugh it is doubt Ail if (iut such a hunt vi!l occur airain for yeain. Th. hears in this mountain are i of wonderful ei:durnce. The ' three days before Cliristinas a i large bear was struck sutli of! I.inville river on the I.iuville ' mountain nide and chased three i lavs, onlv stjoppiriff at niirht nndj taking tin track, u aga.n m-tnejin n.y morning. iSnow then began to fall and the chase had to-' stop but only for a few days for . the day after Christmis'the iunt was started again hd after .'three, more days' rnmung, the bear was killed r.ear Prtn mountain hy Air. Aldredge, who lives between Table Jlock and 'the Hawk's Bill.-- Two Hundred Men Fanned By ' State. ,.. NW3 nd Observer, '6th. Tlie. State Prison Board yester day hrr-d two hundred convicts fr'-m the. . State's Prison and put them' ro'work at $1.50 a day. each The first batch went . to .the Hardaway Consfruction Company of Whitney anil they will work on tht dam at Whitney. There are 150 in this svniad. The other force of 50 went to Itamlolph county ynd Will work, on the roads .'of that place. In placing these the board' as much pleased. It 1ms Win fight ing the old plan of buihlinig rail roads that may never have raihs or locomotives and have stood for the cash basis of hiring out. The-State feed and guards the men and the construction com panies work them, .The rate is considered very good and pays a good profit to the State, students of that phase of the State's af fairs say. Tlie larger batch will work on one of the largest pieces of de velopment in the world tod a v. Whitney is to have $15,000,000 spent on it. Six years ago the panic arrested and totally de stroyed a venture o? $7,500,000 of which $0,000,000 had.." n paid in That tragic nraste , mi loss will prove worthjVuos VMV Southern Aluminum Ct uu 'will not even usf the 1.it y 'sKiam wnnen spafcs the Yf fiver and w nam a u a piece The spectacular Narrows will be developed and the gorge that marks it as one of the freiks of nature in North Carolina will be flooded by the great dam which the Sta.te" Prisoners will help to build. They start to work in a few days. Dared Too Much. It isn't wise- to dare too much, .sometimes the other fellow calLs the-bluff. In Virginia, the, other ilsv two men fell out ami one expressed tl desire to shoot the rth. r if he had a eun. The oth- cr fellow got a gun, bawled it to the man who pnofessed to be itching to shoot and dared him to proceed. The flelow who was o accommodating a.s to gvt the gun of the other man to sltoot him has Wen buried and' the man who accepted the challenge ;s in jail. In Spencer the other night, two negroes, Andy Newkirk ail Sam B-irber .fought ahout a woman. Andy tix'k Sam'tf gun frcm him and bent his heaxl almost to u oul p. Then to further humiliat'? his ur.fcvtunate rival, Andy hand ed the pistol to Sam and itred him to shoot. Sam had strength rtrH-'h to null tin triffffer and ..! e:ei t motor jxiwer to hiKc ur Mi' tall timber. The ball struck Andy .mpiandy in the forehaed. -but the skull was too thick ami) it ;K UL'lied axoui:u aiiKl Mine out q? the tor of the head, leaving liim in such cond.it irn that a fun r I in iv b n eesssry. If an ir. ' : "nil exnress-.s a dcs:rt to. per r.:.ite y vr hMe with h-deii pj-1-lfti, ard you are absolutely suit1 Ii - hasn't ' a "wr.o!ii-"' h'lnl v. you might casually remark that he wouldn't had; if It? 'had . tl . gun.ioV (MM1ts a heid Based I Tint unl.'.'s you an anxrus i'iu:i this r ir. lai: iV).;ere, lon't ; ihout shoetirg who Jn-stt't th.. j slir.'htot ith a cf burning powd -r ; ' Unit even tlierirrhst eowatu auve . ,,,irnt,v jl,ut r,ti-.ir- thf 'twill ordinarily d something if,.n,.i for sa,. ddarees he is h-ard.d a pun and d m-d to prrcerd, just whi-n he has been i .. ..a..., i. . .; l.l .1.. u lur.-i-uoi; im wiku ne u.-un " he hail a irnn. tat. sviiie Laui- mark. CaiTh the I''ea? lUve-U'v w I'it'tn d'e-i'tre we yoa used t) catch arms iT-'ic married ne in your lie Ves. and now I catch yout PLANS FOR NATIONWIDE FIGHT FOE SUFFRAGE. Women Outline Campaign to Ob tain Constitutional Amendment Washington, Jan. ll.--Pian for a givorous Nationwkjse canv ptfigh to 'obtain a constitutional amehitment giving' suf f raige to wo men were outlined today by ' the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. The program incjudies a schilule of ''demonstrations," that will, according- to suffrage leaders, "awaken the country as never before '.to a realization of the i3Kue and if "necessary trans fer the majority in Congress to a party that will stand for suf frage." "We are perfectly willing to have the Democrats pass theta mennlment but i"by tlie close of Congress' they h&ye nt taken ac tion, wo will transfer our votes "to-A. party that will act," said Miss Jessie Hardy Stubha tonight in announcing the union's plans. It was eleieided at a meetinig to- elay to transfer the energy of the urnion to the West at the close of the present ssion of (Congress, Nevada, Slontana and the Dakotas were niimed as the SUites -upon whkdit the organi zation will concentrate its ef forts. . The, first of the " demonstra tions" will W held in Washing ton the last day of this month, when 100 working women from various States will urge tlie Pres ident to support the suffrage amendment. There will be meet ing. held simultaneously through outthe country on May 2 and a Nalionaljrnass meeting in Wasli-imf-'ft-O- pai gn id j su li rage organzauoiw through-out the country and $,- . i 110 was pleelgevl at to-day's meet-(. intrs. "We are going into every dis trict of every member of Con gress, known to us to be oppos ed to woman suffrage," said Mks Stuobs, "paying espeeial atten tion to those where the eleetions showed a narrow anargin for the victors." WiH Raise 'Possums and Get Rich Quick. Asheville, Jan. 9. Believing that tli ere is always a market for a well-ftd, fat ssum, Thoraaa Israel, of Henderson conuty, has conceived anl put into execution the novel idea of raising 'pos sums -to order, and to carry out his idea, has enclosed a kirge plot of ground on his place near Hen dersonville, stocktHl it with 'pos sums and is sutt'wig back! waiting for his profits to materialize. Mombers of the 'jxissum tribe, made famous by Conner Presi dent Taft, multiply very rapid ly, Mr. Israel says, and he also lhiniks that the nresciire enf the domesticated animals will attract large numbers of their brethren from the nearby1 hills anl vales. Eiguring all these factors into t,ju, ,)ro.'jxvsition, he expects to navp ftj)0ut n.m) 'posMims of marketable aire at the end of two j ears. Tessums now bringing from four to six bits (.) to "." cents) apieee. and their skins, when pm-iicih- Tirepansl, bring an equal Miaouiit. Figuring every possible eatsstrche into the account, Mr. Israel thinks he can ra'se the sav- or tieiicacv at a rest cr anoiu on his l,iothi - r figures, th-s woul 1 give a pr fit o'f from a dollar to a d)i'a:- .umJ a euartt-r on every animal. At.. i ,i,..:.i,..i I ..I . Iiilfi ill,! liet-Ml,'AI LW ; ajj( ., to eol.,.r tju. 'possruii ma, k,"t as vet. but he is in dead- ani that He Veil- wi, m.)k(, in,u,PV js, .j-vj,,,, i,;s rlt l in the . . .... ttirc lv spelUlllH' las metlev .supplies to st ut the farm. re - of ast im - No Race Suicide Here. Wad -boro M-'-sei'ecr. Ciiol" Wash Mclvindon, a -Methbe tld clorsd iirui ' LsnelM)ro twnshijv. died 1 Week. Uinde Wflh had, AQ 1 dei1(Md, IJ7 chihlrHii. to all Jwlrom wei ? given Biblical mimes. HUNDRED GALLONS, OF WHISKEY SIEZED. Togrcther With an- Alleged Block- Winstoq-Journsjl, l.'ith. '. ; . nerwi Mrite. ot MOKfseounxv, and his deputies located andreap turel near Walnut Cove ln.st. Sat irrday night an allegwl bhx-.kad-er, Perry Dillon, of ' patrt county, Va., and seized-100-gul-lons of ' whiskey, a two-horse wagon. 2 horsts, a mule and a saddle.- ' Dillon was phveed in jail at Danbury .and Deputy Collector V. H. Havne.s went down to Wal nut (fve and' took charge of the !irojcrty, which he brought tto ivv irwon-rsalem r yesterxlay even ing. The horses anil mule were lft with, the Fisher Livery (Com pany and the corn whiskey was stored in the government storage house here. This is the same team that was captured in Stokes count- last November by Sheriff Slate of that county, at which time they arrested a man by the name of Job' Wood, who was in charge of it. He was released on bond by the State authorities in Stokes and early in December, the team taken from Wood was bonded out by him ami' other parties, put ting up $.")0. . It has bee.n learn ed, it hi said tliat 'Perry Dillon is the real owner of the team.' This man comes from a section of Patrick county where ft is said that a great deal ef "the anient" is being , manufactured and from which place hrge quan tities of it are be'uuj hauled into Stokes, Rock iiYzharn, and Forsyth counties. And it is not thought that a great deal of difficulty is experienced in find hie a mark et for it in the "dryl territory. It was the ecrurJH impressioa f6m Dillon,erVor TP ivhoT lives in this county, near 'alker- .. puty Collector. Haynes. of town. Following up tnis lmpres- Mt. Airv. Sheriff Flynt, of For syth, nd Sheriff Slate, 'of Stokes county, went to his home yester iay evening, but no whisky was found. There were, however, a large number of empty kegs and barrels lying 'about the place. The w'hisky that is seized by the revenue officers "and placed in the government storage honse here is disposed of under siecial arrangements made with 'the' In ternal Revenue Department by Collector Brown, who was serv ing when the prohibition law went into effect. The serzed whisky is advertised for 00 diys, so th-at the owner may have am ple time to put in a claim for it. If no one appears, it is advertis ed for sale for 10 days' at end of -which time it is put up for sale and Wd off liy tho deputy collector at the amount of the taxes for the govern mert. It w IJien shipivnl into Virginia, where it is resold. Believe Slain Man Paid Assassin To Kill Him. Berwiok, Penn., Jan. 8. That William Iechtenfeld, whose body was fou ml riddled with bulhits in Briar Creek! township on Decem ber 19, paid $' for his own mur der is the conclusion announced tod.-ny by the plice who have been working on the case. Lech tenfeld, they say, funiishwl the revolver, bought the. cartridges, hired the a-sassin to commit the deed, ami sfrood in the bushes while the fellow aimed ami fir enl. To prove this, the State con stabulary erfficers have an amaz ing array of evidence. , Thv motive of the crime was liking from the first. There ya every indication of suicide with the physical impossibility of it. If., li.i.l tlirf.;lte?Ki! jSUU'Ble OV I ntuWiriir Imt feftr- etl to t:ik u is me inv.uin- in- r , . i , . 1. itf . . V. 1... Hieve-d hsi soul would 1m' damn'. In :i suloou be f fli-red money ' a man to kill him. and it h, or . .... , , . . , i.t.een ta!M!l!e(l tliat !;e leu 11 !leon with a str.tntie foreisrnj Uilthouirli nothir.g was thought! I it at the tiine. J. The belief that he paid Ur i own murd r i supported b fact tint he lad money a boy ! amiiin t he offered for the ; w hen he left heme and t!f was lltth on bin person IhmIv was fonud. I