A blue mark here niea .is that the sub scriber to this copy of The News is be hind on subscription PU.'ise make a pay ment as soon as con ven lent. ii. A . HI F0L XXXIV MO UN 2 AIRY, NORTE CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, W14. NO. Jl Am I J YOUNG MEN WHO TRY TO WIN DON'T DRINK J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., Preaches Temperance and Clem Living to Bible Class. Nw York; Jam. 22. " Young , mtcsii who wawt to gvt on in tJliie world dkmn't driniik mw.!iHliaiys,"iboil)y Mi otrilr tf teach the miiind. said Jtikhln I). RodtoefeliW, Jr., to tlutt l:!Tnlrt Class of the Fifth av etnue Baiptist church ttinidtuy. ' GuVMbt corpV'Tttc?:irm do not tm Ioy. winn who driink." Mr. RocfltcfHIT t'Ai tjl-.w mem btens uf tl dl'iwj that his grand -fairtKetr ia(!t hia fatlneir uwir tjoiixfli- m Biitt:(!oaiktit:ij:tir IwrnwiT ainu wiere ritsi, ami that he Ukm'f hml .niuwel thdir xamiple. it ..iv: uBwmr ,.v..(ft -- - i.- j. t -,, iturtjaw,tairur tfile si-cnui ev.4 ware bsunk wnitJi been interest by JW, tncmiliifni fcif th class. Air. Rodwfelkr eorttiucrts the BMe clafs onlTy ot-eassslornilly. Af IMr Ms twULir'1 Siiiliiy whiteh. wias in Ifl2ie (ii!lxit, "A-ttbg1 Life's Mtanirtls." he was urgexl to In-BJil ihv- clkiis mx-e ofttui. ffiuot1 tlue- wards ' ai rtiirr," sakl ilr. RodbesfedikT, "kt (nse ntraiijnid jtni tbat 49iiow.' can- Hita of ttyxirug- the cHimirrwm thirds f Jkfe umKHtiiflniotnly welL Tlire drie Lir:ig' am:vn aiful to this )r1(xxs8 tliunn aililiity. Tlmt is will. "If a tntm is liu'iiling to lifo snnal .tij-ilt.' art C thV-ni wn le (oiililt lw.it U irrnutteti t Ho (Hliy tu4K iif hi is frraijtjtkxl msiataikjr-ir iy 'hie Th most oirtaim to ifaiL Hh pjwrr of apipfieatw-ti is wwetqtlil irj iiiEl sairiKlwuiH" Mr. Rott-kMIr l-ll:eMi-i tlii'ut rjcih im.fn slijuuM ft--l that thnJ'lr nurrTy i Cikurs to w? fijir Cwi'ir ctd p'j'it Tir'p, test privmite "There wl io kia cf raciv 4 "thpa tB2bde whu btfw innaU for 'tite or cirfy a Juttje mcmey, sive iu la Tt L'tijvie ma-iure. It is im jjtxfctt it tlifet th mir'Ci whlo in I01W A nfcfFlar .shunlii realize liis citViilgHitkaii to g'iw ithe sjme a.s the man or woman wlio can give a imiltWxrs-" T8e w-ij,- t gift a .st-rtt in fide "wj'riWi in his moitkitu, a to jun2,p i N.nutiwflifc're atl L tlf Krt yvm tU24 "Clirist recograzel that men w pwk! ?f t!:ftirir-ir tail ts," iid' Mr. Ii.kk.fellv, "Ml'Vilv a muii iKt sm to bttvt? iViLW'nk hbi fileiit. tlnii.tj to kb w t jump in umnriwhfw, "Vt if the iip'niij lw iiit pTimnwiiHj,''. "trlitips tl' vry thiing ju ItSiiUtk vti faiiinr-t t ts the uk' ithkiijr yn.li i oatn t !j st. A El Knt.s . .... .. n . a . t .... l JC fSnw iir. ki-L-jiai rin' re forcihh' $itl t(H ir UiiS a m:m is t l"' ji5i?l wilt it 1h' il'i m w'tlr the I Hiss iiteiiuti ji :.f 1ii!k fatjicr aji 1 (j?rtmvfa.tli"r s tJal alntairHTS w'.is a jtitt of hit nmi irkw n itmi- "Lik thNi strMiHWHw NY.w Y(-k anuil Aliiwriciini i1;uh." .viid Mr. lwviWi-fvli'U r, "vvlun tlnn' is ho lii' 4 iSU t l! mil wk (iriK.li to U fJ.LWKl l(v dUnir, in iny tuMi uork it'to li't-nl. Tin y oHirlit to Lv f oiti-ii-t;i.?' itix work. It j-iys. Muf vf.ll U aoennipIiNlml 'm tlw jVhs; rum. "In tills ThI layw wlicii a .si!..v. mtisi !j 'J - I ft-r .1 jiHi. lie -was tif (tfli akttl to tnVt- ;i dr ink vl' wh.i-iu-ul ii:nid'iutiaMy h was itj nI- KSl t'l 5if illHW liiiii'h Iw i'titl (!:''aiPc: 'ifil "L!l h wit.s. I'su lMx- "the waio who eoiil.l ilriiL-' 1 itj!' mi!-!t ? the job. I "Now uT'l that is chanig.tl. n ..a . ... - ....... v. ..... . tin iu t- vi . jKn.u n i is -v-i.i inn 'iu-; lv nuti wflio dryiJi, aid tihcir-j l!inli1iia.Mr,s is on total ahstinene... j i ix'n ui .i.'i'iiiuii, wiK-n- lbier drinki-iiig is rjip sd to be pr.'va.lcnt, colh-gt' pisifessnrs iuid ! fveni STUHTnis are quirting tlie j drink habit on tit.' ground t.h it ! thi mind vs lketLiel bv drink. I think there w letss fcial , ur, -IK Ui2 Ii; .ew ink i:in Torn.-1 crly A ! Irani that in th U2iti- as a whole the consanajH t!iof Htrtuiig drink im-resisvi. ffis bxatlN me to feir that jiro- f Ukn 1mxs not always prohibit. ttg iwn.nk cans nwnv criim' V".v tluui all the ot.htT 1 crfnihahl. " 1 Rofkl fillcr talktd at co- Ie eng!h on the subject of Mm? Mi.viuiil eV1!! iu:.l on the nifes sfity thiat there can be. no such thiiwg as a double shmdiard of mioral, 4wne standard for mn, quitie another for wtomien. lie scouited thie motion tjlAat youaug jutaii Tiniwt sow wild om-tH. " Lt is net worth wluiley" jiM Mr. Riw-kEeuer, "to soar the It in li)!t needful for children to put their hands in the fire in rderr t ktmw that the fire Ialttir. IX the Bilhb? cUi of this city, .tlhie mmii's cliilw airttl the Y. M. C A. wwv to stiiirwl tciiretSscr (foir per- soa-ial painty, would practice it aiull ipirtJciUim tflialt tlneiv wnwM hiaiw rwitlifritr t wiith. tnpn -! n 11 . i i l hwh vmM iwt try, I sav wwlil f a y-f w soJviutik: tine pn'Mnni of the -.flurial evil m Nw York; ami if 1 aJTl Amrieam ywartjr omoi in alii of ttww OTfljmuzatuws were to ifo , m ,, , VirT Jt . i Ipwfljflean in all' Arne-rk-aiif ti. ' ' V ntmd in th.i swintry tlue kra;Ui of ehilvalry that' tliie kluiifhts oW diilatv'ti; iu- tTieir bet dbiU'A American yo.i:nsr mn are in pvat mul of cluvaJlrv. If tlik'y 'wouJJ1 t7ru,t aill wonwrn they tmit their mxtliirtr ant! Iters a very frrwat deal would ibe tuarnnipHihhenL " iMr. Rotftkfifelksr'a axivilcie on ifrkiikWiaip was: "In eiulior times, when pple Wm JittuV. more to read tih;ui the ItohVi, thie dikitkinarj' atrxl an ul mrnru, they punis! all iILliKeTift Iy wid igyinfil much," xu'id Mr. iRonikjiifelkT. "Xow there art? so mauTiy hooik that nxnue is miiixl1? ise of. jSomiliarly a mian oij'jht to (have many aK?j(2iiiiiintanct. peir hiiils, Unit only a fefw wwU elxwiin fiin2idiv, aim! these should he I'sWraslidl aix'itl rtaiintxl." At the ek? his atJIret Mr. R13k'ifeEler diitrilniteUI parninhV. Its davMir-ig with' the social evil ail A Business Man fcr Congress. Winntoin JournaL It is beir? "whlspertrl around, we understand that the friejwlK of Mr. R. I". RichknUm of KeUle vLJ'iV are -troini to start a luxnm for him for tV!vrnc He is tlw? weaitlliiA- tiih;iicM mimifaeturer who hani the courage to tiU'lile the American Toibacco Compaiiy ami to fiht it to the fwiiWi, wihk-h wa.s in hLs favor. This fact itlone tuaks him miighty pjul:ar 'with the icople, a in I if he were to jut in the race Ih would niaJce uiiiigs uiwnseiy uuercsirijg Tor (the other cand'mlit.is. If he were j 10 enter ;ne race jie woukl uti- doubtdly carry RK-kinghnm eennty soIid- vni t rjhat alone would give him a sut'tVieuft mim Jut of votes in the convention to nuke him a force to ln rookon- td with. But he aU has a w h circle of frkmls in all s.vtionsl iu me r um uisr.net, ami tt.ee : vs ihi doiii!t but that many xx'ou!'. j rally to his standard atml raise i Tlie rallx ulg cry. (,ivt its a bus-i inTs man for 4ougrs.s." Ami if tli iH-ople i f the listri.-t ; Mioiiki iHnie flliat tiny want a basinet man for Courit we 1 'Wliere Tliey WOUhl go to tii:d a liner sample ;f the im a.lulteniti d artd-le than Mr. Ki'ihanlvou. Jlis name is a sx n onxin i f sueci'vs in the business xnM. Truly, be w u!.l be an in t crest irg caiiddate t'tr the Coii gr iie!':il jioniination. He Knew Th3 Fidi. Frciii the Argonaut. An Iri.shiuan was t'ishii in a rixvr when it began to rain he.ix- -1 t. . . ... liy. rat, not u '.siririr t e, t eaki d through, s.iii-ht .shelter I under a raihvav bridge sp iitniiv uie rixer, a 1 1 i nere lie p!H-i lus r d with Waltonic z.-.il. uttcily regard I. f the trains that in- e.issantly (Inniilend to am overhead. in 11,. ,,. ,. i- i i 1 ieseiktly another individual ap , p a.red tui the scene and politelv a.sk,. I Vtt i,.it 1,,. vvjis uoin.'. "Fishing," was the bu-onk retort. Th stringer laugh.d. "Pray "in.t is the use f fishinig nn ler the britlge while such an infer nal noise continues!" "Oh, shut uji, man," replied Pat, indignantly. Sure, ye don't know thcr fisii. Tliey'll come mder here to git out av the rain! Motrntain Park School. LiM-ation. Mountain Park1 school w in the Ilitfu Lajul; of Surry Comity. U i stfen. miles from the main IhLuh R'ulijre R-utc. It w sluekl el fnn the monutain tup ex trtniicH of winter and enjoys what w knoiwn as the Moimtabi Breeze liuruijr the siunmer. No hilb are -more beautiful than those sur rounding Monutain Park. The Hchooi m nearer the low landa of the East than any other Mountain School iau the state. Buildings. The town of Mountain Park is .not yet two years old- From the day the f irst piece of timber was ?ut the rk has been pushed. A number of buildinsr have been erecteJi .but the om that deserves special mention in the Home' for OirU which is 'mow ready for use. It lias one hundred feet front and; is one- hundred twenty feet from front to rear and three stories high. The rooms are large, convenient, well lighted ant well ventilated. It ib said to be the largest ami best arranged. Imilldinig' of tine kin! in state. The Aim. It is the aim of Mountain Park tV.hool to open a way for thwe boys and! girls who want an edur e at ion. Though "he SjcIiooI is starting in the woot and in a (wilderness this woods shall Ike t-uroeid into building &rv thia wilderntw shall be made produc tive of guL A landi that will produce thorn will produce bread. Mountain Park fcschool proposes to take away the thorn and, cultivate the bred! crop. Plan. Jul order to meet the needj of all the people and to reduce ex penses to the lowset possible fig ures thq ix'hool wall be kept open U;uviied into four term of twelve week each. AU students will be prnmottd awordia to the work thev do. Xew cIj.sm'8 will be or- tganized at the beginnhig of eac hiu f j.r more than a Hqmdron of term. Irurirg the seencd. ai;d thin! terms ajKi-ial classes will be organized for the benefit of teachers. Expenses. loanl per term ot twelve weijK i.irjrt' u naval torce as maiv pow-$1-,,) jiTi'ul Nations faster, yet it Ls Tuition p'r term of twelve .dfsiraihle arxl alfautabfe tm, that weekjs 10.1K. j tJu. Ani.cri.vui cite-.crh Nlwxuld Roiuu rent ixt tenn o twelve 1 iither oMnfitlej-.ice. ctmrage ami 1 Rooms are furnished with beil ai.4 mattrej. dre.sser, wasltaml, j taJrie, ami chairs. Each studerit La required to furnish hi own blankets. di.-vLs. iillorws. aivd tow- 1 . els. All bills are pax abb- in ad vance. If a ktiideiit sin ii!L leave vliwl ifore the ru-d of the term whatever money is due him willful im-d -nts if my a Ihuinistra- Ji' muffin i tMv.i f.k 44'.. A.1 nir'i.! IVaieiuv ,..,.,., t , t. Any .student who is not pb-ns- d 1 iwith the st-htM 1 will be albxvcil to leave uni-s we are otherwi-e ad- vis d by parent or guardi in. Anv stiili.Mit whose etundiict is' not .sat i factory to the manager . t :h.. vhol will b. remind to I leave. i-i ys a i t rirU will be kj.t"iii -"O'liate ;.rl lins. di arr;x it ? nt Mi miVru Park ' U.i : T- (,, i,:,t eall rf tht ''is i ' I' ,. H . I a-r.u:v'" man-, t'ieir' X'-Ol ! f.-.- tl, te' III. nt' M nat'o'i nd lre. k S.ioo!, State C. W. Wi'I:a:nv: M mager. Moipitaii: Par Ib.i'd. X..C. Rebel M-issacre. Mexico ("it;. .Uil. J l.O.e irdred x i 'm a and children aid lti l-'e lei a! sol liefs X er- !il ls- -aer. d I y r-U. Is n-vei.tlv n-'.ir Vane-as. iiorlh. f SiaLu' I'otosi , . . , . . t. ti i.i it .Mitsui iw a e;ciir-,'- to reports reeeix l . i.-re .i, , , i .i i 1 'Mliit pi.iv e tor us - on the planta-1 The ldieis. with the xxvme.iJ surroislen! to the rebels aiul woi. taken to a ram-h near Mat luia.1.1, where tbe ibutchiTy is al leged to have N'.urrvd. Mjnjor R(Kllo ami Cajtain iILimieivz aid a handful of -men were tlie dy ones to escape. 'Iliey arriveil licre tday bringing nws d ne affair whii-h ikecur rtd Bi'veral days ago. NAVY TOO SMALL DANIELS THINKS. Should Be Powerful Enough to Avenge Wrcngs and Vindi cate Rights. Washington, Jm. 2ltili 8ecre tary D.uiicls advocated a great er Navy tonight in nixnkl)i'ng to the toast, "North Carolina In the (Ubinet," at a dinwr of th North Carolina Society of Wasiliimrkn. T3ie Secretary's view. nere exprced by quoting an utterance of "James C. D1 biin a- North Carolinians, who was Presidleait Iier;e'9 Secretary xf th Navy, ami who dt!Utrwt the .Nay mi hw day was too. diinin utWie to contend, with tlioe of thcr Nations, insufficient to probeict American commerce and ujiueNncna:biy too feH)le to jiimarud the waitcfrs of the A mKritian Coast. "Thin, apleudid :apirit of pat riotism, and of progress, avoid ing extreme position aaud ye lookup to the steady upHuilid ing o our strength mpon the seia, anay well be an inspiration to mil Amerk-aiis today aa it was more than biaHf a century ago," saild Secretary Daniels. The quotation which Secretary Dmnieb read aiijd which his hear ers took to be a statement of Mr. Daniels' own. views,, follows in part: "I decern it my duty oamlidly to express the opinion that our Naty is not only too diminutive to be expected to contend fsiirly with that of other respectable Nations, is insufficienit to give adequate pnoteVtion to our cotm menie, but " xinquxitioniailIy too fetible to cwniauanid the waters of our own coasts. Without naval Ntreiigth. a six-mconthts war with ajjy Nation with a powerful marine TOiukJ i?eltiH..th:,i''"'1 hv the disruption oif fltsetj o merchantmen ami in plundering dfwiele pikxple amf intertsts aliiir the iast. aiimli woukl cost inviineible men-of-war. I regard this im'.reai of iuaiml strwigth jjit as a war but as a peace iu lasure. "NMiile I by ik means svrfe.-rt th.- policy or the nectt-Kity uf !s)o en igy rrtiiu trie rt'iU'cnmt iinu be b. U i'.'.-n t a (?overnmeiit iv- .. .1 ..... . . a c igniud1 all as able to avenye his wronirs and vindicate liis rilkts. " Havincr niVmd to Admiral (iiniv' DfWiy as the "greatest i f living s "iitfiglfters, " Siicretan-Danivl-s a-Mml: "It is tine ef the most dtliglit-- 'l'fuV ntee t the Naviij Ac-id,mx as pnhnt cf the . ncnil lJoard " Wherein Ncrth Net First. xre.k's ksue, umler the ; l a la,t ! '-It' if History." we re-; h.llnt.d flS Ml the I'in.hurvt Out- ' (' I tl '' ;,rt '' I v ri'ed A.'fnty tne Iirman race will be a'. le j in xx h'. ii lie referred to; to f ii d ciionh to e.it. At Che j 'ro.liu ion if African hlav- J n.l of that time we will starve; . tti'.s c -.;i!!rv. roe bit'-. I. 111 nte a s t'lis faft'i' d to V i ', oil i N ilh J f'.rs! ' '.!. :i . v! ,.t to i M t.rs! 1 See, ri v !! O'l slli, l'e-lti etv i - in t!. h - held n r h 1 I n, -tat. th -i:' j et as fi -Mi ivx: 1 "A s'i 'iiiit in yemr paper tii ! t ie v.iip.ntatu n f s'.avt .2iiur,gt ;i "mark. si th - m'redue ti st i !' Al'r: 'an slavery into tills c-ui.trx' ri".ii:i.tis me that the iv 'o: l- ,1;iw that slavts were im- ',,i1t a l!1J "'' , Virgini .. ; Thi y as-ume that the xxx.rld is Ml ll'll ,il. "ll ........ , I.,:ir.,.i; .. ...... ... m.i.-. i is ...mil; Jinn, Cfl-S U US "T1l;. .iv.hU. -Desire.' hmhiiroiiir to do n ,tl,i. f theki.-.l !l1 Mubl.biit Mass., in lliMli.'lt nroio'lit a 'iri:o of stives into I .Miissaehu-et's iii 16:S. slaves were sold to the citizens' (there. Ibis was an enterprise f the autlioriti s of the colony, and not of imlividualts. ami murk d the introduction of the skive tnul' intk this country, whvdi .wjw Vejft nj as a lucrative Imsi ms of the New Eugbimi pnjJe until 1S2. tstate J on nisi. Lock to Ycur Seed Ccrn. With corn selling at oiu UI !ar per Sminiiel and no proqe't of it being lower it is importjuit thnt every fanner muk every liushcl he can. Tjflaini is not J ikt ky- to be high emmgh m tluit a mail can profitably neglect riuwinr coni for hw own ns'. Vml this can nearly always done withoitt neglecting the tjo- Si-aoeo and other cpojih. One ot' the im'iortajit points iji tiie growing of corn is to get!'11 HiiUIJwwcd! to empty into Uie good chL Every fanner in the country 1oh-i nruch everv viHr liy j(!.uiit.iiig wtrn th-at for Var- reek ha stopjMd at ttMW reiUMMw doi's not sprout andjllw) bridge. When the water come up, therefore he fails to irfn nW ectioiw of the sirr- jret a stand ami chanced it up to worms, or the w&athor or some other cause when the facts in the case are that he failed! to iget souml conk. Then there i all the di fiference in the kinds of corn. Nearly every authority on the sulect aitvisis a prolifu corn. By prolific corn I do not mean a kind that makes a num ber of ears to the stalk, say six or serene But the prolific, corn.' uian I advise makes about two.lni the benl of the creek. iSoil, ears to the HAalk when the land, weather ami other conditions are rigiliit. If the right kind of corn is planted it will often make a third! more pounds to the acre than a corn that produces only one ear to the stalk. There are a wiimjier of men in the country who will sell you seed corn that can be relied uinoriv and if any farmer does twi; K.nrw wnere to cmy nis srei, . . j f L I ' II if he is in the market for seed, I wiU give him the name of some reliable dealer. Any information on the sui jeot will le gladly furVshedl to wtli write me. RflHpeetful J. W. Johnwon. (Vjftuiity Demonstrator. Fifty Years Hence. News anil Courier. Perhaps it is just as well for our happiness that there are coal bills, aid gas bills at I grocery bills to be paid, that life is a stnii-le for most of us, tliat ev ery diy we must meet ami silve as well as we can a dozen petty prtibh-ms of one sort aiml amth- er. If the present were a perind ot bh-N and. ease, delicioiisly de void of trivjbles for mar-kiml, we m fall t fill into the habit f thiikiiig a great deaUalwMtt the future. And if we fal into that harut we would a-sr.ming tliat certain eminent, scientists are i'correct assuredly ilevelop melan clHlia. , Ft the future, these scientist's tell us. si h1 Lsj disaster. Frederick Ii Hi f.t'jiiaitv, for instance, well kni wit as a statistician ami one ji: the wjx'akers at the men.t . confer i:ce on ra,e bet'.enneiut. Carolina Wa3h''li;"ml.x" avt-rs t,,!l il1 firT.v ! years the wliole world will lie io nee im uie quinine. ne;,nie resutih' ot the estate ot Mw bas figunsl it all out and there J KHza Amlnws f li iltitnore ami N ii gettug a.xvay fix in bis f '.J- urt '. For jnwt a s'.int half ecu-1 tt matters- continue to proceed , 1!! a, the way they ar pr.H'e.sling pn-sfllt. I r 'ai ! " s'le'iti-!-- an l stitt s- tioiars t f tiiis st i-t have their us-' i f t'ie i '. but 111 ;se uses are fit i rd to dis-xrit.s.-c- v.-r. N'i'' idv ivi.s anx- artett- t;.-n to their gWmx pi .upluvies. . ina'.'dy )t '.uso M.mc-st ever!MHi- t:has t.o 'naiiy present tr-oddes to in r tliesr iiea. is iiiioiit xxint ni:y happi-'ii fifty years hen. -e. Moreover, it wciild hi that i s-i'-nt's's lank' i ua.'iiwition. ' r-"." i' . "ii.iiitu' i" n Li; ii". ik; .i . ... e.u . tor the n.-xt fUty ye.irs j;i,st as has alxv.axs b-eii the pinch f! ncci-ssity that has driven man to Tlui'jnew exjxdient.s, Pnplu ts may I w-;ir their voie, out telling him he must do this or that to avert catastrqlie. lint he will do it he kmws the field tlnorougldy. onfy when he has to, and tlien It w Ixdieved tluit a major po"r he will b it sutie.-sNfully ami It ion of the b-gacy Mill uvd tSK catastrhe will not come. So! for the itahlUJ jnciit of jw it has always been and v, wejptrishes ami in heijing Uioj may reasonably exjxxt, it will: that Jtccro in jrx.css of dwinte alwajs, te. gratim fur lack of fumk" LOST OHIO RIVER. Disappeared Firm Its Bed at Time of Daytcn Flocd. Fnttu a Dayton l)ispatJu Dayton, like many other sec tioiw if tlie eountn', 'an now claim a lt river. Dayton Hain't exactly los' tJie creek it sc'lf,' tlie crii'k did tfhat, but j ii'''rtlw-H the creek is gone. or rather part of it is. The stream is Pojlar Cr-ek. It Miami River just WIoav the C, II. and D. briil' but siiwe tiie nilunujnK xernxory whs pourmg into the Miami River and even tually flooding Dayton, Poplar Creek was takii)(g care that in tlie future it would not empty -its waters into the Miami again. wirliing under the bridigw in Igreat torrents, creating a sue fiion til at it was m-xt to impossible for floating objects to tpiu through, the water began to dig .gravel and rock -were hurled from their resting places in tlie bed of the'strecflu, and eventually the water struck a spot which, in stead of giving1 (way to the water, ibeigan to draw the water into it self. Tlvis discovery was made 'by J. E. Barnes, who claitn that the snibterraneant di-annek would carry off enough water to avert anoither flocd is Trn.vtil h- th- "T. . v that tha AnmK Hln:n times becomes almost irnipaseUrle, can lose itself on entering the isrubterranean channel jJ'it 0 univ. wartu.. w an our, io reet, anu it run n ikipth anywhere froon a few inch es to Bewral feet. Tlhene is a space of about 200 fevt between the brittge and the river tlirough whioh the creek formerly flowed, but not a dr:p of water liiis advanced any fur ther than the ibrklge since the flixxl. The suction at the spot where tjhe creek disjupjuears i so grvat that article thrown into the water are drawn to the bot tom immediately. liarnes esti-mat-.ts that the stnajn carries ; about 2.1MX) gallons of water a mumte. Will Distribute $100,000 in State Catholics tlh rough on rt the Vic ariate f North Carolina ;uid particularly the govern iing heads of the CJnm-h will be interest til in, tilie jumsubiiiufe-ment jiet made by Cud'ain! UiUliis if B.idtimiore fo the efftvt that he will distr ibute a sum aggregating $2i.AHiO in mission work in the Diocese f Kicihiuoud, of which BLshi p (' tlmnell is hi charge, in North (WtklLmi kf which BiViJiup Hani of I.elmont is the head an I in the DPuccsc i-f Wheeling, West Vii'giuia. This money reivr.'seiiit Norfolk, wlu.se death ocinirrml in t!i. fnmnr ..v4.r .l w.-.k iu this stat.-ment Cardinal (;illms Kiiitl : "lu a sealed letter a d Ire-s.d to ,m l,v Miv ndrws I fttii iivcted t. distribute the r-si- diuiry i-g;ex- to three Southern Diociscs. No jortiHi of t)r:.s re.i- huuy l -o'ii.'y ts iUSsigntvl to the D'uvse cf 1 ilr'iniorc. While I i.ni sorry that this diocese will have no share in this lame bg- ii ov, 1 rejoice verv uiiieii tii it the I).,-.,. ,f KiohiiHiv.l ami WIkoI- k;. with th Vi eariate i f North Caisdina, xxill poisss the exclus ive benefit of this la ive l-ira-y. It is st itisl that iiiqiroxim ite ly s1Mt.(KH of this fuml will be efl-ihb,l in North (Vir!ini. Sibys a l'a'.t iiiuire jqnsdal: "It will alsn In- a pleasure to the c.irdh; il to cxptili the nnoii- - - in North dintlina. where f r m -uiv vhmi lm litiois-a mimm jiIiium t iiwuninKurtable ukstiud.-li. He est.ib!isnd chundon throiwii- out a larire i.irt of the State 2d 8T l i B.91 in