A Mug mark here tneam that the sub scriber to this copy f The News is be hind on subscription Please make a pay ment a aoon as con venient. J-tVi 0 0. XXXIV MOV XI AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY.) FEBRUARY 10, 19 U. NO. t4 hi 11 r i CONGRESS AND PROHIBITION Leaders Stirred by the Plans of The Temperance- Advocates. From, a Washington Letter The New York Hun,. to gono a far in the National Capi tal a H will go. It is pointed out that only & few yean Jtgo liquor and other strong beverages were served in the CaipLtol, That was done away with in response to public; sentiment, anld the frar The trpread of prohibition sen- Agitating many here now w that t'..;,i :n 4h antw will finally dmand that in the past year has made a deep imtprctssion oni leader in Congress. The nvcnfc of that period when 'viewod in the light of the am bitious program that the tem perance advocate have net for ihronntflven in the immediate fu ture are causing initeh, serionis thinking and some anxiety on the part of members of Cor g revs who look bevond their now!. Iik fact many of the loaders in illy Washington be made absolutely dry as to le a shining ex ajmjde for the rest of thu country. PRISON CAMP A COLONY IN ITSELF. Five Thousand Mexicans Cared for by General Scott. era generally are sullen presence of their jailers. in the JETTON KILLED DR. WOOTEN render whatever nrof,.-;,.! sistanre he could and to- him. Dr. At Ysetla today soldiers dl- Tnurcdy at Davidson Tuesday- covered H riflts Am) :$HX) roundsi EvenW Ym, Hm O Death of Mrs. C. & Simmons. Mrs. ('. H. Simnnoiw died at her luflne on Mt. Airv Koute 1, Feb. 1:1, 1'Jll, f typliKiid fever. She was born Nov. 21, 1H7o, aged :7 yrs. '.I mos. and '27 days. This is an unusually sad' death as only three week.s before thi.s El Paw, Texas, Feb. 13. Hun dreds of visitors today went to Fort Dliss to vierw the prwon camp where (Jen. Hugh L. tt-ott ut caring for more than !, Mex lean men, women and children, who fbsl after the, FetleraLs were defeated at OjiruMra a month airo. Meanwhile (Jen. .T'e Ynez Sal- aar, primmer, was iinn-a.sy nrwl ! Jetton's sulked within his tent, (leneral; of ammunition hidden away. They pnvwtbly were left behinl Wk nejiday nisrht by the Mexiean reeruitji w flel acrow the Rio Grande. IiirnNni tixlny rwwdiel Gttieral Se(tt that atteanta to run more recruits wnwi would be made, but detail of the iot were laik-inf. Wife to Hla Rescoe. bereavement the obb-wt "hild of the National Ln?islature believe, this family, a ymnBijf man, oif l!) that they already s-e the pro hibitum question looming iu a National Issue. Tln-y fear the time is near when a eonstttution- d jiimeiwlment proA-idrn.)? for Na years, wili called liintiie, tTli"id fever was also the cause rkf his leat.h. Liwiu.s ,as he was so favorably kmcwn, was a member of the Missionary Ilafitist clwirch tional prohibition will be submit-! at Nolly Springs at wh'ceh plaee ted by Congm to a ruferendimi his bo,ly was tenderly laid to ret jut three week.s e-xartlv te fore that of bis nwjther. He was td the States ttch an amennlmerat is now enlimfr in both the House and h fSwnnt.A hitikI tVi TironiftimTi of it tVuvniii'li ( 'rni.tr rt io thi arv.fim- ! church. Hdwhmeut toward which all the' Mrs- Simmon was Miss Mary ftrei-lirjuor foreeH are lofvkimjf !shckley before .she was inar- a briipht Voua? man and is sadly j . ' missed both in hw liJine and' ..ul Se.ott has him eonflnl in a spee-( uil barbed-wire tttx-.kade aw.iy from the other prisoners and re cently iiiifonnetl him that if an attempt wa.s made to reM'Ue him he wx,uld be the first person shot. Today Salazar Kenrt. word to General Scott that he feared the rebels at Juarez would take advantage of the order and make a false demonstration from the railroad tnu'lka nesirl, probably firing a few slwis in the air and before the ruse was discovered the guard would have carried out the instructions witJi reference to most hopefully, liv tnanv of the cleverest of the crusade leaders kilbt i expressed whether the time a yet rie for pushing' the constitutional amendment resolu tion, or whether it would be bet ter to continue to strengthen the fonudatioiiN rf the measure by l)ringin additional States ttnore definitely into the prohibition col-uran, V .that the test eventnfdh' wil. viVir- in Cortjfresa and that the National lejarisKtors will 6e fcubityled to pressure such' as tney have sewoon if ever cpen A. - n vv aenfc jl ion ,rn fpnr i4 pnresH(ie w Wtd ore erf both (p.irtie that wine the 't .toes f'mallv come. Coiresa snii A it di-1 in two tmpor- ? Ill v - - ,ant instaj;es last year, wnen called on to lias uyKn tK liqr fluesition disre(?anl its wn con WWions and vote to appease puft) lic clamor. f ' It has lortf been a matter r ! r ointment in Washinston that the only way in wuh-u -.- legislaltion can le prevented in Congress is by nouinug me iu In comanittee and by kwtp"R thtm from the floor of the House or Senate. When the average membe- of ( ongrcs.s w lace o face with he iquor (piest)n -sikI a delegation of tenKperan Advocates he may drinlf like a fish V:n.cir, but" he will pnunpt !y record his vote in favor of tr.e lrvs That at least was the history of tnc two most important de rec!pm'nta of the laid year in fiortcress. Tlie Tiassasre of the . Jones-Works excUe law for th rW4i.t nf fYdmntbia and the ni- Hictmeivt if the WethlvKeuyon law to prohibit the shipment of liquor in prohibition territory for wde " t reparded by the teTrtleran nisaders as ri'U let ter etvenit x their last )twrn fcalendar. r They wert(flated not only oyer what "the laws might aoeomriilish, InA over the way in which their enacitmenit demonstrated the hold of th ant is up the National lec-islature'. Tsi ne wilh which, the pas- aaee of these laws was obtained riO( Mrs. S'lflnmons was ttiken sick in a fow days after the death of her son, and sfiie expressed herself several times before the end eaime saying that she was ready antf willing to go anl n-st beside her son wham she so dearly loved. i"ilie leaves a husband and 9 children, seven Ijoya and two rirls the younigest a boy of only five'months of age. Her body was tenderly laid to rest beside her son at IIollv fiprings on Sunday Feb. 15, 19141 The. deceased was a mme wo- iman anid ever' one loved her. .Mlie -was kind and afftionate to all both in her home and away. She will be ereatly missed in her neigh!Whood' as well as in Her home. One who Rvrolpathizea. Feb. 16th, 1914. no more dexire to es cape than a 10-year-old. boy," was the message Sabiar m-nt. General H-ott said' he mLit. en ter the pK.st guard! house if he wlshol. Here he woulil be in a cell, but safe. The Mexican may try the experiment for a week. Card Index for Prisoners. Capt. (i. H. Rstfs of the Twen tieth Infantry in charge of the prison camp, has a card index system to keep track of tht- pris oners and their otwn leaders 'know more about them now than they ever did m the field. Thei earvl bear the name, home town, rank and age of the prwonters and tfhe number r -i -i-"'.. Iii tt.e camp there are o-' wounded Federal offkeTJ and 187 wounded men who are physically fit. There are 1.269 wojnen and TmG children. Of the children AM are of school tige, and as soon as potNiMe General J--ott "will inau gurate a school at which senne of the educated officers will be the inst motors, lhere are tour cases ( f smallix, and thia has Charlotte, Feb. 14 th.- Before ffl YtA1 . .1 i .mm ere v . w. au-uiil iixiav. in t ie halx-as corpus pnu'eedings broingh by enMinci-I for Monro; Jetton to si-cure bail for him, Mrs. .Jetton, wife of the prisoner .testified that I)r. W. H. Woo ten, who was kill ed by her husbail Tn-.lay night, was attempting to assault her when her hush am I caime into the house and that Wooten struck Jetton before tlw latter drtw a pistol and kilbsl him. Mrs. Jetton statetl that the visit which ended in his death wa not the first made by Doctor Wooten; that he had come to the home in her husband's absence twice before, but that she ha' sai l nothing to Jetton alxut his coming. Tuesday ev ning. said the wit ness, while,. she was in the kitch en washing dishes, there was a knock at the door. Thinking it was a neighbor, she opened the door, to find Wooten, who push ed himself in, When she asked him what he wanted, she was told that he wanted to see her. She asked him to leave, but he caught her by the wrist and paill ekl her through the hall into the bedroom. Here, declared Mrs. Jetton, she wa thrown on th Deeded Estate in Peculiar Way. Kinston, Fob. 10. Samuel Lof tin, a LVhclor 72 years of age. and ii number of one of the old est and most prominent f unilL's f Lenoir county, is leat at tu country place, six. amies south, oi Kinston. Death is said to nave been due to infirmitus attemtant upon old a. He livett alone an the home on his plantation oi ,kj30 acres. In January Ijurtin made a eculiar deel to Joseph Williams, a ,Woodiigtoti man. vvlik-reby the latter, upon the pay ment $3,000 in cash t $1,I0 a year until the former died, with tlier iblvtrations. was to come into joss-ssion of the big estate tut the, owner's death. The farm vjorth, at a coaservative esti mate between $15,000 and 420.0O0 'Williams, ii tin d.Msl was rtninir- -d to buiM a -.'omtornble Unfil ing for "he aged planter U re place the dilajnidated old home in which h re.s-uDed, iuh? give to a negro body servant j of Mr. Ijoftun the use of 150 a h-s stipu laUd so long as he remained on the place, in considjcratioi.'i"f his faithful aiikl oarehyU st-vicB to V.o nwetil eentlcmim. .lilliams delayed the wthool periotl. ine priinieia mr t.,l him brown like the whole ver.hirele.vs j ' When f(Howfsl Wooten to brnU-ape. It costs 18 cents a .. h Tuesdav night, he said iciy to ieeu e.u-u rwnn, V" Uu. u l,.r. hwwile ami en talking un th room, nm " wife ak Wooten not to hobl her, Claimed the Doctor Was Invad ing His Home. Davidson Dwpntch, 10tb, to the Charlotte Observer. "My home was being invaded! Thiis is the statement which friemb . . .Voriroe Jetton ga'e as tlie rei r riven by the young druggist l.r having shot ami killed Dr. W. H. Wooten tonight about 7 o'clock: in the Jetton home in this city. Hut one wJiot was fired, a re volver bullet taking effect close to the heart of the physician, who died within a half or three quarters ,f aa hour. The only person present beside, the prin cipals of the shooting was Mrs. Jetton, a bride of less than a year. The alarm was given by Mr. Jetton, wflio called in neigh lors and ahkel them to take charge of the wounded man and igave them his explanation. Dr. Wooten is reported as hav ing said that he was fired upon before he had a chance to ex plain the rirenmstances tf his vis it to the home.. A short time before 7 o'clodk, it ap:cars, Dr. Wooten was at the store of the Whitc-Jettoa Drug Company, of which! Monroe Jetton Is junior member, ami when he left the pbice was fol lowed, after an interval, by Mr. Jetton. When the druggist reach ed his home, it is stated, he went into the house through a hall or passaigeway, saw the doctor in a room with Mrs. Jetton, stand ing near the foot of a 11. Mr. Jetton did not enter the room it seems, but fired throu-gh the door and promptly gave the alarm, JlTlil when, hhi fitKtrH)u"ire o-jftri.-, rKlitl-Amm mrnif a.wr ami askcl them t are tor the laiai Iv wound esl man. Permission was given by the coroner to take Dr. Wooten to him own home, where he died about 7:4', o'cW.k. Mr. Jetton i ...,,.,i itt.,.1 tn arrest dv a Jetton, on tne sian - - " ':'.. : Vr...... h.W ffuard- special i4jKn ... - eil at the house of a friend to- nizht. On fu-eount of the prominence of tieople eotx-erned b'al interest . ., .l .nKh ' nt.nse l)r. V OOlCIl IiiW. and he grt-w suspe.oi " 1 r J, nA ws m a ti . v f bed in spite Af resistance, and iAjfU, swore aw ceived a Wmv at the hand of the intruder. Mrs. Jetton satd she ran from the room, and ortIy i . ft o . v,oor,t the riiwtol shot wbich killed Wooten.' wouiKand u Wooten called at the nome o. night in January ami seemed sur prised, to sVe biuu Since, that v tatl the ihvsieian s de- meanor toward him had change 1 , c a re- about $94)0 for the camp , while the cost of subsistence for an American soldier is 2:5'j cents. The prison rations consist of Mexican beans, chilli papers. corn mel potatoes, oniois, bread fresh M.lav lie hmise. ami tnai ne ruv - (,.ned the door of tbe bMroom an.l sak.d Wooten what he was 1. tlier.. woolen, said i . i tioing tnere. ir.u, ....... , m.iit and coftee. A guant j i, kirn to ,y detectel on eof the prvv VM plwhiiHr hnn s givirr away some of h:sj . r whfn h( sllot hlin. h&a also left its impression oniiad rot paid the first thousand Clnrurrea. Few mdmbere dared tc.dolla;? and comes into possession 9 " iV. . . r.A. i'll rirmofv the measnirea in the open tmi both' went through by over whelming votes, the Webb-Ken-ytom bill over the veto of Presi dent Taft. The opposition was cxmfinfd chiefly to the committee but when the bilk were pA inito the oipen members lined lip quickly in favor of thorn. They believed this was me pan. . . 1 off prtlrtval wisnom. As the result of the paasatre of fhe Jones-Works bill the city f AVavhington wwt finds itself on Snuttays as dry n.s a burnt lone. A ebib imemiber cannot even get a drink in hU own cluVhouse on Bivn.lav ami foreigners who like bttle wine with their dinners with of tho nlantttion fr $:i,000 a-J insignificant expenjhture. w s rumored that relatives may con test the transaction. Hcuor Roll Pilok Muntain High , School. y Ona Mav Movies, Irene Hut- ner Tra Dennv. Lhotne uenny, Claude Swaaison, Vcrda Frye, Stella Gordon, Oarl Hill, Kath erine Nelson, N ore net Nelson, Mal lie Vciwible .tVlell Venable, Ola Harris, Hrytan Hanlgett, Garland Dennv. Aubrey Denny, Ralph Fulk Ada Gordon, Viqla Patter son, Kenneth Napier, Wilma Simw, Kiatie Stone, Dovie Ven able. Iniva Darns. Frs Denny, oners I,. . 11 . ... ii n COU its' TO M XClli i-wuuii mini on the outside. Prisoners Are Better Off. Mo.s tof the or'ih. tilers are let ter t;ff than when in the field. They are housed aihl fsl rngular ly, ainl, Ia' l'1,lt inih,h urging, the Americans have trained them tx police their camp ami take I oroioer ;anitarv om-autions. The prison is f jelKuit 40 acres, sur rounded by a birbed-wire- fence. The sentries do not enter the eamn except for Npceial purpose, Imt, patrol it oai the outsitle. Visi tors are kept at a distance, from the fence and the prisoners ihemselves are kept away from it. Jiii the crowds tcday were many Mexicans from. Kl Paso wlvo brought elfts of tcbacco, cigaret tes, bananas, apples, oraines and other delicacies. Visiting priests today celebrate, mass and there was a concert in lhe afternoon by the band' of 40 pieces, sent by President Huerta to inspire his soldiers at Oiihua hua and CJiavaga. Ftd Qons and Ammunition. The trisners are well clothed.1 Huerta recently provided all with shoes, hose, underwear, bats and overalls or dresses. Officers alsi receive $5 a mouth and privates $2. Thev art permitted t make purchases at the regimental store at the same prices paid by Ameri can soldiers. , A special .pownit not easily '- A.lams atter neanoif mr testimonv, chargisd Solicitor W U fton to present an indictment be fore the grand jury Mr-nday, so that this b.Kly could report once, and the judge will decide ..f linl-kens cor- on tne rofnm v" pus procetsliigs. "Congressmen Will EegTet lg- ivcrmg Us'." Suffragisw- Washirgton, Fib. 15.-''Storni the male political trust ; that tbe wav to gain suffrage. lBts was the adJv-Vee tndhy o.ffered by Mrs Desha DreA-kenruie, w Kentucky, to several thousand suffragists leathered under the auspices of the ttngricnal Committee, of the National A- merican Womm SutTrage associ atioit to commemorate, the birth Su.rlVr Anthony, lne speaker was sunported m her .sutPgestion by Kenator Moses h. Ham), Minnescta and Senator John F. Shafroth. Colorado. Mrs Antoinette Funk, a mem ber of the. Gongresjfion wmnmnr. .r.i.,.i iw leader in his profes sion. He was alxut 45 years of 1 hal been married jot ' about 20 years to a coiusin of the man win swieu. nuu, havim' been before marriage Miss MarvVotts. A daughter, Mi Sara'h Woten. is a student of Queen's College, (liarlotte. Mrs. Monroe Jetton ii a brnle of about six or eight months, hav ing been married to Mr. Jetton t (Inlfnort. Miss., bust summer. Shrtli she had visit. tl in iv,vi.W,n for several years and is well-known in the community vi, v,.. ,aA tut)un.ir ft Ai.v m rptr ini to the .shooting. The two men luul long dwh clote friends. Dr. Wooten Declared Innocence. The following Ls from tlie Ob server: . Mr. T. F. Lothery. a neighbor of the- Jettons, testified that he heard the shouts shortly after 7 o'clock and ran over to learn the trouble. Mr. Jetton and his wife ctAifclinc on the porch. Mr. Jetton seemed "kind of wild," as tYio witness nut it. "I said. 'Monroe, what is the mottf' " testified Mr. Ijothery "iio. niine m- home.' Hi "wife said: 'I'm inriocent. He svkl m, T cw 1 saw.' " M'r. Ixithery testifitxl that he iAn. tlio Ivonsn and saw l'r nniii mi. . - , v.t0n lvimT1 ttcross the bed "I said: " 'Doctor, what's the 11: 'Monroe shot MA nl(Hi: 111. it ..a nr. iin airt announced that preparation arr chance to under way for the f,mrfK)rt1 1 ia and "The committe district," she win as- .. . . t . ....mv wini ninr !Sr" if they are popping atanourrye There are some in Washington Katherku Pudd Orin Swanstm. who predict tliat the curbing or j -Mary amiin, . the &e of liiuor has ntt yetj Uinod, is ,rcinirsU for ,Viiitr under campaigns. ?o into every ericd, "amlshojw the represen tatives that their seats are un safe If they ignore the temami rAi"i. -v " . . i . x ; a til- shot me.' Mr. unw , tT him: 'Where were you! Dr. Wooten said: 'I was standing at thrt foot of the bed.' He (Mr. 0 ! I 'hricTial nck'U Hiivn- r , m - 4 " c . -t w to favor woman mu -:"-" V. ' n-wLf Pr WWen's death. Dr. ana Wooten talktsL "Dr Wooten was Ivine acrosit the Wd on hw b;w-ki with his hands wver his head," declared Dr. Mr-Conn-11. "He hatl on a raincoat with collar open and gasping for breath. He saitl: 'Mat'l, I'm gone, I'm done for.' I said: 'What is wrona??' anI be rfflisl: 'He shot me in a fit of jealousy.' "I said: 'Maybe yon won't die.' ami I leaned over him. He said: 'Yes 'I'm shot through, I'm bleeding internally. 1 feel t,he bullet in my batikf "I said: 'What in the world is wrong;!' "He replied: 'I'm innocent.' I then asked hrrn what I could do for him but he replied: 'There's nothing you can do. Your hand are tied. 'I'm gone.' He then added, 'If he had only given me a chance to explain. She wa shoiwng me a new dress.' He said: 'Phone Dr. Long at Statea ville,' but addod: 'It's no use. .Send for Sarah!' " Dr. MeConnell said that he worked with the wounded man but hopelessly, giving him two hypodermic injections to ease the pain. " 'It's no use,' the in jured man exclaimed. I'm like ('urlee,'" C'urlee was the en gineer fatally wonuded in the Southern wreck at David-am sev eral weeks ago, who was treated by Dr. Wotten. Dr. McCoruiell said he took. Mrs. Wooten to her ihiwbamL "He kissed lw-r good ie," said the physician, "put his arms around her and told her to take care of Sarah." He said that he did not hear h;m make any explanation to his wife. Dr. McConnell testified, as to the location and) nature Jf the TTl.n. II" fill rut ersjiiri io t-v His clothes were in pertevt -dition, not unbuttoned. His rain- coat 'was on ami ms wum fastened. There was nounmg w indicate that anything improper h ul taken place. . Mr C M. Stiles tesuneu Dr Wooten had said that he was standing up and Mrs. Jetton was ia a chair showing him her new dress. Mr. John Christie testified that Mr Jetton had declared, when he came Up and asked the trou ble "that Dr. Wooten had ruin ed 'his home." When he said this, Mr. Christie declared that Mrs. Jetton protested. yingA "Monroe, don t say swa M m to which Mr. Jetton replied, will because it is true. The whole affair is Ktresinp. 'Hie two families had been iiti mate ami the two men were gen erally regarded as the best or frieivds. Dr. Wooten was inter ested in the drur firm if wh Mr Jetton was a member and Ais wife w Mr. Jetton's first ciMisin. Tlie two families atooxl anion the highest in tlu? commumty. Ir rtl for the ooiru y- - i family but had not been called m professionally ai He is a native of Clarkton ,.Bll en coimty, and a gradual of Davidson, class of 1S93 Mr. Jet ton is widely connects fi,: fw-m The pistol with which Mr. Jetton did the shoot ing 53 now in tne Kepiue , CVroner liois. ia - """ Wesson special, blue sVel, M caliber six shooter. There was one cartridge and only one iu It ia said' that the opinion an Davidson is that Jetton heved he had provocation but that ft was mistaken. The funeral of Dr. Wooten took place at the Presbyterian churcn of Davidson yesterday afternoon. It was conducted by Rev. Dr. Dvron Clark of Salisbury, Who was reared in the same oom-mumty-Clarkton with Dr. Wooten, assisted by liv. Dr. U r i7toii Tastor of the eimrc n . Dr Wooten's reiuest tliat Dr. Iiong of Stattsille be notified was complied with ami Dr. Long was preparing to go t DaIsMi. Trwu.la- evpninsr. when notvficl frage. Coble's Croup and Pneumonia T1,. a tV. new liomd ex- to gn whin ihit caip?'iVf i ternal remedy for colds, croups due iargeU- M the case of gnf.l- .i'.t Americans who hav? cajoyr e.l tlie prh"Ueces, join, with ' 'the AnnW Ilcid, Teacher, Jgutrxls in sayin-g tht the lisou- nneirmonia and all mflammaUm. and relieves instantly. 25c. jOc and $100 size. Sold on a guar antee. All druggist have it. ivifpf lie reiHiett: ne right there,' and ixunte! at chair." . In replv to questions, Mr. liOUi erv teatifievl that Dr. Wooten's vest was buttoned irp 'lt coat and overcoat or raincoat." Dr. W. J. McConnell was fiutm tooned to the Jetton home to . , rf T 411',. n a Mrs. Ioi)g ana ir. i. u. were at Davulson WMneIay. "Fix all" will make old wood work, look1 like new. A woman can apply it ami moke floors or furniture beautiful at small cost. All colors for sale at Earp's. -V

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