I A n HI 4 j7 4 HI I 0L. XXXIV M0UJY1 AIRY, JfORTIl CAROLINA, THURSDAY MARCH 20, WI4. JVC .19 UJ ll .f l . mly SjT SjT A PAINFUL DUTY. The modern rwwHpape r that succeed Ls conducted on bus-im-vs methods. To allow men to take a paiper anl not pay trie man charge I for aubscrlption is- mum-id a I to the busi-Vti-to. No paper that does this can have- a Htanding anion? I-ople who think. The publishers of The New a I way re gret to lone A aulweriber, but it is fitter to- loe th man who re-gleets his snb.svripf ion amount than to carry him. Jf. will become our painful duty to drop from our list, all those m if 'riber whrme papers this week have a blue tuark at thin article. Why riot send a dollar and let us send the paper Won't you do this and not. place m in the awkward position f dl-ver-tinning the paper. VILLA AND HIS ARMY CAMP ON OUTSKIRTS OP CITY OP TORREON. Opposing Him in a Well High Impregnable Positcn ia General Velasco with 9,000 Men. ( a rf.it ut io rial 1st I Iu 1 jun rtt ts may permit them to communicate with the national capital, 7H) iiulen to the south. Villa prof'-svieH to believe that he will capture the entire army STORM AT SEA. BENTON SITUATION NOT MTW ta VKC.r a wt inrs. jcnn Aster s uuesia reasi Undisturbed By the Turmoil. iMaoiy Other Britons Have Met New York. Man. 2ith. With Torreon, Although. founded lee the bronze wm of h-r big eagle than M yean ago. has a norma f clipped by u )-ft wave, the IHpiilation of 26,0)0. It ha greiJ Imperator, monarch of ship. Verrno .Durango Met Man-h -0. 1 !,!,,P. cotton, flour and irn mart-' mumo Uu-k' to port yesterday af- Qall Issued for Meeting Pro gressive Democrats. f lln!IISe VeS. " Unrelenting fidelity to the jk- Gen. ill,, and hi anny of 12f fHH) rebels toliiy invested the fed eral stronghold of Torreon. They rwcic7ied t!ie rtvinn of the city without opposition arl today wa .! mt in wheeliutr anl dntu''ing field piti'i into place t .shell the federal trenrhes, dug at ev ery j:int where tbe fel.ral in mander, (b-tieral K' fugio Vehunco, Death in Mexico. London, Man'h 21. The situ ation which (ireat Britain w fa--irsiir m a result of the shoot:r..tr of Wil'Lim S. lieuton in il.-xieo iu,t ony, only m riot novel, but even utaetone.s and a grear. .u.'Mr.er r j t,.r atl Jfcbseiltv of four months. ceives re from the nun. N"r-! tiu.. . ... k -. i mallv-then' Ls a birge toreuru eol- . . , mo t unimportant conwinsI i I i r ft1 j kti.r mniiiit iwn ' t ... ....... but most of tlicse resi.i-nr.i' '- ' J ' t.i. events of A I: -ft b;ve fl.il. Ieavii.tr onlv a few h.s "I'Te oi the Hunhurir-Aiii-ryvin w .,,., caretakers of important pn-ertv. j;? :5; V""'. ''"'''i'fi thre, year, before'the iSritLsh Cv th al to of e (eiierul rfirranH and Provin-; -.2 iKissengers. Among the Ut- ;..nn rni lent Huerta s, r,ie ti.rne i 'T xme .vm-T;-arn as la-'. 4 .... ago asre-l to the t-stablLshm.-nt 1 riuliar u London a,s in N-w l ork . tru mrervcntion wkn-h 11 to of a neutral zoih-. when- for-igtt-1 Tlu Ini-rMtor bg re--ord.-d the .s.-!it'u.g ,( MaAitn-ilian of era woirld 1h. .safe frm bullet.s. ; fuiiiM-nirrg ami events a.s arioii.s. j Austria imj-.u tlbe .I-x.U'an t.hnne. .mu i'nii.n uur-, ' " lias t.eeu hrouglit tonvanl in part as pot?vible the interest left their care. Raleigh, Man'h 20. The call i.jitio already taken with rewpect 1 ts attack. tinl tj Merw. Toe and I'.ailey to th TrogreHsive I)emoTatic Arvc rtt ion' U be iw-Jd here r,,.'iN as ftllAVS: "Wbi-reas, we have come up on a .signal hour of Democratic acinic v-m en t ui vur State arml the n irei'irru rates ami trie ai.sen-m-inatiorw against North Carolina, ami searching invertigation uf insurance rates and diserimujia tio.'ks. 0 "Karne.st corisideration of the I demand of the organized fanners i of the State for rural credit. for Ilepublie, an hour when the peo-;the .gregati-ori of lamLs between jvle having wearied r-f the .stand- the raves wherever it may be jvitwin of it.s oprnmeiuts have 'I'l.imh-d. and f'r agru-ulture in given leadership to the D.m.lo- ; J-"fN- ,.rT . " i i , i nn proved child alr Law. eratie party, and the partv m re- .. . i .J , . . t,.m i f A better business svvstun frr .. " . 'trie it,1re msi rincr erir.( jrn i I .v. vhanrinon !.., ..,!.. , . ... '. i w i u i 1 1 ii r 1 1 r m rn riinri i r'i kri i r i I a better co-onlination of the ae-ti-itie of State institutions." and. reading a the uX the nuusses, the foe of privil ege, mt the vehirle of 'general public. mgr's; ami "Whereius, the widespread and leepf-lt interest in certain great; Texas Governor Wants Men Who iiu-si.snircs for the further unbuild-j Will Shoot mg ox .xinn Carolina aiui the in-1 cl:i.seoH arrnv is eimateii to number JbOOO men. Smtli ami southwe.st of the city hw jwsitioriI is p-ganb-d a.s almivt, in4regnable by reason of the mountains j run, tirul these have btw remler ed almost irnpaKihIe by forti ficntion.s and UarfK'd wire en tanglements. In other d'i actions arl tragie as of a city. Since i i i in " nere .sne nas i.sFTn- alt-eratiorw. th. she sial"ir"irt.t-tf Jo i chief among; as folliv: D.w-tor Duval, Iriti.sh ;- The Immoral Mixing1 Races. of the jwbirli) are th horteinng of h.-r:jMet rhn wsu arnstisl in April, jtlms nioIve.staeli by 10 f'-et. ' l,s.7, by the ?rieal leneral Mar wnicri lowers her center ot trrav- Tiie Progressiva Fanner, The white people of the South ,,lf ! intend leave plenty of nfln- ity. u Friday, the l:',th. a hurri cane began. It sirat-cheil four boats from the fi)'c'.s!e head, broke off birth immense wiiairs of F-irlv tolav, however, the road was open from Yenno, where the trHi have b-e mobilizinsr. U) Mapimi and Itermejillo, which are onlv a few nvilers north of Tor- spirii;g rn-onl of progress our xjni'W)nwealth ha.s already made Austin, Texas., March 20. lle- rt.s oi" rw-w disorders along th the city is readied through !. rf tt tu I t i Th hi ? ! ... - ii .i v . ! i . . : ; " i miuiiues in wnwn wu .egn caniner m.periai easrie ngurehead t ilia t progress lui.s bepn MowKv ,anJj wr a thv inteU(l to! fts-t ibove th- water line and Us-ai- it was necess:iry to re-j irim with the right of ne-j flung them uieui the foV.Vle fair railroad tracks and rlgw. h..v .Art.uiv K.,irht ' hul tJ, ,r. tv in white cnmiuiit'jeji. But where K ile ki and drowntnl rnusu: and -shot dead on the white people iesire it tor trie tli- orders to the waiters at Mrs. i wiule tr u protection of their so-ial life, j.Tohn Actor's dinner in the Uitz their home.s, their institutions aid i 'arlton restaurant. The spray th..il- lt-Jtfiin tVliiV TTIIIV he TWIT- 1 tlliri-F QTT.1 jlMn..u1 nrin. rj-on; ami virtually are suburbs ot(lim(l if th,.y t.nt !(f.injf de-! skylight above- the hUids of the h-.it City . j muim-i-tl a.s criminals if they Hsin-j in. -rryinakers. among whom, Little Time Lest. j ply pnise to -t apart certain; Mrs. Astor's snif-sts. were Mr. and tu-,. ,.;t; v,.. .1--Jr.i'ctiimnunitie.s in which the land, Mrs. John Hav.s Hammond. Wil- under De.moeratie. alaiinistration ' Mexican border, inoludiinj the at- di trained and fonned in columns. There wa.s little loss of time in 'mow held b whites shall ! in white hands. r-nain , liam SfH-rwer and Mrs. Warren j Robbing, ("apt. Kier hove th- sdiip alike iiulicate that the Domocratic t.nnited kidnaping of an Arneri- plungiiij? into the des.-rt. fereat ' f"-rta'mly the pngre of the; to for six hours, voters of our State are athroblcan citizen by five Mexicans, to- J tank, w;. :i laden with the water' '''"H wu' n" hindered by iwhi A cook died just before the gale With the same passioai for large juay caused Uiv. U. U. Oobjuitt ! s,sj4rdv which has been Villa's 111 en as the Kev. I. N. Mos.s, thvj During its height a baby wa.s ami historic, service tluit is h- to order uie ranger force re- r .t.. ,.r..l.,. r,-Tl,K..l ;n .. I ashir jrton I ity negro preacher oom. who was cheert-d bv his I"a.sM-r!gers aid cait.iin. iorui caronna siiau now vuiast"l together in order to imtlwhtu iits.'c. sij)ly re- irri'iteS't rtr(kbbn rrrnlib'i! in tin urgi:ii!i g tne iem cracy criuuu w nn "im-n wtio can tr ul Tl... lii of th.. f..w f,.P. who was cneeri-u iy nis in-gro. i -,LSM-ngers ai d captain, ae- throiufhr.ut the I'nited Status and ' host." ei:.-rs in the annv wer craektsl ) hearers us he told tht-m to ouit(conliig to th'ir llirhts, gave dif "jM-ially tlie Aliiauist ration of; "1 have instructed Captain ar,"i sWoI.-n from the heat ami l,11.vi''V pi'tnrw and go t( buving ferent verirs ef the .storm. M 1 resident. WiKon; rl I Hughes to look for more nu n ; alkali .lest but the Mexicans i-euns, and to quit goirg to dam:-1 .Nixon, a iM-w.spaper, man of In- V IePe.'IJl lllure W fftlf ri jimrnt.l.. t(r tli.. K'.Hrm'ri ortu... i wmn i "'Oi.,.u rusiructioiisi to h mi are to -get better. In this wnv the ouUkirts ' military ebrols. Only two darsi'w.nt dnvn" .soutanes, the tus- take huen WllO UUl felloot and wiIIhiot of .. .... V. -I t Utee TjlKoIb-tte's Miir:i7lrA nrint.: senc.r. thoi.M-.f .1, ...'.1.1 - r- 1. 1 (I iini-niif ' it ... i : l I r . ul4 i':.,, I .1 1 .... . . . .. . att hlue s1; n J If S n o PT t0U? , , there hadj. colond woman, the m-4h-; he said, fean-d. remVru- ation in due seiuson a letinite pro- tairtani, Hugio.s commamLs the ) ...,,.-. ,.. .. of twn fin-U- eJne.-.t..,! s,ow b.-rie.r M,.. Tit...,;.. ... gram of constructive legislation j i;;lmr,r for,.. ,;..!, i,-.. ,...,.,..,. .' "r I . . i . .... "i V . ' l"'V O .... s. in u..iu.u- IP Ti.i r I'lri.'nl w:.kiltl t , t I mt . i l li II r 111 1 ' . H II il HI. IMIl I 111 II Wll rVI V T.li tvn r-l-i.. oiui c ontentnl! wrot' h rvt lf frnn 1'aris. "where. (Vi.pt. Ki.-r w as Imrn in Ham- i strewing all ros-1 there is no race disersminition." burg, 41 years ago, hi, father ! " obstruct ... iu m t pt bullets' Til referred hoa.-tinsrlv to the; Ir.rvmg leen an admiral in the in iiis w.iv Tin it win occasion-1 b'oodv stnig'Ie of tlv Fn-h ' North (lermari iravv before the al e h-i!i' .s i f i "t between i-i. f-'N. bn notb j.. that asuin ed th '!,'.': it if a s! v, midi. Je.iir.! '.!!a was ei cry where, for nw that the eve of the bat- 1 . T ... . 1 ... I i " i-s iii ii.iitii. if is a iurv ot eii- quez while attemdinig to wivurinbsl .ruarists aft.-r their defeat a TaciiiUiya, was shot without trial. A British .subject named J. L. Innej waj hunted throu.gh the niountaiud aljut Uaiaca winh a price on his head. Hritish Vice Consul l..dner wa.- his iav balcony g to .save a Mexican. Mr. Inale was shot by bandit on hi farm near Mexieo C'ty. There wvre h.-veral oth.-r m.ir ders of British sui'j.s.-r.s of hum bler jnesltioiLS. A Mr. Iiiirrutad's fat-to ry wa-s twice phuwlerisl a:ud he wa ,se-vorclj- wounded by the roltberv so that he hint an ami ; I, is wife went mad l'mu the slox-k. Financially, tuo, British sub-j.s-tii suffered greatly through these three years. (Taiin.-. NiiKuiit td by British siibje.ts to their Ligation irj to Aril 2S. lb'l, a-maun-ted t .flKXtK'X) fir .sim-i. f..r tl, ; t . ' " ". " , '" ' '"' rr.'roaa south ? 1 ' ion...-, nv u.js, m Vu- extn-me x.ut tie ist-u n' .. -r;it, t,.,i,.r;ls tnerefoiH" sei-t.ii.n ..f ti,.. t.... '..... .m , ..ri , iiti . own. ''"oiiui ltMh Vt.s WiT V y Diquui would not dwe ush toiugii ' call a meeting ot Di-moerutie citi-jthe confereiw-e of Adjutant (ieii-i zens to U held in Kaleigh onvrili HuU-hing with the F.sk-ral 1 April . 1.M4, at in.u. fr the U.(,uuan, er, (ien.-ral (Juajanlo. at' purpo.se of giving expression to! pi.p. v,.,,... t,ifll. "in n Jl 'Jinij;raill (I consi ruci 1VC measures tor our people in .State: and 'Whereas, consideration all si ctiotvs cf lbvo telegrams tolav loninid; b.v the basis of the Governor's ac-: the hfioii in ..eileriL.r t... I. ......... lncreiiMtl. The fir.-it nport.d the-ergy, nw hnatehigii at the b liter i.s it is d..rale to , kt.kiu.ping of an Ameru-an, Chus.'.f a ref rne.torv five iinore tletinitcnes to this cill we hereto ajprnil one statement which has been made and widely cfjtmmended of measures mid pol icies which .should have consider ation at such a .meeting ur pnr-pevj-e beir.g not to commit the mctir.g lurely exiled to these jKjicius, nor to limit its del'iber atiwn.s, lut to yugest a basis for a ineetbi.g anl for lisvuLsioii by jtho voters : '"Sonne .subjects for considcra fioni: Lcgaluel Statewide pri Jiiary, wvering all elective of- iwirs and all parties, with a frful corrupt practices act. "Jitviskm of our system of tax ation a more 'just and equitable system along lines contemplated in the Constitutional Amendment 1)rvioed on this Kuffjeet. "The adoption of other pro IxvmsI Constitutional Amenlments as foJlows: "Jtestrainin private, local and special legisktion, and thiw en tfd)liiug the CJeneral Aiseinbly to iatteiid to iimiortant matters. "(Jiviriig more ehusticity to oiir judicial circuit system. " Preventing Kecial charters to ortorations by General Assembh "CStrcnthcniuig aiwl enlarging wherxner we wisely can, our work in: "Public education and public health, in which thing are be ing done; "Public roads, iiu-ludii g wiser exx.iNiiture of funds and putting convict on roads iiisttiad .f giv ing away their lalmr for worthless rail wnv stock. mule, now criti- liallard, by five Mexicans, near cizing the lashings c f a pack sad- die, (.r .snapping orders at ser leruler. a Take Torrecn in a Week. (.am.o Nju-iiug.s. The .st'ond w as the jM-tition fru Cameron Coun ty eitizens. Ballard was tied by the Mex-u-ann ami hustlM to 'the border, ac.coMlii4g to tlie repoit male to tjie Governor but while the j.arty was crosju'g the Hio (Jraiuie, he cut the rojM which held him and Hscapcd by diving. Ballard'.s ij tors shot at liian without effm-t several times and then eseaped. SlicjTjf Gardner of Dimmitt ; rv...... . . ..i I 1 1 . ., . .i. . . ... i ... , . .owij ru, in joirsun wnn a "l ' oaine ounwii in I'o.sse and7 the Rangers ami Unit- 1,1,1 rt b-adcrs eyes. They un (l Mates Army bonier ii.tis)l al-: T" aori ti viri ly- wk! vt. that " lotreon will 1 mine in a week." he exclaimed jubilantly. ''Never has a r-volutionary 'army in Mexico had better men. and V. ver have they been so thor oughly ClUiMeil. Fverv i,r...-ir. .ii iu uas men mi le and we c.in t 1 lib it k no figure of i Mood v struggle of tlv b-volutiori. declaring that this couvlidatioii ef the states inti '"'irf of Paris was also in her, the (Senium empire. Slrn-e he ' 1. I "Wi!T not the white tnan tibtl on a wii: jammer, at iti iliejir befopc it i too late." she j years cf ,ge, be b;i.s been at .s.-a. l'b.m:uds. "or is - detf-rmiih-d to; much of the time in Chinese and ' bri; ;,,,,,,. war. revolution hihI, Indian waters, and he h is been llo. Idled!" i nine years a captain. l'iler We do not, ef coiirs-', aittici-; Capt.s. .Ulers and Baretx.Ls re jviti ui- T.r'eseitt out.c(tiie frcni ;' spmdivcly he was chief officer on all this, "war. revolution and ; the old Deut.vhland. Jj the We.sl bb od-hi d ' talk ttf negro leaders ! Indies he was in charge of the io the North, lrtit we may well be-! did Meteor. i'in to imquirv what such t ilkl Here Ls how Capt. Kie-r de.scrib- ",-gnifies. In our opinion, its s:.g- j eil the. storm: ii-ifVariee li-s in the fact that the; "It roiiunibd m,- of a tyjOinon; infamous mixing cf tlie races in; '".if a hurricane is like a typhoon, the South, the sieheniiiia mixiiu? i excrpt that a burrLcan.. rs.volv-s r, 4 'i-j ' plunder. nil'i':son- so began a search for tli- men, but they were thought to have evaped into Mexico. The Cameron (Vuinty petition declared ''murder ami robbery ar btm .runmitttd freely," ami ap .pealed for Banger protection. The killing of two wealthy men, both Mexican!, -was cited. Notice. The undersigned, who wa.s con victed of Khootkntf at a Railroad wnen ne holes at a visiter it eiose range they s-em idinost to cress, an i th.-ir dark depths, al ways glowirig wt-in achrallv to iianiN in Jnomentv cf excitement. Hk,- snVrdinate rnrely ever ar gue with him and in '.such 'lini ments never. It jjt a danger .sig nal one which tine Scotchman, Benton, is s.-t to have failed to need. ie:n Felipe AliEr.-bs eliief of themilitaiy corps, w s named in command to take full eliarge in tile i-veirt uf .1 ....l. . b train. t. Febrnrv T, ion ..f " ' "r'u" UI Hie:il- ., ' " -ii ii i ion or ma. Surry Superior C-ourt, and en- (Jen. Anirr I:...,,...li in iiiinai:.! of the dL-po- of tffiolis nltli. ., ...in ... v "in i coin icii-ii oj carrv ..... i, )" mu wiiii, uuu eii-. ien teneed to 12 months on the roads; phierd of Rockingham county, and at tthe! sit ion i... i ... l. c . i . , . . . . II' 1 V! . i.CT. i. I Tit.. .... 1 i , .-.n.. in, invilllilll concealed weapon and iseii- f,... i,; ,.,,.. 1 teneed to :) days imprisonment' Food For a Month and assigned to the public roads I Viitn.-i!U- -.ii i. .' .. .n . - of llockinglunu county will, oi, .t.k f ,. raih,,i u ,., ',.st. the loth day ot April P14. atplylcd on the Ii,,.. J.-tu,.... i,;i .. II . I.'... O . .1 .. . ..iiii.il. I- ;io i..s ,..M-eue.W-y ine lonen.o.v tllll. .! ,,,., Hseahn (who- Ot Ann I I arolltlll. tor a eoti.l it nm. 1 . :. ... . . . . "Publio industry, inel.idbtg the al pardon. All p.rs , r og ,, V IU V - f'" T ' 1 !' ulvertising of the States re-, to the i.ntin, of C U 1 ' ItJ lnl ourei. i.m.1 ....... l . ' . I " "ijjes io me ' ...... in. ... i"l'iiirui I'l : INLIIIOII lire HOT t T I .".i I T.k (t white blood with negro, in V-j m tlw direction ef the harmti of mor.l relating is fast ehangii g; a watch. The sprav camie m just character f the t.vgro. The; like fog, ail vmi could not see th. tiill-blocibd negro is submissive j anything. " For one .stretch Capt. f' i s i en-My managed, tmt wlmM; M-r was on the bridge 76 hours our smpenous. commanding, dom-! 1 be wuid bb-w between CO 'iitt-rirg white hb cl. the blood ;aiwt U XI miles an hour," corrtinu- tbat kn".wi rv master, mixes with pro b!ocl in the mulatto, it ed (apt. hier. "I put her h.vul into it at a rate of three knots bei-rnn to work like a smouldering, n hour, bandy hoJ.ling storage volcano. way. ISut 'tween Fridav mum and Satunlav non, I am proutl to say, the log .showetl a res'onl of 2ih) sea miles. "Tlie worst part of the stonn w-a.s at 7 P. M. Frilay when the wave phucketl; the eagle's wings. Although hie etgle is 76 feet aNve tlie water and the wave was oniy 50 feet high, vim must make allowaiH-e for the depns sion of the hull in the valley. "It is not correct to say that the wis of the easrle are itrtend- to "stoppage cf factory, deafh arnl mutilation .'llelit and sel.trU e (. f ih-at! :.:nple juuinler. In November, ls,(the Cleriea! (bio ral Miranion .se:d UtO.OOi; in silver which had been d-"p.tit-ed at the P.ritLsh letration as the prop( rty of bondhohb rs. an I a ftfiv months later a duarUt geri ra! .s-:d a coi;uy of ,me hun ireds of thouvir:.l.s of dollars' worth of silver bullion behmyiiig to British subjects and on ir.s ay to the coast. TV .Imris Government also suspend. -d pa -, merit of the interest on its f .r ' ign loan, which was then main ly h.-td in England. In the face of all th.-.se ouV raees. !trl Russell and Lord Palmerston refrain d fnm. inter vention, despite the fact that it would have been a comparatively ' asy thing since the Jua rusts held the ports. They were, moreover, not faced with the ncvttss'ty of "licing the country after the in tervention, since both France and Spain were ready to talce up the work and Franice uul definitely divided to btain a permanent hold on Mexico. When France determined to move. Great Britain b-ft the field to Napoleon UI. ed for a lookout to peep throueh Hie eagle us purely ornamental, tato hills. The native would re Chinese Are Thrifty Farmers. "In the utilization of very square foot of soil aM every lettf or root that Ls grown thereoiu the patient, workiig farnLers of China could give pintj even to the thrifty rural population of France." says the Philadelphia Public Keconl. "Lanl is never w astetl. TTiere are no such pas ture and meadow lands as we know- here. Jf a travder wants t pitch a tent anywhere in the selthd. provinces of China h4 must drive the iitahes in a bean patch or a rice field or amkl po- I.e.'Sellt n.i... L 1.:. .1 . tin. i . si.. , l ,,, I ...veeiL.T. .... . i.t5...,.. ....:.!: i '" ioi.- mhi mi ii n- ii-iemilT. v. date. i. ;' .. i v. ' .i. . .-. , against your nroiH'rtv j t us ir H-i ii ri .n t r t u. t .u I . - . . 'uhlie .morals, iiuOuding rigid reemeiit of existing slatuti-s and Kuch advanees in legislation its localities may demitmi for A. This March 21st. 10H. eraus are coino , te v cut off fe.,... , , K-'iard l.aiiK-tord , the ouUide world. een 1 .). ji. roiger, Atty. hdth.Migh tie een bv wire. Notice. To the H'-irs at Law ( f dames V. Fulp, .b-e'd. Mrs. R. K. Iaw rencc, Mrs. L. Levy, and (t. G. Keibuun: Von will take notiw that in pursuance to an Act jw-smiI by the Kxtra Session of the Legisla ture of P.fl-'t, and to Orilinaiu-ts p...s?ttl by tlu I'.oard cf Commis .sionels ii the town of Pilot Mountain, N. ('., at an juljourn cd Session held on the 17th da-v of October, l'.n.i, you are hereby i . ke with your ice-patrol- Usene with wornful aunazeinent a notilnd that you are required byj"-':g iiitter Senei-a. which repirt-1 suggestion of a public pleasure .said ordinances to build a cement i p"'l 110 ie. although she had' ground. The onlv 'narks' are sidi; walk on fmnt of your lots pound .some Iuiii'jm north of the the (rrovn aboutthe teinpl.T;. on I)erot ami Main stivcts w ith- j steajner track. j "T, the tojw of the hills the in : days fmm tlie date of this- "The storm las't-d 21 hours, six j ternu-es clMiib. holding their tiny notice, if the mat -rial aiwl form-1 hours of whi-h Were really bad."; plots of wheat and corn, some ula rnpiin d by s,iid ordinance; While the patter and pelter up-i times at a house n f allele of V (-qy of whii-li will be furnished 0,1 the gla.ss dome drown 'the ! degress. Inhabitants of crazy on n-iucst to the undersigiusl ) ' voices of Mrs. Astor's guests, the huts and cave dwellers, h.irelv or the Commissioners of the Tow n turmoil did n t spill a drop of' making room for tliefns. 1 ves to d" Pilot Mountain will build said u "I"' th el.th under the j sleep and cook at the i n terser -walk and assess- the eikst fli-r.s,f brilliant candelabra. j tions of the v,ts-t chee-Hard. j jiore than JIN) oi the most no-jelimb out of their holes and hov-jtabl,- of the , Imperator 's pi.ss.4i-jel.s at diwn like prairie docs or ;gers sienetl a testinumial of the; raU.its in a warren, and ficht the seaniansnip ot i apt. Mer at! the suol till dark f..r a meager liv .ste.'ulineKs of his ship. jiinr" This Man-h 1014. R. K. lb.'.lan,!. Chief Poli,-.. of wireless stat ions j Town of Pilot Mountain. N. C.