A blue mark hiw moans that tin; sub seriher to this copy of Tli Ls be hind on subscription. I'it.'HvM? make a pay-, ment, as soon as convenient. in em l 1 r, pox. .y.yxtf M0UJV2 AIRY, JfORTR CAROLINA, THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 19 J JVO. 10 inn rnn V V 3 if I GREAT BATTLE IN MEXICO. Air Reeked With Stale Bloods Villa, Griniy With Dust ajid Swit, Rvde Up and Down Qursing and ' Calling on the Saj&ta. Gomez Palacio, Mexico, March 27th. -(Torrc-un U a. in.) Knur days of fighting, including three desperate assaults by the rebels, were crowned with success today t ho gelucral. "Viva Villa! Viva Madero! Viva El Constitution!'' they eri edi The remarkable endurttiiiice of thet peons and their mad ob session to return to the front greatly- kin preyed' the AmericauiN in the train of General Villa. There were men with deep gash es acro.-w their cheeks, men with great masses of fhh torn from their backs or sides, iu miiiforins literally soak, d in blood; with :nd hieerated REBEL AND FEDERAL FORCES STILL AT IT. when General Francisco Villa 1 4i, .....l ..t IiI'ihIi arm and eg.s torn a:iwl luce JIl'OISU. HUH III'.- v U.V U'" . . . . .... . .w..i 4. i.iTT. ..I 11 'I I it iv I.IK.l I.M.OUtl Midi" U ii.u .. .. .. . , !,, 1 II'. H UliJI'i' "1 t . , .. ,,r l t-il hi hi'inlmuartt'rs on that sw ..u .i,.. . T.r-iover their eves. 1 he woine reon iul within three miles of m the outputs ol the city were that goaJ of the campaign, the first to receive assistance, The final ami. dvidii.g as.-iu.lt but. the small' hospital corps, al WlU delivered vest, rdav. It was ; though working heroically, was pr.re.le,! bv a' bombardment, af- t.tll-y inad.Muafte Ihe dead ler which the infantry and who fell early ,n the adults, or streets Mum ooen siain oy icueiuu. au'.-iuj Battle Was Raging Around Tor reon Last Night According to Advices. Juarez, Mex., Marth 30. The rebel audi federal forces at Tor re.m.. are still eiignged in battle, it was learned to-night. Thin in formation came from Robert V. rasijuicra, eonfidcntial agent of the constitutionalists in the d-avalrv ditshetl into th. Rifles, in ache tee, ' pistols ami liajxis grenades were u.ed it a bnndrud different encounters. ieneral Villa cUm'S not know liis own loss, except, that it. w;is heavy. The wvundVd' sufferwl ribly- fnmn thrist. and many died for lack -of water and smvieHl attention. The dead of both sidV were piled in the stiwts vr huddled under abide houses or were burixil first. At every water car statioai there were gnniijs id' wounded. In pi aim siiglut of tin." dying the bodies of the di.-ad were dramg.il into hlhallow tn'ni'.hes. It will be iuressary to ini-knerate many of thie ljodk-s piLed in the streets, as 'ilenom posit ion sets iiii rapidly here and the business of fighting pt-ouiivs everv available lain. uu mini, i iiv..'x-t.. - i.v..... . . i . . l vorrak, wrecked bv rebvl shells. uenerai u a t..-- r Veterans sav no inore furiou5 1 del .shall be dlosed oi nn battle whs ever flight In Mex-h"diaMy to avoul i-st il-an-e. M cewd Down, in Heaps. In the course of the battle there were instances of detach ments, all of whose officers had been lust, riuuunir wikLlv about callia'.ig for new officers to Mrs. Irvin Will Build Hospital. For some time Mrs. H. A. Irvin, Charlotte 01Tvcr. About Madstones. has planJitHl to build: a modem hospital here. She owns a four acre lot just east d" the city on (.flwrrv .street on which Ls the We are. glad that there is a pisposition shown ajnong Char lotte doctors U repuduite for tlnmuselves aonroval aoarentlv ... r 1 11 wen Known Mineral spring. ,wra. given the miwlstone sujeirstition Irvin anl others, whose names p)y onc ( t1Hjr numK.r t Mas have not been given to the pub-1 aj,( Si.ttl, that the mad l: :u i-:.. r,. 4 ii . , ..i in-, in lui iiin: u" J"'--"H'" , MMlle llilS I1M1 JltT lliore llor and we are mionnm that all ar s i ,...;... I....:.. ,:. 4 .. ... ;k .i , . ... , puinH i,o i;r il'illllll'L-'l IT (Ullll ineuj, iiiiiu ui:t uiiiMinai.r, aioiiiy witJi su:-ln similar tokens as luuu- rivei Here Jrom NNuusiungloiL Senor restjuiera spent the af ternoon ai:d art of the evening in thir. city invent i gating var ious rumors and. so-called official representatives dealing with tlie situation at the front. At the conclusion of his investigations, he telegraphed a long report to associates in Washington aiwl later talked, with news paper men. The constitutionalist seere- arv ur the interior, benor iUo- iran. wa.s present at the inter ,-iew. Thev h;ul no facts to divulg. raifgements are definitely set tle.l tor the work to hefe'in at ants th ' b ft hiiwl fo. t of a early date. Igraveyaid labbit ki!i.l bv a An architect in the employ of cross-eyed negro in the dark of the (Quarry Ls now making plans, tl. moon. Att, uijts have been for the building which will be m;ide, of ?ourse, to explain its .modern, in every resjeet. it will! sirpxwixl jowers on some ration be erected on the lot on the;;(j mt utterly without siu west side of (.'h. rr.v street, a j (...sS. Jt takes its jlae with short dustanee frtnn the h'une of ! treatment for fevers by draughts Dr. Baird. The walls w ill be j 0f Wat-r containing the sovereign ot Mt. Airy (iranite and the buij.l; virtues of a mairie stone -when save that fiyhtinsf 'on,tinhed ainl that, the battle thus far has beenU-' f'r th. ii .g will be fire proof throughout. It will have steam heat, hot. and cold water, sewerage, elec tric lights, ojerat:jig rooms and all the conveniences that belong to the modern hospital. The architecture will be of attraetive d-sign and the building will be two stories high. The location Is a most desir- view vast is as 100. Didn't Stop to Mourn. (ietneral Villa dkl not sUp to mourn his losses, but U-gan pre parations to mn.'Ve on Torivon. He expects to ctwperate w'tlh -KK.) men unkler (Jeneral Uerrera, who us under oilers to attack the tovn, from the east. Newspaper eorrpo indents wvre permitted to enter the city with Villa. Kverywhere rebel soldVrs were ix's?ui.i:ig the injured and taking thun to the. railroad. The day was hot and the air reuked with the smell of rale Mootd Those ' with, flesh wounds yK"-" stretcher Lcftrers. ' ..... . Villa's first as.--.wlt in force t(Nuki j.laee four davs ago. There lead tli'uiu, or joining oHkt coia'iuands. (Ktier detachnuvnts, in tlie ex citement of the fight, failed to hear, or deliberately disregarded orders to fall back or seek shel ter. They dadied u'uheidingly into barbed wire entanglements or the enemy's tivnudivs ami were nioweil down in bea by federal rapid fire guns. An unusual inetdent iu y ester bloody and stubbornly eDnt-stel on both sides. Thev stated that no telegram from (leneral Villa had been received saying that (ieneral Velisco had saiggested a condition of surrender. They asserted positively on the other hand, that federal reports victory were absurd. "I blieeve that the rebel's to the adventurous and chivalrous Sabidin cures Richard the Lion Hearted in Scott's "Talisman") ajid with, the levs romantic prac tice of carrying a split potato for rheujnati.Mii. It is nothing to the purpose that people swear to wonderful results derived by them from the talisinauic mad stone or the split otiiU) or Sik'Ii MjiiMiierc.iailv-!iinnvsl lakes us Day of Flogging Ctaxvicts is Over Raleigh, M stroll 2(5. In the opin ioiw jnt delivercsl by the Su-prenu- 1ourt for this delivery week there is one in the ease of State vs. NipjH-r and Johnson, from Wake, involving the right of convict guards to flog unrulv eor- ral punishment, the Supreme Court holding wit Ji. diATc Cooke of the superior Court that there Ls no such right either through that State Constitution or through legislative statute. The Supivme Court declares Chief; Justice Clark, writing the opinion, that: "In vk-w of the enlightenment of this age and the progress wluel has been made in prison discipline we have no difficulty in coining to the conclusion that corporal punishment by flogging" is not reasonable and cannot be sua taintd. That which degrades a man cannot bo either nei-esvvuy or reusemible." The opinion cites the passing of flogging as a punishment in the uriuica and uavies of the beautiful as one could find in all the Oxviwithor recently exoos, d world and for convicts in great this seetwji. The Slate M.oun-v the State l5oa;rd v Health. num.bei-s, of the for.-mio-t coun tains, the Quarry and the fertile I WP j,,,. u signify anvthlnv if I tr'ui, even Mexico hiving in !':. valleys ot the Ararat river are i ., i.,...!.,:,,, us.'.ut t n. .f abolished such imnuslunent tor all in the view that spreads out ;,., ,(.tJLlMU. it. :,,., nlv night are making a concerted at tack on, the f.'.leial positions." and Secretary Zubaran. "With what success I do not know but in the end I believe (Ieneral Vil la Ls certain, of victory. Many ' the telegrams credited to '.ieneral Villa have not really th ev il, 'in sent by him. Whence ii .i i came l uo not snow. j "Villi is using guns and hand worships, but with little damage, and the federal train retired was comparatively a number of j "round a curve. Gomez Talaeio "Tcnangeil shot like two ttvterals in the city, and prema ture reports of victory were sent (Hit. " Soo.li. however, tlie fed- is .t i front" 'frankly that" they " eVuki? send no dispatches until he had taken Torreoai. There have been no Mirh dispatches, ainl the con- either that he himself has not gotten rid of the dense atmos phere of superstition in which all medicine bigan and which Th e cour convk-ts by special act. says : "While the North Carolina con stitutional provision against the infliction of corjoral punishment as a part of the sentence bv tln- I'efore the eye from that point. . It will be the purpose of the uf : im.inagement to make the hAspital an institution that will attract the public patroimge. It is well Us; ru,,L,l v (.(lors iiot 1 nm.le's knwn that many peoitle have to i ,,' t,,. uIm1. vifKi.s-t to1.4v 1 courts does not direvtlv ondiibit go away from this section tojor that he thinks th" case one ! its inj'lietion in prison discipline. get hospital treatment, and there where s-o-alle,l faith may do spirit Ls certainly against th. appears to be a demand here simu, 4,4 tt no risk of harm. lioil noi ju-siii, ,1 m.f.u.o ii'"" iU. trontle afioiil r.sxiruuine any sort of faith cure in the case of suspected rabies, whether mad vtone or the conjurations of "men t:il healers," is that here httve not oi.'.lv a very real Ls a railroad tHAvn, and is a net-! c'lail,u aside from our actual frals rci-eivtd reinforcements, niu in the deMnenite fighting which follmvcd the rebels had rather the worst "S it and General Villa withdrew. Villa Pursed and Cheered His Men. The next day, W.slnesday. ieneral Ang les, artillery e. m Uliunler, shelU-,1 the citv all day auU' part of the night. Villa had learned that the federal com mander, General Velaseo, was concentrated in force in the town and himself was in the. trenches inspirii.g his num. and the rebel leadvr unler cover of the bom baixlment couceutiateil ever available man fix. a fresh assault. This was delivered Wenlnesdav ught, but was not d.vlsive, ai hough the rehels held the st one house and a few other natural defense in the outskirts of the city. hast night the third and final assault was delivered. General Villa, grimy with dust and sweat, a red bandana handkerchief about his neck, rode up and down the lines, swearing and cheering, cursing nd calling 011 the naints. At times he apparently was calm iu! again in a fury. Through it work of tracks. General Villa WilS ct'f to 1 1 bat today sMid his (ieneral Velasco ror his itidens-e oi the to-wn. The condivct of the federals was a credit to thorn as soldiers. Geiir oral Velasco oh ad proved himself a man of resources as well as of courage. Thn-o e,f Velasx'o's gieitcrals, it ui.s ivporhd. gave their lies in defense of the town Generals I 1 1 1 - 1 emu, Keyna, and Anna. It was reiortcd a'so that GearaiiAt was seriously wounded information is has not I1e1.11 though scanty, .''ear. lorreon taki u. ''bi the other hand, every tact at our command shows that th advantage Ls with us. We l.ae Gnmez Palaiio anl l.erdo ai.d a foothold in Torreoii. The story is being told there. Wo may have the city, in a day or a week, but in the end w- will have it. We have no detail M 1 . .. 1 .. .1 e mi'h oiu ua our men ire a business st ami point. It will be conducted along the lines of all such institutions, the patients be ing allowed to enter and engage a rjr orse ana nave Hie re I I.. ,i.a.i., i at rinie.' iaW .mivsi ;an in Jhe country will have free access Htid be welcome to place bis patients in the iitstitutien when, he can have the benefit of the nurses v '1 1 '.v.;! Owii stant -r'. ii.I.m v.o to n h-m sev e his pati Si nieth 1 g I ke ti e a've .s f '""jpiii longer use of flogging for that purpose." The concluding paragraph of the lengthy opinion reads: "The smallnos of the senter.ve inupos- we eil in this case ($10 fine each ami ills-1 cost) indicates that the hum me sU'liin attend itlier -ind iust iud-g( wdio tr'tsl' th;s .lUeet, W-J-unTfc. Z V.e ' hvV'ey m.ysh-L... ,,Llf ., t , ., 'H . 1 . t ?i x -r:rrr:; ' 4"' " " h it ;s the lliotl l'S H ' I ti 'ii will he '!. s:nj t.ic l-l.'P'.-l Ii - d'.ld t a ;". s.i : 1 th" pro til iiustitn itno i great .. of th.' er.treaainit taken too late." Tliis!det'enj,ML.ts was 'without -..iuv limit nn. ie s.i itL rcnaru-i ami inai, iih'v ivcpi nn 1 ing tuh ere ub .sis ami disea-ies like j follow irg the cuvt tii wh:ch h;i, it; howi-ver, the virulent infeo-1 bivn ohs. i vtd in this Stite t lions, whether hyilroplu lua or th:s Jinie. e have been diphtlieria, which mediend seize nee ever, diNenis-iig the e;ui comkit with d finite isumter- i of the jirisoners and agent", are the ones where rv-: authority tor its longer cou li.mce upon suers;utioiw methods aiwe. There is no error it of treatment do most invariable judgment of the lower court." " harm Tlu nlivi.:, . ..li..i..l 1 , aggra- IOW- legal rights we find.:-' ' tk. It' . 1 . C,..H',-. ! :drhl:iT tlie log iK'', voMui'.n. ami that thus !ar is v. 1 1 h .1' tin re Lawyers to Get their Fees. Uiclunond. Va March l.v As recommended by the finance com,, uutteo, the bouse Saturday af ternoon, by a vote of to 20. appropriateil $14,000 for four of the lawyers who prosecuted the Aliens. This bill had been pas d by the Senate. Tlie money is to be paid as fol lows: j. C. Wysor. $!,0O0; J. S. IraMT, $UX'0; V. s. Poage s. Moyd Uaudreth $2,(KKi. The final passing of this bill was just two years to the day of the ( arroll count v court tragedy March H, l!U2. t'".- r:lautag us Cannct Be Underctcod. house (. G. Notice. To the Heirs at Law of dames till be urged his 1n.i1 forward, and 'nlp, dew'd. Mis. R. K. Law- all weuiHnl to realize that the At tack was the cruical on.e The whole picture was a confused blur of blond and fiiv. Men in their dying agonies pleaded for water or cried out .maveriug rente, Mrs. L. Lew. to.l . Ivcuiiuin: You will take notice that in pursuance to an Act passod by the Extra Sossion of the Legisla ture of 1 i 1 :i, ami to Ordinances parsed by the ltoard of (ommis .sioncrs of tlie town of Pilot Mountain, N. ('., t an adiourn- ,;ir. 'eil rsesMon held on the 17th dav ,),,.! of October, pij: yun art. lu r.d.v Aas "uitied that you are required by return ordinuiu'e.s to buiid a ceiiien't ! sidii walk on front of your lots !"ii O'pot and Main .streets wit h- t! I roni i v.ivas or delirious prayers "Our Iidy of Guadalupe." On the way into ihe city Kl Verj.l early today and tieuhirly in the streets . f town itselfo, (ii'iieral Villa ccnstuntly called on to the salutes of the 0und.1l T.im ri ror in ihn Vr-i r- - im :) days from the date of this o.-me 01 ininn were limping J notice, ot the material 10 ine rear, nut to the tr..nt,:nl,i r.iiired by .said ordinam 10 eaicii iijt with their emu iiie rca. v niacei a. les. Meoy ot wn h will be furnished placed 011 bos-mui leOUest to the nii.l...'i,n.l 1 I'ltal trains, escaped and return-! or the Coiinnivxi ( i... "t - - - - - - - 1 I I T I f I 1 III 1 IMl II of Pilot Mountain will buil 1 .said waui an.t a.sscss the eost t lu r, ag.un.st our iumdcHv I d to their ciiinmaiiil.s ntl,...- lining conscioiuiit -s as they e Iteiiig borne away in litters. t (ii d t ltf-ir would "be rescuers aikl joined the scattensl pn-es- xiou foll.Avin-- in the train of This March LV, pil j. i .... f it. Jv M..!laml, ('hi.f Jv.jj,.,. lf Iowa of Pilot Mountain. X. C. the diitictilties under which the I anama Canal was dug can ,,.. 1 1 . . 11 . , , nn oi- iuwi; iHK u nv 1 lie un man who did not have an opportunity 1 1 1 1 I , 1 . .. 1 4 1 1 . t " ...o 1 in- i.miuiius ouring me construction periml. Put wh n one coaisidcrs that the luuouut of luaterud which poured down into Cub bra Cut in the shape of slides ana hreaks. uluie ainouutid to a much as all cj' the horses in th I'nitMl StHt.s could lull if i were loaded oai: wagons, sind when lie then Jurther considers that the slidirg in of the material multi plied the diffiivdiiis of getting the other sjoil out of the cut, it will be M-tii amid what difficul ties the niea: hi:d to work. AdI to this a climate that was wo moif.t tlutit shots inotiKbd over night, so damp that wtirdrobts had to be fitt.d up with electric lights to keep their contents from mildewing; and to this. ;:dd a rainfall that frequently went as high as ton fnt in a wingle rainy si a.son, on the Atlantic sale, and the tremendous job the heroes of Jhe canal army had to f;iec will begin to apjH-ar in its true light. Aid vet, in. pite of 11 this tbev exeavat.d 2:!L',0(I,(HI0 eubic yards "f material in lcs, time thaii the estimates ealhl for the excava- t hill a . ' 1 i I' t U l I U ki I . 1 1 ami form !" ' ' " ' M"n' 1 "" a,us' i ever mere Were dill Mill t les t lend inspiration to a stm-v those difficulties Wt-re encounter- at I'anajiia. And nowhere ..L... is there to be found hiieb an a-1. quale j. ict ure of thc.-e dil'fi culti,..w as the one nmtaims-l in "Hie Panama Uamd," hy Fr.-d-eric d. Ha.sk in. the one book that Uars the O. K. )(f (',,, 1H. (;H. thals on iU cngimering chapters. Thirty-Seven Mules Burn Asheville Stables. in Ashevillc. Mar. i". Thirty .s'-v-eu mub s .ei ish. d in the flames and vast quantities of household fu.'iiiture, rain and fe.d went up in smoke tonight when the im niei.se .stable and storage plant if the Asheville lray, Fuel 4; Con.struetion Co., was completely destroy (d by fire. The blaze was not disvovrml until the fbinies had gained great headway and the finniieii Mere powerbs to save the Imiilding or its contents, j Thirty-seven mules used as I dr.Ut animals were in the stable at the time of the fire aid two it tin III escaped i'rum the boil. I- 4 -.it.. mg. One was so badly burned, In.weur, that it was necessary to shoot it. Tlie household furni ture wi:.s 11, at w hie.h I I. ol hi',. 11 torcd ill the ware rot -ms of the I'o.iCeru. The building was a frame st na ture aid the quantitits of ha and grain were tinder for the flames. Tin fire spread rauidlv o all puts of the building anil ovrr U.OOO people fit in three hill sides around the structure w.il.'h. 'i!' Mic prog ris ot the t a.mes The phvsiexiu .shoi'M ae-1 qiiicM-e in the usv t.f the mad-' stone only where a competent examination has clearly shown' the aKseiiee of the disease in the dog or other source of apptv-! bended infection. If under such 1 circumstances he knows the mad-; ston,' may harmlessly help relieve the patient's further tVus. b-t ' Hcncr Rcll fcr 6th Month. Is! the madstone be used. Hut even then the physician dioiUd b-t a'l the faith in the madstone be sup plied by the patient himself, not tloirg anytlurg to keep alive throogb medical sanction a super stition whinh costs lives causts horrible deaths- every year. llp with the Pasteur treatment for rabies! Uown with the madstone WjJJ Wagt a Cfa-mpaig-n Aguuxst Tuberculosis. "Ot K ileigh. March The State I'o.iinI of Health announces that Or. I.. Ii. Mcllrayer of Ashevill "Mat juts a !!irm,lier ot the stall of the Department i f Health, special attention to be devoted by him to the campaign against tulcreulo.si.s. thus (, iiM-.lude the nian.igeuunt oi the State euloMs .initariuiu. Addre.s.s.s of persons afflicted with tubt -tvuh s is will be procunsl. It is ti ni.ited that there are fn m 10.000 to L'O.Ottn in the State annually, and correpomb nee will be main tained with these with a view to aiding them in eradicating the disease. The UnempJcyed. Another feature of the "uiiem ifloyed" .situation in New York lias been brought out by the Siegt 1 failure. It is im.tetl by The Philadelphia Keeord. That Iap.-r says tha twheii tlu- new Lord &. Taylor store aalvertihetl for 1.000 eiiiploves it irot only two thir.Ls that muuber of rcNpouses. When the Siegcl stores were i'b st tl last week 2, It HI M-rsons were thrown out of 0111 ploy inent, ! !iut the nianageis of other big -st oris swoojud down on theiii Hiwl six out of every seven had Jobs betoiv night often at better i 1 'lift,, m pay than th"y had been getting Hatcher Gad- ('arils- Atkins. Klmer Pfani:ock, Wilbur Hranneck, An drew Duniin, Archie Carter, Ku- fonl Clifton, Irene Kstes Wil 1 ; ' .. 11 nun tn-eifory, uirrv .loiuison, Herman Mays. Katherine Owen. Kliin-r (akev, Klbert Partri.lge. . William Perkins . Weldon Kob cn.s. Kyle Smith. Mary Taylor. Kl'a York. Seldou Has is, Mary Lou Hay m s. llowanl Hooker, dules Hardy, Klridge Kingsbury, Willie King.sbury, Tre.ssie May's. Willi.- Morton. Iris Lee Norman. Isidore Sehaft r, DyHnis Watson, "ca Smith. P. I) Muse. 1 2nd tirade Kichar.l Hundley, j William Hatcher, Lo mil doncs, 1 Mary Seal, Lillian Tavlor, Lul.i Tickles, :!rd tirade Delia Atkins. Man y ouncil. Howaitl Cain, Dorothy (reveling. Myrtle darrell. W'ill'i Norman, t'harlie Norman, Willie ('KeniK.n, Kobt. O'Keiuiou, Al bert Patterson, Mary Powell.. Chester Sttwart, Miiuiie Wilstm. Myrtle Mrown. Virginia Hunt Clias. Ashby. L'thel Prim. Rich ard (Tiudill. Mamie Mclnt.vre, dohu Minick, Mary Moore, Min erva Mimre, Hertha Qtiosinherry, Theinlore Keece, Virginia (iaJ laway, Amiie Myti-s, Robert vS:iiith. 4th tirade Edm Cain, Hester lones, John Roberts. Howanl .Schumakrr. Kdith Snrinkle l',.v Agnes Gilbert, Parker Howard dimes. Willie ..! 1 . . ........ v, ... ...e .u.e 01 employ meu tin t-i King, Klfra Smith. a 1. ti.iivs. n,e loss ot j oth tirade L'liab. th Work was the in ore scrions t. thl v.,11 i.'.i...... hi .... , o t I'k.o, .iiHiiei MM.gtl emiiboes ui Uut a l.irin 1 K.itl. r.....;.. proportion of them had lost their, f.th Grad. Ali.v Hai """"m ' 1 me collapse. wjit (-,it mrtaicihti lor n short tm... be an appLlling industrial cata.s trophe was tlurned almost instant aldr:tlge Griffith. ics.sie lies. Norman, Car-II.tr- tubt r-! ly into cord tion: the .sire a joyous celebration. The! a.sk.s the i), rt in. nt ones-! that ui to! old Willis. 7th Grade- Harmon Atkins Alie, .Jones. Carrie Om-al. Col lier S;arg.r. Mh iira.le Wade Hatcher, i!y ron Gentry. !Uh Grade. Kathleen Gwn, Marc Hayiie.s, Klizabeth Smith. lOtli Grade Pearl Hatcher. 11 .....:. 1. 1 . .1 . . ii.., .. , i "-, e., ihe 01 me printer last s o s a l , 1 "1," l-1! ' the names of Ivdo 1 Smith C w!r n,'t'll,-"'lf-( harlt'tt',,-l I'- rtha ( 'uesinbrv were r r jwuitM from the Honor Roll. s U at all probabl t t s of Nt w York- are c,n- gestetl vit.h the unemployed , h, II Lord & Taylor and other great stores eoJild n.t have got the

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