A blue mirlc her jucimm that the hih aeriber ti this copy of Th e.Ncw.s ii be 9 hind on subscription. I 'lease: make a ttav- 1 4 nent jls soon as tun- Vt'UK'lrt. M0UJV2 AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY:, APRIL 0, 19 1 4. .NO. 41 HOW MUCH LIQUOR A SICK MAN NEEDS. Is the Prescribing' of Liquor a Privilege That is Abused. Warren II. Hooker, in Charlotte Observer. ".hist a little on account of sickness." That used to be an okl excuse, for keeping the jug around the house. Now it Is be-coming- an excuse for getting "whiskey by the pint or quart from the drug stores. Tlie ipns t.ion has been raised it' pp'.serib ing lienor U not, in some eases, getting it "linger false jiretcii.se." or at least a privilege that) is abused. This tei:dt ncy, it bis been noticed, has been on, the in crease within recent years. In order to get id the facts in the case, to learn definitely if t lie general attitude of the medical profession, is to increase or de crease the use ot alcoliolie li quors in treating lisease, ami to establish a rough standard, rule or guide showing1 the average quantity of alcoliolie liquor now used by the best authorities on medicine, the Secretary of the State Board of Health wrote to a number of the best hospital in the country, aril to all the phy sicians in the State who have been officers in the State Medi cal Society during the last five years, and asked them to give definite facts as to the number u patients they treated in a year, together with the total amount of liquor prescribed. A great many answers were received. From these it was found that, 1'ur a total of 1SG.0.VJ .patients treated during one year a total of 001 gallons of whiskey ami brandy were prescribed. This, reduced down, proved to 1h an average t.f about three-fourths i" a tablesp'ionful per patient during the entire year. This re jni'.t, from such a large number t ' eascrom the yjiractiee ircpu- eart only be construed as being an index as to what const i'tutts good 'pract ice in regard to the ase of liquor as medicine, x rrom the replies received to the letters of inquiry, two impor tant, points were brought out: (1) A .great many of the doc tors stated1 that they were using much less liquor now than they id id from five to 10 or l.' years ago, and that, too, paitent.s are more successfully treated than when more liquor was prescribed. (2) It could not Wut be noted that, in general, doctors who had received their degrees in medi cine within the last. 10 years were prescribing a great deal less li quor than doctors who graduat ed prior to that time. A great many of the very best doctors of the younger set prescribed no liquor whatsoever. From these two .points it ap pears that unmistakably thV ten dency in the best medical prac tice of tho present dav is to le- reasc rather than increase the mailt it v of Honor ni-cscrihtd. One of tbe ino.st striking lYa tures of tlie whole matter is that while the best medical practice both ia tbe State and in. large hospitals outside the State hw a strong tendency to decrease the amount of liquor prescribe!, yet tho (U'tual amount of liquor pre scribed ly the profession as a whole is believed to be largely increased during1 recent years, and it will be notrtl that this in crease is coincident with the more rigid enforcement of our prohib ition laws. The replies to the questions ki i Ion tTt ... t U'uri. .i l iMT.-resT 1 11 ir . i . . . . . ..... that we cannot retrain from quot ing the gist of a few. Space for bids longer quotations, but these are tvpical : "I find it advisable to pre scribe whiskey to perhaps ' tl.u.. Ill ...0;..,i u ...ur " VV" I . !. til flit . ill.-, r Mill. ... ... Dunn, M. D., A.slieville. "During the year I have pre scribed no whiskey or brandy at j!i." .lames .. Phillips, M. D.. T irboro. "With all of our pra-tice, in cl'iiliiur the )ni-nif;il mil our nri- Xate WOlk We do Hot H.hJse :ill i.niount ear."- exceeding one galb J. T. Mumis. M. D., High I o nt. y "The H.-iiount iisd in the in !itutior for the year haw been mii aerage of l?0 1 ,'5 ounces per patiriit. This rather high aver age U vu-' to the quantity requir- ed by certain chronic patients, and will be reduced this year." Albei t Ai.t'ers m M. I)., sup mm tervlent State Hospital for the Insine, Ualeigh. "I do not use more; than one drop of spirits to the patient." F. II. Harris. M 1)., Henderson. "I am sure that on my hospital services only two or three pati ents a year evt r get alcohol in ainy form by my order." 11. A. Koyster, M. D., "Raleigh. "I have prescribed no whiskey or spirits of any sort luring the last year, or previous one." Wm. M. .loins, M. 1)., ( Ireensboro. "1 don't prescribe whiskey atWas l,t.ard in Torreon, Villa di all." John Charlotte. V. Jrwin, M. D , "During the last five years of ny active practice I am sat'isfi ed I did not prescribe over a pint a year, and if I were practicing now I would iiiot prescribe at all.' J. T. .J. I'.attle, M. D., (ireeiiv loro. "I have never prescribed whis key at any time; have advised patients to take very small quan tities of brandy, and that was in very few instances. Since 1 gave up general practice I have not had any chance or occasion for the use of much." M. M. Saliba, M. D.. Wilson. "I prescribe for 3.t'K) patients n r year, including' 2o 'drunk I presi-ribe one ounce ot spirits for each of these. Otherwise 1 uevcr writ- a prescription for spirits." E. T. Dte.k'uison, M. 1).. Wilson. "I prescribe eight quarts of whiskey per year this would be 20 drojw for eiudi patient." Frank M. Russell, M. 1., Wil mington. "I do not prescribe, whiskey. However, I recognize it as a valuable remedy." Dr. D. Dees. Hayboro. "I do not prescribe it in shape." J. K. Kooiiee, M. anv 1'., Wihiiington. gallon' of wTiiskey per year, and I suiiose I see at least an ntaii.vj li T . ..a T.: . . patients as h ii v phvsieian in tin ' . . . i ' , " .. eiiy. I lielieve the necessity prescribing whiskey is very sel dom indetd. In fact, I believe there are other remedies that would be equally as good, if not better, in those cases in which it. was preseribul." A. .J. Crowd M. D., (Iharlotte. These few letters taken at random mIiow unmistakably the present trend of medical science in regard to the us,, of liquor in sick'iu-ss. The Remedy Sueed- In view case, it is (d the tacts in the plain that .some sort of rfuiedy is nenbd for tin in s- eni tUrug store liquor tra le. t must be admitted that very few, if any, physicians voluntarily pre scribe much of the liquor that is now bought at drug stores. Mind pressure us brought to bear up on them by a certain class of pa tients, whereas if the doctors hud sonic goiM), concrete argu ment to fall b.ick on which would nillpeal to this class of people, tiny could, without causing of fense, avoid doing what their consciences decree is wro'f. In other words, we believe that a remedy for such conditions would be more welcome to doctors than to any one ele. For a simple, direct means of effecting this -aid, it niight be well to add a clause to our search and seizure law requiring that druggists' prescription files be auditid, av quarterly, and the average quantity of alcoholic, li-! quors jircsH-ribed per patient b . . i maoi part f a puhlk'. report to the mayor d' the town. When unci' t.he Dublic knows llr.it in t!lf. j)tft u,,-! oractiee. b-.ss tnani a tanii -spoon tin ot liquor iw-r patient treated is givin an- A. 'I finally, then the weak kneed doc-l'in i i"i :iil n;ie somei n in if id i back on. Yor ..in i .1 :. . . New Depct at ButcIi. l'he Southern lLiilwav (V. his erect d a new h-pot at Hurch !S,;ttiu'l, btlt for some reason they have not yet assigned an agent to th.it int. Tlie busln.Ks that is carried on there lias long ju-stifted a d''jt and the strange part is Vl.ht the nffi.-Lds of the ro;vd are so slow to do their :it by the j"q!e in that wctioi". Torrecn lias Fallen into Rebels' H. vd-. Juarez Mex., April Torreon fell completely into the handd of the rebel at 10:20 o'clock bo night, according- to announctnwiit unade. hero tonight by Ceneral Vennstiiano Carranza. The news was first announced to tho world when the. bugler in front of Carranza's residence blew t.he stacutto note of vic tory. The i).'ien, Carrana said, was sounded here even before it laving1 out of compliment to bin ;l. ing chief. The meagre bulletin, excitedly riinoiuicing victory after the bloodiest .series of battUvs known to miMlern Mexico, said that Vil! . ..,.t,.r,d a buvrt number ofiT . . " ? ' prisoners n'nd that 1 r , : ".. . i iceuiir ' fcib ral remnant was being pur sued. Whether Velasco, tlie federal commam cr, wa.s oapumsi wts wi; stated. I here was heavy fighting i . i ii toi.av, it is understood, and the t iid came when, after capturing the three remaining barracks lit Id in the cd" by the federals, the rebels itornied the trenches and biirbcl wire entanglements of Can yon lie (Juaraehe. The irisoners cajtured are 1k1 lieved to have bei n the defenders of the barracks, while the troops in the canyon which forms an egress from tlie hill-girt city were able to oseape. The campaign agaiiust. the fed eral .stronghold of ToriS'on, the main object of the rebel cam piign, began suddenly two weeks ago, after euvral Villa bad spent 111 . 411 t 1 tl .... M L- 1 I. f ill.. 11. .t .''It... l ...villus iu man it iii. iii.ti v ...v i .. i . nr preparations. Thi rebel less in this cam paign is said to be more than 2.0U) in killed and wounded. ivf nit? itini vt-t. 'cnor Roll of Pupils cf Granite Academy 1 27th, 1914 Academy Month Ending1 March! l.st Crude Roseoe Campbell, Kdd D.tvis, IVobbie Loftis, Wulhr Midkiff, Hen Midkiff, Jonuie Marshall, l'.ooker Midkiff, l'osie Midkiff, Kugeiie .Joyce, Clyde M'dkiff. I.cona Cainpbell, Jessie Davis. Kthcl Midkiff, Amogeiie Midkiff, .Ic.ssie Mardiall, M.iv Smith, Mav Slate, Bertie Kakes, Cl. nnie Kakes, N'nra Midkiff. 2nd (irad'1. -Hazel I jtd't Mar gie Vaughn, Heitie Hicks, Thelnui Mklkiff, Ada Helton. Tanl Ma- i hone. :!rd (irade. Wilfred Shelt.'ii. Millie Dcathtrage, Dtutiice Shel ton, Klo.ssic Vaughn, lhusie Mul kiff, Myrtle Wray. 4t!l Ol.lde I.oivie Midkiff, Vera Loftis, l.innie Deatherage, 1 1 j: 1 1 Vaiighiii, I'eiul Vaughn, Iiizv.ie Marsholl. .banette Sut phin, h'ubert Ciuinp.belJ, Chin Deathcrige, l.uihtr Wray, Fnd K irk man. th (irade.-Auntie Shcltoii, it Ii i rade- int Sut phln. Charlie Saunb is, Aura Suti; h'u. 7th (inidi--Abner Dealheragc, llussell Wrav. Tnu.tces Silc I y viri ue el t In nd upon me l a ii iwer couter- a lei d of trust exociitd on the 2:trd day of December. 1!M2, liy Henry Lump kins, ai:d iveordid in lU.-ok ";!), 11 i f the is-ciuds of luor- tgagis if Smrv Cmut, N. ('.. 1 will j,ell to tjie highest bidder, for cash, in In ait i f the Kir.st Na tl, mil :.u:k in the tonw of Mt. Airy. Surry Count v. N. C.. on Mi i.day, the HtJi dav of Mav, I H'U, at 1 ::J0 o'clock 1. M. the folh ,-wil (g d "seribml real edate to-wit : A certain riieee, naretd i tract i f l.ud 1 u:g in the rr fall: Comity and State a.O're.said. jiiwI j bounded us foihiws: lb-ginning ; on hte corner of Wil.vm (now j South) strs-tt. in Mt. Airy run Inirr South with said street L50 his f'et to a stake, thence in an Easterly iliii'etion 1S f,t to a ist.ake. thence North l.'SO fe-t to a sttlie, tin lie. with Nii"; 1 more istreet 1S feet to the beginning. Said hale made to sitisfv a . .. ni .in.. i... w ....i. ....... .. i...:ii l, . . . . . . . ... ' '"looiiiui i.uiKi-jiii in & Loan Avsoruitiori bi".-oming due through default of paym. nts i as provided. j This April Mh. 11.14. I (. C Callaway, Trustee. BLOODY DEEDS OF HUERTA REGIME. Vera Cruz, Monday, 6. Tlie m o t conservative description of Huerta's regime is tokl in the one. word "pitiless." Mexico is a bloody land, at best, bnt the historian of the future, when ho writes of Huerta's deeds, will de- scrU.)eotie ot .Mexico s bloodiest perKxls. The blood spilling of ( pen wartare w not so repulsive a the bl'Mwl letti'iig of the, ii.ss.ls - sni or me coia'oi.MMi.si, s'-cn i; miinier an'l hunal ot men in IikI - den out-ot thenvay places. Hown.iany lcadmg men of MeX ieo, of various parties, have lent I v dksaiiwartd from r" l, eaniu t now U- a.sccrtaiiie 1,11 who!,- thing is a subejt that one m Mexico I lty d.tre.s to men - tisin Tin Tuu'4ri;i ru'tmiPti u'lif 'iid aueiiim. to jerret. om ine " I'Vvii.fv- won ii in uiitibwr rill . 1 . mediately to Art kmc- No. 3j ot the constitution which provide that anv foreigner who writes Jmvthi a(,.lilU(t Mm shall be ;,. i;ut..i,.. a,.,...mi Hut the truth Is slowly coming out nevertheless, through oj poiunts of Huerta, and through sivnie of tlieir stories, secretly given to the writer, may be over drawn, nevertheless they are in teresting as indicating the hor ror with which the average citi zen of Mexi-o City views Huerta's doiiiigs. The store of the as s.uss ination lrowever, is He was a o' Soratio Iiondeii, known to be tnn grivduate of Cornell I'liivvrsitiy in the United States and a member f the house od ileputies. opposed to Huerta. One exilian g in ArgiLst of I'll:?, he was a dinner guest at the mansion of an Ameri can society woman. During the dinner he said, "I know that I will drop from sight si me day. fully expect it." At 11 o'ctk' he startnL tor h:me. but I'M setz- rurale offered for sale to Dr. liinilio Cardenas, in the village of T1..HC tiHiit hi si oiir of siCiT'tacli'S ; ., ,.ilSt. wlli.h l(0IV i'H1dUIl's 'iiitials. Dr. Cardeius, it hap !' i.ed, was a friend of Rciuhm. lie purchased the spectacles and the ruse and questioned the rui ale. "They hehiigcd to a man kille.'l last nigh'," said the ruralyJ "We were ordend to .shoot hlu' luit he tend to fight and m Wi gave him 2l bullett." Where I! -ii Ion was buried is not known; liis i'.iinily di es l ot dare t,o seek information. The .s"ory of tlu assasdnath.ii of Itelisario Dominigiiiv. sui'p:ussil belief i f the man who doesn't know Mexico. Doiningnez, a sen ator, bad openly opposid Huerta, Mexicans here belivee tlie story that Dcmiiiguez, who was forced to go to a hospital for a slight illiiHvs. was under the influence of ..'hl.in fonii fi r a minor opcni t on when word came to the pro prieti r of the hospital, Dr. I'r rutin, who was then Huerta's litrl.' I nd man, that Doiningiiey should he executed. The uncon scious man, it Is sai l, was taken in' a vat mt lot in the dead 'f nViht. ai:d .shot. Duiiiinguez was wunlthv ami talented. ' K'afail 'il!;icoita i.td Alfonso J'.scaloria, two n.w paper rcptiit i i i, who s mpathizisl with Mai lt ri, nut their death in a corn fie'd in the suburbs of Mexico lit.. Huerta, it is said, when h first became dictator, sought the win rei.iboiits cf various Mfl dero senators, He tried to bwate IVonles Mantl, a leading Ma ib rista, a::it dcr.vcrml that the two newsoair'r reporters, Villa- roita aid Hcalera, had rin'riitly interiwid Mangel. The news I 'P r men weir- arrestd and or dend to till where Mange! might b ' found. Ksealona i-efi;st d and was summarily sentenci d to be shot. Vili nsirta, it is said, gave the fact on pp mlse of being rc basid. u June 2Sth Franeivi) liarvi z. tne ciiii i ut police, m-ht : two men, in th1 care if guard, i to a siiburbaii town. On the way their guards said to them. "We're going to let you To. Voll run into that corn field and we'll say i)ii got away from us." The young fellows. lxth delight ed.j uiupil from the nutomohile whleil the Wep .. i . rinhng and. waviifg their hand in "lodJives.' d tJi-l for the cm field. Tbev o.io ooi tfoue i, n-et iM-iop" i neir i ii poiicenien lie mul money !,e-j and relieves instantly. 25c 50c. giiapLs shot them both d-ad. Inica.is.. hi- efan d they would take) and $1.00 size. Sold on a guar offK ial parlance, thy had been it away from him. ante-. All drugget have it 'ley de fuga," or "1 tw In th.' grim San Juan de 1'lua, prison at Vera Cnu then nw lies Mrs. ( I u.ulal u i v (nulle dc . Saldono, with a, new born baby girl. Her crime is that she is the cousin to Adolfo t'rive, a rebel. One evening last .January, the police entered the Saldano home miring T u ( inner noiir aiut vk ' ,,lIuno nnl h'w wife off to the penitentiary. An hour later she ; tiLv , i ('niz. ,.P the train for Vera1 equation wai uin- t.1Ul j.(Mi a district which is Hell U ho ! M,.xico'.s Siln-ria. Women ! .1,,.,.. the In (.onvicto!di rs; uiutana Hon is' j n name, of horror to the men and j women ot MextM. It was tlie : 'birth of her babv. while she was i,t.ill(r hoKl in San Juan flua pris - !on for H pasjH,rt. to (junitana i ... i. ... l i. uh, uiai avm ncr. ,vs u i.ir 1;.Slwl her hl'.s inoth-r in Mexico1 I City traced her to priMui and the auttionties gave tier iwniussuiii to attempt a court procedure to release .Mm. Saldoiia. Since tbe hiLsUind ail wife parttst at the bsrs of the i-nittntiary that Jainiary niight, mt a word has been heard' from him. He is not in the penitentiary or in any of! the jails of the city. These are a 1'nw of the stories that t.he iiiomiuu of Huerta have btvn able t smuggle to AmerioitiLs thro High the Unit ml d'ress. T1ies stories just ncratch tle surfam of conditions. Dr. Cmit'ia, Cien. Hlanquet, and (Jaona, one of Mexico's favorite bull fiirbters, w together at a banquet one eveninir. "Tv(Kk at the three matadors, " said Huerta, from across the tabu-. He meant "killers." It was a terribly grim joke, but it brought a laugh, even from the two statesmen. Mt. Airy, Rcrutei 1 News. ' Rev. J. H. Haynes filbil h;s regular iHinointni'iit at Ilolk intni. mt at. f I om soinraj mvi tlclivcrcif an able sermon to a very- large and attei.itive audience. Afttr which he was cheei fully invitid to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sim mons on this route where he spoke the magic words that unit ed their daughter Mins Lula Virginia to Mr. Wiley V. (niuiii. .rTmnieiliatclv following the erciiiony the newly wedded ouple IJev. Haynes and others wtc ushered to the dining riK-m where an elegant dinner was si rved. The groonn is the sen t.f Mr. and Mrs. .1. 1. Inm; n and is a promising young man. lioth bride and bridegroom are well known throughout the entire e ni nuinity and have ho.sts of friends who wish for tin m a hapjiy hi: 1 prosperous marriid life. M .. 11....... li . i r mi. Hiiro or i a ii m ss given the ' of fl light." Minnie Midkiff were also hapii!.w4F iinitrd in marruige Sunday April ."th1 at the hun- of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Midkiff. Kev. Will Chilton performed the ceremony in t h resenee i f a f i w relatives and friends. The con'nle are at heme at pres ent with the g mini' father Mr. Jesy Bry ant near Ararat, N. C. This yrung eonple tuive a host of frittids who wish for them a loaig, hajqiy, and prosperous life together. Mr. W. W. Simmons and son Walter went over to Dbson this week on businesri. Mr. if. S. Morr'son spent Sat urday and Sunday with the fam ily of his father Mr. John Mor rison near Kouml Teak. Mr. J. M. Hunter and wife of Pilot Mtn. K. F. I), soent Satur day and Sundav at the home of Mrs. HiiiiterVnarents Mr. ami Mrs. .F. F. Joyce on th; mute. One who loves the News. April 7, 1!14. His Shce Was His Bank. 'partai burg. S. ('., April oth. n ()v.,,r ,, lusliU :i wliite: ma;i, was arraiL'i .,1 !H fore Mai?-; istrati- Kobert J. (iantt yester-! sister. d.iy as a vagrant, aid charged; Minnie Mrs. Hradfopl's child, by th.- rural poliei men who ar-' Pantomine ami tableau, rested him at Spartanbui g dun ; How the beautiful gate came etion Friday with liaviig1 m vis-'.l jar. it'le iiiean.s of .support, be prodin--' - 1 1 J a $10 bill from :i p-.s.-rve bank,' Coble's Croup and Pneumonia" in ?l,e toe of his shoe. He was 'Remedy is tlie new liquid ex divmargcd. jternal remedy for cohls, croups. ijie man s.u.i lie w.mui not teii : HAS SHOWN CLEMENCY TO 1,178 CONVICTS. .Governor Blease'B Pardcn Rec- ord Probably a Qampajgn, Issue. Sensational (.'olumbia, April 4. Oiu? thoas aid one hundred and s'veiity fivv convicts have revived clem ency at the hauls of (Jov. Cole L. HI ease siiK-e be wa; inaugurit od for the firt time Januarv 17. pill. of this nu-nber about, three-fourths were released under ! paroles and the rest were given full i,rr,i.iij hi. li;iil their sen- , . i t. Ol'ttrie.i ft on nil 1 1 i.j I frii... fMriiiN-j Wetv eompil this moning "from records in the effice i f li. M. ! McCown, Seeretarv of Sta'., McCown, Seeretarv of i Cuvernor l'.l..n.u. u.hn t, hnv 1 l(..lttII tu. mark lu. .t fur him. I .-lf. At the annual conference i . i - at iiovernors in tiiclimond, a., in tt,.. V-..H . f 10T ;,, tlo. courst' of ;i spr,Tli (.iovernor Un ! n vi ...., ... i... Ulease, boast- u g tlien ot nw paruon r'cori, which was over 40), savl that he hoped to make the number NH) by the etui of his secerd term. With a little less than a year of that s-econd term gone the (Jov ernor's iirdouing1 reeonl has reached i:eailv 1.200 There is much speculation as to the effect the record is .go ing to have on the (iovernor 's race for the Senate. He stated after his re-election in 1U12 that he wa.s proidd of hus parlon re cord and that he considered the people had endor.M d it by re electing him. Since that time ('00 m,re prisoners have been freed, and there is every indica- t ion that the pardoning record will again be one of tlie main is sues in the campaign for the Sen ate. (iovernor Hlease is apparently carrying out his declaration that he vou'll depvpulatt he State's Prison by August 1. Many pris- I 1 1.1.! A, mers nave nevii sent oacn w - j t hav been naroud or pardoned. There are only ISfi prison rs left n the enit; ntiary. i f wl om loO (re men. 'Some ,")7 prisoners arc i niployid on the State f irms. lo.it it Is st ittd that litis is much less than the number' necessary Ui ui.rk the farms and operations will have to be greatly curt ailed. In talkirg with (iovernor Dleas it d es int api"ar that bis par doning record is worrying him. hi the contrary, he appears to l'el;eve that the people will en dorse his action. A great many b'tteis eoine to the Governor's office from all parts of the State itskiiif: for copies of the pirdon book which contain the reasons for i-a-b pardon and the whole matter appears to be attracting a gn-a' d-al of interest. 1 lintertainnient at Reekie rd. or the benefit of the church the following program will be rcnlcml at the new Methodist Church, lvocku'ord, N. C, .n Sat urdav Night, the 11th dav of April at 7 :.! I. M. Autlitm by the Oioir. I'rayer Kev. Mr. Holloway. Reiding That ohl Sweetheart mini Mis .farvis Vestal. I 'lay His old Sweetheart. Hecitatiou Auirt Keturah's fiiHt visit to the city, Ml Mauile Snow. Keeit it ion. When father firt nxle the goat. Carrie Davis. Dialogue Mis.s Sallies baby geS lost. Song1 Kentucky !bibe by ten girls. Vlay. Out in the street. Characters. Col. Wayne Irascible old gen tl man. fsi. J.yin.ti Ttiv-i A TililosiKlp ..i Matt Davis His drssolut? son. Dr. Mod fie Id Nina's Lover, l'ete" Col. Wayne saucy lark e . Polieemau. Mrs. Wayne The Col.'sife. Nina Wayin Their laug....ir. Mrs. Hradford- Col. Wavne'n neumoma and all Binammatirn,

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