No Scarcity Of Merchandise Here! This store it well itocked in all lines of Merchandise bought before the advance. We can take circ of your want* in good quality goods at reasonable prices. Reduced Prices On Ready-to-Wear! ■*» % . •,.Our entire line of Ladies' Suits and Coats at greatly reduced prices. If you need a Spring Coat or Suit it will pay you to see our line before buying. New Sport Skirts in silks and cotton. Sport Dress aAd new line Shirt Waists just arrived. Seo Our New .Spring Footwear! Hundreds of pairs Shoes for Men, Women and Children for less than wholesale cost. Our Shoe Department A Real Shoe Store Business Condition* in Country Continue Good.. Washington, May 2.—General bus-; ines* conditionti throughout the coun-' try, the federal reserve board an nounced tonight in its monthly review have not been materially affected by the entrance of the United States in to the war, although in every district there is going on a process of read justment which is reflected in many lines. The report as to Richmond and Atlanta Bays.: "Richmond—trade is in good vol ume, orders in wholesale jobbing plentiful for immediate -hipmcnt in all lines, provisions arid manufactur-' ers active, building supplies in de mand, stocks of merchandise limited and buying cautious owriig to high prices. Atlanta —the nation's entrance into war has given a quickening impulse to all industries connected with war activities and produced little or no change in other iines. Why Franklin Borrowed a Book. Benjamine Franklin was on< of shrewdest philo ophers tbi- untry ha* ever produced. And gf^nEer&Hy fce turned bis philo • phy t-> g ... 'uul in practical life. !'or t,xamo<. v.. , an inT, lenti&l mar. who. i of i he voiy ri de i.ul. Ijow do ywtt •"jppo.-e Franklin (n.'•avoiod to win him? By doing him a I indne " Not at all; but the exact contrary. He went to the influential citizen and asked to borrow a book which, as a matter of fact, he had no use for in the world, other than to get the owner of it to do him the slight favor. Of course the book was loaned with out hesitation and the lender t more interested in the philosopher and later gave him cordial support in realizing his ambition. Truly, savs Dr. Cole: "If you wrong a person, you are likely to think ill of him in con sequence; if you do him a kindness, you are likely to think well of him in consequence and to do him another kindness." This lesson every leader must learn in order to lead. —Biblical Recorder. Chinaman—' You telle® me where railroad depot?" Citizen—"What's the matter, John lost?" Chinaman—"No. Me here Depot lort " C. B. TILLEY Contractor and Ftttildcr MOUNT AIRY General Repair Work And Re-modeling ii mini ' French Beat Germans to From Staff Correspondent of th^ Aiiociatrd Pre*.* in France May 2.— Prisoner* are iitill being brought in to erved a column of rm >ke pouring out of a hole on the summit of the plateau an! soon afterward* a crov. ! of Germa" i numbering about ir. nil came out, havii •» cli• ( 1 ' teps through a ehimiey cut In the ■olid rock from the c«ivern be! > •• he French had ' tied the hill rnu.-fcer him the Gei'rtians had gone "p the -tair* and 'hey took the Cf mit - . There nre m:t::y way- f mrsl'if} ir-;; the human fp-". Food, for example, ha* n direct influence upon the face. And, a; we know, the man who tjrin'. liquor, or has become a dope fiend, tells it to the world through his face. There is no doubt, ^l*o, that one can by lieer force of will so control the facial muscles that the face may be come appreciably changed after a while. It Is unquestionable, how ever that our thought* and feelings change our faces far more than any thing else. "The«e," according to an expert psychologist, "have a way at time* of leaping into the face and proclaiming themselves to all the world a* from a housetop; more com monly, however, they stray thither without our knowing it and this ten dency become* a fixed habit; they come and fco and leave their tracks behind them; the same thought or feeling takes the same path each time, wearing it into greater and greater distinctness, till the observing world begins to learn what sort of travelers have pj> ed that way; and • ur faces, thus lined and written up on, become as epistles known and 'read of all men." Ifad you thought of it just this way befora? We, a* much ns our ancestor;, are responsible for our faces. —Biblical Recorder, Hill; Took the Priaoners. A Get-mar t of tele; Changing oar Frees. OFFICERS' TRAINING CAMPS. Eastern Department, U. S. Army. In ordor to provide for tha fopeea to tio tuthoriud by for Mrvk'* during the war, tha War De partment Km announced tha following plan: fourteen officer*' training rampe will be established throughout tha llnitad .State* in territorial district* such ramp* to train candidate* for commiaaion* aa officer* to serve with the troop* to ha rained »ub*equently in similar territorial diatricta. The course of training will lie for three' month* beginning May Hth. Men will lie obligated to Accept aurh ap pointment* in tha Officer*' Reserve' Corp* a* may be tendered them by the Secretary of War. Fr< m the men trained, about 10,0001 will fco selected to officer tha flr*t .increment of ,100,000 troop* which Congre** i* expected to authorize. Men trained but not choxvn for this service will, if found fit, h* commi* siorted in the Officer*' Reserve Corp* for service with Inter increment * of troop*. Thin plan will be carried out tinder the provision* of Section ' I of the National Defense Act. The plan i* a modification, auited to war condi-' tions, of the Federal Military Train ing fur civilian^ a< heret<^or« fnaintaViwI, iu< lading th«r int'-i*-;'.'e methods of fii^d training therein em ployed. The plan also include- fur ther training for member* of the Of ficer*' Re erve Corps, and those wh i have been recomme' 'ed for commis sions in --aid Corp* or have hereto fore applied for rurh commiaaiuns. I,oration of Camps. Ptattsburg Barracks, N. Y., for New York City and Long l-land and for Maine. New Hampshire, Vermont. M.ii nchuiTtts, Connecticut, and Kh'sle Mand. Madi'on Hiirrack?, N. Y„ for re mainder of New York state and Penn sylvania (i. e„ 10th, 11th, 14th, loth, ltith ,2.">th and 2#th Penn. Congres sional Districts.) Fort Oglethorpe, Oa., for North Carolina. South Carolina and Tenn. Fort McPhertton, 'la., for Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. Ousliflcations. Men Eligible: The camp* will bej open to the following classes: Reserve Officer* of the line (In fantry, Cavalry, Field and Coast Ar tillery) and Engineer*; Members of any Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit over 20 years and 9 months and other cadet students of the «amc nt*"!" Member' of the Xational Guard when duly authorized; Graduates of mil itary school* between 20 years and :♦ months and 44 years: and other citizens l>etween 20 years and f> month* and 41 years of aire with or without previous military experience provided they are otherwise qualified The qjalifications are those stated in Section 67 of the Officers' Reserve Corps Regulation*: Men are eligible provided they a«-e •• !!~jre graduate - or undergraduaU-'i or clearly wellj educated men, are! | rovided they have demon trated in business, athletics or the- activities th;it they po»'e-< to an unusual desrr. •• the ability '<• handle men. All applicant must le *»_' of the United -tales <>f m ral character and *ound physical condition and capable of uridoTsreim the severe physical work of drill and manci .*tr4 with full infantry equip ment. \ge I ir.i't. fi r Cradvti. i"< nw is eligible Cat agjMiiitmeat as .'nd I •• j'en:.nt after h hfc. reached the ape of ,'12 years, as 1st Lieutenant' ."ft;, ,-n Captain 40, as Major 15. It is i T: ■ toil that C'.'i :ess will horti} asked to laise these au'e limits by five years, for men -ucce fully com pleting the trainin,; in thee camps. • Obligation. Each man attending must enli-.t for a period of three n\onths and agree to accept such appointment in the Of-' ficers' Reserve Corps, U. S. Army as, may be tendered'him by the Secretary! of War. At the date of this bulletin, owing to the absence of specific appropri ation, there is no authority to order I Reserve Officers to active duty, but all such are invited by ttie War De-' partment to attend thesA camps for the full three months for purpose of training, and appli^ints who have l>een examined and recommended buf not yet commissioned will be admit-1 ted to the camps. Reserve Officers and such applicants will receive the necessary information from Depart ment Headquarters. Expense*. The general plan contemplated for citizens' training camps in rAgard to furnishing transportation, uniforms and i ubsistence will be followed. The government will furnish trans portation to the camps. The government will furnish sub-; li ■tatanra during the training ptnod. All attondMto at the camps are urgad to furni*h their own uniform* to idnim, if practicable, u follows: Hat, Service. Hat C«H, V. H. T. C. Coat. Service, O. D. Shirt*, Flannel. O. D. Breaches, 8a".iev, O l» fair Lenrin . Canvaaa. Pair Shoe*, Marching. The imtmiMnt will furnish rifle*, ammunition, haver*a< ka, mas* and rooking outfit*, tentaga, rot*, bedding and *urh ithar articles of a general nature, t may ba enceasary. Manner of Application. The applicant mint apply on tha1 official application blank. Thin form' whan fillad out mu*t l>a mailad to "Officer in Charge. Officar*' Train ing ('amp*, 19 Wait 44th Street, Naw York rity." If tha applicant'* papar* ara ap proved ha wilt lia notifiad and directed to report in par*on to an examining officar near hi* home. Officer* of the army will ha detailed at various point* throughout tha Eastern De partment to examine in per*on appli cants for the camp* and inquire into1 their individual qualification*. This will include an inquiry into th*» applicant'* physical condition. To ficilintc *u"li inquiry ai il in o'llai •hnt iIn »t ;p! leant may a^certair in advance hi* probable physical fitne/n, each applicant is Htrongly u-tfed to undergo preliminary physical ex amination by a competent physician or -uigeon. A form for thi* purpo «e containing full instruction* is provid ed. The physician's riport on this form shoul'i be submitted to the ex amining officer when the applicant present* himself in person. If accepted by the examining of ficer the applicant will receive an as r ignment to a camp arrd must prompt ly report in accordance with such j assignment. The course of instruction for the camps i* for the training of officers of the line and engineers. During the first month all attendants will i undergo a uniform course of instruc-1 tion in infantry and in those duties: of officer* which are common to all | arm*. Thereafter they will be as- j signed to the various branahes of the service for which they seem best qual ified, for the purposes of training' during the la>,t two month*. Address all inquiries for informa tion to and obtain application and, physical examination blank* from "Officer in Charge OfficersTrain-1 ing Camp*, 1!> West 44th Street, New York City." Sunday School Convention. The Mt. Airy Circuit of the M. E. f'hurch will hold its annual Sunday School convention at Oak drove Sun day. May 1 The pran Gordon, Zio.i. 'Idle I,'. rti :i-. Oak Grove. K' Roy Wiilard, Epworth. I..ny Gardner, New i It? - ■ ■ t. S« ■ • -, Zr-n. A . Mi re, Rtulah. ( .i. • in Sutpliin, Oak Grove. Song. ■ tr. Hall ■ Packer, Salem. P* a ■, \ uu-'i* Davenport; l.aur . <~r .il e"'.i' ' of ; Pur c Hrown, Salem. Duett*, Oak Grove. Reading, Elizabeth Terry, laurel Bluff. Reading, Dirk McMillian, Zion. Reading. Mamie East, New Hebron. Reading, Willie Vernon, lieulah. Male Quartette, Salem. Reading, I.undy Wiilard, Epworth. i Reading, Emtie Collin*, lieulah. Reading, Irene Armfield, Oak Grove. Children'* Song, Salem. Dinner. Organization, Male Quartette, Standard of Efficiency, Rev. W. R. Shelton, Sunday School incretary of the Western North Carolina Confer ence. The Sumlay School Teacher, Wil liam Graven, Mt. Airy. Song and benedietion. Parent* Take Qlotice. Yott will find aK ifurke's a large line of Children* stdld leather *hoe», slippers »nd dependable quality at reasonable - » —■- * ' Say, Mr. Farmer: Do you expect to make a good crop of Tobacco this year? Are you investing your time, money and labor in that crop? Suppose it is DESTROYED IN JUNE BY HAIL? Can you afford to stand the loss? You have no way oi preventing • hail »torm! But you can, at a small cost, protect yourself against financial loss, and poitv)>ly ruin, by insuring your crop against loss by h«il in^he Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia.y All losses adjusted and paid promptly through the office of the General Agent at Charlotte, N. C. Rates $2.50 to $5.00 Per Acre Call in and talk the matter over with us the next time you are in town. Prather-Fulion insurance Agency OFFICE OVER HALE'S STORE Curse For Him That Withhold eth Food. Monroe Enquirer. A great deal U being said juat now about the man who attempts! to make a comcr on foodstuff* and buys up thing* to eat ami holila on for an exhorhitant price. .Solomon, who wu wise in the affaire of men but very foolish concerning women, '-aid in some observations he made and re duced to writing, "He that withhoM eth coin, the people shall cur«c* him; but blessings shall be upon the head of him that sclleth it." The fellow who triesi to make a corner on the corn market now will hear cuss.sin' and a plenty of it. (And the same applies to Wheat and flour and other food tuffs. There is a belief that the prevailing price of wheat and flour is due in part to speculation; that while the price is actually high on account of the «-arcity of wheat and the extraordin ary demand, that omething is be ing added as a result of speculation. Hy and by. it is believed, the gov ernment will reach people , whose greed s extracting uineasotiai le pro fits in this time of stress. and when it doe, they will get all that is com ing to them. Public je- • n; t will demand it.—The Landmark.) Iv mor< »*" ' r- ' ■' f of the country t . < put I >ir- lh-?r. ;t r ! 1 • ■ .r tti*.* JtDMl U> l-Ui r ... T >. tc »ertt>' u I " I r i . ' j • If f.«.s 1: r»fr ty>cure r. 1 * ; t« , . .! It tne . IOCS I dlS' ?:'•!, JfTt"' , ■titu'.i »r>t ' ] ; r > OitAPfh ' chi . •a c: • tui U4t Ti 1? t . iknet 'thru t*• tfui f .or* d( (h« I >f>, . - r. a • - : that liait d Catnrrfa SeD«i far r ■ ;! v;» »n F J Ciir.NKY u r \»u P 1-1 by nrie- ~ If ill's Family for c r • List Your Property. We the li»t take-i for Mount Airy Wards No. 1 and No. 2 Mount Airy Township will I* »c Banner ware house from the '.tth. to ami tnclulins (he 19 iJay of May for th« purpose of listing the taxes of the said Ward*. All parties subject to list either polls or property will please corr.a forward and list without delay, as the law re quires that all polls and property shall be luted during the month of May. i'lea^e do not neglect to do this, as it will save all of us trouble. J. R. Patterson for Ward No. 1. .... A. L. Sparger, for Ward No. 2. List Takers. Cattle for Crazing Wanted. I will pay full worth in ca