Ije iUount 2M#jj Xrtos. fOL. XXXIX MOUM1 AIRY; JfOBTB CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JULY 6, 1917. MO. 61 ON FRENCH TUUUTORY. at ni Fran* ui June ST, 1k« Irnpi ImM aesid the fraolli of the ptopU who M gathered. rtN H fevor It «u Iscrnsd that the tnu •iid ratrajri M mmWiIIi the submarine mm. 1W part speedily hsficgad In honor of dM Ail the troopa now nri-ired were transferred to a camp not distant freaa where Major-General Wm. L. 3tbert is iaetalied The ace they preb •Hjr will ge soon to a point near the Ail the troop* are in excellent enthusiastic over the successful ind their recent reception and 1 far action. It is entirely permissible to say that they are part of the force which will be under the command ot Major General Pershing and for whoee ar rival the general and his staff have been arranging ever since they land ed on the other side. The American troopa will be an entirely independent command, just M are the British troopa, working of course, with the French at tl of operations m they are en M troopa have had their I at preparation behind the linen will take a plana on the battle he arranged by ; la soacattatfan with ar military ehiefs there, and probably eery seen will be carrying the Stars «md Stripes in the assault which 4tsadily are driving the Germans oat at France nnd Belgium. All the troops snder General Persh ing's command are regulars and com prisa the division which Preaident Wilson directed to proceed to France "at the earliest possible time." In formation of what other troops move ments may be made is surrounded by censorship to ineere, ss far as poasS* hie, a safe voyage threngh the subma rine tone. It is act pe^isschls to say what precautions ere re token to get the Aster teas troop ships past the wait ing German submarines but there is no doubt that the preceutiona were as carefully worked oat as they were ef fective. because it Is generally believ ed that soasa time ago moot of the Carman submarine fleet was with drawn frees its attacks on commercial chipping to make it ready to ambush the American troop ship. in force. The successful landing, while a source at gratification to Washington rdii Ids, viewed from the point of be ing a military operation, ic regarded with added significance for its asoral effect la Germany if ft U permitted to beconse known Caftiu Aritlioa School A Norjr Tnkai Station Newport News, Va., Jun« 23.—In formation obUintd from parson* con nected with the Atlantk C«Mt Aero nautical station bara tonight U to the effect that the CurtU school will with ia • faw day* becoma a training sta tion for tha navy. Because of tha abaance of Captain Thomas 8. Baldwin from tha city de tail* are lacking. Hower it la stated that tha station will no longer train dviliana or army flyer* and will be used exclusively for the training of airmen for the United Statea navy. Tha nature of the agreement of the Curtiaa company with the government ia not known but it is said that tha atation will be operated by the concern under the direction and supervision of the navy department. VICTORY DOUBLY SUM WITH AMERICA'S HELP. Waafe Wkiak W Gl**gow, Jim 2t.-Prwiw Lloyd G**rg* In * (tirring ipMck befor* tk* of tk* Nortkera Mt tf paaca a hour before tko objocU for Gntt Britain ontorod tko war had •chlovod it woald bo • calamity jr, » but * paaaa which would ibtrio* iko invaaed subject na Mr. Lloyd George pointed out that no Gorman lutooau bad preati**d tho restoration of Bolflta and Mid that tko oatonto alii** could not oetar into • conference with a ilomncratiiad Germany in a different spirit tkan thojr could doai witk tko Pruaeian au tocracy. Groat Britain, (aid Mr. Lloyd George, could hold out if Gorauuiy'a ■ ubmarine war waa kopt in bound* and tho poopio practiced frugality. Tho public antkualaaa waa toaipor od by unfriandly domonatrationa, for Mr. Lloyd Goorg* had previously in curred the hostility of soma soctioaa of tka Glaagow laborer* in hi* deal ing* witk tkem while minlater at mu nition*. A crowd of malcontent* ga tko red out* id* tk* kali and aang tk* "Sad Flag" but tk* cheer* of tka friendly majority drowned tkoir dea on*tr*tion. Mr. Lloyd Goorg* in ra plying aaid: "Never have good men itood **o in need of sympathy, rapport aad ** «n la all land*. TWy war* callad to &a| halm in a raging tornado, tk* destructive tkat ever swept over tk* world on land or saa. Great Britain *o far has weatherod the storm, has succeedul!y ridden the wava* bat tk* hurricane is not yet ov*r and It will n**d all tk* *ff*rta, *11 tk* skill, *11 the patience and all th* courag* and endurance on board to stear tk* country through without foundering in the angry deep." I Mr. Lloyd George said he was steep ed moraine, noon and night in the perplexities, difficulties and anxietiee of the war. "All the same," he continued, "I feel that the difficulties will he over come if we preserve through. "As to the military situation, there U no doubt the starting development* In Russia have modified the military situation this year temporarily to our disadvantage but permanently for the better. What happened on the west ern front showed what could have been accomplished this year If all the allied forcee had been ready to bring all round pieaaure to bear. "In training, equipment and exper ience our army is indefinitely better than it ever has been. The finest eel lection of trench pounding machines which any army has ever seen to now in the possession of the British force*. The Russian revolution, beneficient as It undoubtedly to, great as will be it* result both-this year and even more hereafter, undoubtedly has the effect of preparing complete victory." Russia, the premier proceeded, now was free and unfettered and when her distraction* passed away she would be more powerful and more formidable than ever. Meanwhile France, Italy and Great Britain have to bear a greater share of the burden. "The strengyi of Great Britain, once more flung into the beach, has once mare saved Europe and human liber ty." he declared. "But now Russia to training strength every day. It has a rapatile government; it never had a better one and her power in the fu ture would be inspired by freedom. "America, always the mainstay of freedom, to beginning to send her val iant sons to the battlefields of Europe and that la why fitter la Ml lanr Ml and mn rnaaplata tku w mM W<« hapad far. "▼Mary I* wand undar lw» MB cImIm baaad a* Wat adriaa, tk*t nk mmrimm can naithar atarra m at haaaa nor Mn aw amiaa out of tha lUld "Our loaaaa during May and J ana wara hasvy, but thay awt hundrada af thousands of ton* binnth Um idnir* "Wa ara baginnlng to gat tkaai. Ar rangaananU alao lava baan aadt far frustrating than and far (iaatraylag than. I hava no hallatlon in laying that If wa an do our part tha fiirwa aubanarinaa will ba alaioat aa graat a failure aa tha Gmrmma Zappalinaa. "If wa da not waata, wa ahaU not atarra. Wa hara auamdad la in craaabig tha food npfly and ara gagad in a graat ihipbutiding program tar lighting and far carrying parpoaaa. "If arary anployar aad avary work man pull togathar, b«twaan than thay will pull ua through. Tha army la la ▼incibla, it cannot ba baa tan and tha army now la tha paapla. Maanwhila, tha atorala of tha nation muat ba hapt up, and I eannat aaa i.y alacking or indalanca anywhara." Dm ptaaiar paid a trihaU U tha faw paraona aang tha national an thaaa. In concluding Mr. Uayd flaofga •aid: "Europe la i|ta droaefcod with M blood of tto braveot aad Ha boot, but do not forftt the groat eaccoaai— at hallowed cauaoe. Tney m Dm at tiona of Ika croea on tlx road to II iBUocipttkM of "I again appeal to the people of thia country aad beyond that thoy ihooM continue to fl|hl for tho groat goal at international righu and international Justice ao that Mtw again ahall brute forca ait on tho throne at juatice aor barbaric strength wioid the sceptro aver liberty." BRAZIL IS NO LONGER A NEUTRAL Brazil ia ao longer a neutral ia tko world war aad tho German empire baa another enemy arrayed againat it. Having previously revoked ita pal icy of aloofnaaa ao far aa it affected the hoatilitiea between tho UaHad StaUa and Germany, Braiil now kaa coaae definitely into tho open aad announced that it can ao longer bo conaidered neutral in the war between the entente aad Qermany. Although no announcement ha* been ■ado aa la whother the South Amer ican republic brill actually enter hoatil itiea, by Ita revokatioa of neutrality it definitely align* 1 tea If morally on the aide of the United State* and tho en tente. On one of the Britiah battle fronta appear* a aign pleading for "Kindneea to Animal*.'* Heaven alone know* the need for auch a plea amid the rrueltie* of war. To the hor*«, in apri.iir, a little gra*« each day, we imagine, muit taste a* good a* the Drat *trawberrie* of the neaaon do to u*. And then to the hone it'* both meat and medicine. DEMOCRATS AND RSPUMJ TO ASK ML STI MAN TO STAT to again mmks tka net far tka era Uc nomination froat tfco flfth. Tkaj action, if toll— and tt toin that it will—will ba ad ia tha History or tha |cranuMit It wonid ba a kick triknto to Major Staaiiian aa a au and aa honor to tha Confederate soldier* at wham on ly two. Major Staadman and Gaoaral E«u>pinal, af Louisiana, remain in tka Tka writor waa told by two at tka biggoat nan in Crwigraaa today that tka wihan of tka kaaaa would aaa poaaibia to Imi Major in that body. Hia Mat waak on tka food bill ta by many at tkaaa board bin speak and it waa only i ka waa congratulated by botk ihlUani that a of hie eollaagwee ia tka \ to to H^tla to able to perfo At mmm Im tmr man 25 ;ttri younger tfcaa Im. It la claimed that ha wOl ba able to do kia atoto and country a grait aarrka by remaining in Wai>ln|t«a to batp ap hold the hand of tba President aad ba will not ba allowed to retire If bia friends can prevent it. That aneb a movement la already) under way in tha atoto wma by tha Major whan ha waa aaan todaj. Ha aaid that many of hia frienda bad writ ton him uifiif hia not to retoe from Coagreaa bat op to tha time ha appaara not to hava eiaioa othar than hia atatoment azcluaivaty to tha Daily N« ago to tha a#act that ha would | It can ba aaaQy sees, however, should praaaura ba aroaght such aa ia propoaed, ha Might ra conaidar, provided tha ■ wlnatlin ia given him without a light. It ia ba liavad by Damocrata from tha Mth that M^jor Staadman can carry tha district naxt fall without tr.akls whila other* might exparienee great ty owing to tha unaattted tondHioaa | politically throughout tha Major Staadmaa ia a mam bar of tha | foreign relation* coaamitto of it houaa, which baa had aoaaa of tha big gest questions to handte daring the past thraa year*. Never has a ate* ber of Congress gathered *o many friend* around him aa has the major. Democrats and Republican* rota for moat any measure that he advocates without even offering a word against bis proposition. After year* and years of lighting by othera be was able to have the government take over tha Guilford Battlefield without even i vote being cast against tke measure. Road Must Be Maintained. Be not deceived. Building a road does not mean hawing a road. It must be maintained. And for this the King road drag is an all-important tool. 1 ENTHUSIASTIC CHUTINC The J«um1 4a BtU hi aa editor - 1*1 aaya: "The grind damntaoy of tka mw world deee mMri by W>m. It atari this nit conflict in full caaaiMMa of the mda to ba at tained and witk ftiH raeohittoa to neglect notking In attaining tiin anda What we vitnaaa today tai the arrival of tke Aaaericaoa on fnack aoil la ■sgnlflsent proof of this fact. "Two months and a half after tke Americana aaterod tha war thair hardy troopa arrive ia aoUd linae upon tha European front and it ia not a modaat advance guard aa tha moat hopeful hardly dared to ex pact. On tha contrary, tha forces which hare joat landed on oar (tore aurpaae any thing which could reasonably have bean expected within ao abort a time. Whan wo recall tha laagth at time it took England to aoca bar forcaa to Seotk Africa and. similarly the laagth at time It took aa to i hr tka. ita Ml tkey bring ia on tka aaala aa their troopa. Thoeo who have bean doubtful whether tha American concourse would costa in time have failed to es timate at ita juat value the tremen doaa moral and material Aaurtcan power that Gorman brutality haa mo bilized against itaalf. And what wa aaa today ia only the commencement. Sack day henceforth will iacraaaa tka weight of that formidable sword thrown into tka balaaee by the slater republic of America. "Who can even in Gerauny, he blind to the Inevitable consequence of the events wo new are witoeeelng*" TWa Rhmu Ei-Cht. Durham, July 1.—"The German kai ■v ii i thousand-fold mora despotic than the former Russian cur t««r was; he U truly a demagogue in silk glov«»," Hectare# Rabbi M. Rabinovita, who has returned to Durham from war stricken This and Mijr other reasons, ac cording to the rabbi, wilt keep lassie in the alliance against Prussian ism. "However, the csar may hare been to our people, he waa never the deepat or traitor that the hpiser has shown himself to be," said Rabbi Rabinovita. "It is true that the depoeed idot—the csar of Ruasia—paralysed Ruasia; that he enforced unjust laws against our people, and drove us hack into the pale, closing all institutions of learn ing. Bat yet, though he employed pogroms and inquisitions to reach his end, he was never so diabolical as the present ruler of Germany. The ex csar fought in the open, and the Kai ser stabs us in the back." Wants Situation lavastigatW. Pheonix, Arii., June 2».—Activities by labor agitators among coper miners in this district, which Governor Thom as Campbell designated as of a "sinis ter German character," caused the governor to ask the war department tonight for a military investigation of the situation. WOftST CRIMINAL SINCE MEBO, KAISER 14 STYLED. Wrightavllie M, Jim aide sm—bly beta today nriwlnatad k mi oitkant of patriotic feeling and vMlbrNi applause h tha Im speak ar. Dr. W. M. Vines, of Charlotte, pi Mi Ml hot (hot Into the kaiser and all W Ma outfit, incIodine Canaan Walter, * factoring that ha waa tea worst ate' . hml lima Naro wMh apnlsgtss to Kara, and Intimating that Otd Nkk himaalf Mlfht laarn looa valuable laaaona bp matriculating la tea school of hia la pa rial majaaty. In hia addraaa today on "The Chrie tian Minister and tha Graat War," Dr. Vines daclarad that a poaitvon of neu trality in tha question waa untenable and Imposaihle for a Chriatlan minis ter. Ha quoted a numbar of Scriptur al pasaages showing God'a wrath against wickedness and that war waa not out of harmony with God'a pur poaaa. While Christianity will ulti ma taly deatroy war, wa are living in a rial and not ideal age. Tha divine warrant for a rightaoua war la proven by tha attitude of tea church In all agez eon Armed by the teaching* of Paul and the general trend of New Teatament ethics. There ia not a word in the New Testament against war, he dec la rod. Hia first appeal waa to patriotism, which ha aaid waa a divine impulse in separable connecting with religioua ta stltntion. For America not to have declared war would have bean aoki tarial and vary natieoaJ existence waa wrong then tha men who foaght at Kings Mountain and Bunhar Hill war* all criminals and not heroes and —If u Tear down their mounmenta. We are fighting for our hom»» and our loved ones. Life would not ha worth living with German domination. He appealed to humanity. The Crimea of Germany are innumerable *and hor rible. There ia no crime in all tha catalogue of crimes that Gerasany haa not committed. 8he U tea mad dag among the nations. She mut ha _ eraahed and destroyed or else civilisa tion is wracked. The kaiser ia the greatest criminal since Nero, la fact I should apologise to the shades of Nero." In hi* appeal to democracy he •air' "Our father* fought to democratize America. We are fighting to make a planet democratic. A* muck a* I de plore and hate war I foal that thia war muat not atop till the houae of Hohaa aollem ia overthrown, whether it takea aix montha or aix year*. We muat win the war and we ahall win it. America haa never loat a war and ike will net loee tkia one. "I am Irmly convinced aaid he that tkia war la an awful surgical operation wktok will aave the aattmi from decay and pi mi 'i e civilisation from attar oarruptioa. A ad, what ia more, will aea tribute to the reeto ration at the Christian religion, to Ma parity and real miaaion on the earth. Darioua aeea, dependence, faith, sacrifice aad suffering are aeaantial to the Chris tian propaganda. A■ we look death ia the face and realise tke meaning at life that wa are i iti—i of eternity, oar people will eamm to themssless aad whan tke ■moke of battle haa pa mad away, we ahall team the folly of war and enter upon a new era af brotherhood and altruism aod spirituality which will bring about the triumph at tke king dom of Chriat among am." Duly Qualified. Birmingham Age-Herald. "Where did Pibeon get hii early training ai a war correspondent?" "When he waa an urmnary news paper reporter he aaad ta 'cover' a court of domaatic ralatbma." ,

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