Mount Airy Newt. Lt Airy. *. C, i«»T 1»K ItlT. SUMCKimON BATES: IIM R»d CroM Note* Dunn* tlM put w*k there have been 191 names enrolled for member ship in th« American Bed Croaa at tha Mount Airy headquarters, and 36 enrollment* from Pilot Mountain. Mr. John A. l-emmcrman roiiductarf ■ canvass for mmmborw during tha waak and enrolled 46 members from the employees of tha Umnwrm»n A Hoffman (irsnite Co. ai.d Mr. J. D. 8ari»nt has handad in s partial en rollment from among ti.a employees of the J. D. Sargent liranita Co. con taining 44 namaa, in both r«aaa tha report to tha headquarters waa ac companied with the full amount of the Annual dues, wh:rn la commend abla aa tha propar way "to da things." Mr. J. D. Sargent will complete hia canvaaa of tha "Big Shed" aa noon aa ha can poaaihly "gat to it" and ha •xpects to nend a larger liat than that reported thia waak, wnich ia vary promising. Mr. Sargent and Mr. Lammarman have set a pretty faat pace for tha other members of the Membership Committee to follow. Mount Airy should have 1000 members and if all the present members would "do their bit" in the sail spirit and with the same "push" as Messrs. Sar gent and Lemmerman it would only take a day or two to gat them. Ev ery member get a member. Leave your name and Annual subscription at Headquarters. Mrs. W. E. Merritt has been ap pointed as Chairman and Mrs. J. A. Lemme^man, Vice Chairman of the Committee on Headquarters and Sup plies and it is the purpose of the Ceaa ■ittee to keep the Headquarters open •very day to l+»e out work and prop erly inform inquiries regarding the various activities and purpose* of the Red Cross. A circular received from National Headquarters to-day has been placed in the Post Office and is an urgent appeal for Volunteer Ambulance Driv ers for immediate service. Bead the circular. There are indications from recent n«ws reports that in some sections of the country, well defined localities, the majority of th citizens do not realixe that the United States—Our Country —is actually at war, and that a large number of troops fcre »t the front liable to be engaged with the enemy at once. Such is the case, and that great noble institution, the American National Red Cross is depending on the people of thsi country to help pre pare for any emergency, in the gen eral plan to provide adequate and necessary hospital service for our men as it is needed. Everybody in this country should join the Red Cross Society and back up the National of ficers with liberal support, that they be not hampered or hindered in do ing everything possible for the relief and comfort of our defenders of the Democracy. Every soldier wounded in this war will be wounded for us, here at home, let us help at least to make him comfortable and get him nursed back to health. Memberships are 91.00 per year and upward as you chwose. Subscribe now. Mr*. Will Worth Dead. Mr*. William Worth died at her home in this city at 6:30 o'clock Sun , * day evening having been ill about *ix month*. Before her man-lag* she wa* Mis* D«i*y Traniou of Pfafftown She wan .19 year* of age and 1* sur vived by her husband and eight child ran. TTiree children prec ceded her to the grave. Her parent*, four bro ther* and one *i*ter also survive her. Mr*. Worth was a con tec rated christian woman and a devoted wife and mother. Th* funeral was held at the Friends church Monday afternoon and bar ramain* laid to rest in Oak The nU in whirh B. M. J mum, at Granite Fall*. M. C, *w im»c the county tor MVaral tfcouaand dollar* •M aattlad recently by tha n—ty paying Mr. Jonea bia elate and tha intereat to data of lattlamant. Tha county Commieeioaera claused that tko work dona on county bridgna waa not Mtbfactory and refuaad paymant. In the Mttlataant Mr. Jonea got all be aakad earept that 11 OB. 00 waa retain ed for one year boeauee of mm job of cement work that It la claimed ia not *atiafartory. If the work atande for a year and provaa la be alt right ha will the* bo paid the money kept back. W. V. Tartar renrvaented Mr. Jnnea and tha county employed to aaaiat tha county attorney A. K. Holton, of Win *ton-Salem, and Judre Strudwick and Judge Adamn, both of Graenaboro. ML Airy Route 1 Tlawi. Threshing machine* are busy in this Mction at thin time and the grain crop mniri to be turning out well. The littla child of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hun tar ia vary lick at this -rrttinj Dillard, tha littla four yaar old aon of Mr. and Mra. C. F. Coek, acridcntly fall off tha fanca a few days ago and broka his arm. The family physician was at ones summoned and treated tha facture and indications are now that he will soon be all riffht again. Mr. R. C. Samuels lost a good horse Tuesday of this week. There will be a foot washing and communion service at Stony Creek the 3rd Sunday in July. A large crowd ia expected. The protracted meeting will begin at Holly Springs on the night of the 4th Sunday in this month. It will be conducted by Rev. C. F. Fields assisted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Callaway. Mr. and Mra. J. S. Morrison attend ed meeting at Tom's Creek Sunday. Mr. Morrison fillad Uie pulpit on Sat urdty for Eld. G. O. Key as he was called away to conduct a furneral ser vice. Mr. Walter W. Simmons, traveling salesman for tha R. J. R. Tobacco Co., and whose headquarters are in Minn., is spending his vacation with his par ents on this route. Mexico May Join Allies in War on the Germans. El P*»o, Tex., July 5.—Sine® the pro-ally campaign in Mexico was first started by El University in Mexico City, the sentiment favoring the allies has reached northern Mexico and, dur ing the past 30 days, a well defined movement favoring an open break with Germany and the alignment of Mexico on the side of the entente al lies has developed. This has been in spite of the pro-German sentiments published daily in Chihuahua City, and in other papers believed to be subsidized by the Germans in the north. A reflection of this sentiment was seen recently in the statement by Gen. Francisco Gonsalea, acting com mander-in-chief of the northeastern military zone with headquarters at Chihuahua. He was overcharged by the German firm of Ketelsen and Dag eteau for some padlocks. The mana ger was arrested and placed in the penitentiary. The German consul made a demand for his release "in the name of the imperial German govern ment and the kaiser," according to an Anscrican officer who was present at the time. "Tell the German consul he, the im perial government and the kaiser, may all go to hell," General Gonzales an swered. Prominent Mexicans in close touch with the capital, predicted Mexico will declare war on Germany within 30 days. According to these men all German money U Mexico City, Torre on. Chihuahua City and other banks and all German boats will be seized as soon as war in declared. HAYNES O COMPANY F JRE Health — AccMrmt — Liability INSURANCE NcCar** ftnlVtlng Hi «lrr. K 0 | AUOTLAIIU WILL END EUROTtAN WAX QUICKLY "Victory Liu m Um Air Cm (My U WM fcy 1*009 or Mm* Ficktwc PW" Baltimore, Md., July B.—Dr. Joaapli I. Amu, prafMMr of phisics at John* Hopkins university ind ckainnui of tha commission of sciantiata appoint ed by thia »i and ether foodstuffs has bean put info effect. • Whether H axil will suplement her action by a formal declaration of war is not known here and by some officials fcuch action is regarded as doubtful, because the government at Kio de Janeiro 1* inclined to regartj iu action rather defensive than aggreanv*. Call of Arown"r"^im™^«inf. h»i!ir at"the Town Hull an July 3rd, 1*17 all mmm t, the following ac to rafarasea to a rota at lsauing WO.OOO M at town bonds for achool purposes to-wit: An aiartion is haraby pursuant to an act of tka General at I#17, and at the request of tha Board of School CoaamiaaioMrs at tha town of Mount Airy an election ia haraby ailed to ha hald to tha two wards at tha town at Mount Alnr on Tuaadfr, tha 7th of Auguat. lilf. An entirely naw registration ia ordarad for tha Mid aiartion. J. C. HUI >. haraby ap pointed registrar for tha 8rat ward, and Hughrtlley and Joha A. Martin are haraby appointed aa Judges for tha Mttd (taction in tha flrat ward, and C. C. Hala ia haraby appointed regis trar In aarand ward, and W. T. Hannia and J. H. Fulton are haraby appoint ed judge* for tha election in the eec unil ward. The aald ragiatrar'a thaH open the booka for the reiriatration of votara on Tuesday tha 24 of July. 1017. at 9 o'clock A. M. and kaep the booka open until eunaet each day except Sun day at any convenient place in the Kaid want except on Saturday's whan the aald hoe Its ahali be kept open for registration during the name hour* at the regular poling places, and the said books ahall cloae for registration on Saturday the 28, day of July, 1917 at nlindown, and that the judges of the aaid election will meet with the registrar'! ir their respective place* on Saturday the 4th,day of Auguat, 1917 for tha purpose of hearing chal lenges. The said election ia called for tha purpose of ascertaining the will of tha qualified rotors of Mount Airy up on the question of iaeuiag 130,000.00 of bonds of the town bearing 5 per cent, interest and running for thirty yearn for tha purpoae of purchasing additional lot or lota, and erecting an additional building or buildings for tha graded achoora of tha town of Mount Airy and for auch other pur posea as the Board of School Coramia aionert mar direct. This order ahall be published to both of the local papers of the town of Mount Airy for twenty daya. E. C. BIVENS, F. M. POORE, Mayor. Sec. and Treas. Tax Notice. AH delinquent taxes thit are not paid before Jul>«, i917, Lill be ad vertised and eollectiNtmaae according to law. City Jmx Collector. Are Yea eae ef Them? There are a great many people who would be very much benefited by tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets for a weak or disordered stomache. Are you one at them ? Mrs. M. R. Seal, Baldwins ; ville, N. Y., relates her experience in the use of these tablets: "I had a bad I spell with my stomach about six ' months ago, and was troubled for two ! or three weeks with gas and severe I pains in the pit of my stomach. Our j druggist advised me to take Cham berlain's Tablets. I took a bottle j home and the first dose relieved me wonderfully, and I kept on taking 1 them until I was cured." These tablets | do not relieve pain, but after the pain I has been relieved may preveDt its re currence. NOTHING TO tiO 'TILL SUPPER TIME Put the meat in right after lunch-V-give it ."hirty minutes of quick heat, then close the damper and th^ New Perf erfVm heat-retaining oven does the rest. / It'a the atove that cookaXrhile the cook'* •wax. Save* time anc^money too. No (ire to build and' tend, no aahee to empty. Take* Kali' the drudgery out of your kitchen and beep* it cool. A new feature fi the New Perfection— tha reremble (i*M reservoir. Aak your dealer to show it to jrou. ALADDIN SECURITY OIL m •iiperior kerosene, ahould be used for beat result*. Alway* clean and dear burning. / STANDARD OIL COMPANY blAINU CH.-J—'> CWW^.NC. W^ing^O-C. RALT1MORE (toy.*', V» Norfolk, V*. RKkoMMd. V«. .s. c NEW PERFECTION OIL CpW^TOVE _ - JURY LOT _ * Sorry 3n»»H.r Comrt, Amg. ST. rtfat V«L ' L. r. Onaal, J. W. Brtnklay, B. B. Waters. A. E. Kay, W. I. lull, 1. P. Appanon, Arias Quasi abarry, Martia Craad, C. W Vau*hn, Joa Fhillipa. J. W. Aahburn, W. G. Hill. J. P. Taj, i. M. Aahburn, Haary Mhalton, B W. Watson, E. V. Stona, E. C. Plynn, C. K. Wall, G. M. BUI. H. W. Bine. W. H. Flinrhum, P. M. Poors, Sr., W. E. Karri tt. Hrrmmd Wa*L S. D. Harbour, B. f. Ho Mar, C. B. Hardy, W. P. Mulkiff. K. P. Clifton. Timothy Hill, R. H. Lora, L. A. Pall. M. P. Butnrr. N. 9. McCann, J. P. Lawls, A. M. Short, B C. Poora, W. H. Hlatt, J. Hsnry Linaback. A. L. Srott, C. W. Campball, G. C. Welch. , p-y*fy y. J EsSSSsi FZl 1 B. JOHNSON * SON. If falling la im with Im*I i ' It tacurabla ■Or «*■ imhmbV quiru eciuUliiUoul IratWMl Hall's Catarrh Car*. m«n.if«^t»rs4 fcr 9. I Cfeaaay A Ca. ToMu. 'Jhla, la a ««—*l tuiioaal maalr. la takaa lataraallr ' ula thru tha »l«o« mm tWIUlla; a of Uu lrxaa Oaa HuM ninri la r»4 far aar oaa* I'a Catarrh l'«ra hill to Mta • circulars and t«#tlmaalala P. A CHKXBY * CO.. Tala4a. Ohla. •old br Dru»»!»'■. 7So. Hall's Faaiilj Piila far We've Bottled Up the Pirates of Business The business world has its pirate*, as unscrupulous as the marauder* of the sea. They arc the maker* of imitations and substitutes for stand ard products. They huve imitated the eppearance oi Lcllc-.zus end r.cfrwsh r * t> irlhte Its ¥C'tIi. tloes t*ot r'-ijj true. tH* Coc*-Cc !a bo!t!e a* tH* hw - -H.U *ta new Coca in Lottie* fnxa Ml Airy Bottling Work*.