POR MALE—flat of tobacco Aims. W. H. Bowman. Ararat. Va. On tart Saturday, he^wqta Mount Airy and Ijtw*op I lo«* jk\m number plat* on my auto. Th«( number la 17-781. Fifty rant* reward for Ma return, t. G. Lowe, I.owgap, N. C. FOR SALE—MUh eoM in Ana can rfition, prod urine «t i*''<« FOR SALE—I hav«t for sale at my mill one 44 ingfi corn mill all complete. Heavy Burr*, hoop, hop per, spindle, and/ pulley etv^en Sul phur Spring and Quarry Wednesday night. Finder can get 'raptard by re turning it. J. A. SatterfiSd, Mt. Airy. W. H. WAKEFIELD, M. D..oi Char lotte, will lie in Mount Airy, at Blue Kwige Inn, on Saturday, J(eptember 15 •ne day. The doctor Jim its hist prac tice to the mediqal and surgical treat ment of Eye, Efccj None and Throat 4iaea.se* and fitting glasses. Auk your doctor and my patients. _ 9-15. WANTED—A log contract saw mill at Gertaantoir We wiH furni.-h one good yoke of cow*. H. i. Thurman Lumber Co.,/ Banner Bldg., Greensboro, N; C. FOR SALE—Bay mare and bj|g(y> good saddle, works weU in yfrnes*, also riding, buggy and wiag^n har ness. Apply Robert C. PhiliM, E. Pop lar Street, Mount Airy, N'Ca tf ~l— 7 WANTED— Saw qfill man with hU own outfit to lo| boundary in Ovli^ord County. H. J. Thurman Lumber Co., Banner Rldg., Greensboro, N. C. r FOR SALE—Genuine Favorite cook ing range in good/condition—price reascnnhle. Mra. /('. W. Grouser, Taylor Street. y / WE WILL clean «ed *h<«i for our customers free of charge Granite City Mills. WANTED—Good miable cook, pay 2.75 to SJW fiy Efficient help. W. E. Jackson. \J Stomach and Llrer Trouble*. No end of aniaery and actual auffar iag la cauaed by dinordera of tha utom a»in rlass of defendants. Lihawiaa doaa it aaaure all persons certified for aarviee under tha aeiective service act that to fail to Mohilica whan ordered by local board* ki Ui BuUNHiticilly bi clAMtd m • dinrtf. Warran 0. Brown, local tlnitod rttatoa coauaiasioner. thia morning pa rm 11 tod tha correspondent to inspect the recent latter of instructions froai the attorney general and tha 11 ret par agraph of tha letter quo tea section three, title one, of the espionage act, which follows: "Whoever, when the United States la at war, shall willfully make or con vey faulsa reports or statements with intent to interfere with the operation or succeaa of tha military or naval forces of the United States or to pro mote the succeaa of ita enemies and whoever, when the United State* is at war, shall willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty, in the mil itary or naval forces of the United States, or shall willfully obstruct tha recruiting or enlistment service in the United States, to the injury of the ser vice or of the United States, shall be punished by a tine of 'not more than 110,000 or imprisonment for not mora than 20 years, or both." It la a violation or tnis section to obstruct willfully the recruiting and enlistment in Mrvica of the United States. The commissioners have been advised by the district attorney that it ia not necessary to show actual ob structing of recruiting and enlist ment; the advising of the resistance of such recruiting and enlistment con stitute* the offense. It is sufficient if the thing said or the act done has a legitimate and proximate tendency to obstruct such service. Any violation of section six of the | selective scrvice act is classed as a misdemeanor and the failure of those certified under the act to mobilize when called to service in the draft army ia a matter that will be invwti gated and tried by military authori ties and are subject to court martial investigation without the necessity of warrants being issued for the offence. Men who have shown an unwilling ness to receive notices through the mails calling attention to approaching physical examinations had best be ready to report for mohiliiation, it ia stated, for the local board ia deter mined that the rules &a prescribed in the act shall be followed. High Point Mill Men Comply With New Law. High Point, Auk- 28.—Local hos iery maunfaclurcrh are not waiting until September 1 to «ut loose all em ployes under 14 year* of age at re quired 4>y the Keating-Owen child la bor bill and as a result of the short age in help is becoming more serious. Recently a representative oifthe child labor division of the deportment of la bor spent severaldays in the city gath ering information as to the age of workers and all children 14 years and over who intend working were asked to call and bring proof of their ages. AA number did and these children «ill be given certificates while their em ployers will be given permits to em ploy. _But no way of securing workers to take the place of the several who will be forced to quit because of the opera tion of the Keating-Owen law has been found. Four new hosiery mills erected and in operation since the first of January this causing a division in the workers, and the fact that ell men are workin and making good money, this enables the women and children U> remain at home, having served to make the shortage embarrassing to the mill mea. num. to iMN jrou detailed to alun rMm training eaapi or s«s»plad frw this service unless yon have MM vary goad rmnw for aakiag lor More than 100 North Carolina boy* within the part month have paid Chair own way to Washington, or had thatr 'area paid by frlonda or relative*, to »pp—I to Sana tori Hlmmont and Ovarnaaa to have thaai aithar exemp lai from tho draft or tranafered to tho officers raeerve training ramp at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Horn* North Carolina boya amployod aa clerk in tha fovamamt aarriaa hava aahad far exemption on tha ground that they ran net be ■ pa red by tha government. If tha young man are drafted they muat report to tha training camp de signated by General Crowder. After they reach tha camp they may demon atrate to tha commanding officer their aepecial qualification for ■erring aa an officer or In aoma other capacity ai. the application will likely be given consideration. After due deliberation. If the officer in charge flnda that tha man la quali fied for a commission in the army he may be designated to tha training camp. The United States government has undertaken a huge task. Millions of young men have beat, drafted into tha servieoof the American government. Each man of military age must serve and according to Lawrence MacRae and Cortes L. Wright, two of the mainguards of Senator Simmons' of fice, each man must serve his country and ha need not and eonnot expect po litical influence to work for his exem ption. Lieutenant-Colonel R. A. Noble, medical corps, has au order to return to Greensboro for duty. His many friends in the Gate City will welcome him back in their midat. Food C«um Wilt bo Taken in Philippine. Manila. Aug. 18.—A iltUilo! census of the food supplies of the Philippine inland* is to be taken at one* to de termine what ground* there may be for fears of a poutihle food shortage. The food hoard recently appointed by Governor Harrison ha* collected sta tistics of all kind* of food staples in the islands. and this report is now in I the hand* of the chief executive. An effort ia to be made to arouse the entire Filipino people to the necea aity for an intenae food cultivation ram pa i rn. The government, particu larly through the bureau of agricul ture, ia to co-operate in every possible way, furnishing seeds, technical advice and government land wherever it ia available. The city of Manila ha* I turned over to the Woman'a club of Manila areas in variooa parka and city lands amounting to a quarter of a mil lion square meters to be used for small vegetables gardens to be cultivated by pupils of the public schools and women and children of the poorer Filipino families. The city itself has planted in Harrison park, the new public play ground opened in honor of the present governor generar, guinea grass which ia to be used as fodder for the hun dreds of horses employed in city work. The bureau of education has isstjed an urgent appeal to every school sup erintendent and every school princi pal to make an effort this year to doable the production in the school gardens of the archipelago. The sailors from the commandeered Gar man vessels who are now interned at Bagui>, the mountain reeort of the Philippines, have been given land la which they will rai** vegetables, not alone for their own maintenance but for sale as well. Commanders of dif ferent army posts scattered through out the Philippines are making an ex amination of the soil and ground in their reservations with a view to uti lizing every Inch for the production of food. Tmi on Um Job. Tako the whnlo cou.itry into war, Unci* Sam. If you «hould nood it; And Teut, on tho Rio Gl —<0, Cm raiM tho itnff to food it. to airaarfi—if >nun.nn(. Tfc. ary that Vktw1! iaat aaiaay «u margad into Uua trika la haid by auuijr who hava maita a atudy af thia ■attar. Thaaa paopl hava alwaya bald tham aaivaa aloof from tha nagraaa, and tha Lajillatura raa parting lhatr faailnga provulad a pa rata actlooli far thaw U la aatlmatad thara are 7.TM achooj child ran among tham batwaan I ha agaa of aix and twanty-ona yaara. Loyalty to thair Manila and hatrad of thatr anamiaa la tha chiaf cbaractaru tfc of thaaa pavpla. Wa hava baan ax caadtngly intaraatad in a atudy of tha ralifioua condition* at tha Craatana. Tha Burnt Baptiat aaaociation, am bracaa within tha bound* of tha aat tlamant. Thara ara 14 of thaaa churehaa with a mambarahip of 909. Tha minutaa far 1#»« ara bafora ua. Tha objaeta of thatr banavolanca ara miaaiona, minuta fund, paatora nilary education and charttiaa. Tha valua of thair church proparty ia >8,060. Thay paid thair paaton laat yaar 469.36. Thay cava to miaaiona 17.00. 84 wara racaivad into tha churehaa in tha var ioua waya and 66 wara loat by 1 attar, axcluaion and daath. Rav. J. J. Ball ia tha moderator and W. D. Oxandina ia dark and traaaurar. Tha atory of their progrsas la rather crudely told, ami yat it ia a story of progreaa. Ths uttar lonaaomanaaa of thasa paopla in • hair struggle to promote tha Lord's kingdom in pathetic. They are hospi table to strangars and willing to re ceive instruction. In fact they hail with joy tha coming of thoae among them who are able to impart informa tion and point out the more sxcsllsnt way. Aa a denomination we have not been faithful to thsss brethren. We have let them severely and they have been forced to make their way through the darknaaa without oar sympathy and h«lp. They are people of many excellent trait* of character. One of the remarkable thing* about them ia their raapect for woman-hood. The Lowry gang, the notorious out law* that flouriahad aor some year* shortly after the war committed many out rages but never in.ultsd a woman. Our people ought to pay more atten tion to these Indian brothren and help them In their strugsM to improve ; their moral conditions; and there ia no I better way to do this than through the grater efficiency of their church life. The moral tone of their com munity ia low, to be sure, but this ia not at all surprising. What they need is a new vision of the truth and duty. The power of the gospel to uplift and inspire them is their great hops. The whits brethren hold in their hands the vary blessing they need. Shall we deny the lamp of life to them? The next session of the Burnt Swamp as sociation will be held with the Oak | Grove church, easily reached from ; Pembroke. It ii by no meana an eujr matter to cur* thu disease, bat it can b« don* in moat instance! by taking Chamber lain'* Tablets and complying with the plain printed directions that accotn accom pany each package. WOMAN NOW IN PERFECT HEALTH What Came From Rtxiing a Pmkham Adr«r Patenoa. H. J. — "I thank you for the LydUE. Piakham nwdwi a* they and healthy. Some tin* ago I felt a* rundown, bad pain* in my back and tide, was very Irregular, tired, nervoua, bad aueh bad dreama, did aot M like eat ing and bad abort breath. I read your advertisement Id the newspaper* and ham't Vegetable CompounAlt worked from tb» first bottle. M> I took • aecond and • third, alas a bottle oi Lydla B. Ptnkham'i Blaod Purifier, and now 1 am Jut aa w«U a* any other woman. I ad vise ersry wocuan, single or married, who la troubled with any of the afore aald ailmenta, la try your wonderful Vegetable Compound and Blood Putter and I am sure they will help her to get rid of her troublee aa they did me." - Mia. Blub i. Yak on Sami>k, as New York 3t, Pateraon. N. J. Write the LydiaC. Pink ham M«dMaa «padbiadvtM.Ljr '' country and plana (a* a M* national (ovarnmanl. Ha declared that any at tempt ta taha advantage of tha con ference far aa attach m tha naUuMl power, aa embodied ta tha proviataaal Kuvarnment, would ba rapt aa—tad pitileaaly "by bfced and iron." Notwith»tanding tha oaa day atrika proclaimed by tha Batahavihi In pro tMt iftimt iht council m a counter revolutionary expedition, tha city la (pilot. A few incipient attainpt* by tha Batahavihi atreet cornar orator* ta organise demonatrationa wara aumma rily auppraaaad by tha crowda and no aartoia incidant occurred. Tha (rami opara houaa, In which tha council la ■Mating, la nurroundad by a claaa chain of aoldiara, with oAcara avary faw yarda, tha aoldiara being pichad man from regiments of tha Mgnal corpa, at cadata training for oAcara. Tha chambara under tha buildings ara occupied by aoldiara with flxed bay ixHti. Mam ban and Invited guests bafora being admittad hava thair ticlt ata examined by ntna different mili tary poata. Will Mark tb« cnm American wldiera who give their lira to tha nuM in which tha na tion haa anliaUd will not lia forgot ten on foreign toil if the careful pro ps rattona of tha general ataff can pre vent it. Relatiraa of the men who go to the front in Prance may rest aa aured that every effort will be made to locate and register the gravea of the men lulled in action or who die of tliaeaae. Army officera have directed that a grave regiatration aervice, uoibU p—n ofir war* rajwlad by tha govortuaonl, la ptoun< by an to* talligant Austrian who has arrival at to Aaaociatad Praaa rorraapoadanea. In a lonf talk with tha corraapondaat ha told a atory which Uw«|k parhapa unduly pwiiiittf. explsin* the pw« •latanca of Count Ciarnto, Auatro Hungarian foroign miniatar, and of - Emparor Chariaa to rataratog again and again to too aubjaet at paaca na yntifttlofli. ThU AuMiten, who ipMt mvwrmI daya to Bar) in an hia way to Capi hagan, had an opportunity la talk with rapraaanUtivaa of tha Canaan for aign offlca, including Baron von Daaa Boaacha-Haddanhauaan, tha undar aae ratary, and othar prnminant Ganaana of tha Atamp of Profaaaor Hana Dat bruack of tha Univomity of Barlin; Phillip Schauiamann, tha aaciliaat loa dra, and Haximillian Hardar, aditor of tha Zukunft. Ho laid that all of thaaa man with tha axcaption of Ho rr Har dan, wara convinced paaca waa coat ing bafora wintar. Tkm Sh.pp.ng Plans. Contracts for construction of thro* (ovtmnunl owned nhipysrds and tor building in them great fleet of fabri cated Mm) "«hIi will bo lot this week by the Emergency Fleet Cor poration. The yards are to coat (35, (>00,000 and work on them will (tart immediately. The contract! will go to the Submarine Boat Corporation, for a plant at Newark, N. J.; to the American. International Corporation, for a plant at Hog Island, I'a- and to' the Merchants' Shipbuilding Company, for a plant at Chester, Pa Out of money available, the Fleet Corporation will contract for con struction of lass than 100 ships in gov ernment yards, obligating itself to build probably 150 more s soon as the new billion dollar appropriation has been obtained. The total cost of this construction will be between <300,000, 000 and >400,000.000. After this ton nage is built only the appropriation of more money will beneeded,to continue to turn out fabricated vessels. The government's shipbuilding pro gramme calls for a total of 1.270 ships of 7,968,000 tonnage. This is in addi tion to nearly 2,000,000 tons of ship ping now building in American yards, which has been commandeered by the Emergency Fleet Corporation. A large part of the government fleet and of the commandeered fleet will have been completed by the end of the fis cal year, June 30, 1918. Building, commandeering and purchases of ves-< sets will total about $2,000,000,000. There are families who alwavs aim to ken a bottle of Chamberlain s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the hooae for ose in eaae it ia needed, and And that it ie net only a rood investment but save* them bo end of suffering. At to its reliability, ask anyone who ■ K. TRY T! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL yon sick and oan not ulinU. Every drajnist ia town—rar drag fist sad eterjrbodr'e us aotieed a r»»«* faMag off i» the sab ef «b!oib*1. They all give the nm reaasa. Dodsoa's Liver Tone is tskiag its plass. "Cklovel U dawrrwi sad people knew H, while Dodsoa's Uver Teae is perfectly sale sad fires better results, said a prominent loesl druggist. Dodsoa's Lirer Teas ie persoaallv guaraateed by eeerr dragfist who sells it. A lane bottle esMs BO eeati, and if it fails to Itiee ea«y relief Is enrj ease ef lieer ataggishases and eoastipetioa, yea have only to ask lee year mower bask. Dodsna's User Taste Is a pteaaaat fcast lag, |«re(y vegetable resnedy, harmlses to both efclldree aad adaMa. Tabs a epooaful at eight aad wake ap hdk| ' ftaei ao bUkmsasss, sfek hsaJaeha, a*M stomach or eeasttpeted Vowel a It dosse't (ripe or saw Iarmirsalsaee all the aext day Ilka vWent .si—si Take a doss el sataeisl today aad tsmsrrew Cm will lest weak, a«ek aad aasnilsi t Wee a day's work! T%ke iwtaea> Usee Taae batoad sad tsal kae, fsD s( rigsi1 aad anktttoa