Mount Airy News. Mm JUrj. •». C„ At—« *T l»»T. SakMlato at rntm uuvm AMUVING *•.1 Tim. | 111! IiMm SHORT NEWS ITEMS Mr. F. D. Holrnmh and family X tanded the great annual picnic at Centra. Yadkin Ca, Ia*t Saturday, Mr. J. I. ArmAeld and family of Blr mingham. Ala., ara in tha county apandlng a waak with relative*. JUv. Dr. J. C. Row# ia *epmling a few day* here vititiaf the family of Me eon. Dr. H. B. Rowe. Mr*. M«hel Carraway returned to her heme In Wedenboro today after •pending Rome week* here viaiting relative*. * Mr>. H. E. Mauser » returned to her horn* in Tallahassee Fla., after visiting her mother, Mra. S. N. Allred in thia city. Mrs. Jesse Mock has returned to her home in Winston after spending sev eral dmya visiting relativea in the city. Mrs. James Dunn and little aon of Wtnaton are gueata of Mr*. Dunn'a pa rente, Mr. and Mm. Z. T. Smith in thia city. Rev. R. H. Herring and family of Mount Olive, N. C., are making their annual viakt to relattvM in thia Mo tion. Mr. and Mm. Hardiaon of Winaton will arrive Saturday to viiit Mr*. Hardiaon'■ aiater, Mra. 0. C. Abaher. Mia* Ada Reaaiey entertained her Sunday School claaa yeaterday after noon at her hi mc on Hinea avenue. Mra. W. S. Dickeraon of (ireenahorc. i« the guest of her mother, Mr.-, ii. W. Sparger on Cherry street. Mra. Ed HoUingsworth left Tueaday for St. Leo's Hoapitl GrMnaboro to eonault Dr. Long. '/ Rev. J. A. Cook o" Sylvia and Mr. Char lea Cook of Utah apent Monday night with their cousin, Mr. B. F. Sparger on Franklin street and left Tue*day to viah relatives in Weat fleld. t* Mm. Will Clayton left Saturday for her home in Fayetteville after visit ing Mra. J. L. Aahby on Main street. She was accompanied as far as Win aton by her niece, Lucretia Ashby. Solicitor S. P. Graves and family accompanied by John by left Tues day for an automobile trip to Roan oke, Wytheville, Natural Bridge and other points in Va. The Girl Scouts of this city are camping this week at Vaughns Spring near Pilot Mountain. Vey are ac companied by Misses Mary Kulton, Alice McCargo and Lucy Reece. Mr. Paul Hurt of Rusk was a visitor in the city this week. He was in the state of Washington when the draft wan made and being subject to military duty is making a visit back home be fore entering the army. Mr. Ernest Herman of Roanoke, Va, visited his parents in this city, Rev and Mrs. Geo. D. Herman this week. He is subject to military duty and will enter the army along with the other boys in a few days. By trad* and profession he is a mechanical and electrical engineer.^ / Mr. John Marion has retired from the automobile business for the pres ent and the agency of the Chevrolet car has been transferred to Mr. T. J. Smithwick. Mr. Graham Harrison will be associated with Mr. Smithwick as demonstrator. They have two ear loads of these machines on the way due to be here at once, fy News has Men received in this eity of the marriage of Miss Blanch Hol comb of Roanoke, Va., to Mr. Eugene McCrackcn of Graham. The marriage took place at the home of the bride's father, Mr. U. V. Holcomh, on Wed nesday. After a tour through the western part of the Mate Mr. and Mr*. McCrackao will make their home In Winston. The bride is a former resi dent of thia eity and is a favorite With the society set hare. // J Mr*. Elisabeth Martin of LmIIi, f. C., It the gvaat W bar daughter, Mra. T. J. Samhwkk m Plaa itrwt. Mr. I, L. BrMaaa ai Greenville ta • gwwt at the Blue RMfi laa. Mra. K. Kochtatsky will return I ihu week from Battle Craak, Mick, where aba .-pant aavaraJ waaka in a oamtariura. Miaa CiladyM Martin of Ladonia ia tha ruaat of bar itatar, Mra. P. 8. Kothroek on Pine utraat. t Mra. W. H. Honera of Carajr ia tha fiiaat of bar niara Mra. T. J. Hmith wick. Miaa Doria Ailred will raturn thka waak tram a riait to bar attar at Williaiaa. Mr. Guy Robineon of Roanoka, Va., haa Joined hia wife and children at tha home of bar parenta, Mr. and Mr*. K.I Pattaraon near tbia city for a two week* vacation. Mr*. J. M. Slawrr la visiting^ friends at Roanoke anil other points in Virginia. MiiMx Mary and Lillian Sawyam of Friend* Mission, Va., ara visitors hara today. Mr. Granville Marshall of Vlririnia accompanied hi* won. Oscar, to this city today to enter Martin Hospital for an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. RJ. Reynold* and children and Mr*. Orr and children laft yesterday for Winston after visiting Mr*. Rey nold* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. Z. T. Smith in thia city. Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Tharpe of Stata* ville nad Mr. and Mr*. Mock Doub of Win*tnn *pant Wednesday with Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Jackson on Pine at. Mi** Gaynell Callaway left thia morning for Mt. Gilead, N. C., where she will teach in the high achool dur ing the year. She will inatruct in History and German. y. The following young people have re turned from a camping trip over in Virginia on New River. Mr*, if. S. Lawrence, nt Oklahoma, Misres Anna and Lucy Reece, Elizabeth McCargo, and Mildred Rector, and Meaara Hair *ton Williamson, Winston Fulton and Will Lovill. // Atty. S. S. Lawrence of Antler*, Okla., i* a visitor in this city. Mr. Lawrence wax called to North Oaro-1 lina by the illness of hia father, who i* now a patient in St. Leo'l hospital in Greensboro suffering from the in-1 juries received at his home in Pilot! Mountain where ho was knocke<l down i by a calf. Mr. Lawrence ia nearly, 84 years old and his condition ia ser-1 ioua. WHAT WE DO AT BANNER WAREHOUSE. We w!l all of your tobacco high. Have averaged over 20 cent* lb.,j for all Ubact* Hold since we opened on '.he 2'Jr.d of August, which is going (imf foi the cla*s of primings we ' ave been Iv.body can sell, Iwo hiirhc and very few will -ellj ;t u* hUfh. The ijfcason: "WE WORK i HARDER." So ^vhei you load don't j forget Mount Aiijy in the market and Banner's t\e plape. Yon will meet most of youx friends there. That i» the place the^ .-til. Below is a f(M sales for parties we! have mad* the ffest few days: Dea»her*r<^a'j^ I'ike, W lbs at 33c, ( 26 at 27c, 16 at |2^c. Jol« Jackson, 120 lbs. at 23c, 44 at | 26c. 50 at 13c. Logan Creed J 35 lb*, at 33c. 50 at j 29c, 66 at 18c. J. J. Draught, 104 lbs. at 20V*c, 170 at 26c, 164 at |6c. J. B. Venable, 170 lbs at 26c. 1751 at 20c. W. Y. Brintie, 246 lbs. at 26c, 148 at 14c. Ben Taylor, 26 lbs. at 30c, 38 %t 24c, 28 at 1814c. E. U. Creed. 166 lb*. at 27c, 80 at 14%c. J. H. Beck, 60 lbs at 27c. 84 at 20c, j 140 at ISc. W. Y. Marshall. 260 lb*, at 31c. 128 at 24He, 28 at 16Hc. Mr*. Susau L. Cook, 16 lb*, at 80c.j !>R at 26c, 128 at 25c. 140 at ISHc.' 76 at MVfce. J. A. Long, 42 lb#, at 21>e, 76 at 20 <4 30 at lfte, 144 at 24c. I C. A. Tucker, 102 lb*, at Itfc, 1M at 17 Me. BANNER A LOVILU Wifcl llfifiMiil ilW/1^.- SlaH R*fu*.d to Support Hi* W\U. waak M tto garnpdar'a Court tor* wton a jrounc man of tku atttiM, Jm Mi Ctorihr, waa mm; I* tto roatoj for a Itrm of Mi m*a«h» far nfmui to rapport hj, wtfa. On last February ae waa married to Mm ilaufkUr of Mr. M. V. Hiatt. nf Patrick County, Va, and carriwl tor i to tto of hi* father who live* a • hort dUtanea from thia city. Montto !>a<**d by and tto young wife ami tor hu*band'« paopl* war* not a* happy living together aa I hay might tov*, h*an, and the trouble waa auppoaad to he due to a dtvUion of tha houa* work. Anyway tto young wtfa waa not' happy In tto home of tor moiher-w«i law and want hock to tor fathar'a { houa*. I After going back hum* her young huatiuiil paid no mar* attention to her, «nd mailt no attempt to gat h«r • Horn* or to furniah her with in-m*,-? or th* necessities of Ufa, Km.'hs passed by and it appeared that yoong ('handler wa« again living a fraa and •aay Ufa and waa visiting around in th« neighborhood a* a young and car* fra* man. Aftar du* consideration U wan decided to have papers iasued for, him charging non-support of hi* fami ly. Th* caa* cam* up u> :<* heard thia week and there waa almcat no d* fana*. The young huaband aaamed to think that when hi* wife went back to her father'* houaa he waa relieved of all further reaponaibility for her car*. | Aftar hearing th* caa* Judg* Tilley decided that th* young man muat either aupport hi* wife or **rv* a term on the road*. Mr. Chandler waa allowed to give lyond for a few day*, every one expecting that when he *aw a road aentenc* before him he would) get buay and make up hia mind tO| aupport hia family. But the few days went by and h* choae the road aen tenc* to the lif* of a married man. And ho he was carried to Rockingham to begin hia sentence Thuraday of thia week. One interesting fact about thia caa* i* that the wife ia yet on his hand a, and when h* get* through with the present sentence if nc is not able to give to th* Stat* of North Carolina Qj good and valid reason for not support-, ing hia wife, he will again b* *ubj*ct to arr*«t and conviction for non-sup port. The hearing of the case did not develop any facta that would lead one to think that there waa any cause for j separation between the two young people. Anil so after six months Mr.! Chandler will be back in the same box he found himaelf at the- time he wan arrested last week. The moral in thia cane ia that the stood State of North Carolina expects, a man to aupport a wife one* he h made the solemn promiac to live with her in the holy bonds of matrimony, and the penalty ia auch aa to make moat men get busy, if they are not •>o inclined for oth r reasons than the fear of the strong arm of the law. Labor Day at Central Methodist Church. Next Sunday morning, September 2nd, I ab'ir Day will be observed at Central Church. There will be spe- i cial music for the occasion, and the pastor will discuss the labor problem fn>m the standpoint of God's word. All honor to the faithful laborer. A first class shoemaker is more value to the race than an idle king or a leafing millionaire. You are most cordially invited to come to Central Methodist Church next Sunday morning. We are labor ers; We are laborers together; and We are laborers together with God. Thomas-Booker. Mr. James Booker and Miss Effie Thomas both of this ctiy motored to the residence of Rev. D. Vance Price on Orchard Street Saturday evening nccowpanied by a few friends, and were quietly married. The marriage came as a surprise to the families of both young people. Mr. Booker holds a position in the poet office at this place and both bridt and groom have a host of friends whose beat wishes follow them. After a honey moon spent in the western part ef the state they will be at home la this citjr. t . •• i Men And Boys I We arc now receiving the large it end moK complete line of men end boy*' Clothing ever •hown in Mount Airy. We bought month* ego, before the edvence—if you went to seve money come eheed. We have the fit for ell the men end boys. Clothing, it edvencing ever dey, but we ere looking out for our customers ell the time. Come end let us show you. IUNDY X BOWMAN MING CO. Successors to L C. LUNDY CLOTHING STORE • .• ✓ Patriotic Notice. The plan to rive the soldier boy* a :«nquet Friday evening, or a luncheon •*i Saturday has tnsen submitted to the ■ommanding officer of Company I, which is to entrain at 3.30 Saturday ifternoon for Camp Sevier, Green ville, 8. C., and he suggests that hia -ompany would moat appreciate one hundred and sixteen boxes of lunch to be eaten on the trip to Greenville. The hoys will doubtless not reach [ireenville until late Sunday morning, and the fuminhing of a box of GOOD OI.D SURRY COUNTY GRUB will i* considered as a patriotic service. A committee will make a canvass of the town in the morning, but the time is short, and whether you are seen or not, you are asked to bring whatever you wish to furnish(already prepared) to the Red Cross Headquarters not later than 11 o'clock Saturday morn ing. After everything has been sent in the boxes will then be filled. Call up Red Croaa Headquarters to morrow afternoon and inform someone what you will furnish. For Better Water Supply. Miix Margaret Mc Lucas, county can ning club ager.t, has recently crone over the county giving illustrated lec tures on the water supply of the country home. She induced Dr. Mar tin, of this city, to assitt her and lec ture in connection with the pictures. Evidently this work will be the means of many citizens seeing the import ance of care in the management of weir- and springs. The picture* shown are from the department of Agriculture and show how many wells and springs are improperly kept and how others are cared for in a sensible way. At many points in the county large numbers of citizens attended the lec tures and showed much interest in the work. Pipe Organ .Recital. Prof. H. G. Easley, the blind musi cian, will give a pipe organ recital at Central Methodist church next Monday evening at 8 o'clock, assisted by local talent. A silver offering will he taken at the dour for the benefit of the Junivile Missionary Society. LAW University of North Carolina Law School Excellent Faculty ! Reasonable Cost WRITE FOR CATALOG THE PRESIDENT, ' Chapel Hill, N. C. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C Office in Merritt Building. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE:^ Engiutm *— »»•*>«• MmU- 1*JIU40 niw<Mrwn>*» of AGmCULTURt and ENGINEERING YVXST^RALEIGH. N.C. An institution where young men of character, energy and ambition may fit themselves (or useful and honorable work in many lines of industry which require training and skill for sucreaa. Thorough and practical courses are offered in Agricul ture-, Horticulture; Animal Industry; Civil; Mechrnical and Electrical Engineering; Chemistry; Dyeing and Textile Industry,. Facultr of 64 thoroughly competent instructor*. T wemy-aeveti hutld ins*. Eighteen department*. Mil* it»rv features. Large Library. Excellent Athletic field. Drmni tory Konnis for 560 ttudeiira. Many Rnom* already tfifatx) for #»«« aneinn. For catalogue, i(Jm tralcd circular and mutM blank*, write K. B. OWEN, Registrar.

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