LEGAL LAND ADVERTISEMENTS Tvuirrmar haul • virtua W • ttrltln M of truat My ruaadid I* X Bask 4S, put SIS &ha Land llii>t W Surry ruunty, Marth CwdlM, Mwlt having boaa ■A ha the pavaMnt of tfca nhfigatiea mt Jha Roaalyn Lumbar Caamy whan ■rf aa due after demand tharefor by <• party aocurod by Mud daad, tba un iiwiml truxteaa at tba 11 iiaeel of Aa party aecurod thareby will aall at paMUr auction an tba praitaaa at Mt. airy and kaatern Junction, ML Airy, ■bar* Carolina, on September JVth, ■I7.JI ana o'clock a. m., that part of Mba lad owing daacnbad land and pea- , mmm-M aituatad in tba aaid Sorry roun ^Martb Carolina: Wm an tiro lina of railroad known aa Am Mount Airy and Eaatarn Railway, tartajl and being In the State of North wmlino and Virginia, aa tha aama la ua located find coaatructed add mora paaXicularly daocribad aa follow*: ikat cortain railroad a standing from ■raaar Mt. Air* In tha State of North Oarollna, into tha County of Patrick ha Xhe State of Virginia, at and naar dtahler, Virginia, togathar with tha Mt of way of tha aaid railroad, and M> depota, atation ground* and build a^ga thoraon, and alao all tha ahopa, ■Chw houaaa, turning tablaa. water Sb1 — I n hi warohouaea and lota, gravai ptU, .tune quarriaa, and other raal aa »tr -uaed in operating tha aaid railroad me in connection therewith and alao the kMka connected with tha said road opria he line* hereof aa herain da arxibeU, and otheT land* or building* or atrui turn: connected therewith or Brtanant thereto, togathar with all ■g atock and equipment, machin loula, implement*, fuel and ma I ownad for constructing, main PBfc*, operating and improving tha ■tad road, aa herein deaenbod or any ^rt thereof, together with alt of tha M>)>orate rig'.ita, privilege* and fran rfn*i of the said railroad or connect- ' ■f therewith or relating to tha aaid ' laulrokil, and the maintenance, una and j Lmiuyment of the name, together with ! Ml the eatata, right, title, intareat, i ^pcrty, claim and demand, of every ; ISEarr and kind whatsoever, convey a* to the aaid Company hy J. A. Mill* aod Reuben Salterwaite, Jr.. Re ffivarn and ('ommiaaionera of the Mt. Aury and Eaatarn Ry. Company and tee Mt. Airy Conatruction and Mf». C«l, raid dee.i being dated December K 1911, and recorded in deed Book 30, page" to to W, of tha Land Rocorda of ami Patrick County, registered in the Mrt of the Rapriatar of f>eed« for lharry ( ounty, North Carolinu, in liook of f )i-eila on paire 421. n«l thereafter by virtue of the -in.I ! ileed of truat which in ulso recorded in i^lrick County, Vir(fini» in Deeil Wo>>k C at puge* M7 to 542 inrlunite 1 at p. m. on naid date on the pra- , mini >f the Roaalyn Lumber Com pany near Maadowfleld, Virginia, the MWterHi^nad trunteen will aetl at pub Kr ^m tion that portion of the aoova rimerim-d property »itu«,»i in <aul Patrk' Count/. *1*0 immediately thereafter at trie Mime place the un Amirnt^ tiu»ta«» will itell the fnllow aax ascribed land and premiaea: ■A tract of land containingHfiiMlacre* ' anon- or lean in Dan River Magister ial District, Patrick County Virginia,j lonrryed to the said Company by G. j Birus»r' by deed dated October 10,1 KS>10, and recorded in Deed Book 3K,1 fxiv" ' i!»-250 of the Land Record* of aaxl county. Alao that certain tract of land, con taining eighty acres in aaid Patrick Ciainty, conveyed to «aid Company by X- K. I i digo by deed dated January 191.. recorded in Haul Deed Book 3S, m, _ _ fcwo ccruiiri nacin UI innu vwii Eunini; 39 acres more or less, in raid Hit rick County .conveyed to said Com puijr by U. W. Keith and wife by deed *ied May 26, 1911, and recorded in f>red I'.ook 38. pare* 46 1-462, of the Sawui Records of said County. AI«o a certain tract of land enntain irx 120 acres more orless in said I'a- ' Brick County, conveyed t» saul Com Soy hy G. W. Cochram and Sarah (tirain, his wife, by deed dated Oeccmuer 19, 1910, recorded in Mid i dred book ?8, pa ices 2.12-233 of the land Records of said County. ..Also all the right, tiWe ami interest ft the said RossFyii Lumber Company m ami to all the timber upon the land fjiflg in Patrick county, Virginia, known a* the Maury land, being the ■Mil land conveyed by J. S. Diggs antl wife to the Dan Valley Lumber Company and by said last named Company to the Rosslyn Lumber Cotn fuy by deed dated June 26, 1911, and •weordcl in Deed Book 38, pages 456 *»7 of the Land Records of said coun-1 tg. and including six (6) acres of' tend, more or leas, and the house' thereon known as the old Kibler Mill j Ska. Reference is hereby made to all the; naiii deeds and the deeds and records; Uierein referred to for further and1 —uif particular description of the Sands and premises herein advertised tor sale. And theretofore, at one o'clock p. m. <*i the th day of Septen^lier, 1917, undersigned trustees will sell un •fcr the said deed of trust duly record ed in Liber N 7 at pages 138-141 of ■>» Land Records of Fairfax County, Virginia the following land conveyed hy said deed of trust to the undersign ed: t. A tract of land containing 137.16 acres, a tract of land containing ;;2.84 acres and a tract of land containing U> a-rei, more or less respectively, which were conveyed to the said Com jairiy by Henry C. Drowning, Jr., and wife by deed dnted March 7th, 1908, < I Liber Y No. 6, page (i»0 of the Deed Rooks of the saiu County. 2. A tract of land containing 208 vens Hess a small parrel of 1.20 aicres conveyed to Philip E. Hughes) which was conveyed to the said Com Xny hy Willie Worster and wrf* by sd dnted April 8th, 1WMI. recorded •jVw r K. No. 6, page 66 of the said tieed IhmJu. TliTe is also to he deducted from itfhia tract a parcel thereof containing n res, which was conveyed to "2Jrd day of Decenber, 1011, recorded Jlenry r. Woodard by deed dated the 1. No. 7, paga 14i at the *U| A dm *ur»ey of tfcia tract haa 4 trials MiitttJf'iS'1 acraa, it SSl* nataM about 2JM act* m that af tor deducting the conveyance la Wood ward, tfcara r»m»in»< of tkia tract t. Several tract* containing n tiv.ljr i£l acraa, t acre* and «7 I M acraa. 1S% acraa and S l-« acraa inwij ta tfca aaid Coapaay by rharie* H. Gordon and wife by daad da tad Novamhar 2ft th, 1910, racordad Liber H. No. 7, page 60» of aaid Daad TERMS OF BALKS: Caah eufl. riant to pay tba espenaa* of aala and conveyancing, all taxaa and inaaraace dua, with pro par panalttaa and latar aat tharaon which aaidRoaslyn Lamb— Company baa failed ta pay, • roa miamon of (We par cant, on tba UMW— of tba aaid aala to aa>d Truataaa, and tba amount of aaid indabtnaaa re maining unpaid, intaraat being ralcu latad ta date of aala; and tba raaidua «k«ll ba paid in two aqual annual in taraat bearing paymanta, lecurad by I Ian on tba proparty and aaaignatant of lira inauranca policiea. Charta* W. Warren Frank 8. Bright, . Tbia Auk. 27, 1*17. Truataaa. | NOTICE By virtua of an ordar of tba Super ior Court of Sun* County appointing the undersigned Commiaaioner to aail land* hereinafter daacribad, aa mid Commissioner I will aall at pub lic auction on the premiaaa on Sat urday tha 2*tb day af Ktplcabcr, 1*17 at ona o'clock P. M. a tract of land lying in Surry County, N. C. adjoin ing the land* of K. C. Freeman, Rob ert Badget, l.ula Creed and other* and boundeu a* follow*: Beginning at an Aahe on the Went iiank of Fi*h river run* up *aid river to a Black Gum at the mouth of the •ranch, the Dobaon road, than up aaid branch to a Dogwood, then Souuiweat with Copeland* line to the Dohaon rtiaui a Spanirli Oak'corner, then in a North direction with the aaid Dobaon road to a Mulberry, then from aaid Mulberry a Northeast direction leav ing Slay dons old tobacco bam on the South aide to the beginning containing 121) acre* more or la**, except about f> acrea nold and conveyed to Harden Copelnnd. Also at the name time and P'M'V I will nell for ra*h a little per sonal property conaiiting of houne hnlil and kitchen furniture *uch a.i l>ed ^tcud* cupboard*, liureuua, real*, and Mime other little article* of hou*e pro perty. Term* of sole one half cash and the remainder in Ii month*, with note and approved security on defered pay ment. Sale will be made for aaaeta to pay debt against tha estate of WUey Bigg*, dee'd. Thib the 27th day of August, 1917. W. D. RIGGfl, Com. W L. RKECE, Atty. NOTICE OK SALE North Carolina, Surry County. liy virtu* of authority vested in the under -igned l>y reason of a deed of trust by L. D. Cook and wife Flora Cook, to J. W. White trustee, dated the 16th day of January 1!'1H, record-' ed in the Ren ter of livtiIn Offire of Surry County, in book M, page 71. There being default in payment, I will expoi.? for sale to the nighe-<t bidder, for rash on the premised on the 29th, day of Sentemlier 1917. at 12 o'clock M. the following property to wit: Beginning at a cnestnut, the old Evan.', corner, and runs South 12 *ha:ns to the Hay-Slack road, and with the meandering of the road south 55 degrees, west 5 chains, sooth 78 de gree , west 5 chains, couth 88 degrees, west -I < hains, south 78 degree*, west 4 chains and 65 links, north 16.2 chains to a stake in the back line, thence East to the beginning, con taining 25 acres more or less. This the 21st day of August, 1917. J. tf. WHITE. Trustee NOTICE. By virtue of a deed of trust execut ed to me on the 17th day of Decem ber, 1!>15, by Ann McAnally. convey ing the land* hereinafter described to secure a debt of $38.50, due D. T. Mar tin, payable six after date, default having been made in the pay ment of said debt, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder in front of the Town Hall, in Mount Airy, North Carolina, on September 21th, 1917 at 1 o'cloch, I'. M., the following real estate, to-wit: 1st Tract: Beginning at a point in j the W. K. Hollingsworth line attthe George Brook* corner and runs North with 8aid George Brook*' line to the Creasy line and George Brooks' cor ner; thence East with the Creasy line to the old line of T. W.. Prather; thence South with the Prather line to the late W. R. Hollingsworth line; thence West with the said Hollings worth line to the beginning, contain ing one acre, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake in the W. R. Hollingsworth line and running with said line 14 feet East to a stake; thence North 3 chains to a stake, to John McAnally line; thence West with said McAnally's line 14 feet to a stake; thence South to the beginning. The first tract being de scribed in a deed from E. M. Hollings worth and wife to Anna McAnally, Book 61, pat:e 36. The second tract being described in deed from T. W. Prather to Ann McAnally, Book 31 pavre 31)6, Register's office of Surry County. Sale made to satisfy said debt, in terest and cost. This August 23, 1917. J. H. FOLGER. Trustee. Stomach and I.iver Troubles. No end of misery and actual suffer ing is caused by disorders of the stom ach and liver, and may be hvaided by the use of Chamberlain'* Tablets. Give them • trial. They only coat • qua iter. •jr «t*tm at tha l • M at trust «ne»l«d to the MtrutM on Um 1st day of July, rj y. C. Hpnnkic and wifo to so turo a dobt due John L. Winbtak. which Is duly recorded la Um sAca of kfuur of daoda of Sorry county book No. M an* M, tha debt koine duo and unpaid, and at the reaaaet of tlto hoidor of said paper, I will Mill at public auction for cash at Um Court House door on ■•tarday Um IMk day of Baptamkar. 1017 at ana o'clock P. M.. a tract of land Ijftni In Barry county, N. C. Ba ling an a poplar on Um Flat *i and runs North 57 chains to a of Whito Oaks in Wallaroo Una. than Mouth H7 Si Jspin Cast 30 and 71-100 chains to a rack noar a spring, than South 1 Sfc degraoa Wast I and HO-100 chains to Bridgi straat than with said straat South 7«% darm Wast 0 and 14-100 chains to tha Wont sida of Main Straat, than with Main straat South 16% degrees East 22 chains to J. P. Cocharfiams lino than South 1H degrees Wast IS chains to a Pino, Cockerhaau corn or than South S1H degrees Waaa 2S and 60-100 rhaina to tha beginning containing 97 and four tonth scran mora or lass. Halo will ba mada to satisfy tha dabt sacurad by said daad of trust. This tha 14th day of August, 1017. W. L. Raaca, Trustos. Nattaa. By mutual conaent, tha partnership known aa tha Atkins and Ball Roalty tnd Auction Company, compoaad of I. A. Atkins and C. M. Ball is hsrsby liaaolved. AH contracts that hava Oaen signad up for sal* of raal astate will ba earried out by tha coaspaay, l>ut no now contracts will ba mada. All parties due the (Inn any money will make settlement with Mr. C. M. Lin villa and all claims against the company will ba set tied through Mr. Linville. This August 2nd, 1017. J. A. ATKINS. C. M. BALL. WHY SUFFER SO? Why *uffer from * bad Itack, from •harp, (hooting twine**, headaches, iizxine** and diatreaaing bladder ilia? Pinnacle people recommend Doan'i Kidney Pill*. Coulu you auk for itronger proof of merit? Mm. J. L. Hpainhour, Pinnacle, N. C., say*: "For about four yearn, I Buffered from my back. I could hard ly get around at time* on account of a dull pain in my kidney*. I couldn't *traighten up without taking hold of something for support. Night* I rouldn'a rent well, a* my hack ached like a toothache. I wa* always mis erable and hod no ambition. Noth ing did me any goou until I began ua ing Doan'i Kidney Pill*. The ftrst box or two gave me relief and now after finishing aix boxe*. 1 am feeling better than t have in a long time. My back doean't ache near «o much and my kidney* act regularly." Price Sftc, at all dealer*. Don't aim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidrfey Pill*—the same that Mr*. Spainhour had. Foster-Milbum Co., Prop*., Buffalo, N. Y. Has a Bank Account; Muil Serve in Army Chicago III., Aug. 22.—Bryan Wash burn, a widely known motion picture actor, must serve in the national army Major B. M. Chipperfleld, represent ing the Provost Marshal General, rul ed today. Washburn, who had panned physical examination, claimed exem ption on the ground that he had a wife and child dependent upon him. Se cret service agents learned, Major Chipperfleld raid, that Washburn had a bank account of $5,600 and that his wife, who was Mabel Forrest, an ac tress, had appeared in pictures before and after the birth of theirchild. YES! LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT PAIN! Cincinnati authority tails hew to dry, up a cam or callua ao It lifts off with fingers. Tern corn-pestered m<n and wnam need sutler ao longer. Wear the shoea that nearly killed rou before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drop! of freeaoos applied directly oa a tender, aching corn or eallus, stops sore neea at ones and eoon the core or hardened callus loosens ao It eaa bo lifted oat, root and all, without pals. A small bottle of freesoae eoet eery little at say drug store, but will peal tiesly take off every hard or° soft corn or callus. This should bo tried, as It is inexpeaslre and la said not to irritata the surrounding (kin. If yoor druggist hasn't any frsaooas toll klm to get a small bottle tor yoa Irons bis wholesale drug house. It la ftae stuff aad acts liks s charm oeory vm i * i Another M Lrft Thia «ii tha iMrr Mi by J. H. Bran, third MM of tha C—p«—. WW with M other Makan of the CMpmt'i craw and «|kt gnaaara ar rived here today on » Fraark >team ahlp. The battle h*(u (I I *. ■. and vh vagad for four hoars (t I rufi of botwoea iJOO and 7,400 jrsrdj. Tkt U-boat fired 400 ahota, only two of which hit tho mark. Tho Cmm pana. nevertholeaa, waa outranged by tho two gwta. on# 4-tnrh, tho other t lnch, with which tho aubmarine waa armed. Tho U-boat alao waa fully aa •poody aa tho Amoriran vaoaol. Aftor tho Caiapana hoiatod tho ka tomatlonal aifnal of aarrender hor laat Khali gone, tho aabaiarlno noror tholoaa rantlnuod to ftra, Brora aald, and all handa took to tha boata. Tha U-boat roramaiwler A rat appro achod tho boat conaniai4ad by Bruca, which had aboard tha Campana'a thir taan naval gunners, and ordered it alongside. Ha than want to tha Ufa boat orrupiod by Capt. Albort Olivar if the Campana and took him priaon ar. Five Gonners Made Priaaartu Having room jnough only for six additional men aboard hi* craft, th« German nkipper made only Ave of the gunners prisoners, Bruca Mid. These included the chief runner and two pat ty officer*. One of the gunners whose name waa Millar, *ai included because ha could apeak Geriuan. The aubmarine waa the U-2. Bruce did not learn the commander's name. The German told him he said, that he had ft red a torpedo at the Campona but had missed, the projectile appar ently passing under the steamship. The Campana was sent to the bot tom by bombs after her crew had been allowed to return and get- their per sonal effects. Direction.-! were given to (Iruce by the submarine commander how to reach the nearest port. He told him at the same time that he had heard wireleas meaaages exchanged by two French war vessi"i In the vicinity and warned him not to allow .limaelf to he picked up by them. "I am going to Kink them," he *ai<l. Bruce and bin men nevnrtheles* took the chance, encountering a French warship after floating about in small boat* until 6 o'clock that night. The warship took them aboard and landed them in France. Bruce said he wan told by an officer of the war vessel that he had heard a wireless from an other French cruiser, saying that it had sunk a German submarine in the vicinity of the place where the Cam pana had t>een sunk. tiruce naid it was only a matter of conjecture aa to whether this waa the submarine that attacked hi* veaael but if true he fear ed it means that Captain Oliver and his gunners had perished. "When Captain Oliver and the other prisoners went below on the subma j rine," said Bruce "the U-boat captain ' said they will lie treated aa prisonera j of war and landed in a few day* at a German baie where the captain aaid j they would be given every opportunity to send word home to their families. I was allowed to take a personal mes sage from Captain Oliver to be deliv | erd to hia wife. "The bluejacketa with ua were a game lot. When the last ahell had gone they would have tackled the Ger mans with their revolver* had the word been paaaed to them. "The captain aaid hia instruction* were to take all American gunners and captains of armed ships prisoners. He aaid however, he waa sorry the United States was in the war because he hated to fight Americans, aa he had always found them friendly and g^od sports. Americans, he said, will al ways fight to a finiah. He had no use for the French or the English though, especially the English." The names of the gunners taken prisoners were: James Oelaney, chief runners mate; Wm. Miller, seaman; Fred Jacobs, seaman; Ray Roop, boat wain's mate, second class, and Chas. Klime. gunners' mate. "Our deeds still travel with us fro« i far. And what we have been makes us what we are. George Eliot. th« j«c r— at Htiow. IVy r» ta ■naka war on w . TWy ga ta da •trey with tka (ward tha |wiwi« thft mftintftini thtt the iwtnl it, of rifkt ought to ha, tka final arbitar of a nation'■ rifkta. Whan tha gavanunant that daflaa war ahall pariah In war than war will coaM no mora upan tha aarth. It ta At that than guarantarm at tha worU'i paaea ahouid ha nuatainad by tha lava and prayars of all good man: Now, Tharafora, I, Thomaa Waltar Bickatt, Govarnor of North Carolina, do raqnact tha paopla of tha Btata: Flrat, to aaaambla on Saturday, tha flnrt day af Haptamhr, in township andarhoal dlatrict moating*, and hold patriotic axarriaaa in honor of tha man i wa ar* sanding to tha front: •toaa to ImM to MfT ■■—»> mm to tto State to In to mm wto tow toan drafted tot* tto jmblk mrrtoa to tto goaate of tomr at ttoaa mrdM. Dmw at oar city of talaigfc tto* tto twontyflftli day of Anint, to tto yaar of M>r Lord m« tkawto niaM hundrad and MvmtM, and to tto km ' hundred and forty-aaraad jraar of nor Amanran Indapwidawta. T. W. B1CKKTT, ',ot. HAYNCS it COPMAJVY FIRE INSURANCE MVo B«JV'.ri»» ML 4lrr. * ~ 75 years ago everyone wore homespun-— and, likewise, everyone used hand-mixed paint. To-day, when machine-*pun doth ii (0 much better and cheaper, no one would think of wearing homespun. Many people are still using hand-mixed paint, however, because they do not know that will save them money and labor. Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint is timply made of the tame ingredients the old-time C inter used: Pure White ad. Pure White Zinc, and Pure Linseed Oil. The only difference if that Devoe is mixed by machinery. 500 cations at a time. Therefore, k it aWray» absolutely uniform in *ticngu»* color and covering capacity. We guarantee Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint to be pure. We know it contains no whiting, silica or other worthies* materials. Stop in and ask for Color Card. He used a pebble to bis day. to keep bis mouth moist— WE use MtRIGLEYS WR1GLEY5 gives us a wholesome, antiseptic, refreshing confection to take the place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and delicionsly • soothe mouth and throat with this welcome sweetmeat. * The Wrigley Spcannca want to Ml 70* (Mr Book of Cum-pdM. lad ■ poatal for it today. Win. Wriglmy Jr. Cat, 1733 Ktmr CWBf>. The Flavor Lasts! ' < .• _ 2 m

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