Mount Airy New*. TIm Compulsory School Low. Tho (imanl Assembly of 1M7 amended Um cumpulMiry nchool law by raisin* Um age limit to fourteen years Instaad of twelve yearn aa heretofore. This change in tha law beromea ef fartlva Sept. t, 1BI7. Aa copies of tha school law containing thU amandmant kava hoan sent out only within tha laat faw day*. special attahtion la eat lad U tha fact that now all chil dren between tha agee of eight and fourteen yean must attend school four month* in each year. The fol lowing entracta are taken from the eehool law of 1917. Sec. 1. Every parent, guardian, or other person in tha a tats of NorthCar oiina having charge or contral of a child or children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, shall cause said child or children to attend the lo cal public school in the district, town or city In which he resides, continu ously for four months of the school tarm of each year. This period of compulsory attendance for each public school shall commence at the begin ning of the school tarm of said school. Sec 4. Any parent, guardian, or other person violating the provision# of this act shall be guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction shall be liable to a flne of not leaa than Ave dollars nor more than twenty-flve dol lars, and upon refusal or failure to pay such flne said parent, guardian, or other person shall be imprisoned not to exceed thirty days in the county jail. Sec. 5. The county board of educa tion in each county shall appoint and' remove at will an attendance officer in each township to enforce the provi sions of this act. Prosecutions under this act shall be brought by the atten dance officer in tha name of the State at North Carolina Wfore any justice of the peace, or police justice, or re corder of any county, town, or town ship, in which the person prosecuted resides. It will be seen that all children be tween the ages of eight and fourteen years are now required by law to at tend school continuously for the llrst four months of the school term. Al so, that any person violating this law shall be prosecuted and fined. The Boy* Arc Off to the War. A hundred or more of our boys are off to the war. The modern way of carrying on a war is to depend upon the home folks to do their wart in the way of furnishing supplies of a kind through the oganization called the Red £ross. The Government has called upon the Red Cross to furnish knit goods for each soldier for use in the cold weather this coming winter. The Red Cross Societies of the coun try were apportioned their part of the work to be done. The Surry County Society was asked to knit 200 sets. Now we are told that the Society, has agreed to knit 60 sets and that yarn for these 50 sets has been ordered. We arc told that there is not money on hand to buy the yarn for the 200 sets. Now that begins to look like we are in a nice way to fail to come up with out part. If this county does not get busy and raise the money necessary for the whole 200 .sets and knit them in time for the boys it will be a stigma on the Red Cross Society that can never be allowed. Not while men are riding for pleasure and spending time at resorts and owning fat bank ac counts can we ever afford to not come up with oat part. And we will, once we see it in the right light. What the men in the lead need to do is to let each member of the Society know just what it takes to get up the necessary fund to buy enough yam tr mnke the whole 200 sets. No member of the Red Cross can aff "d to not come up with his or her part of the necessary funds, and they will >' me across once they are In formal. And once the women of this apportionment. And aa gal busjr and tat tha pnpls who hav* joined the Had Cruaa know «hat U «xparted W them. and lot each mambcr know bow much maaay ha ia ax partad la eontribate to this fund far buying tha yam. Than once tha yarn ia heaght lat Cha wsmsn of ' tha country know that tha yarn ia hara ' and that they ara ax partad to do tha work of knitting tha garment*. It la an aaay job and ovary man and woman in tha county will da hia part if thay ara once mada to know I what that part ia. A PUCE COUNTRY • Thia ia a fraa country, and ao ever laatingly fraa that wa have a tot of rttiaana who practU-eily do aa thay piaaaa. Ona troubla ia that aa many of our official* who belong to tha axacuUva dapartmant of our govern mant and who ara expected to enforee tha lawa, ara politician* and on tha lookout for nomething batter. Tha lawa ara thua ofton loft unanforcad. For it ia ofton tha caaa that tha law braakar ia a vote gattor of nc nttla importance. Now we are living under a ateto adminiatration that haa enacted a law that require! every child between the area of eight and fourteen to attend school four month* in each year. That law haa been on L'm books for four year*, and yet here in Surry it haa not been enforced. Next week we will be glad to publiah tha namea of the officers who look after the attend ance here in our town. If thia law ia not enforced in the future the people are going to know why. Every one of the bright flag* about town should be placed at half mut until that money ia rained for every one of the 200 suits for the soldiers. t 11 Mr. C. A. Holt of Greensboro is in the city in the interest of the govern men looking to the national defense from the standpoint of making the country safe from destructive fire*. Year gwemnat ia doing all it can to take care of all the wealth of the land and one way we loce much is by careless fires Mr. Holt is inspecting the larger buildings with a view to seeing if there is danger of a great destruction by Are. Famous Aviator Coming. Arrangement! have been made with the Young Aeroplane Company at New York City to have Walter J. Carr the world famous aviator, at Mount Ary during the Surry County Fair. One of the big event* of the Faif promises to be Aviator Carr in his wonderful Biplane, in which he does a sensational war feature. In a recent issue of Loe Angles Times, that paper says that Carr is a modest man, who has very litt' 1 to say but who does a lot of sensational fly ing. His stunts, together with his im itation of an Aviator falling makes any ones hair stand straight up. The Havana, Cuba Post says, "Carr the American, who arrived in Havana and made his machine ready for the sensational over the city flights, as promised, as arranged for by the Post. His first flight on Saturday was un announced. It was the intention of the Post to surprise our citisens and they certainly had the surprise of their lives. We have had Beachy, Moisant and many of the other fam ous fliers here, but never a Carr. Carr flew over the city and out over the harbor, over the place where the Maine was sunk and dropped some floral pi«*es, then flow away, higher and higher, until he was almost out of sight, he then turned his plane down ward and as he was apparently fall ing, r..ade straight for the city. Carr's engagement here has been the only successful one ever pulled off in Havana, all the others were fi nancial failures, we atribute his suc cess to the initial flight, and his dar ing U> fly so near the water with his machine in dropping flowers over the location of the Maine. Mr. Carr leaves tomorrow for Los Angeles, Oal.. where he is to fly short ly. We all wish him the greatest suc cess possible." STORY or A CRIME. KilUd HU Mm Tmh ACo mm* Must Now Cocoa Back mmd SimmI TriaL TwaWa yaari »*o, or tharaabuuta. Logan Vtmon mot hia nairhbur, Ewal Itippfcy, in the rnad tan milaa north ul |kii city and allot htm d«ad. Both war* vounit men and tha ahoaitinf waa witnmaad by thraa other poraona. Juat why Vernon commit tad the act no naa haa evar baan abla to ax plain, further than Varnon la rappoaad to have baan undar tha tnfluonca of H (jo or. I Now Vtrnon, artar Ml inmm ymrnr*, i. in Jail In Pendleton, Oregon, and I mu i (on panning under the name of J. .. Raah. Later he located him in Burrua, Oregon, but In each inatance he waa not able to make the'arraat. Some week* ago ha again got on hia trail and Anally located him in Pendle ton, Oregon, and waa able to get hia •rreat made and have him locked up. to await hia removal to the state of Virginia where he will anawer for hia act. Mr. Beiton declinea to give the iiource of hia information because he would betray the confidence of parties who do not care to be known in the unfortunate affair in any way. And ao the Sheriff of Carroll county will leave today, Thursday, for the state of Oregon to bring Mr. Vernon back. The diatance ia about 3,400 milea and it will require about two weelu to make the trip and an expense to the state of Virginia of abeot $259.00 The rewards offered by Carroll county and state of Virginia amount to about $200.00 which will be paid to Sheriff Beiton when Vernon ia deliv ered back to his home county. . / Dabton New* Item*. Smt. Wade Hampton, of Washington, D. C., ia spending his vacation with hi> parents, Mr and Mrs, W. W. Ham pton. Lieutenants Robert Riggs and Claud oltx, who have been home on a brief furlough, returned to Fort Oglethorpe last week. Many of our local teachers are pre paring to go away for this year's work. Misses Margaret Freeman, Lelia Cooper, Ruth Folger and Rachel Freeman will accept schools in some of our Eastern counties. Miss Annie Folger goes to White Plains, Miss Juliet Folger to Salem Fork and Mrs. Olevia Palmer near Mt. Airy. The faculty for the high school here has not been selected, except that Miss Gertrude Reece has accepted the po sition of teaching Domestic Science. A one-day term of Superior Court was held here Monday of last week. Judge W. J, Adams, of Carthage, Moore county, presiding. No cases were tried. Some motions were heard several judgements signed and a Cal endar for both term* of October court was arranged. There will be a one week Civil Term beginning Oct ober 1st, and a 2-weeks criminal and Civil term beginning October 23rd. The Board of Education and, alio, the board of County Commissioners were in regular session here last Mon day. Among other things, the Board, of Education made provision for hold ing the Teachers' Institute in the Bap tist Church here. The Commissioners did nothing of Importance save ap prove the usual batch of appropria tions. Dr. Moir 8. Martin and Miss Mar garet McLocas were here a short while Monday night. Dr. Martin lec tured on public sanitation. Miss Mc Lncas on canning club work. / The New Model Chevrolet Wf» liu-lodlng all IW rquipmmt. W. O. R. factory: S-pMMnf«r Car, $635.00. 2-paMenger Car, $620.00. The new model Chevrolet hu ell of the following equipments which put* it in the cUm with all the high price can: KlwUk ftolf-BtarUr KWtrr LijhU ()m>Mu fop Slanting Windahirld To* Board and Foot Rail Honrjrromh Radiator Water Circulation I'ump Tirr Rack JMTy Carta I na Dnr Pactota Naw OtHag Hy.taai Saiua Ms* Tirv all Arwad Bah* Rail T. J. SMITHWICK Dealer for Mount Airy and Vicinity UNIVERSAL AUTO COMPANY, Distributors Winston-Salem, N .C Rain Old Jopiter Pluvius take* fiendish delight in raining poorly protected building*. At every little crack or bare spot in the paint, the rain soaks in and spreads rot through the wood. To laat, your building* matt be M nurpnal a* • ataunch boat. They will be. if wall coated with paint mada of Dutch Boy White-Lead thinned with pura linaaad oil. Such paint (ivea a emooth, waatbarproof •urface that wit] not crack or acale. It fivaa baauty, atan Before tha next rain, call on ua about painting and painting material*. We expect you. If you can't call, 'phooe or write. Dutch Boy Lewis While-Lead Wood's Seed* Alfalfa will yield four or five cut tings per season. Fail is the best tune for sowing. Every farmer should sow Alfalfa so as to increase the supply of feed to raise more livestock. Wood's Alfalfa Seed is American-frown and best quality obtainable. WOOD'S TALL CATALOG alao t«lla about ail othar Seeds for F&n Sowing. wmt tot liitiiof ana pnou ov •ay gi»dl required. T.W.WOOD Cs SONS. SOEKKR, - Butaiai. Ta. "Open Your Mouth and Shut Your Eyes and 111 Give You Something to Make You Wisef* <#»«»> • t- ■«<,■■■ .ii,. Crisp, delicious cookies—and never a burnt one! The steady, cva flame stays put—you don't need to watch the New Perfection. Twice as convenient as • coal or wood range and costs no more. No coal or wood to lug, no dirt, no ashes. A quick fire or a simmer, just as you like, and a cool kitchen all the time. Ask your dealer to show you the new feature, the reversible glut reservoir U~ \l ALADDIN SECURITY OIL a superior Kerosene, (or best results It's always clean and dear-burning. STANDARD OIL COMPANY IXC Norfolk. V*. ■ V*. (Nrw Jotmjr) BALTIMORE MD. Owlxh, N. C , W.V.. , 3.C.