tfount Aky News. X. C, %HL Uk. ItlT. ■f rum# uuting AM1VING IWo.1 nru. SHORT NEWS ITEMS MIm T»uiae Boil ha. returned from ■ viait to ralativaa in Elkin. Mra. E. T. Clark of Weldon la the |UHt of Mra. E. C. Fojr on Main «t. Mr. Roiror Jenninga of Greenabor* ■pant turv' y in thia city. Miaa Vaata Council Uft yeatarday to taach achool near ("hapal Hill. Miaa Halan Harria apant laat Fri day in Graenaboro. Mr. and Mra. Rob. Coltrane and children left laat vaak to make their future home in Ivanhoa, Va. Miaa Nannie Criti haa returned from a viait to ralativaa n Chriatian burg, Va. Miaa Margaret Callaway laavaa aaxt weak for Charlotte to take train ing aa a nuraa. Miaa Annie Spaugh laavaa thia wreak to teach domeetic aci«nca at Wal nut, N. C. Mra. W.A. Jackaon and little daugh ter, Valeria, have returned from a viait to ralativaa in Low gap. Miaa Lola Wolti laavaa thia weak to teach piano arid voice at tha atata high achool at Matthawa. Prof, and Mra. Purdy of Frienda Miaaion, Va., hava gone to Annopolia, Md., to make their future home. Mra. R. B. Arm field and two child Tan have returned to their home in Spokane, Waah., after a pending a viait with ralativaa in thia aection. Mr. Edgar Turlington who teachea at Chapel Hill ia in the city arrang ing to move hia parenta and houaehold good* to Chapel Hill. Miaaea Ethel Spaugh, Grace Fojr, Lillian George and Katie Spaugh havt (one to Winaon-Salaat to toach in tha graded achoola at that place. The Betterment Aaaociation will hold their regular meeting Friday afternoon at 3.80 o'clock in the High School building. All member* are urged to attend. Vance Haynea, wo ia a member of tha aviation corpe in training at tha Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Ga., arrived Tueaday to upend a aix weeka furlough with hia parenta. Mr. and Mrs. <1. C. Van Landingham of Raleigh ware guests 'Mr. and M r». C. H. Haynes for the pant week. Mes dames Van I.andingham and Hayne* arc now guest* at Moor's Spring*. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Plott and Mr. and Mri. Forests have returned to their homes in Thomasvitle after visit ing Mr. nd Mrs. F, f. Wolfe in this city. Mr. A. L. Clark leaves today for his home in Roanoke Rapids after spend ing a few days with his wife and children who are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Foy. The local W. C. T. U. will meet in regular monthly session next Tuesday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock at the Friends Church. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. J. W. McAllister and little son Worth, of Winston are jruests of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Graves on Rockford street. Her little daughter, Adelaide ia a patient at Martin Hoapital. New* has reached tfTis city of the marriage of Miss Mamie Massie to Mr. T. J. GUI, Jr., of Lauinburg. Miss Massia will be remembered here as a member of last year's graded school faculty. The marriage took place early in August. Mr. Gill ia an army officer and the marriage was hastened on account of his appointment. ^y The following ywung ladies leave during the next few days for Greens boro to attend the State Normal Col legs: Misses Rachel Haynaa, Mary Haynes, Pearl Hatcher and Elisabeth Smith of this city, and Rachel and ElUabeth Freeman and Alice Folger of Dobaon. Minnie Hmith of Pilot Mountain and Louise Phillips of Dal tM. /I to tow* ta Wsrrmaburg. Tmm. Hlu Mary Hpau«h • Imtm naxt waah to mi tor tk« Aohavilla Normal Mhf«' MImm Mlldrod and Edna Bnuiabrr at Boaborv *r» (3Mt« of Mr*. Carroll Hilt. Adrian Knhinaon laavaa in a few iiay» to rat am* hi* «t udim at tka ii—rgm T nc h n teal Coilaga. Tito Kditor of Tito New* and hii family mad* a vUit to ralativaa in Yadkin County i»t wook. Hupt. I. W. Harbor ha* returned from • vlalt to relative* in Virgiaia. From thu data all the *ervicap of tha town will basin at 7:30 instead at § o'clock. Mr. and lira. J. L. Harmon have ratumad from Naw York and Haiti mora whara they apant two waaka buying goods. Miss Adelaide Koontz of Baltimore arrived Saturday to take charge of ,the millinery department of Har rison's atora. MUs Margie Sparger left aeveral day* ago to apend a faw daya in Philadelphia tpfore going to Rocky Mount where ahe will teach achool. Mr. Goo. 0. Grave* and children and Miaaea Lucy nd Jamie Hadlay hava returned from an auto trip to Yancayvilla. f Miaaea Minnie Rucfi Holcomb, May Robinaon and Louiaa Foy left Tuaa duy for Greenaboro to reaume their atudia* at tha Greenaboro Collage for Woman. / On next Saturday Dr. T. M. Jordan will cloae the diapenaary at tha High School building in thia city at one o' clock inatead of Ave aa advertiaad. Thou* who take treatment ahould come at the early hour no that tha Doctor ran get away on tha afternoon train. Mr. Vance Haynea ia at home from Atlanta for a few week* reat before he finiahaa the work required for a "»ky pilot" in your country'* aerial fleet. Some week* ago Mr. Haynea had an operation for appandiciti* and haa not yet fully recovered from tha effect* of tha operation. W A few day* ago tone misguided one threw a rock at the automobile of Dr. J. T. Smith in Westfleld township a* he was paasing the road in the night A large rock struck the hood of tha machine. Others have had the aame experience while parsing the same place and an investigation will ba made to try to locate the guilty party. The Mount Air? Betterment Asso ciation will hold an informal reception in honor of the teacher* of the City School* at the High School Auditorium Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All mother* of *chool children are moat cordially invied to be present. The debt dodgers ROASTED At Central Methodist Church next Sunday morning the pastor will preach on Debt-Paying Honesty, and the debt-dodger will be roasted. Some Thing* Debt Will do. It will shorten an honest man's life. It will destroy an honest man's cour age. It will destroy an honest man's self-respect. It will ma!:e a man a helpless stare. It will diminish a man's chancer for success. It will de stroy a man's good influence. German Demands That He be Interned. Asheville, Aug. 28.—Declaring that he had been a sailor on the German steamship Vaterland, Herman Friesse appeared today at the office of the United States marshal and demanded that he be interned at the detention camp at Hot Springs. The case was referred to an Immigration official who happened to be in Asheville, but the official said he could do nothing for Fresse. The German insisted that he be interned and seemed to regard it a privilege of which he was b«2ng de prived. He said he had beee In Colo rado and more recently had been at work at I,*ke Toxaway. 1 He declared that hi* wages had been unsatisfac tory and that his food was in no way equal to that served at the camp. At a later hour today, he had not suc ceeded In breaking Into the camp. TW piye anew recital. |t«M under j the a—yfcaa of thv Juvenile Mlaatoa ' mry Society tetnl M E. Chan* i on laat Monday rvwilnc afforded an •vantni at tmuaual pWaaurv to muaia ■ Invera. Prof, If. G. Eaaiey tha ultnlad Uind ! muriclan ha* tha aoul of an artlat, and through hia well trained finger up* and maatarly manipulation of tha In ' atrumant hv poured forth • flood of melody aooiet.nv « Jojrow arid jabil j ant and a vain tender and awert hut I ' alwaya finding a raapnaeive chord in tha haarta of hi* hearera. Ha waa ably a«..lated by Mia a t.oia WoiU and Mra, J. 0. Janklna, aopran oa. Mlaa Wolti, who la thta aeaaon'a ; graduate, aaiiK two -nort number a tha Am being Olay Speaka, "Tla May lima", which waa followed immediately by "Tha Home of Memory", Humor eaqua,— both aelectiena ware fault la oaly rendered in her rlear oweet voice. Mra. Jenkina, who ia alwaya wel comed by an audience by her towns people aang "The Holy City"hy Steven Atlanta, a aelat tion wall auited to her voice which haa wonderful depth and power. The cloaing number waa The Star Spangled Banner and the whole audi atmment he poured forth a ftoor of patriotic hymn. / r Dr. Taylor Moth to Form. Dr. W. S. Taylor has ranted bit homo on Granite Streat to Mr. W. H. Long and will move this weak to tha residence on hia frm in tha suburbe of North Mount Airy. Tha Doctor and hia wife want to gat out where they will have the benefit of tha coun try and have a mora quiet life. It ia near enough to not interfere in the leant with tha Doctor'a practice and he can be reached by phone or seen at hia office in the future aa in the paafc^ Opening of the Graded School* 'The school* of Mount Airy had • moat auapicioua opening on Monday September >. In the white achooia 820 pupil* were enrolled the flrat day, an iacreaae of 30 over the opening last year. This ia especially encouraging, since there are fewer children than there were a year ego. Members of the school Board, the ministers of the town, and many par ents were present for the opening ex erciaes. In compliance with the pro clamation of Governor Bicltett, the opening exercises were largely of a patriotic nature. The boys and girl* were urged to train and prepare them selves for efficient service to their community and their state. A fine school spirit is manifested in Mount Airy, and the fine attendance at the opening of the nchool indicates the beginning of a good year's work. Some Sales Mad* at Farmers Warehouse for the Last Few Days. Roy Midkiff, 102 lbs st 24 Sic,.12 at 31c. 44 at 18c. average 25c. E. W. White. 24 lbs at 24He. T. W. White, 1U0 lbs at 26c. 114 at 29c, 90 at 18c. average $24.JO. Albert Simpson, 119 Iba st 29c, 104 at 24 He. 92 at 15, average $23.37. D. J. Midkiff, 28 lbs at 37c, 94 at 34c, 80 at 82c, 44 at 24c, average 32c. R. Midkiff, 70 lbs at 3Sc, 126 at 30c, 52 at 18c, average 29c. N. A. Lowe, 8 lbs at 23c, 6 st 34c, 100 at Sic, 102 at 25c, average 27.90. Killas Dolleheigh. 260 lbs at 24 He, 266 at 19c, average, 21.70. Joe Mahone, 160 lbs st 25c, 70 st 31c, 44 st 30c, 20 st 27c, average 27£0. J. E. Smith. 88 lbs at Sic, 146 at 27c, 216 at 18c, average 23.50. C. H. Haymore, 74 lbs at SOc, 84 at 33c, 50 at 17c, average 28c. Dock Puckett, 42 lbs at 30c. 140- at 28c, 146 at 18 He, average 24c. Marion and Badgett, 112 lbs at 26c 122 at 33c, average 29.20. T. A. Johnson and Co., 42 lbs at 29e. 62 at 27e, average 28.86. R. Y. Jonas. 74 lbs at Sle, 70 at Sic, 26 at 28c, 24 at 11 He. 108 at 22c, average 26.98. Jim Edwards, 84 lbs st Sle, 122 st 31c, 146 st 27c, 62 at lOHe, average 24.48. R. C. Reamer. 180 lbs at 83c, 110 at 28c, 9 at 16c, SO at 17c, average 29.40. C. L. Reamer, 88 lbs at 36c, 66 at 32c, 46 at 26c, average 30.92. Noah Bennett, 28 lbs at 82c, 42 st Sic. 54 st 25c, average 28.60. Fred Venable, 44 lbs st 26c, 104 st 30c, 120 st 84c, sverage 31.06. J. E. White, 48 lbs at 3Sc, 84 st 34c, 140 st 29c, sverage 31.21. X. F. Gaiding, 16 at 12Hc, 90 at S.V. 234 at 82c, 174 at 24 He, sveraga 29.23 Mr. M. Z. Hollingsworth sold a load of primings Monday with us for 1210.20. R. V. Holding sold a load for *208.70. BEA8LKY * IJOBSON^^ CLOTHING II FOR | 1 Men And Bous ** w We arc now rcctivinf the largcil and most complete line of men end boys' Clocking ever shown in Mount Airy. We bought months ego, before the advance—if you want to save money come ahead. We have the fit for ell the men and boys. Clothing, is advancing ever dey, but we are looking out for our customers all the time. Come and let us skow you. LUNDY & BOWMAN CCOTHING CO. Successors to t QUNDY CLOTHING SIMS Program of Surry County fair Mount Airy, N. C. - Ground* open at 8 a.m. TUESDAY, OCT. 9th Grounds dote at 10 p.m. CHILDREN'S DAY All children and teacher* of the free school* of Surry, Stoke*, Carroll and Patrick Counties admitted on thia day for 10 centa each. Meet at Banner Warehouse and (tart to Fair Ground* at 10 a. in. Pay your admittance in caah a* you enter the Fair Grounda. Exact chance required. AEROPLANE FLIGHT AT 11 A. M. 1st racei—2.30 Trot beginning at 2. p.m Puree $300.00 Free attraction* between heat* opposite the Grand Stand. 2nd race—2.18 Pace beginning at 2:30 p.m Puree $300.00 Aeroplane Flight at 3 P. M. Firework* Display at 8 P. M: Ground* open at 8 a.m. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10th Grounds close at 10 p.m. PILOT MOUNTAIN DAY AEROPLANE FLIGHT AT 11 A. M. 1st race—2.30 Pace beginning at 2 P. M Puree $300.00 Free attraction* b«t»e«n heats opposite the Grand Stand. 2nd race—2.15 Trot beginning at 2:30P.M Puree $300.00 Aeroplane Might at 3 P. M. Fireworks Display *1 S P. M. Ground* open at 8 a.m. THURSDAY, OCT. 11th Ground* close at 10p.m. ELKIN DAY AEROPLANE FLIGHT AT 11 A. M. All exhibition horae* and cattle will parade baforc Grand Stand at 1 P. M. 1st race—2.18 Trot beginning at 2 P. M Punw $300.00 Fraa attraction! between heats oppoeite the Grand Stand. 2nd race—2.16 Pace beginning at 2:30 P.M Purse $300.00 Aeroplane Flight at 3 P. M Fireworks Display «t 8 P. M. Grounds open at 8 t.m. FRIDAY, OCT. 12th Grounds close at 10p.m. VIRGINIA DAY AEROPLANE FLIGHT AT 11 A. M. lilt race—2.20 Trot beginning at 2 P. M Pone 1300.00 Free attraction* between heat* opposite the Grand Stand. 2nd race—2.18 Pace berinningat 2:30P.M Purse $800.00 Aeroplane ritgnt at 3 r. m. r irework* uitpiay at o r. Save the abort advertisement, it will ba of value to 70a whan you com* to the Pair.

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