Ofcpton. O. -Lftef tot the greet ■mi ViOtoy. **»* 10 mifaa north Mat at Jayte* and MW the town* of FairfteM uml Oaborn la tha largeet svi*tu>n fold in the world. Thia fWkl aarari u >na of 2S00 arraa purchaaed by Adam vchant*, rafraaanttny tha Miami •'onaervaney diatrtet aarly in May, Tha Oovarnatant now haa a laaaa on tha held bat haa not yet ptir •fcaaed it. Within all waeka from tha fete of takmr over tha tract tha en tire Held 'va» completed and tha ftrat contingent at Hying atudanta quarter •d on the irroumia and under .training. At the preeent time all arttritioa at the ramp are in full awing and the ftrat graduate* were wheduled to ra> I eeive their dipioaiaa tha laat week at j Aoguat. The rleid ui in command at Maj. I Arthur R. ' hriatie, who ti* conaid erabla active aerviee at £'* Meaican border, where he eetahliahed a retard tor efficient (lying. A large comple ment <>f the beat flying inatructorr in thia country aa wall aa thoae among the Allien are now teaching the atu denta. Several «'|tiadrona of mechanic! who arc regular mmbtri of th* army and whose buaineaa it ia to keep tba ma chine in perfect running order are alao stationed at tha field. Thai* *ol dier-mechani<-* are tho'^'Jjrfcly t-a'ned in the workings of aeroplanaa and have the mint modern device* for keeping them in fir*t-cla»* condition. The field ia an excellent example of modern lard*cape engineering. It haa been rolled until it haa taken on tba appearance of a level stretch of prai rie land and tree*. shrubbery, houaea and other terra flrma obstruction* that might interfere with a »afe and clear landing for a machine have been cleared away. Tha traction line that formerly paaaad through that part of the country haa been detoored around flie rteW tor a distance of lHf-aflei and* new line from the adjacent rail roada ran to the field. There are aon than 100 building* on the field, 24 of which are devoted to the housing of the machinea. A thorough lyatem of drainage haa been installed. On ail four (idea of the field are armed guards whom one must paaa before letting foot upon the training camp. A paas is a difficult thing tc secure and is granted only after a moat thorough investigation by the commanding officer, the moat exact ing precaution* being taken to guard against spiea. Once inside, a peraon . is still under the officer'a watchful eye*, a* one is not permitted to tear the field unlesa accompanied by an officer. A lone ia also established around the hangar* beyond which a visitor ia not allowed to pass. Viaitor* are not permitted to take photograph* on the grounda, make a flight, take note* of any kind whatsoever nor make a shetch. In short, every pre caution i* taken to guard againat any NOTICE TO SICKWOMEN Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieve* Suffering. Bridgaton.N.J.—"I cannot (peak too highly of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vageta DM Compound for inflammation and otharweaknenea. I waa very irregular and would hare tor ribla pain* ao that I could hardly taka a •top. Sometime* I would betomiaer^ bla that I could not ■weep a room. I doctored part of tha time hut f«11 ha change. I later took Lydia E. Pink ham - Vegetable Compound and aoon (•It a change for th« batter. I took it an til I *u In good healthy condition. I recommend the Plnkham rrm<*diea to all women aa I have naed them with auch good reaulu." Mra.Mll.roBDT.CvM MlNua, 88V Harmony St, IVno'a Grove, N J. Such toatimony ahould be accepted by ail women aa convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound aa a remedy for Aa diatreaaing ilia of women auch aa Aiaplacementa, Inflammation, ulceration, backache, painful pertoda, nerv<>nn«aa and kindred ailment*. A largo niHBkar at < Milan tori ara now at Ik* l«kl and mora of tkia co of tka n>wi»wt tnlniiifl ■choata, whara thay mat* a vara taat bafora Mnf gtvaa a Ih aa an instructor. Thay raraiva frow UM to K4MM a yaar Civilian la atrurtora now on duty at tka ftaid tneluda Duigtaa Maanii if, E. L Part rldft, H. 7. Wortan, Nan P. Wfcaaton and H. L. Allan. The atudant flyari vho ara at| th« (laid In tralrluil from all parti of tha country. Thaaa atudanta raraiva thair preliminary training at varinaa unlvar.itiaa daalgnatad by tka tiovammaut bafora thay report at tkia flald. At tkaaa arhoola thay taka a ■la weak*' "ground eovraa" tat -»hwh thay ara taugkt tha bade pnnriplea of flight, angina ron-trurtlon, tala graph IC algnallng, map drawing, gun nery and many nthar things wktrh an 'rfltcar in this arm of tha aarvlca atrial know. If thay paaa thair examination at tha ronrluaion of tka ewrna tkay ara sent to ana nf tha flclda Ilka Wil bur Wright flald; ahoulil tkay fail [ there tkay ara aant home. At Wilbur Wright (laid six i srs S'lignad to dm instructor who (irii them each four or mora 20-min uM flights a Hay. A atudant's average length of training requirea eight weeks or mora, whan ha ia given a taut which ha paass. entitles him to a junior pilot's license. Aftar that ha will k>a aant to Franca, where ha will , undergo another mora severe J training under allied instructor* for a | month or mora whan ha will be ready for active service against the Gar While at the fiatd the •tudonta re ceive |100 a month »alary, the same pay given in the officers' reserve train ing camps. They are classed as pri vates and are required Ia do police and guard duty. Whan flying at the fiMd the students are limited to a (lying height of 700 feat and are Mt pmmittsd U> pass be yond the boundaries of the fleWT Raw ever, a long-distance flying course ia now partly mapped out which will ex tend from the field to the officers' ra se I've training camp at Ft. Benjamin Harrison in Indiana. The distance ia about 110 miles. Maps of the rout* will be supplied the flyers when start ing on the trip. Landing places con sisting of open fields will be located along the route at a distance of five miles apart where the aviator may land, but only in case of emergency. All the principal cities along the route a high tower will be erected from which will shine a light to steer the aviator on his way, as night flights as well aa day will be taken. A more extensive route will be completed later which will take the flyer from Dayton to Pittsburgh, Pa.; to Columbus, then to Dayton, O.; to Richmond and In dianapolis, Ind.; to Rantoul and Chicago, 111.; to Ft. Wayne, In<L, and return to Dayton. Bridges, buildings and various kinds of structures may be crested for the airmen to drop bombs on aa a test ot their eyesight. The Standard airplane made by the Standerd Aero Corporation of New Jersey, and the Curtias J-N4, made by the Glenn H. Curtias Company of New York, are the two types of machines now in use at the field. These ma chines are of a low hor^e power, but possess a great wing breadth, which makes them ideal for training pur poses. A "Spad" and a Nieuport ma chine, both foreign make, will be us«d by the students for instruction in mechanism. • The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irro sitftible charm—a good I complexion. Of course they do not wish other* to know « beautifier has been used so tliey buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm UQUiD FACE POWDER mA UM fcreonAm to (impfe tlitWlioM. Improve 1 IfWt »• •»«*•<•><! M m»f#. Socrttunf. coattfta Mi iwiai, vlfwv i^unpuin, wv|w i rta. ri*. iwiw 7J*. 8—»li (attkor color) for It. Itaap. lj»Mli.Ck, 40 Sawk FAh BnxJthm, N Y. Ojratar Bay, W. T , lipt •„—Wna ara antitUii ta tha ballot mm m right i not aa a favor, Cal. 1 valt laid m g0tkmtmg «f I /ragiata ami iMr frionda who MOtor ad to bla bom* at Stcaaon HU1 thia •Awmoii. He tel*rW bi n»aif Mt Mpktlirtlly in favor mt •> .mma ».tf (v|t and «m baartly applaaaaii wbon b« Mid. "O* Mm wboU tha niix-n who** | India part aabta at all (iutiaa, 1 will pat bar abaaii at •vary othar human bain*. Ta dany tba mothar tha vota laami to ma wow thing aa prapoatarooa that oar <taa randan ta will fail to uadaraUad our rtaim mt bain* aalf-gavarning aad da ■ocratic and jrat dany It" Char gad With la Lynching mt fit York, I. C, ftapt. 7. -»lo«k Mrfitfl. Sydnor & Sparger *OU*T AIRT, -j- ft. C in Herri tt ATTENTION! W« call you attention to tbo fact that wo will reduce the price of bark September the 1st and no barb will bo received at our station after Decem ber 1st. Tbie August 14<b, 1917. C C SMOOT 4k SONS COMPANY. cm am aim | wibImsp TWVi an maaa »hr • pnaaa Mi lu aiafcaatag, milrvdiif l«Ii—I «*■ I rmmu buy a • lavfi >iHI a# Mm1» .in t. "plat la UmM •«* I.jjyi/T'L11'? •• «n^ a* •'• "•* II flBMal mm Mcii • «• aa« aallaafe T~ mm — tartly hanalwa Calenal la a Iwprin <tr»» IU «in ntmry nil attaaba jonr bona*. Tafca <Joaa of aaaty faloul today art yo« n M weak, atafc and aauiMtad to tnmm. I)»n t laaa a <Ur'« mA Tab* Don't law a day'. »•»*. Taba il of Man'. Utar Tana te jr««i will wmka up MI|| paaL alt. Tnir 4raaglat «ay» it Tan tad Dndaaa'a Uw* Toaa aa*a aat doa't tar tbaa fcanriMa aalaaMl Mr aanf l» waiting tar ; Bmyin t 0 wife, with ubmtsm il f^rrnr;, lm tSt »U dmjt mf Virfiatm For cigarettes, Virginia-Carolina tobacco is the best The sunny South—Jvhere cigarettes zvere born The first cigarettc ever made was Virgjnia Carolini tobacco. All the mcllov.* charm of Southern sunshine itself is in Virginia- Cs Carolina tobacco. And no other tobacco has that "dash" and "go" to its taste that Virginia-Carolina tobacco has. \ aVoooo (V iedmoni The Cigarette of Quality NOTE. JO# million Douodt. Thai'* how moth Virfinia-CurAina toWro «u mad* Ir o rijimti Ua j«t-om 4 limrt u muck u any oitxrr tofaacro. M htlmtm! is Mr hgpit-fUng CmrvHmm nfmrtm im lit nmrU. 5c and 10c a package •

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