[business builders VANTID- IV* ar thrw girls arm If to work to Laurel Bluff Cottoi MUU. 4M) FOR HALE—a » h p. »w Mill oat flu, rhaap, raah or > . Iiia.'ds of civil service eami nora the f st ofltoi in all f th,i la'ger citie n~e fu'n* hed detailed in f in- ion and appiicaMon blanks, /p, li ant-< are not u quired to ap pear in an examination room for a written examination, but are rated up on their education, training, and ex perience. Thousands Of Satisfied Users ' in city, town and ' country testify to the wonderful efficiency and economy of the Caloric1 ' Pineleee Furnace. We've a book d remarkable r letters written by Caloric ot men and not in on* is there a word of 1 anything but praieefor the Caloric. ' We'd like to show you the id have you read i thie book. oi the letter* UM» in and inv—irn ruwcf i Writ* w rah m m for furtW l» fWMtlM. S. W. Fulk Hardware Co. Pilot M«uataim, N. C wte i p1 ; 1W hnM of Prof. snd Mra. J. A. I WlUiam» on Cherry straat Ml tfca mm at a vary charm ln« paity last . Friday night in which U*» yuuagvr I and oUar Mia mingled, the party was glean in honor at Mr*. Williams sis tara Mlaaaa Nellie and Katia Page whose himw la naar Raleigh. Tha Williama home was attractively da eoratad for tha ocraaion, tha rotar »cKama btlni rod and fraan. Gamas and coatanU provided awuiiaant far tha pwcU. Mr. George Gravaa se curing tha priaaa, a boa of atatloiiery,, in a Chriitmaa Tida conte-1. Hot \ chocolate wil wafora wara served ara tha gue.ts departed. /> MUa Lillla May George was hoateea to about twanty flva of tha younger xat on Haturriay evening at tha Horn* of Mr. and Mr*. P. A. George on Cherry itraat, MUa Helen Warren of Burlington who ia Hie guest of Miaa Elizabeth Hparger was tha honor guest on this ocraaion. The home was beautiful with ita shaded lights and profusion of Christ man decorations. After ..pending some time enjoying music, iramea and con versation, • delicious salad course was served by Misses Elizabeth Spar ger, Love Banner and Carma George. Miaa Mary Thompson entertained a few friends at tha home of har par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Thompson on Main street at a six o'clock dinner Monday evening in honor of Miss tielon Warren of Burlington. Thoeei present were Mioses Helen Warren of' Burlington, Virginia Strmple of Win-! ston-Salem, Elizabeth Sparger, Mar ion Prather, and Mary llunnah. L/.-On Tuesday evening the home of yMr. A. E. Smith on Franklin street was the scene of a delightful gather ing of young people when his daugh ter, Miss Florence Smith gave a party in honor of Miss Helen Warren of Burlington. An interesting bird con est wan the mnin fen:tire of the en tertainment provided. Delicious re-1 fre-.hmtnts were served during the evening. ' / Fruit Grower* in Florid* Protected Their Crops. Jacksonville, Ha., Dec. 'JO.— Report*, rweived her* I • :;*ht injieeted U»nt cent.ru! nnj norther- h !ula experi enced today tho cold* weather in yearn. F.uit'growe *. iWaii- : of the cold wav«, had p c ;ted their crop*, tmt it wu.-< :n t believed mu"b j daina. e v. i!uli : .it tmck gul den and ci'. u> (jti ve-.. The low ' i8E»p?r*'a p In the rtate ww uAoCk^ii) 14% i hero wfa the the- ir. >. k ir t to 22 de cree-. «'■ \e M . before r-.'» n. Th~ Capital EavT S ->■!*j Espericncctl Zero V/eath""\ | Raleigh, Dec. .TO.—The mercury at zero shortly after 8 o'clock this morn ing e tab'i.hcU a new low mark for December weather. The eAldnt on re cord for December* hitherto, was nine degrees above xero on Dei-ember 31,1 18!>9. The severe cold wave in general over North Carolina. In Raleigh, the shortage of fuel, compined with the extreme cold wea ther, made it necessary for practi ; tally all the churches to suspend Sun I day services. Frank Woodroffe Architectural Work. Oaee 249 North Maia Street KEAI) The State Journal A Veekly Mirror of \'orlh Carolina Lif• KALillUU, N. a Tha Great North Carolina Weekly PnbUahed at t'>* Bt*te ttayital ' <".00 iTur, #1.00 for fcix Worth*. Trr»«, Vlg- cui, CV 'it. *\atroctl>c. Eaten air ia£ Inspiring. .»Ca«?c far lha lioaw < irele and tl* fr>r the Buoy Mao. Il'a ahout vnur own affair* ar.J joot own (olka. You seed It If yoa do not read , It, foe mine aomrthinjc really worth ( wfcllo la tha political, ecoaoaafa and | adacatiaaal Ufa of yoor Suta Three i modtha trial aahacriprtea. B eaota. I who mi hilled nwr lilWam ar rtvad in thia city Saturday far burial Mr. Mlgttai* had bean worhteg at amm of the Itwuml plan la near Bate-1 track waiting far a train whan tha faat npnaa atruck htm and An com panion a. Ha laavee a «m>* and ili child ran, tha wtfa can ipaak only a few worde of Infliih and la pmatrat ad with grief. The funeral waa con dacted by Be*. T. H. King and the ramalna laid te reet In On lidale cama tary. The deeeamd waa aa Italian ■tenaeutter and worked at the quarry here before going te Baltimore. .lvnii ur sniiiimikuuui M BETING. Tho roffular annual 1— f.p*n your local grocer? He decla-es no millicq dollar dividends. But the div'd. ■ ' s he does declare are di» lends of se; v'c cr b-ing on the jcb every min *e, of s*anJ» inj re>.dy to supply your Wi.entver they may arise. The mare you serve him the bf *ter he can serve you. The more business you enLust to htm the bjj-jer dividends he can pay bacli to you in QUALI i i, 1'.>'CC AND SERVICE. No corrmnnity is better than the merchants who serve it. Every member of every community must do his share to make hl» community better. Bigger business means bigger dividends—and the dividends come back to you. At this time of tests of loyalty you connot do better than stand with your local grocer and give him the support he needs so that he may serve you better when you must DEPEND upon him. What is true of your grocer, is likewise true of your dry goods, hard ware, furniture, drug store, shoe and clothing merchant. It takes them all to make a first class community. Buy at home and make Mount Airy bigger. Merchants Association of Mount Airy, N. C.