M«*t Akf Nn» Mrs. V. B. Ha** hit returned from ' aa MrtMKM vUK to W alitor to ViUoM, O*. Mrs. Frank Baldrnlge spwit Satur day k> Wlmlwi-hlwi on business. Mm Nell bum w*nt to Grams bar* Friday to toka • civil aarvlaa examination. Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa Priea hawa ran tori tba homa of Mr*. Willla Moor* Gantry, known aa "Owstnut Crast." Mr. R. H. Laonard *p*nt Friday in Graanahoro on buaineaa. Mrs. R. J. Reynold* of Winaton Salem visited relative* in this city Monday. Sergeant Charlea D. Prathsr of Camp Jackson, Columbus, S. C. is spsnding a furlough in this city. Rev. Tom P. Jimiaon was palled to Ashavilla the flrat of this weak by the aerioua illnaaa of his brother's wife. Mra. Jamea Aahby haa returned to thia city after an absence of several montha during which time ahe visited relative* in Oklahoma and Arkanaaa aa well aa points in thia atate. Mis* Mary Franklin Graves left Saturday to visit her brother, Ser geant William Gravea at Greenville, SC., / Hon. R. L. Haymore haa returned to his home after spending ton week* in Mnrtin hospital. Hia many friend* will he glad to know that hia health haa improved. > j I'hillip Banner who is in training at Camp Sheridan, Ala., ia at home visiting hia pnrenta, Mr. and Mr*. Walter Banner. (/ M ra. J. H. Pr.ithcr and daughter Mi Francea F'rather have returned< from a viait to Mra. Prnther'a daugh ter, Mr*. Brian Floyd in Spartanburg, 8. C. Dr. Charles S. Lawrence of Winston formerly of thin city, who enlisted in the army anionic the early volunteer* hu been promoted from the rank of Captain to that of Major and trans ferred to a base hospital. Mr. J. L. Harrison returned Fri day from northern market* where he spent two weeks buying goods. Mr*. Harrison who accompanied him re ■ mained to buy millinery, she will re turn the last of this week. Mrs. P. S.Early ha.» returned to Winston-Salem after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Hay more, her health improved greatly during \er stay in this city. The many friends of Prof. I. T. Turlington, formerly superintendent of schools in thisc ity; who is now a patient in the samtorium at Black Mountain, will learn with regret that his condition U growing gradual!;. Worse. A Little Frances Bell^^orge the two year old daughter M -Mr. and Mrs. P. A. George had the misfortune to fall and break both bones in her right forearm Monday afternoon, the accident occurred when the little girl was playing with a bicycle belonging to her older sister. * Miss Ida Shelton of Route 6, Mr. Howard Shelton of Camp Sevier. Greenville, S. C. and Mr. Steve Jar vis spent the past week end the guest of Mr. Jarvis cousin Miss Mabel Jar vis at the home of her parents on South Main street. Mrs. Nannie Farris arid eighteen Bonth' old daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Mr*. David Anderson of Claudeville, Va_ passed through this eity last Friday enroute to the home of Mr*. Farris in Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Farris who were formerly from Patrick and Stoke* counties respec tively settled in Colorado and have a large alfalfa farm, they came east tn visit relatives tyid Mr. Farris died ' while here. Mrs. Farris' sister and fcruther-ln-law will make their hom« with her. Mr. A. C. Inm of Chart-Is wma • of tha «•*. Mta f '-j Ml W* Umdmr for imlhwii Mttaa to bay |Mii tor fear Mount Alrjr Tabte m4 Manila Com ■. C. to «itor tho imr Mr. J. K. Boynolda raturnod to tha city teat Saturday after (panning so» aral woofc* ta Florida. White In Um •oath ha auute mm terga tend daate. ' Mr. T. i- Smith wick haa racantly ■old track* to tha Sparger Orchard Company and tha Mount Airy Pumi tura Cow pan y Thoy bought tha .Stuart truth, ono of tho boat make. Mr. lm Allan who has boon with tho Hoathron Eiproa* company with haadquavtora in thi* city for tho paat throo yaars. laavaa thi* wook for Vancouver, Washington, to nerve hi* country in tho forestry department. Mr*. Dr. J. T. Smith and Mi** Ethel Simmon* and Mr. .1. P. Christian of WastAaM pa*»od through thi* city Tuesday enroute to Greenville, S. C. to visit Messrs. Bernie Smith and Rowland Christian in (.'amp Saviar. Mr. and Mr*. G. C. Welch will leava today to viait their daughter Mr*. Folger at Saluda, their *on Edgar Welch who i* itationad at Camp Sa viar, Greenville, S. C.t wilt Hpeml Sunday with them there, ha will be accompanied by Jim Hale formerly of this city. The Are company was called out Monday because of a small Are at the tank of the National Furniture Company, The boxing of the water piper upder the tank caught on Are anil the furniture workmen were able to extinguish it before the jiervices of: tho city force were needed. Practi cally no damage was done. Mr.-Levi Jc«.<up, of Waatfleld, haV bought a new Internatiiuial truck to use in hi* business. He is a country merchant .if the progressiva type anil will una the truck to bring hi* good i from the railroad «nd to deliver, country produce bought in from the, farmer*. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Paddison and infant son will arrive from Rochester N. Y. the last of this week to visit Mr. Paddison'* parents Mr. ami Mr*. J. R. Paddison on Pine Street. After a visit here they will leave for Seattle Washington where they will make their futuro home. Mr. Paddison is in the U. S. Naval service. Mr. Rufus Eaton and Miss Myrtje' Taylor were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holloway on Franklin freet on February 4th. The cere mi.iiy wu performed by Rev. C. C. Itaymcre. Mr. Eaton is in the army, bevr.tr a member of the military com pai.y that went from thI! place. ,J New Home Buraed. * On last Sunday nijfht the new resi dence of Mr. Dixie Reeves who liven j n few mile en a of thi» city, wa.i de-1 t. oyed by fire. The family had I /one to churih and the work of de struction wan almu.it complete before any one arrived on the scene. The building was erected I ant year tnd, wai a neat nix room cottage coating i about $1,200.00. Mr. Reeves lost all his household goofls and ha^ only $400.00 insurance. Mr*. Mary L. Burch. F.lkin. Feb. 9.—Mrs. Mary L. Burch died at her home near Ronda Mon day after an illness of 48 hours with acute indigestion. She was 66 years old and all her life had been spent near here with the exception of Ave years at Morven, Anson county, dur ing the life tfme of her Arst husband. She was a daughter of the late Rev. W. B. Woodruff, a well known Bap tist minister of Elkin. She was mar ried three times, flr*t to W. T. Martin, of Morven; secondly to Major W. W. Hampton, of Ronda, Wilkes coun ty, and thirdly, to J. E. Burih, of Surry county. She ia survived by one daughter, Mrs. I.ula Martin Wrlr, and two grandchildren, Wilfred and Misa ! Barbara Weir, of Elkin. The funeral | was held at the home Tuesday, con ducted by her pastor, Rev. C. 8. Nor 1 villa and the remain* brought hare and interred in Hollywood cemetery. ahooting at hia might ar AHwt At Um brtk at the Mount Airy aoetioa. Tho ahootiag ni at Um k«M of • W to ba vlaiting •( tk« mm Um. I>tm rtwn ma (kit ho ih«t to MM* huaaolf. Ho clil^M that At htm And thit lis wmi h#lpi#n to dafond htmaolf la an|r othor way. Aftor ho woa acquitted by tho jury ho wao tried for carrying a piatol and aent to tho nidi for 1| month« on this charge. Hla lawyora rontond that It won not proper to give htm thia aon tonco aftor being orquittod for tho graver offenae, and thoy have pott tionod to tho (iovornor fof him pardon or for a change of aonto+ro to a Ana. Tho negroea woro aont up nno for aa aault and tho othora for forgery. Food Adminiatratioa Licanaa. The following peraona ara required to obtain • Federal liranaa before con ducting their hawineaa to wit: 1. All wholoaala grocers, 2. All retail groecre whoao groaa Hale amounta to 1100.000 annually. 3. AH milla making flour. 4. All Hotel a. ft. All hoarding nouaea. ( A. All reataturanta. 7. All Rakeriea. Penalty for failing to aecuro li cense t&.OOO.OO fine or 2 year* in Fedora! Penitentiary. License ran be obtc.ned by applying to Licenae Divlaion Food Admintatra tion, Washington, I). C. W. F. Carter, County Food Administrator. February 12, 1!>1H. U. D. C. War Relief Work. The United Daughtera of the Con federacy are among our most loyal und active Red Crosa workers. The endowment of tied* in a hoapi^al in France is the work they are under taking at preavnt, an an organization. The U. D. C. ha* appropriated JHOfl.OO to endow a t*d in memory of Jeffer •<m Davis, and earh State ia asked for a like amount to endow a bed in mem ory of Home Confederate leader or hero. The committee has chosen the American Military Hospital at Nun illy, France (juat out of Paria) aa the one they will endow. The local chap ter ia expected to contribute 128.00 toward thia fund. The lorul chapter U. D. C. has giv en further evidence of its patriotism by aubacrihing $20<).tK) for Liberty Bonds, the bonda were received the firat of thia week. Trading in Pullets and Hen* is now Forbidden Washington, Feb. 11.—Trading in ' live or freshly killed hen* and pullets j anywhere in the United States is for bidden in an order announced today hy the United Sta'e* food adminis tration. February J.'l in fixed as the dute when fresh stock mast be dis posed of and adds that additional stocks may not be purchased. By restricting the killing of chick en* which have been heavy layer*, theadministration hope* to imrease the production of eg?* and allow them to be put in storage at a reson ubl* price. Paul Allred Garage WANT and SAlf COLUMN THERE IS 93 different make* of pleasure car* in the United State*, and out of this number the { government choned only two kind* , for army officer*. These were Iiodge Brothers and Elgin Light [ Six. If jrou are going to pay f >00. or fftOO. for a pleasure car why not | pay a little more and get an auto mobile that will do you some good. I WOULD LIKE to buy one more i brand new Ford. WE TRADE? on anything down i here. DON'T FAIL TO LOOK ' FOR THIS EVERY WEEK A 117141 i. D. Martia. ITS Ik* tm 111M. ,J. r. Amiinim Mlkte 1*1.1$. Cltrk* 4k HIoumm M* lb*, far MOJO Henry Kuril SM lbs. tor MJL B. V. Bnm US lb*, for UM4. Hub Hail 423, Iba. for 1SS.1S. R. 8. CelUaa 7M Iba. far SSS.44. Prank Smith MO Iba. far 11M1 Taylor Creed UO Iba. far WJ4. Mtloin Smith KM Iba. for M.4*. W. T. Plka UO Iba. for 1MA4. Charlie Craad 104* Iba. for S1SJ4. Smith * Plka 800 Iba. for ISSJS. HWki A Hotl fa 4S* Iba. for 144.04. Mrs. Jeff Cook 420 Iba. for R. A. Omnia MS Iba. totUTtM. Jim Klippin 0*0 Iba. for 2IS.00. r.ao. Iladgett 778 lbs. for 27120. Wm Marlon 70S Iba. for 217.04. C. C. Williammmi 004 Iba. for IM.7S. rJ»o. Kltppin 721 Iba. for 2SK.S0. Luther Holllnffawo-th 72S Iba. for 217.24. 3mlth A llollingsworth 1194 Iba. for 404.74. "fif R. if . ,«>aunder* '1W4 Iba. 138.64. Ino Wilbom .KM Iba. 142.2S. Wm. Wright IWH lb*. for <M7.10. Turn Uadgett 3M lbs. for 1020.03. Priraa on ■ II grades have Jia past we< k and are urfy a little iwlow the h gh marlo^n November. Don't wait a day t^toll after you get It ready. Bi ingjf during thin month while all rha\j|pyer* are on tha mar cat. Remember we do our boat to fet the limit on every grade and aland > head in pound* and priraa. We lava Home White Stem Orinoco aead 'or you. I'oma to see ui. Your friends Banner A Lovill. Cwermany'i War Lorda Flayed in Senate Speech Washington. Feb. 12.—Germany'" vnr lord* were scathingly denounced ind Americans urged to fight for the 'democracy implanted by Lincoln and idvanced by Wilson" in an address nmmemorating the birthday anniver >ary of President Lincoln, delivered jslay by Senator Lewis of Illinois. Phe German peace oCers were declar ■d to )>e only a "ruse to murder." Struggles of the world's democra-i •ies U> retain their liberty were re rounted by Senator Lewis quoting the German poet Goethe that "those who lave liberty must fight to keep it." da referred t< President Wilson as 'the apoatle of the liberty of man and he standard-bearer of th« democracy if the world." This nation's progress ind freedom he declared is the world's nspiration for republican government. "No democracy was ever founded." le said, "that did not have to fight to -ontinue its existence or maintain its i ideals. "From the envy of our situation, From jealousy of our progress, hat red was aroused in the hearts of oth-, 'America a institutions ui irwuum nspu ing mankind to her example, in lameti the souls of the royal rulers of Prussia with fear and inspired them to the war of destruction of all thm America ; tood for and was living for. This to them was necessary that they might avoid Ame-ican influence upon the hearts of the liherty-loving Ger man people." It has been charged. Senator Lewi.. <aid, that America "under President Wilson would continue war to force governments and people of foreign lands to take our form of govern ment." This he denied, amerting the President "fights for democracy as a right of the whole world." "The promise of .'resident Wilson to make the world safe for democra cy," he added, "is no threat to make theworld take democracy. It l* but the assurance of the effort to give to the world ita chance to take democra cy." When Yoa Have a (Mi. It i« when you have • (ever* cold that you appreciate the good qualities of rhamlierlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Frank Cocker, Pana, III., writes: "Our five-year-old son Paul caught a severe cold last winter that settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughing spells. We were greatly worried alM>ut him as the medicine we gave, him did not help him In the least. A neighbor spoke so highlv of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of It. The flrat dose benefited him «0 much that I continued giving it to him until he was cured." raara ■pinni by Mr. M. hM a# tortk.MW«rm mm e# Km Mm (Father Faraiuuw Caapaaj. Mr. la Mlk has Ml bM gaed far mm mii rallrf by going away far ipaaW Tha new Arm U ccmpeeed of Im t> right yeang buataaa* Ma «ka will lakarti who will ba la Ntba i barge at tba hmtnMi bM baM with tha W. I. Merrttt company la tha fumitura iepartment far tan yaarm. Ha knrn tha retail furniture baaln— m wall u ana la auppaaad to lacrn It. Aftar Mr. Jahn D. Thoaipaan bought tlia intaraata of tha Marrttt Company In tha fumitura atore Mr. Roberta raa tlnuad With him until tha Arat of thia year whan ha acquired nn Intoreet in thia naw etnra. Mr. L. Q. Walker tha other mambar if tha Arm i* a hardware aaleeman of Richmond. Va., and vlalta thia rity mra each month in tha intaraat of hu trada. It la tha purpoaa of tha naw mana ran Ui inrraaaa tha atock and maka 0.all that the trada roulJ expart. A»h bum-Wright. A quiat marrige took place Satur lay evening at 7:30 o'clock at tha tome of Mra. Martha Creed in thia :ity, tha contracting part<ae being Mine Roxie Aiihburn and Mr. Groeer Wright. The ceremony being par 'ormed by Rev. C. C. Haymore, in he preaence of a few aperia! friend* >f the contracting partial. "Our i an «1 M0.000. Ik* Iper cent. would be IttfiOO. We tai thie day aet aairfe I200.0M tab)** tm your rail." "Our reeoqrrea ara at jrmrr t !■> manti. Thejr will bt of M uaa I* m If Germany wiaa." •to Beard Girtn Five-Year ScnUnca. .Spartanburg, SI. C.,Keo. 9.—Private Henry K. Beard, company A, V* ia fantry. ringleader of the pa-t/ of three priaoner* who attempted to es cape from the regiraeroui ifuard houae at Camp Wadaworth on the . night of January 24, in -which affair Private Floyd Dickey waa killed ant another priaoner wounded, ha* tentenred hy court-martial to *e Ave yeara in the federal priaon at At lanta and the aentence ha* bee. ap proved by Major General O'Ryan. Al the expiration of the aentence he wil receive a dishonorable discharge fnm the army. SAW MILL WANTS)! We want to contract with reliable and com petent parties to taw and put on^iticks standing timber on several hundred Seres of land hi Surry County, N. C. Apply to Forsyth Manufacturing Co. 4t. WINSTON - SALEM, N. C. 11= =r. Notice to Timber Men We have orders for 20,000. No. 1. cross ties from I White Oak. Post, and Chestnut oak. standard specifics- I tions of 7"X8"X8 feet and 6 inches long, when sawed aifci R 7"X7" hewed, same length as sawed. We also have order for 5,000 No. 2 cross ties, to be I any size under the above sizes, down to 6"X7" and length I to be the same as for No. ones, also to be from above fj kinds of oak timber. Almost all timber haulers already, know the speci- I fication and we mention this for those \Vlio will be getting I out timber this year who have not made ties before. Also all this timber must be sound, all knots smoothed I off with the tie and all bark peeled off when either sawed ] or hewed. A great many haulers Jose their grade by measuring I with their axe handles and we would aak that you cut a I pole exactly eight and one half feet long and make all I ties according to this length, and notch H for 7 inches to I get face and thickness. At this time we also wish to thank the hundreds of I people who sold their timber to us last year and L o I assure them of the same fair and courteous treatment r the coming season. The price, effective February 1st is 60 cents each f r No. 1 ties and 45 cents for second claas. Your Friends, Shelton 6 Miller At the same old stand near the depot

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