I. V. VEST DRUG CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. With tha American Army In Franca "Hlurmlay. Feb. 7—(By 'ha Aeeorlated Fraaa.)- IV young American lieu ten ant who had tha honor of aborting down hia 11 rut (Itrmtn airplane whila • nunhr of tha F ranch enquadrllle on a bombing expedition Thursday nigh* had navar operatad a machine gun before while in flight and i.ever before had Keen over the enemy llnaa. He got hi» man over tha Herman city of Saarhurg. The homhing squadron wa* over Saarhtirg and in the act of dropping bomb, when enemy airplane* wera Man approaching. By tha time the homh dropping had been completed the enrmy waa clone at hand and the French formation of which thi* Amer ican and another American aviator had arc im pan led aa gunner*, waa at an alt tude of 12,000 feet. The lieutenant, who is a Missourian, took off his gloves so that he might operate hi* r«n mora effectively when he saw an enemy plane rlosa to the French machine before the American art in ir a* gunner could get his piece into action. Then he turned a stream of bullet* into the enemy and the enemy marhine toppled and started to apiral. Then it (topped and flut tered down with a flare of -moke and flames in it* wake. It crashed to the ground a short distance from the German city. The other American aviator also a lieutenant was not so lucky as the Missourian for the machine he pick ed ont to engage dodged away quick ly and he «u unable to get in any effective ihota. When the squadron returned, the Mi*«ourian lieutenant'* hands were swollen to twice their normal size from the cold he having lost hi* gloves during the encounter. Otherwise he ia today just about the happiest offi cer in the American expeditionary forces. He has been in France only a short tine. The incident shows how quickly things may happen to a flier. The Missouri lieutenant had no thought of making a flight until just before he actually started on one, having come to town from a camp to see a dent ist. In the street he met the other American lieutenant who already had been assigned to accompany the bombing party. This officer is from Atlanta; after announcing thnt he was going on a bombing rnid over Ger many with the French asked the Mi» sourian to come along and see hun off Navy Get* 6,000 Classes Over 6,000 glasses of various kinds have been received by the Navy in response to its call through the news papers for binoculars spyglasses, tele scopes, sextants, and chronometers. There is urgent need for many more. Heretofore the United Stales has been obeliged to rely on foreign coun tries for most of its supply of such articles. These channels of supply being closed, it has been neces sary to appeal to the patritism of pri vate owners for "eyes for the Navy." All articles should be tagged with name and address of the donor and Bent to Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, care of Naval Observotory, Washing ton, D. C. Those not suitable will be returned to sender*. Careful record* will be kept of accepted glasses so they may, if possible, be returned at the termination of the war. As the Gevernment under the law can not accept services or material Without payment, ft will be paid for each article accepted. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY. N. C. Office in Merritt Building. A P»«M j*fca to ftaidi up AmI U Dmm With. 1. t.et's get • will mad*- ami r» momlxr til* community in making tt. 2. Lat'ii taka nut noma Ufa tnsur anra no that the wtfa and children may ha protartad in caae tha bread winner of the family should die con siderlng al*o whether tt may not he wait to hnva fhe in*nrance money paid at laaat part in monthly installments. 5. If not now taking out lifa insur ance, let'* hava a physical examina tion now und once a year hrrenfter *o that any disease may ha detected and cured in tha outset rather than al lowed to run on until too late. 4. Let's take a short course at the agricultural college lomathing no farmer ia too old to do. 6. Let'* hava a dentist put the teeth of the whole family in order and have a competent physician examine each child for aye. ear, nose and throat deferta — hacauxe a great mean ura of rural ill health ia due to nag Iact at these points. «. Lat'a start a bank account—be cause it means safety thrift and ■ new •ana* at dignity. 7. Let'* take nut «oiti« Arc insur ance because the average farmer i* not able to rebuild a burned home without financially cramping himself for yean, and insurance ia just and equitable cooperation, whereas get tinfr subscriptions from neighbor* in not. 8. Let'* provide enough raincoat*, overshoe*, overcoat*, clokes, and boot* or legging* for every member of the family -because they coat les* than doctor'* bill* and coffin*. 9. Let's start no*' to make wi.n-1 and water just a* convenient a* pos sible for the wife—providing a wooil house to keep fuel dry, and if we can i provide waterworks, then at least a nearby well with covered walirray to it. 10. Get noma pure-bred poultry now and resolve that every animal born on the farm henceforth shall have a pure pred *ire—because this increase* pride and profit*. 11. Build a good implement shed and provide sanitary convenient pri vies because absence of these adver tises the farm-owner as careless of cash. health and civilization. 12. -Let's make friends with any eighbor* with whom we have been it nuts luomitting or arbitration ra iici than a lawsuit any matters about -vb.ch wc can't oirree.—The Progres sive Farmer. Helped His Wife do the Washing: Con»equence». "Snow on the ground at my place . c terday, no help to l»e l-ad, and I stayed at home and helped my wife wa*h 1 ~/t' piece - with old-fashioned tub nnd ^a I.board." So said a farm er who had just dropped into our office; and he added quite naturally: "Now I'm planning to get a power washing machine!" If more farm women would make their husbands help as thi* woman did, Ve jrouUI have more farmers ready to applaud and put into force—the good advice given in Mr. Alford'a recent article: With a power washing machine a large farm washing can be done easi ly in two hours, which in the old back breaking way would take all day. This being tme, there is no reason why farm women should shorten their day* by carrying water Into the house, doing the family washing by the old methods, and emptying the heavy tub* of water, when the out lay of a small sum of money would get a washing machine. Any wa hing i machine, hand-power or ga-oline, is far better than the old way, and the sooner this machine li installed In •vary home the Iwttar.—l*rogre«sive Farmer. -KIWDLY KWIT KUM*" * Atlanta, Ga., Pah. ».—"Kindly Iwit lunm". Tfcia I* ihm slogan spelled la ■ whirr i Religious Work Dtrartor W R. Dohyna uf Camp (Jordan "Laaa running la heard In tha Irani ing camps today than on our city streets. Tha claan ftvaa lha men ara laading ara produrtiva of rlean "pwh* The Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. ia doing ita share to kcap tha thought* of tha soldiers claan with ita progrnm of physical and social activities, an tertainmenta, a1(1 will be U.( te thf ("od aupply of Ik* United Ntafea if the old practice of aendtng he/, a • market at thia aeaaort is continued. Kifurw compiled by the poultry a per 1*1 lata of tka United Milaa De partaaent of Afrirultura afcow tkat mora than A.000,000 laying hena, aarh capable at producing 30 ana, ara aent to rrarkel from •!.« S.,ul!w tttatea in 'ha winter and early apring Every effort, therefore, pi being made to encourage fam era u> ke*| their hana until after Uia airing lay ing aeaaon, thereby getting a dividend for keeping the hen through tha win ter. Then apwialiata point out thai whan a h» la aold for meat early in tha apring, the farmer get* no egg ru ttfrn for feeding end keeping h«r through the worat montha of the year. Moreover, tile hen la marketable aa poultry after aha ha.i produced her apring eggs, Poultry in May may bring 2 rent* a pound leax than it •Wj in February, hut. they point out. the .10 egga produced by tha hen, largely from wnitea, more than off aet any reduction in the prire offered for live poultry. An energetic egg aaving campaign to prevent early slaughter of the h*n that "layt the golden egg" ia now be ing conducted throughout the .South ern Statea. North of tha Ohio River farmer* have lor.g appreciated the ad vantage of getting the apring crop of egga and marketing their hen* after the laying aeaaon or in the fall. They believe that adoption of thia plan by southern rhicken raiaera will be pro fitable and will materially add to the food aupply of tha Nation. Mount Airy Iraa Works A Itrp Tiriaty of ratting* u atock otkara mmda to trim. J. D. MINICK. lit. A try. N. C, Aif. M. Hit. Mowt Airy Rnfty I Anction Co. J. A. ATKINS, Mini* MOUNT AMY, — Nortk CmW • If jfM wot !■ buy mr mII apply I* u*. — W» kaadk tl kind* mi KmI Estate, public and private. OFFICE OVER EARPS STORE. Chestnut Wood Wanted! We are now ready to make contracts for Chest nut wood. Our price is higher to contractors than to those not holding contracts. We reserve the right to reject any wood that is not up to the specifi cations or accept the same at a reduced price. We also reserve the right to stop issuing contracts at any time. C. C. Smoot & Sons Co Let The News JOB OFFICE have your next job printing