ftfjunt *ir? New*. lalam l» Dm gvaat ft har atotor, Wi* D. C. Aba har ta thta e#y. Mr. J. W. Urill laft • faw days age far the iui* W Ttiu wfcara ka will fan J a few week a far kla kaalth Hlu Mildred Hector ku r mm4 fir-n • vialt ta bar hra«kar a Ckar W tin. l>elia Baiii.jf aad daughter, Mlaa 3 a rah ara vialtlag raUUraa la Oraaiiiboro. Mr*. II. R. Ila|a and Mlaa J una Jen kin. »pant Thuraday la Graaaabara ahopn'nr Miaaaa Lucy and Jumia Hadley open- tba weak and la Graanaboro ahofpinir, returned Sunday evening. The Mi iaion Study claaa of Cen tral M. K. Church will maat thia afternoon at 2.10 o'clock with Mra. H. C. Sprinkle, on Main Street. SerKcont Lewie S. Uurton laft Sun dry * Omp Jnckaon, Columbia, S. C., after impending a furlough with hia parent* in thia city. Mr. and Mr*. J. W. Roell of Jack aon, Miss., have arrived in thia city ami will make their future home at the Brown House. Mi.-s May Sharp* leavea tomorrow for —ne in Greensboro after ▼tailing her mater, Mr*. Jordan at the Blue Ridge Inn, she will viait rela tive* in Walnut Cove enroute. / Dr. and Mrs. John PaddUon of Kernersville are visiting in thia city called by the illneaa of Dr. Paddiaon'l mother who i» confined to her bed a* tli« result of a fall Saturday. Mr. Raymond Sargent left thia moring for Fort Caawell after spend ing a few day* with his father, Mr. J. D. Sargent who has been quite ill at hi* homi? on Raw Icy street.; Mr. and Mr*. Howard Paddison and bnby who have been visiting Mr. and Mr*. J. R. Paddison left Tuesday for Seattle, Washington, they will xiiiit relative*! in Tennessee and Missouri enroute. Mrs. J. R. Paddison had the mia foi'.une to fall and hurt herself last Saturday, she was standing on the lower ^section of her china closet to reach the top shelf, and a* she was about to step down he hung her foot and fell to the floor, no bones are broken but her injuries are exceeding ly painful and their exact nature ha* not yet been determined. At the regular el»ven o'clock hour of worship next Sunday morning rpe • cial services will be held at the Pres byterian church, dufing which a ser vice flag bearing fourteen tars will be displayed. The public is cordially invited to be present and the rela tives of the boys; who have gone out from this church to serve their coun try, are especially urged to be prev ent. 1 J .J Rev. J. H. 11 ay lies who has lived for some years at State Road in the western part of this county, has re cently bought a farm op. Pipers Gap road six miles west of this city and moved his family there a few days ago. Mr. Haynes is pastor of a num ber of Baptist churches in this part at the county, and his new home is much more convenient to his field of labor. i The special meetings 4»Hich were to have been held at Antioch Friday and Saturday before the First /Sunday in March, in which Rev. C. H. Durham was to take a part, will be postponed on account of the fact that Mm. Dur ham ha.s recently undergone a serious operation at the Winston hospital. Uowever, the regular meeting will be bald Saturday at eleven o'clock and lunday afternoon at two o'clock. I > A nice pony and a dog the property" rf Mr. W. B. Haymore of thia city were killed this we«k as suspecta of hydrophobia. The pony wan having Sta and it is suspected that It was bit ten some weeks ago by a dog that was supposed to have hyprophobia. Mrs. Haymore and her son will both taka ' the pasteur treatment aa a precau tion, for each had handled the dog, it being a pet in the family. ' t > tm Um far Ik* fact that H ■*«*.. » J*. ay a( fcMteaaa ta tkat 1mm aati> u rf tka dlft I h ployraert .. — -a 'bat tuin>ithln| Ilk* 260 man ara Ut.- -««•! '••a w**k and 'u™ ... . auM* aril! ha adjuatad no one can but aaually the** troublaa ara aattlad by agr**nmiit aftar a abort time. Tha advaitc* la tba price of living and tka conditions b. ought about data tka war la tka caoaa of tba troubl*. ft la a loag »U>ry and much could ba laid on aitbar aid*, that of tka workman aad that of tha man who Civ* employment, but tha publle 1* not auppoaad to ba abla to aaaiet in tha adjuatmant and poaaihly th* leant ■aid la print la tba best policy. It la a buainaaa disagree m«nt aa to cost* and prteaa, and th< problem will hava to ba workad out ^y thoac who ar* moat interest**!. How to Cot Exploaivea Mr. Daniel A. McDonald, Explosive Inspector for thia .State, waa in the city thia week looking after xune matUirx in connection with hia work. Sinra the war began the government re<|uir*a all purchase™ and dealer* in dynamite and powder to aacur* licanaa for thia purpose in order to keep track of th* aales of exploaive.i. A dealer ia not allowed to aall any kind of explo»ivea without a permit. Mr. J. A. Jackson, Cl*rk of the Court and Policeman J. E. Monday, of thia city, have baen appointed to grant permits for'thia county, and no dealer ia auppoaed to aell any one powder, dynamit* or explosive of any kind withhut a parrnit secured from either Mr. Jackson of Mr. Monday. Mia* Suit Die* Sudenly. The remains of Miss t-ela Sisk, who dropped dead in St. Augustine, Fla., last Saturday, reached this city Monday night and were carried to the home of her mother at White Plains. M ihs Sink waa a graduate nurse, having trained in the George Wash ington University hospital in Wash ington, D. C., for the pa. t three years she has spent her winters in Florida for the practice of her profession, and had been enjoying her u.-ual health, she was stricken while ouT shopping with sume friends Satuiclay. The remains were accompanied to this city by two friends of the de ceased who were also nurses, and by a young man from Asheville to whom Miss Sisk was soon to have been mar ried. The funeral was conducted at White Plains at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Rev. We'.ley Wooten offi ciating, and the remains laid to rest in the Friends cemetery. She i; sur vived by her mother, three brother-; rim' tw i : i -ters. / { Roberts-Banner. The f.,1' win% anti'iim 'merit* v.-a* received in thi- rny Tuesday: Mr. John Ba'.ner and Miss Johnnie May Robert ■ a inounce their m&rria^e, September fifteenth, nineteen Rui.dred seventeen, Wytheville, Virginia. The announcement created u bit of surprise in social circles for although there had been occasioital ftjmors of » secret marriage they had guarded their secret no carefully that the rumors did not find much credence. The bride who is a beautiful and ac complished young woman, lived with her grandparents several miles west of this city, the groom is a prominent business man, being a large property owner besides being actively engaged in the warehouse business as a part ner in the Banner and Lovill ware house, and has recently purchased large interests in the Bailey stone cutting sheds. They will make their home at Mr. Banner'* residence on South Main street. \ ^ Mr. and Mr*. J. E., Hill of Tim monsville, 8. C. are geusts of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hill in this city. 1916 FORD FOB /ALE— In Arst class condition. {Must be sold quick Big Bargain. John H. Midkiff. I*r. Tm t. // Mr. W. V. Hu*na, at Um Male of M. na a visitor in the city ulm week. Ho U ralMd to Supt. I. W. Barber and to Mr. A. E. Hannah and oath thaw a short visit whila in tha utata. Mr. Htona *a> reared in tha net-lion about Pinnacle and has kapt in tuech with his county all the jrsara ha has lived in tha west where he is a large farmer and atock grower. While hers he remarked that he had a sub scriber to Th. .xuunt Airy News for thirty-IWe yean and paid his «ub scrlptlon to Jan. 1920. To a uewa paper puhli h r u man of that type is both a 'ifeiuli .nr.n and a itrholar, to say nothing u. his other sxrslient qualities. 1L Revival at Oak Grove. Rev. Tom P. Jim won, pantor of Mount Airy circuit, will begin ■ neries of evangelistic Meetings at Oak Grove .Sunday night. The meeting wan scheduled to begin I ant Sunday night, hut ha Paul Allrcd Garage WANT and SALE COLUMN SOMETHING YOU don't know. Before ■ Dodge Brother* ear leaven the factory, it i* Inspected by over four hundred inspectors. BY THE TIME the road* get in good shape there will be «inn« Dodge Brother* touring and road iterK in town. IF YOU THINK you are not in ■hape to ride in a Dodge then get you a little old burking Henry nd go on. WE TRADE ALL THE TIlfE. State ■MrlMmijMH «T PMk la •trwtiee md llw r—*r Mi (Hy nipcrMtaMMU k w >1 oat that *U «w «ke State m)Hnl mmd ambittaaa tewkm ara taratng away from ackaai work baraaaa af tka Mall aiartaa paid. Unless tka ackaai fur.1 far tka taalni year can ba material ly Increased, there will ha a daartk of experienced eflkient t.-ackara la tka icImoU, In Mount Airy tka teachers are re ceiving J oat tka name salaries now that war* paid three yaari afi. Dur ing tkU tiai« tka rae« of living ha* aii rinca4 40 to 50 par rant, but th» teachers ara getting only tka »ani • pay for tkair work that thay reretvel than. As a ronae<|uence tha school i have lost each yar n.,me of the heat teacher*. This y«ar some of the trarhera ara, taking civil aervice ex am inationa for foytmmart positions, and othara ara p sparing to take up other lines of work. Unleaa mean* ran be found whereby the aalariaa of the teacher* ran lie increa .J for .m • if year, there will he few com petent experienced teachers in the xrhoola next year, Thia ia a plain matter-of-fart state ment of the ronditiona that exist in the achoola. It is needleas to aay that the *urreas or failure of tha school work depends almost entirely upon the kind of tearhera employed. If ihe peole of Mount Airy want their children trained and guided by com petent and experienced teachera, they muat take the atepa necessary to pro vide funds to pay teachers a fair sal ary for their work. Chaa M. Staley. Mr. Winston Kulton and aiater Misa Mannie Pulton went down to Char lotta the flrst of the week to visit their sister Mrs. Ralph Norwood. Miss Lola Woltz, who teaches music at Matthews, spent the past week end with her parents in thisc ity. HARRY L. PRICE AttonMjr-aU^w 22&-2S2 Law Building UtiMN^ WU. Ftbrwnr lit, llli Linville-Ball Realty 4 Auction Co., Mount Airy, North Carolina. My dear Sirs: Dead of Trust, with notaa ar~r:i>"'»ff $ and cheek f or 9 e« .>i taenuittf aale of farm, recaivnd yesterday. Thank j »u for your prompt and efficient M*tcn*ion. . I an v ory truly yoon, HLP—a (Signed) Harry L. Price. W. have nunwroui other tatiatted cuetomem, juet Iikak th« ibove. We nub-divide and **11 at auction. Wa personally. 4raft deed*, deeda of tract and give you a fill clear nit itetiaeat of the entire traoanc hon. W» h«.,« a great many farm* luted with ua for aaie. Wa have hum nr<* pity property and vacant lota to offer. Whether yon wart to buy o- aell it will he to your advantage to figure with u*. Linvilie-Ball Realty & Auction Co. MOUNT AIRY, N. C. SAW Mill WANTED! We want to contract with reliable and com petent parties to uw and put on sticks standing timber on several hundred acres of land in Surry County, N. C. Apply to Forsyth Manufacturing Co. 4t. WINSTON - SALEM, N. C. "Chevrolet" The World's Most Wonderful Medium Priced Car Price Now 5-PaMetiger Touring $688.70 2-Passenger Roadster $673.70 Trice After March 1. $738.70 $723.70 All Price* Quoted Delivered at Mount Airy, North Carolina. The CHEVROLET is equipped with electric lights and electric start er; in fact, has every equipment or the higher priced cars. It is the car for a business man's needs, furnishing him a method of quick, clean transporta tion—with moderate outlay and exceedingly low operative cost. In these times of industrial reorganiation, when time is more valuable than ever, the CHEVROLET is a real asset to any business man, to any business concern Think it over, then give us your order in time to insure your getting a car at the present price. T. J. Smithwick Mount Airy, N. C.