| LEGAL LAND ADVERTISEMENTS JtOTMIt. Pursuant to aaordar of llw Clark ef tlx Superior Court of .Hurry County maile in the »p»oal proreeding en titled J. K Collin* Aiimr. oI Jmm Lovili, Dar'd H. J. Coiliaa and other. therein appointing ma eommia atoiirr for tba purpoea, T will aoll tha tyrreiuaier daarnbed real aalata at pullr auction to tha bigheat biddar an tha premiaea on ihn 2* day of Vtht try It IN •t <>na ••'■'lark P. M tha following Ml aalata, to-wit • a arte in trai t or iimriml of land lying ami bnnii in S|l<>am townalup, Hurry County, N. C ami Ixtunriad »n tha North by tha land of J. E. Collin*, on tha Rant by tha lan of J. K. Collin* and the Widow flmith, on tha South by I ha landa of ftabner Criaaman, i.nd on tha Want by tha landa of Vergil t'ri* man, being tha home plare of Jama l.ovill, Deed ami containing about >il arraa. Terma of »ala, one third raah. one ctiird in twelve month* and tha re mit ning one third in 'wo <2) yearn.. Sail' made to make u«*etn to pay debt* and the roat of adminiatratlon. u|m i> the eatate of Je we Ixivill, Dec'd ! and partition. Thii tha 2Hth day of Jan. 1918. J. K. Coll inn. Com.; W. M. Jarkami A A. D. Folger, Attyn. ! NOTICE. Notice id hereby given that the un-! der«igned will apply to Hi* Excellency the Governor of North Carolina, on or after tbr l.'th day of February next for 11 conditional pardon ffir 4'harle* H. Goodnon, who ws» con victed m the .Superior Court of Surry county on the charge of Incent and lenteni eii to a term of Ave years m ' the State'* priiion. Any person* de linng to oppose the granting of said pardon are notified to present their protest* in writing or otherwise to. the Governor on or before the 16th of February next. Thin January 24th, 191H. CHARLES H. GDODSON By J. H. Folger, Atty. i NOTICE. At a regular meeting of the board of County Commissioner* held in the town of Dohsofl, February 4th, 1918. it w-n ordered that the old temporary court house and ali nxlure* belonging , to the same con: isting of l>enene*,1 rhair*. table*, iron fence, window*, and all old property thereto belonging . be * Id at public auction on Monday Marrh Ith 1918, at 2 o'clock. P. M Thia being the first Monday in March 191H, Every body invited to attend the *a!e. J. J. Wallace, Chm. Hd. Co. Com. S. G. Brim, Clerk to Board. NOTICE. Pursuant to an order of the Super ior Court of Hurry County at the Feb. term 1918 of *aid court appointing me romai*»ioner for the purpose of *ale in the civil action entitled D. E. Nel son againat H. F. Forkrier, I will »ell at public auction for cash to the high est bidder at the Courthouse Door in Dobson on the ©* 11th day of Marrh 1918 at I o'clock P. M. the following real estate, to-wit: All the interest of K. F. Forkner in the dower land of S. A. Forkner in Surry County. North Carolina, at Ararat, adjoining the land* of J. M, Bra . ant, G J. Key and others, as de scribed in contract or deed of convey ance made by R. F. Forkner to D. E. Nelson which is recorded in the office of the Reg! ter of Deeds for Surry County, N. C. in Deed Book No. 70 page 371. Sale made to satisfy debt due and inpaid to D. E. Nelson as stipulated in aid c ontract, and as per judgement rendered thereon, and for cost. A. D. Folger Com. This the 9th day of Feb. 1918. NOTICE. The undersigned will apply to Hi* Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina, on the 1st of March 1918, for a pardon or Commutation to fine he having been convicted at February term 1918, of the Superior Court of Surry county, for carrying a concealed weapon and sentenced by Hi* Honor, the Judge Presiding, to a term of twelve months imprisonment to be assigned to the public roads of Rock ingham County. Any person* desir ing to oppose the granting of such pardon are notified to file protests or nbjecticn* with Hi* Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina, on or be fore said March 1st. LUTHER EATON. E. C. Biven* A 1. H. Folger, Attys. This February 9th, 1918. Wood's Seeds ——For 1018— The patriotic duty of firmer! and liarilciwnrvtrywktre It tolncreaae crop and food production. Inten se farming and gardening, and the liberal line of fertTllxen, together with proper rotation of crops, ao u to Increase and improve the fer tility and prodiirtlveneaa of the land, ara all vital and neceaaary couaidcratfuua at the present ume. Wood's Descriptive Ctttloi For HI* givra the futleat and uioat i p u tlalo Information In regard to all Farm and Garden Seeds And tells about the beat cropa to (row, both for profit and koaxuaa. Write far Catalog «U prises of Great&nd Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, or any Farm Seeds Required. Oa*ak>g Mailed fn. On lat»1 T. W. WOOD & SONS, HnDamm. rn*mmi. WARNS PUBl fC AGAINST GERMAN PROPAGANDA Allied countri«» Hontycombed With German i(*nti—work of the DtfcnM Society. "The only unliammrldi, outspoken anti'lirrman propaganda society ope rating all over our broad land in com hating lha work of lha enemy," la the way in which Henry C. yuimby chair man of the executive committee of the American Defense Hociety, deac. itien, the position occupied liy the society in a statement urging all citizens to awake to America'* imminent neadn. "Thin organization," he says, "ha» keen largely influenced in prom-riliing enemy insurance companies, alx.iir.h- • iriK the seditious soap-box orator, and in organizing anti-treason commit tee* in nearly 200 cities and town < thruout the country." Mr. yuimhy maintain* that the war U being fought by Germany very j largely thru peaker* and writer*! amongst their encmie*. "If this war should end in an inrun-1 elusive peace, or a peace in any way favorable to Germany." he say^. "it | will not be the re -uIt of their nuper-l mr fighting ability or of their arm^ 'it material; it will be directly due to their propaganda in the countries ofl the allie*. Thi* war in being fough today by Germany largely by speak er* and writer* among their enemies. In Rti i.t before the revolution there j Germany wax "pending ten m.llioti j dollars a month and maintaining there more than ten thou.md indi vidual* preaching pacifism and pro Germannra. Work of Propagandist*. There ha* tartly helped in taking Russia out of the war ami releasing upward of two million (ierman troop* from the H unman front. "Italy, Krance anil even England are honeycombed with workers for an immediate peace, which would leave Germany, augmented by her allien, a menace to the peace of the world. And our every day experience chows that for every propaganda working in Ruit.iia there are two at work in America. In the public schools of New York and in every American city the pro-German ia distilling his pois on into the minds of those lea>t able to withstand it; the Socialist* and avowed bolshevikist* are working in thousands in the foreign quarters of every town in America and nowhere more actively than on the East Side in our own great city. "What i* being done to counteract I this? What is bei(ig done by our gov ernment or by other agencies to meet this peril and to open the eyes of I our citizens to the frightful danger which menaces them their womankind and their property—and which in case of a peace based on compromise, will make us a taxridden and military nation for generations, subject always to the fall of the bloody Teuton sword that hangs only by a hair above our heads ? "The government by the so-called and only semi-official bureau of public ! information,.is doing what it can han dicapped by lack of appropriations for Its purposes. Krrpini People on Guard. "Compare this with England and other allied countries issuing liter ally millions of pamphlets hy its best writers. Much as their money is needed for fooe won or they perish. "Here is America only one society maintains a regular new - feature —r vire, sent froe to over a hundred S')n ■ tay paper* thruout the land; h •'Is »iaa* meetings and distribute" h es such as that t>y Samuel Gompers, explaining to the laboring mun why this waT is his war—why he mi . ex ert himself and help to win it, or re vert to the slavery of hia anc«.it< r». "This oganization—and I spe.A of the American Defense Societ> ha helped or been mainly inatrume''. proscribing enemy insurance <•<->• niea in aboliihlnr seditl" i hoi mitw, In organliing uitl-tnHM committees in nearly two homlnil cit ies and tnwna thruout our whole roun try. "It b the only untramaled outspok en antitierman propaganda »«»iety operating all mrw our broad land. In combating the work of the enemy." The South Must Feed Itself. Washington, D. C'„ Keb. 18, IVlft— "If the Mouth m(lwti this yaar to provide her own food and feed, ahc in likely to ruffar oarioun privation and even imperil our victory," says I la ranee Oualey, Assistant S» retary of Agriculture. "I am aware that these .ire itrong words" continue* Secretary Oualey, "hut they are none too strong. I am not expressing an alarming personal opinion. I am seeing through the eyes of IX agricultural colleges and of county agents in nearly every agri cultural county. I have recently crossed the continent from the Atlan tic to the Pacific. I have studied the reports leathered by the department's representatives and as many more employees of the agricultural col leges. I have considered the conclu sions of the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome which has re ports from all the world. "The plain, hard truth in that with 40 million people withdrawn from productive industri** and exgagrd in the business of destruction, it u> not humanly poaiaihle for production on the whole U> exceed normal demand. The question i* whether production ran equal necessitous demand. "England, France, and Italy must be sustained or their population* can not stand the strain. They have beer on iw-anty ration* for more than three yearn. The chief cause of Russia's coilapHe wan hunger. Soldiers can not fight when their wiven and chil dren are starving. "Secretary McAdoo has given warn ing that transportation may be lack ing in 11*1 H, to haul fond and feed to States and communitiea that do not provide for themselves. Many cat tle have been sacrificed in the drouth region* of the Northwest and the • Southwest d iring the la: t few month* because railroad cara could not b|W>UuituM urf of their laughable wymp la '-ha training li my c*n|W, mui> <'f tka ahdiw be in* mnufutund •» grewtly <■*»* aralatl. On* of Um legal adv-.aar* •aaUtiujl regi»trai.t» Ui 111 out ijuaa tiuna.i'H m t'hai'.otte, Ulli U»e Ob atrrtr ih« folio* nr. which hi- vouch •• for »» an actual experience with • Mecklenburg neirro: The nrgrn wa« married and had wvtn children. Ilowrvor, h« did not think that their dependence upon him was sufficient to hwp him out of thr army. Mo he claimed "I'mplinn" l(4H*aun« ha «■> a farmer, and work ed a farm for a white man. The ileputy leiral advisor inf' rmed him that he could not be exempted ba railM he farmed, hut 'hat he could fie exempted because his wife ami chil dren are dependent upon liengrr TrxL^t Si 195, Tiurtmg Cmr anth All H'ruthtr Car, f RoaJtUr, JT45 All Pruti F. O H. Uttrtil D. S. Hodge Auto Sale* Company Mount Airy, N. C. YOU SHOULD NAME IK SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST (0. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of this Company is to act as Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your wi\} Is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makes no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President. GEO. D. FAWCETT, Sm. * Treat.