■ii* ceii amurouw NAVI W«>W)g— r» Wit VATMto. WMMH W« % ■ 6ITIIS FH MR IE (HASTE a# Tfm M tan M Mr u4 to fear rMUim ■at at tka »«■« Oaa afca aato. "Ha »r mm\ mmd »y ettMraa Uk» It. aa* ikay aM jalaa t* k»?f u h oTtaa aa itay vast * aa* aa bmmH af it aa I ««B«a talk, ifca wruur pirM »P ifcat • tampaaa aapar MM rniaa la tfca koaia *.id raa4 I Ma paragraph: N la aato that tuara la "at a IMRf f r PfWfw Jr wW 9 W ' Not • llvlag rhiM la Poland under eight fwri of age"* With llttl* bod tea unable to eadare the hardeblpa aad nervation of a war rulaad laad. •lay her* dlod by thoueend# aad teaa of thouaanda. Thouaaada aad taei of ami who aad* thia thought leoi re ■ark. mot ken who loved their cfclV dran aa aiurh aa thia mn'k«r loved here- (key with brart breaking bel^ kaaanaaa kave Mai tbaU ckJldTea •lowly itarva before their ayaa. while Aaerlraa aothera aay. "No. I will ■at evea vary ay diet la a baraleee way. I aria aet nat Bake nWUta Haaa to aara Beat aad wboat, la ordor that part of It aay aara the Ivea of atarvlag kablea and llttl* oaaa In Ea gapa!" No. wa don't aeaa that aay Aaerl earn aotkor la *aytag tbla Hi wor*r Certainly As* good woaaa of whoa wa wrlta weald not kave raid It or •owakt IV- aad yet by bar aete, that waa wkat aha waa laying. If aoaeoae MM baya ihewa bar a photograph ad oae atarvlag PeUeb rhlld. wtth waa, pin'bed fare aad hollow eyei. cry tag to tta sother for bread the did aot hare—oh. how quickly thia Amarlcaa ■ether would have laid: "Tea. 1 bin plasty of wheat aad 1 have plenty of Beet, asd IH gladly divide ay laat cruet to eaye the It era at little eaae like that*" With net • plrfare before her eyea, bew quirk ly would thia Aserlraa mother bare called to Bind the Laat Jadgment'a awful rare* oa ail the uncart eg aad hard ef heart 1 waa aa-hoagared aad fm gave BO ae Beat'" Bat «he didn't knew And tbaa -again the Lord itae trlee to worehlp arigh: lament aa of old over Hla peo ple, Uriel doth aot kaow! By peo pta doth aot conildar'" To thia feed drain the Hoover rale* tor tneaflaa* dayt and wheatleai dayi ware ilaply Oereraacat regulation#—alaply offi cial red tape She didn't know they were meaat to iave the llrea of little aoei once a* (air. aa nerry. ai bright eyed, ma lava tieptrtag aa her owm dear baya aad gliial And today there ers thnasanda of otkors Ilka thin mother who do not kaowl WelMntentloned people, good hearted people. Ood-feartng paopla! Hot they simply "do not know " Friends and readers. It I* our duty to help than* people know! Let us give of our mosey. hut let us also give of aur tlma and effort for a campaign Mf education In these matters—to akow the need of food regulation. War Ravings S'ampe. Liberty Hand* Red Cross work, T M. C. A and Y W. C A. campaign*' We must save food for the starring; we musf give money ito protect the wounded and to provide twbolesome moral recreation (or our laoldiers instead of unwholesome and Immoral dissipation And If our farmers—as is so often charged -bare not supported these movements as they should. It tji not because they are laore selfish, more hard-hearted, less ^patriotic, than city paople It Is only jkooauae they have not been Informed. ^Amd all of us who do really under stand must hare aad now resolve to Ihalp la form them In every school. In 'orory Sunday school, la every farm am' club. In every farm woman's club, jaad even aa a part of almost every church service, ow maa -and women :af light aad leading must do tkalr £grt to aroaaa raral America la the [Revolutionary war It was the "embat juod farmers" at Laalngtoa who "flrad pj^a abot heard around tka world!" In tba Civil War It was tba stubbora itaarais of our farm men and tba jgtaadfaataeae af oar country womea »tbat won tka world's applause for Ooafederata heroism' ■m-anae mi* war I* a little faff nrr (ram our doora li oe r»a«on why we d play a lata aoble part A ad to Uttto Ulna to loao Munr poo pie think that twelye montha h#gca will be In alftht Let tia reanlre therefore that daring th« romln* yaar aur rnral people la a*ery county win ■aha a record of patriotism that oar aoM and graaAeooa will amnion with prlda ma aa we take pride In the «■ ipMta af owr aaaeetor* of the (T* Srwt wa 4a ta the nest t we Ire mmt** Will fli ov place ta hlatary. IIm for ihoM wkil* tktj art rnmmp." ~f h IWk.nl rwruiUnc -Fin* dM imnM tmkm |1A{ por MM •t tM* PO that a M» aal-1 tlw t«u tn4 haiub it to hta wlfo. It (two* bar another US for bdai hia wtfo, M dko gats ISD ia caah ovary! "If Aa fcao mm cfclM ibo pti 940 • month. If tM ckiUm *ho goto $47.M por M«dl; if dkroo children, fft2.90; If four efcUdron. 57.80; if «»•' rhiMron, *12.40, If an children, 1*11.00 per month. "The Midler goto $1S por month, l . "TJiwU Sa» daaa all Ah for a aaar rW mm, aa he need have na anstety akaM Mi tofly ahlla ha tf away 4o The rarrultinf aflear arid thie quia Urn aboat atar* meaey la coming from ta euppart the family of a bum away fighting for hla country comaa ap oftanar than any other, when the man eeak information about tha aar rlea. Oft an when tha actuation la made clear, when tha man raallaaa that tha governmeait will aaa to it that kia family gata aa much or mora in come during Ma pariod in tha army aa ha la abla ta ftva them at home, ha aallata wlthoat further doubt*. Tha officer point* out that many | healthy, atron* young men who are in condition to make good aoldiera are of kte condition. wfcathar la tha mr ar mC Tha rat rui ting ta thU Ml* contin uaa, but at a atodanu rata. At tha laat macting of tha National Educational Aaaoaiatiom a ywgna waa propoaad ta battar rural wkaali and taking Fadaral aid ta tha extant of II 40,000,000. Tha plan would ha ran ad out In M fMrs, ona-tantJi of tha monay haing upant aarh yaar, tha (■ovamaiant to ro-oparata with tha Stataa and rmmtiaa. trtet, direatl* Mi (wt «* *e heeea at • wealthy banfcar. Tfce Mht ateod dM ncM of the barrage In tar ■oiatlwa and than (rallied out hi tka atreet aad aeid ta an oflfaer In eharga of tk« sua: MI iav would mm mil%A tAkina tkat m Ma j , wvum ^e^ae i^imi >wa>*a^ <■■ ■ a thing a littlo farther down tha atiaa*. W« don't Ilka (ha rear and it la • fair ly shaking oar well»." Tha young lieutenant waa nonplua •ed for a mi.ment, bat recovered in tima ta flaah back a reply. "Look here, M ihr«# m> rm of tobacco which I f>t 9710 04 I have »»* »< rea of r<*ton which I will grt StS b*lM or 2.000 Ihe. of oof ton My com in an good as I export 1 want fto>xt«r a n«*t f«ar Youm very truly. W FIPP8 VANCC COUNTY. Mttwirrvon, V C. H V D N.» Sept 17. 1017 F. 8 Roy star 'iu.ino Co*, Norfolk. Va #« ntterm i. 1 u*ed »is tun* of Koyiiter M l to btct fertilizer I »rn proud to say I got twrlvo b rr ..ft twelve acre*. I will av ernic a thou*:ind pound* to the barn J am esuestlng I»yu> *r-iund for my whole ar».p I due t a ant anything but ftoyetcr • -1-S. Your friend. W K. WKLDON FORSYTH COUNTY. F 8 flnyatar <#uano Co, N«*rfolk. Va Rear 8ir* I u*cd aeO pounde of ROY8TUR'8 MI«;il <;itAi »K fertiliser thu year. aad And it to be the be«t I have ever used. 1 •over fail In my crop of toba< eo or whesr wrton 1 u-e Itoyxter n I have Mt eold my tobacco »elf thla year and 1 kave good eurea oo a I lof ft My tenants ooed It this year, and tbey any they are goin* to taoe V 8 R acnha *eat year I ex poet to woe yov brand aa Wag a* nm got It. VTW~ Whitahere. N C. Bey* S. 191T. r. • Roy»ter Ouaim Co.. Norfolk. V*. L>ear h*» i have b««r. itfing your f«rttlis«r» for a number u( > atU4 «*•»«! believe Ib«t »• |«t better reeuiie from it than «a/ other brand thai »• tu«« ever u*ed It mkim to be t»# uliariy adapted t< a»»r soil and especially f *r tobacco. VV» lake great pleasure in recommending to Ur.ntrt of Kasura Carolina. Uur» re truly, 1 . JOCK* CASWELL COUNTY. l'elbam, N. C . Sept. 1. 1*17 W 8- Rovatrr Guano Co., Nor (oik. Va Gentlemen. I u*ed tiro tons and a half of Farm ar» JUone. arid 1 received bell r result* from thi» brand (tun any 1 have ever used 1 think my crup will turn out about t.oOu lt>*. V\ ut us# the earns Lran<» neat year. 1 remain. Tour* respectfully, 'iaoMAf> ilLACKWL.L»L PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY. K. S. Koyater > eati/e sale* so far have averaged .rvm III to »«u per hundred. 1 h*% aoid eame grades aa high as |7S per hundred Tkla was the higheet price pekt on th« Uaavllle market up to this sale I have some on hand that win bring U Mi per hundred If the prioea re — d« racre I used KOYUTKK xuaftu and will agala Tour struly. J. J DRIVER PITT COUNTY. Greenville. N C.. Auf. ». 111?. K 8. Roy*t«r Guano Co . Norfolk. Va. I>*sr Btr* You will dnubtl «■ » r * With an avera|« application of l.Wr* i»ound* p*r acre a» r* for tobacco of you; I 1-2. we produ< *• I last year &.'»«» p«.un«i per acre; thi» >ear >t excessive rains and that th sot Ion thi* farm Is In a very ^oor stat of fertility .f-w.ng t» «•£•-._» ef forme: ewnen. we are more than pt«u«i wit' the results obtained With kindest personal regards an «e» l he for the continued u-ces» your valuable fei sers, we are. V , trul*- y<»urs OUR MAN * JKMwINS, Praps MECKLENBU COUNTY. W. B. Rorster Oaanr Co., Norfolk. Vs •Gentlemen As I have used your guano for (• rear*. I take pleasure la writing yon in regard to your bran. I tried last year to get picture of a ot of tobacco 1 had on eorae re J x.r horse grass land I had turned out for cow pasture, but eoul i •* got a man to take oae large enough. I ( »t one t last to take on« this - eok. I have 11.904 hills la this lot with IN pounu of Sit mm it. end it b a» fla- as I hare rrtr Men. as jox. wi agree hen you ece the nlcturo. 1 Usin rsystors la the on!* guano t«» use J. J BU.W WAKE COUNTY. %obsloa. N. C . Oct II. 111?. P. 8. lorater Ouano Co. Norfolk. Va. (*ar •Ira: Tour goods ga/s entire ntlafailloi this yaar I made the best "bacco ha so ever made with your goods ! sk* re«MUMnd Royater's goods hereafter. Tours truly. C. W. HOCUTT F. I lo|jrt«r Ouano Co.. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Henderson. M. C . r. D„ 8opt 4. 191?. , .bo r oik. Va. )MiMMa.n: rn M b.lt.r iimmh VMtng S3rL.*Bv.WB-5r. t^jsyoar, Tow*'?^SStw .UACOK KuuegoMH COUNTY. Rocky Mount, Jf C. Sect 4. 1917. V. a ftopiter uiunv Ce., Norfolk. Va I'ear Sir* It gieea rtie pleasure to say a word of praurn for Kuy»tmr e fertilisers. 1 luvt noticed very oarefuily thin >ear mbrrt diffrrn ( feitiit* i t' v« been used. and e*pe«ialiy tobacco. 1 i KfiM to me • •- be-*. totutoo 1 have *t«a w» where Royittr f.-rtdU-rN were owed Except for the dan «« J the Jul." rains I ha ve r.ever h »wn * Letter crop and I uaad (toy star's f« rtUUkm H. L». tiAktK LUNENBURG COUNTY. Fort MiUheU. Va Sept 22. 1911. S. Ko)»ti r t«uano Co., Norfffik, V .» »*»a.r B'tr* V% lit «a> » have • « fi u.->irig your food* r toe |.nt Ufteen years and it t« a .tor.« ra*y nlatter for me to aay that M. II better .e -j ev taliy the BonartSa. » hi« h i have not -eel» able to And for the paat wo years. which \ t'o . Sorf<>ik. Va . t*ar Sirs Havrwii; used your fertiliser* for tM .•ant two ftaiM'tn .and having obtained tuck high.y aiMf«ciory leaulta 1 feel that reu might be intwreaied to know how I feel about m. * grew h;rty nlne acres f tobacco ihia year ivier very adverse ctodl*1).. thai wUI aell fur -veer HIM* 1 alee And year gvoii •luaUy good for other d. V«„ •. T»C IT. IflT. 8 Rorater (Juu o Ca . Norfolk. Va isntlemen I have been uaUtg your guano for av ert! yearn and 1 out any that it la aB O. K. for all crop*. 1 expect t 1 used U * 'radar and flad '.hat lay tobacco wee mur.i better ana rip ed ep ten d*A •arlisr from your guano thaa it did frova he other ^rade truly. J. U UL'RNS BRUNSWICK COUNTY. nawlings, Va.. Aug St. IflT. r* 8. Rornter Guana Cm., Norfolk. Va ISRtkmrn 1 wned your guano this rear for the ftr t m ^ ad aomparad it with otfca* guaac aa irae different piece* o4 land, a.*: And dtat mure la t ahead. 1 wad I lU-L I can heartily riconmeud thl* brand u anyone • V ». tnbaeoo an Esr«:tf-^ai^rcrN