I W. WEST DRUG CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. Colon*! Wdtarm'i Viow of Tfco War. Mirw Hanary Watteraon, looking backward at the fiftieth ChriaUnaa of the I. uiaville Cornier-Journal, uttara word« upon the graataat of all war* thai miMt ba convincing even to thoaa whuae thought* hava not ran alone the fundamental linea with which ha dt ala. Thin old ohaarvar of man and avanta far In (hat we may atand upon tha edge of u iipw dearent Into tha dark ag<*a. But ha aye: "Surely the future look* black an« :h. yat it hold* a hope, a aingle hope. One, and one power only, can arri'xt the deacent and aave ua. That ia the Chriatlan religion. "Democracy u but a aide iaaua. The paramount iaaua, underlying tha iaaua of democracy, ia the religion of Chriat and Him crucified; tha bedrock of civ ilization; tha aourre of reaource of all tlui ia worth having in the world that la, that give* promiae in the world to coma; not aa an abatraction; not aa a! huddle of aecta and factiona; but aa a mighty force and principle of being. The Word of God, delivered by the gentle Nazarene upon tha hillaidea of Judea, sanctified by the croaa of Cal vary. ha* aurvived every aaaault. It ia now arrayed upon land and aea to, me>'t the desdlieat of all aaaaulta,' Satan turned looee for one laat. Anal. atruggle. I ne Kiiiwr boldly threw down tn« Wire of battle—Infidel Germany against the believing world—'Kul tur' against Christianity—the Gospel of Hate against the Gospel of Love. Thus is the Satan personified—'My *elf and God' merely his way of pro claiming it—for hie '<»od' in Beelzebub the Angel of Destruction, his creed the devil's own, his aim and end a! hell on earth. Never did Crusader j lift battle-ax in holier war against the : Saracen than is waged by our sol-1, diers of the cross against the German. Tile issues are indeed identical. "If the world is to be saved from destruction- physical no less than spirtual destruction—it will be saved alone by the rhristian religion. That eliminated leaves the earth to eter nal war. For fifty years Germany has been organizing and laboring to sup plant it with 'Kultur,' the genius of Infidenlity. Her college professors have been obsessed with it. Her uni versities have seethed with it. In act-laming 'Myself and God,' the Kai ser has put the imperial seul upon it. When our armies have run it to its lair—when they have crushed it— naught will have been gained unless the glorious Banner of the Cross is hoist—even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness- -and the misled masses of Germany are bade to gather about it and bentath it a sadly they collect the debris of their ruin for the reconstruction of the Fatherland." n . r>. r>. — Not the Man. An old negro went to the office of the commissioner of registration ir. » Missouri town arid applied for regis tration papers. "What is your name?" asked the official. "George Washington," was the re ply. "Well George, are you the man who cut down the cherry tree?" "No, suh; 1 ain't de man. I ain't done no work for nigh onto n year." Mount Airy iron Works Foundry and Machiae Shop Repair Work * Specialty A large variety *i eaatiaga I aleak. etHera ■■lie to ertier. J. D. MINICIL ML Airy. N. C, Aag M. 1*10. New York March 1.—German new» papari have infomied (Mr reader* that Niw York City, for it* protection haa ffirdad ttaalf with a wire frnce H2B mile* in length. The German* al io hava )>een told that .W.WiO soldier* are guarding the port uf New V irk. that rigoroua meaaurea have lieeu taken in Chicago ami daewhere, and that Hoboken i* daeerted. Under the caption " \meriran Wnr Fover," the Cologue Gazette of .latviary I1', a copy of which haa baen received in thia city, publiahea the following dia patch under an Amatardam data: "It la reported from New York that a barlied wire fence of over 1,(nM) kilo meter! in length haa l.oei. drawn around the dock* and pier* of New York. Thia gigantic fence encircle* the whole of New York and alao the adjoining citiea of Brooklyn, Hobo ken and Jersey City. N.-> one ia al lnwed to paaa thru thia fence wilhoui permiaalon, especially no enemy alien. "Fifty thouaand noldier* havj oeen detailed to guard the port te/minalc. Any peraon found loitering in the vi cinity of the barbed fence ia immedi ately ahot. All German* whi e'ther reside or work within the barbed wire lone must vacate the diatrict immedi ately. "In Chicago alone 23,000 Germans have been forced to move out of the harbor district. These rigorous regu lations have caused great excitement among business men of tha entire country because they are compelled to do without German employe* if their place* are near the dock*. A delega tion of master butcher* hava vainly pleaded for an alleviation of these regulation*. "The Carman* who in Hoboken had built up a colony resembling a little German city have been forced to leave and that port, which already hail Buf fered heavily from the war, is now ab solutely deserted." W. S. S. Produce Conn, Soybeans, Cowpeai and Sorghum. Went Kaliegh. N. C.. March—In in creasing food crops this year, do not make the mistake of putting in too large an acreage, hut try to produce more on the same acreage. It in not practical to greatly increase the acre age. eicept in the ca^e of sorghum. In the opinion of Mr. C. B. Williams. Chief. Division of Agronomy of the Agricultural Extension Service, the absolute importance of a great pro duction of corn, soybeans, cowpeas, and sorghum should he realized and more of theor. however, will make a large acreage undesirable or impossible. Of course, where labor i abundant every eiTort -hould be made to increase the acreage as well as the yield per acre. If production is in creased from 10 to 20 per cent ami t>0 per cent in the case of sorghum, this will be the most profitable plan for North Carolina citizens to adopt. Farmers this year have every in centive to make them prepare their land well and work their crop* more thoroughly than ever before. They have the incentive, also, to use special fertilizer! and manures of the right kind re as to supply their crops with ample plant-food. They have the in centive to warrant them in paying the prices now asked for fertilizer, be cause these prices have not advanced to the extent that the farm product* have. These things being true, it i* doubly important and wise to use more of the right kind of fertilisers and produce larger crops per acre. Where this is done a marked increase In yield will be secured with but • small increase in the total coat of pro-, during the crop. RELY ON CLASS ONE MEN Mart* t^-WMto a W MM wM to mi tha M I 4* M* call far tha W any to IMS. Tha •nj tha aarond Mt eapei tad aaan frota Proroat Marshal General Crwm |uotaa to tha atataa la to bo followed. Tha aanata already haa paaaad and tha houaa military rom mitlaa haa favorably raportad an i amendment tu tha law to haaa tha quota on tha numbar of man in rtaaa ona, inatead of upon tha tAtal rrfii tration «* a atata. "Hiia rhan»e la regarded a* fartain to I* mada but to avoid further da lay arhedulaa of al lotment* undar lioth ayatema have been preparnd at tha prnvoat marahal ireneral'a offli a ready to gn out aa aoon ■a final action ia taken. Hirnni (all in April. A* to the date of the second draft, mrmlxri of Congrena from agricul tural section* have been practically ■■mured that no withdrawal of men From civil life waa contemplated which would emharraa* harvesting. It haH been indicated however that a relatively small number of men muat •>«■ called to the color* prior to June 1 ind the procemi may start in April, when equipment, clothing and quar tan will be available. The men ar« beetled to (111 up to full ! trength divia ,ons slated for early departure to Eu rope and alHo for field army and corps :roops not attached to diviaiona. The 'eplacement detachments also must go 'nrwani at an accelerating rate shiee \ men can troops are now artoalfy folding a sector of the French front ind men are being killed or wounded n action every day. The completion of the full program >f the war department without creat- i ng any additional division* probably j will absorb in the neighborhood of 100,000 men. The extent to which it to quit* high wbik «m It to something mora than 200.060 wtll to iHMwrr tor tto l»1P pmfrim, making HOfl.OOO nerescary to call out during the yaar. The last increment of tha first draft now til prograaa of mobilisation to talling about *00,000 man, ara being u -ed to All rrg 'ar and national guard | itivl»ion» shown by thair efficiency ra- j porta to to arailabla for duty abroad. Orders ware issued today to local board* calling for Mi artisans sort* | for ooncombatant unit*. Kven with all of the first draft men i mobilized there are considerable de ficiencies among the national army and >ome of the national guard di visions. The first purpose of the aa rond draft will to to make up this shortage. ff. a. a. CbiiMM Buy Cold Coin Vancouver, B. C.—fh.nene citizen* in Vancouver sr* buying (told coin wh«rtv«r they can (jet them, paying 1106 in currency for $100 worth of gold. The coin they send to China. A number of employees in store* and other institutions of trad* in this city have been adding considerably to their income by selling the gold. The Pneumonia Seaaaa. The cold, damp weather of March seems to be the most favorable for the pneumonia germ. Now is the time to be careful. Pneumonia often results from a cold. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the dan ger. As soon as the Arst indication of cold appears take Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. As to the value of thin preparation, ask anyone who has used it. Sydnor & Sparger Insnranee Agent* MOUNT AIRY. S. C. Office in Mcrritt Building. Nmt Airy My I Auction Ce J. A. ATKINS, M—T MOUNT AIRY, — PUrtb C—H— iff ymm wmml to fey «r -II apply to aa. — Wa Wfla aB toArffcd but*, >«M« prhite OFFICE OVER EARFS STORE. Chestnut Oak Bark Wanted! We are now issuing contract* for bark to be de livered at our sheds during the seasonof 1918. We will pay 5 cents per 100 pounds more to those parties contracting their peel to us than to parties not hold ing contracts. We reserve the right to stop issuing contracts whenever we feel that we have sufficient bark contracted to meet our requirements. No contracts will be sent out by mail. Obtain contracts from Mr. A. Johnson, in charge of Mount Airy station. This February 28th, 1918. C. C. Smoot & Sons Co. Let The News JOB OFFICE have your next job printing You Are a Patriotic Farmer! You will make every acre produce its ut most in food crops, cotton and tobacco, all greatly needed by our country. You will best serve your country and yourself by fertilizing each acre liberally with SWIFT'S ''brInd'151 FERTILIZERS "ITPAYS TO USE THEM" There is a national car and labor shortage. Delay is dangerous. ►WIFTS1 JUZERS: ORDER TODAY Manufactured by SWIFT & CO. FERTILIZER WORKS ATLANTA, CA. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Factor!**: Atlanta, Albany, LaGrang*, Moultrie, Savannah, tta. WILMINGTON and GREENSBORO, N. CHESTER and COLUMBIA, S. C. FOR SALE BY R. H. SIMMONS, Mount Airy, N. I