FOR COAT Nuitt ami nil kin«l« la Him ri>ariy-tn/wrar rood" irn to J L. Harrmon'*. f FOR HALE—! have 2S SO ftn«] Whit# leghorn hen*. ypure tired, from Harron Strain, ^11 *«ll at a bargain. All laying ^ell now. An •pportunity for anytftie who want* to Mart a poultry hu*lne»« in the right way. W. E. Jackson, THOROUGH Bred R«l/T>tiroc Jersey piKs $10 each. C. W. Hodjfe. "Congoleum" the bent and Jho.»t wo- j mimical floor covering onI ihe mar kent. We have it—all *\*fi ar.J de-1 signs. Robert* Wakler FuOniture "o ' ONE FIRST clam Hupiyautomobile* at a bargain. C. Wf. Hodge. • Ku!*i ipiy ant ALL kind* eating ilrans goods, to J. L. Ilarrnion FOR go to j. t. iiurrmon ». FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms: for light housekeeping. Mr*. Rhoten Hinen, Lebanon Street. ■ i I.OST or lent—Sometime pant month I have loaned my steel tap formation as to apprec iated. I. W. fTarber. Supt. WANTED AT ONCE Two /nod farm hand*, experienced in vowing to bacco. $25.00 per monai straight time and board. Oianfc for advance mefit. S. C. Stockncry Burkeville, I Virginia. 3-28-p. EGGS FOR hatching^^he world fam-' ou* Anconas. Byft winter layers. Egg* $1.00 and \ZbO tor IS. E. C. Banner. Mount Airy, N. C. tf. 7 1 LET US how you our stock of 'Von goleum". The largeift and liest se lection ever brought tilwount Airy. KotierU-Walker Fuinuulk Co. „ »r,r, DDK tfHi -flowing of / Pattern j hatr, I.arec-t display a«r off ere.] the public in this cMmunly. Tues-1 day March 3rd. J. Harrison. AUTOMOBILE Till ICS—We sell the; Gillette, McGrava and Kails, guar-j an teed from 354 FOR SAI.E Sugar Mfeplix, good size. The most satisfa^ury shade t«w for this section. E |l. Wrrnn. 4t | NEW DRESSES »nd vA.ists jyist re ceived at J. L. Ilnrmon. ROLLER top desk and chair at a bar fain. C. W. Hodge. a oar Mg Spring T,.««Uy March LJ. Al Harriaon. BE S?,RK and com* to Millinarj op^nin* 3r4, 0v#rybody invltad. / LIFE IN A CAMP. Tka following latter trmm tka young mmi of Mr. J ok a LotUh, of tkla rity glvee • Mhlto impreoaiea W ■hoi Um mw nHltr bays aro ax par itruutg. Cany Jatkeen, March 10th, Ull. Daar Paika: Today newplalaa my eeeond waak in Cam p. and I've enjoyed It vary much. It proved to ba entirely dif ferent froai a hat I an part ad. of eoaraa Ike difference wno far tha good. Camp Jarkeen la a raai city all la itaalf, wa kawe tka llbarty Tkaatra bore and you ran aaa good akowa •very night If you eara to pa. Than mm hava tka T. M. C. A'a. thaaa ara tka baat part of tka army Ufa, far ikara you ran upend your Umo off duty >n writing to tka folka bark homo, ind being entertained in moot anyway irnu rould wiah. It wao rather hard at drat going to •ad at a certain time and getting up he name way, In fart there In a time for everything. You have heard of ■ yatem—well you will have to be in he army before you aee it put into iff ect, it 'a really wonderful to boo low lt'a all worktd out. and I'm aure ivory Itoy here will learn lota, and be nore prepared to go bark to civil life when the War ia c.*er. You might expert to find fellow* who are blue and down-hearted, hut to go through f'amp will *oon show you that you are wrong, for you mI lorn nee a fare that in sad. Really I think the folk* at home are worry in g a great deal more than the boy* io, of courne the Mother* and Father* are giving up their *on«, but why -houldn't they stop and think what their aon* are giving, it* the he*t part of their liven. *till they all go to thi* great taek with a smile on rheir face, *o I think the folk* at home should smile too. Sinre we have been in Tamp most ■ill fellow* have been very Ousy "women", 1 say women beeauM we lo most everything that's clone in any home, anil when the Kanter And* out 'hat hi.s "Me and God" *tuff won't go and I get bark home I am' sure 111 make a real good wife, for I am a past-master at making beds, wa-h nig dishes and mo*t anything you rare to mention,'this don't st*m to be murh toward* making a soldier, but it i.s ill in the game. New men are romitig to ( amp every lay now, and the fellows who have •een here for a good while are being Lianxferred to other Camp*, it'* fun ty to see them come in —every one of :hem look different but in a day or wo tM>y all change into the name hing, for the uniform makes us all ►like— in appearance. When 1 fimt :>ut on my uniform I felt very queer, 'or it seemed to fit mr too murh in •ome places and in others it seemed to >e way too large. Of court** all thi las worn off now, and I feel very nurh at home in it, and I must admit hat I am juRt a wee bit proud of it oo. It* most time to hit the hay, and it pal hay too, no joking about it, hut deeping on hay don't worry us fel own. You all must write soon and rive me the news from home. Your loving son, BILL. A Lucky Discovery. Two women of the parvenu class nerc discussing the future of their respective son*, w^ien one of them —is cited by a St. Louis man in his appeal for exemption which the district board here has un der consideration. This portion says: "When a man hath taken a new wife he shall not go out to war, nei ther shall he be charged with any business; but he shall be free at home for one year and shall cheei up !•>» wife which he hath taken." Eggs for Hatching Eggs for hatching, from those prite wining Barred Plymouth Rixks. They Won first pen, first hen, second hen, second cock, third cockerel, third I'ul let, nnd two grand specials. I am selling eggs from these fine mating* for $1.00 for IS eggs. Now i* your chance to get some of these fine birds ( for a mere trifle. 1 also have a few nice cockerels for sale at reasonable prices. Come and see them or write me your wants, am sure I can pleaee you "* OKA ROBKRT8 Mount Airy, N. C. urorr or condition or At Ml Airy, la Um itata at ■Mm, at tfca eiaaa af ha Mar. 4. 1»U. RSSOUROES North Car i fund with U S. Treaa. and due from aama Total. »7S7,tJO.i«| LIABILITIES Capital atoek paid In • TI.0M.Ml Surplus fund 16,000 00 (JiwTlvtdad .proflta. IA.0 Circuiatinffnataa, M.rno.Mj I)u« to hank* and banker*. H.7M. Individual dapoaita •ubiert to check 3U.SA0.7I Certified cheek*. 3, MS. on Caahier* cheek* outstanding, #un.Hu Postal saving* dapoaiU WB.ff? Cartifl"atea of depoeit, f ^32,279.71 Total, Stat* of North Carolina, I I, T G. Pawcatt. abova named bank, do solemnly that tha above statement ia true to the | baat of my knowledge and belief. T. G. Fawcatt, Cash. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia Mar 1 13, 1»IM. W. P. Callaway, Notary Public. Correct—Attaat: Geo. D. Fawcatt, Thoa. Fawcatt, M. L. F. Armflald, Director*. W. 8 S. Card of Thaalu. We want to extend to our friends and neighbors our many many thank* for their sympathy and kindnes* during the nvnt bottW of [>«Uona Ltrar Ton* ami taka a apoonful tonight. If it 4wu't atart your li»er and atraightan you right up better than calomel and without griping or making you lick I want you to go bark to the atora and get Tour mosey Take calomel today and tomorrow you will foal weak and tick and nauaeated. Don't Iom a day'a work Take a aouon fill of harmleaa. vegetable Ifcalann'a Unr Tone tonight and wake up fading great, lt'a perfectly harmleaa, an gica H to your children any time It e»»'t aali'ata, ao let thrm cat anything afterwarda. Have yea got yoar fertiliser ye»? If not I would adriaa you la get it at once u Ik* auppiy la likely la ha abort Ikii yaftr and the atrip bird gata lha worm. fertiliser is |MH| to' be high thia faw, bat a* la com, there fora wa ahooU not fail to uaa plenty of the proper fertiliser mlsturee. Now ta tha tlma to terrace your land bafora tha rrop la atartad. You rant afford la lat year land waah for tha naad of • lltia terracing. I have a Boat rum level, and will ba (lad to halp you with thia work if yon rail on aa or drop ma a card liava you orderad any lima thia apring? avary farmer U trying aa never bafora to produce a ~ big ram crop thia yaar, and thara ia nothing that wa can do that will ahow greater raaulta than an application of lima. Several farmara ran get together and ordar a car load of lima and aava money by catting it in large lota. Hava you encouraged your boy to join ona or mora of tha Agricultural cluha thia apring? Thara ia nothing that will halp tha boy mora, and give him an intareat in tha farm. It not only givaa him more intaraat in tha farm, hut it teache* him to keep hooka and an account of hia work. The girla ahould alao ba in tha club work. They can join the Poultry cluba, pig rluba, canning cluba ate. Thara ia to ha a Seed (Torn Show in Dobaon tha 20th of thia month. whi Tmnm— L'mm 141jr m U mm ub»M but M fmr tfcay l»*a not baaa wd. Emni 1 Mtllaapa, Cawtjr A rant High SekMl fwirt. On Prtday evening Mirrh lttfc there will ha s raoc«rt in ClM kick ■rhoal auditorium by th« pup ill ef tha hlfh •rhooi A mmII >daiMwn chirfi will be nwli In ordar to raw* money to purrhaaa map* for win of tha room*. Tha following program** will ha glean: Choroa--When tha .fun Coa* Down in Dixia. Mentation—Miranda, tha awaat girl gra