ifcsssiKisiis WwiktkMla *«ft notla*. Wit* Mm lateet unproved fildhinery. ikilU wurlim—. dry kilns and ilanp fk •ilHiea, no plant In thia aartion la hatter equipped to car* for the nwrti tfce k—« bgtldar than la tka Am lieaaley* Te*h, nuci aaaari to T. B. Mr Cargo A Son. The active au agam«nt of tha affaire la In tka hand* of Mr. J. A. Taak, who la on« of tka ■out experienced man In tka lumbar koalnaaa in Weatern North Carolina. Ha haa fjvan upward" of SO yaara to II; ka haa made it a atudy, anil hia aataMmhmant la in poaition to aarva tka trade in tha mM acceptable man •ar. aa thara ia nothing ill tkla lina that ran ha nxil in tha arartion of a houae that thia enterprise rannot aup ply. Tha Arm ia thoroughly relia bla ami jfive* tha service you natural ly ax part at tha hand* of men with whom you ara dealing. On account of tha large and varied stock. tha ac oammodating tiu*ine*a method* em ploye.! and the close price* on lumber and material the Arm ia forging ahead in tha moat gratifying manner and ia rated aarond to none in thia sec tion in importanra and reliability. Every facility ia employed to iret out ardera In the *horte*t time, and »hen promised. Many of the handnome home* in and around Mount Airy ware built of material furnished by Mr. Te*h. who haa been identiAed with the buildinir induatry for years. If you are contemplating building,' you shou''' consult him and get hia esti mate on the lumber and material needed. You can save money by pat ronizing thia home foncern; at the same time you will be lending your support to sn enterprise that pay* out thousand* of dollars annually for material and wage* which directly benefit every citizen of the town and community. j A. E. STEELE SHOE CO. A fact not known to many men and women is that the average ihoe ha* over sixty-two different part* to it, . any »n • of which can be cheapened to maki- a price, and none judged ex cept by the highest experts in shoe makinr Now the question ia, if you are starting out to buy a pair of shoes trhere would you go? The anawer ia ample enough: if you are not a judge of leather you should know the mer chant' with whom you are dealing. The way to judge goods is by the man who sella them. Among the dependa ble store i of Mount Airy ia that of the 4- E. Steele Shoe Co., the home of "better shoea." This house deals in » shoes that will give service; shoes that will enable you to put your beat foot foremost in business, society and elsewhere. No man or woman should abuse the feet; they are the main spring of the body. If you would fol low your feet there ia little conjecture but that they would lead you straight to Steele's Shoe Store where will be found one of the largest, beat assort ed and moat varied lmes of shoes In Western North Carolina; shoes for Men, women and children; shoes for the farmer, business man, society man or woman. There is the home of the famous Forbush shoes for men, I-a France shoes for women and the "Bill < ikin" ohoes for children. A large and beautiful line of men's hats also [ handled in connection,. The stock is "reasonably priced, too. And like his goods, Mr. Steele is dependable in all their transactions and representa tions. If you wear shoes this «iore should claim your attention and get your trade. , - C. C. HUTCHENS There is not a better county in the State in which to live than Surry. Every advantage possible is offered— high altitude, healthful climate, pure water, fertile lands and unlimited na tural resource.- from which to <* kmWMMi ran bt made. And aa collateral far bofrowtaf inoftiy. itching li mjuaI to it under tfca National Banking law Thar* la no battar motta than, "Own mm Dirt," and there la not a mora experienced awn la tfca iwuty aafl Ing it, Uim Mr. Hatrh—a. It la aa aaay for bua to handle fans landa aa it ia for two boya to away knivaa. Ilia home ia at Whit* Plain*, 4 milea from Mount Airy, on the Dobaan pike. On April Srd. at 2 p. ai. be will of fer for aala at public auction the S. H. Hale farm, located near Ruund Peak. Tbara are I'JO arraa in the tract, with a nice r>»w houaa and ham on the premieea, and running eater Mmn mi i, ^ 1. TWn b I la MiShnl* rtw; J.' O. B. MOORE It ta not Ml panpla 11 vine >« towna tha mm of Mount Airy ts be fared to wait a Isrgvr town, to aarura high rlaaa pho tograph work. TkM la not tha caaa liar* however, for citisana of Mount Airy and .Hurry rnunty Ka»a ana of tha Moat akillad pkoUfrtpWrn lorat ed in their muiat to ha found any whara. Rafaranca la made to Mr. O. R. Moora, whoaa atudio ia in tha Laon ard building, Main atreat. Hi* work ha* received tha higliaat pralaa ami Moat favorabla n.mmmit from Ilia numarnuM patron#, arr tvilrc 1 win »? errg*' a thousand iwunds to tn« bam. 1 «rii 9* w# around for ray whole aroi> J d»a t waat anything but Roystar I 3 1. Your frleod. W K WBLDOK. FORSYTH COUNTY, r. 8 Royatar (Jaaae Co, Norfolk. Va. Pa si Sir* I u«*d »H pounde af ROYSTBR 9 MP2II iJRAI'K fertiliser tkls year. u4 Had it to be tha heat I have ever ased. X aever fail la ray arop of tobacoa ar whaat whan I u»e Roy mar a X I.* va Ml saw my tobaoco /at. but tt la the beet 1 haw aver *aia*d, a*4 aspect a good ar»ee fa It I aaa't teak toe klg%Jy of Iba F. 8. R. fertiltsar. Your Htruly W P. STRUTS ROCKiNGHAM COUNfY. 1 F. B. Me • r. a iiurMir dmm ca. Norfalk. Ta. S*n r t.m.n I wiah u ul rn IM 1 m« rm lit fartlllaar for UImm tftla 7MI and hava th« kaat drop for mm raan. Mh fh »aha- aaK Mr. aa< afeatl ooaltaM Ka uh It 1 «m sac jt *R W J. naiM.T tU*AV COUNTY. M. C., IV. ItlT ' " "TIWJgTV: <*• Pwr Urn 1 k»< k«a »lu imt lirtllHn tor II or >« mn u7 1nl * la tka Mai tfcara la I kara ln< athar ntnM ta Ik* urn* Said* luUUr mr totacoo. ud ih. part vkara F. • H m uaad *u katiar from tka M. J rould rat feat tar 7M Uua I raaM aa tha toWaaa r whara I aaad atkar krand*. and wkaa I ■a'*l. tka takaara erava aa #71 K. nv . S n a cam «a»l raar. . iiW — ^ Wm"4 - •— - • ■u"~u-r,nrw~ KOOCCOMBK COUNTY. Whttakora. N C . S#pt- I, iflT. F. ft Ho rum Guano Co.. Norfolk. Va. Door 8kc». I ha v* bean using your number of ;«ari and believe thai M tMtaa to bo peculiarly adapted to OnT ooil. and c«i»«claJiy fur tobacco. We take groat pleasure In recommending to farmero of Eastern Carolina. have boon using yotf fertilisers for a Youra r© -trujjr. i KICKS CASWELL COUNTY. Felham. N. C . SepL 1. IflT. F 8. Iloyster (Juano Co.. NortoU. Va. Gentleman: 1 ua«d two tcna una a half of Farm ers &oiiv. and 1 received better result*, from this brand than any I lu»« aver uaod. 1 think my crop will turn out about f.Ovv lb*. V* ill um the same brunU neat /oar. 1 remain, Toure reepcctlully, THOMAS 11LACKW&LL* PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY. F. ft. Royeter Guano Co . Norfolk. Va Gostlomen. I Sought DfcLTA TOBACCO OUANo from Mr. J, J. Fatterson. your reprosen > gradaa aa high aa •?« per hundred. Tfcla was the higheet prae paid on Um Danville market up to thlo aal*. 1 hare aome on hand that will bring ISO in MS per hundtred if tbe prlooo re ante tba oama. 1 troat row win fcoep I>Mn op to the present eiandard. T— o, PITT COUNTY. aville, N. C.. ftopC M. 1*17. '•'■TSLS.-V:.0' r Um (M low mn>l kin r-rni tofc.iwo (wtlUMT, m4 tkl. ... M M jSOllMtT«U. Ml lut.ooo fc» k . abowt Mm M la mf ..l»*borhoort • ' QU> |H> wttk uMfairormbl. immi I mM u erne I .Ik. rougk, unr«d«1 MLM, wklok la »t Ik. nil Ot M m tn 1 >mHit IwMfi •>•>' ut^r ik. kw t. b. unru QMINC COUNTY. Bwkvlon. M C. fcvt. It, 1M1 "a-G5?-^°^ V • FRANKLIN COUNTY. MapUvllU .N. C. B«pt. XI. 1917. I. 8 RartUf Owno Co Norfolk. Va X Imi crop tolMiM I trr 120*) m cuano ana will agati in* Unlaas price* v line I r.h.-iU me hMMlwi racre I uHd HOVUTWs ill agaia Tour strufy. J J. DK1V4BK PITT COUNTY. OrNBviU*. N. C. Ave. M, 1917 ' " " ISO » Vg. K 8. Kuv»ter Guano Co., Norfolk. " I>oar Sirs Tou will doubt leas be Interested Ir know ma how we are catting on with our Mill Krook farm, and our opinion oi your fertiliser*. which we have u*ed •* ciusively on this farm for ail crop# foi t w.. ) . .ir » With an average application of 1.0o« .•ouads p« r acre acr«i for tobacco of you: •-J-2. we produced last year S&o pounds per acre, this year our crop will ea*U. rield 1,100 pounds per acre. Consider ing that the two aeaeons have been the worst ever known in thla section, on ac count of •irtxslvt rains and that th* sol Ion this farm la In a very poor staff of fartiir.y < w - g : . r , owners, we are more than pleased with the results obtained With kindest poreonal regards am hoc I ha' for the continued uccoaa • your valuable fer sers. we are. V , trul- yours. OORMAN A JKNK1N8. Props MKCKLENBU COUNTY. Ou.n. Ik. Va V. 8. Royaler Oib.no Co , Nortolt Mlaau A. I hiv. uttvd your guano for two >Mro. 1 plaaaura m writing »oa In ra^rt to your brw.. 1 trlod laat 7001 to got p'.eturt of 1 ot of tobacco 1 M mm ■ roil tar bono pm to Ml 1 ktl turaod out for row po.tura. but •wall! •• roc o nun to IBM MH larf* onoajh I ft on* .it lut M tako »■' IkH • >ak. I koTo U NO hill, la thlo tot wHk *M pounu of 1-11 oa It. »a4 II Ip •I «». aa I Iuito 'T.r ooon. aa |«t »ll Krw bon fou o*o tho plctur*. 1 Wal roytUn la tho MlT (nana to 1 WAKF COUNTY. %«buin». n e, Oct. «, in: P. a Borvtir Owm Co . Norfolk. Va i 8tr* Tmu |uoda ftT. •n'tlr* MIWMII<« ihla r*r I Mil. ik« bMt obaoe* . hav* mr mads vltk your (no4s. 1 akni •mbbuJ Ntyataft |oo<> kcr«ft«. T ours truly. C. W. HOCUTT FRANKLIN COUNTY. H*a4«ra*n. N. C;. m. r. i>,. Mpc «. Bit r *• "TJ^^kTv;<5t h»v« any la ■>> T$^B8B'w .MLAPOM KOCE.COM BE COUNTY. Rarkr Mount. S. C.. *»*t. «. I*IT. V- 8. Uovsirr Uumo O*. Norfolk. V* LHnu Mm: It Ctese me pleasure i# aay a word of l>rai*r for Kojrstor • fertilisers. I have noticed very carefslljr thi* year «b«r« dUTrrt-rr fort HI* il ve bt«n ONd, and «P«cUII) tobacco, d 1. Mtni to iuo ' • hsa> toWcco, f have soon mi «ktr« •tjntir fertiliser* w«r* iu«d Ktcfpt fo" the dtir.ife » the Jul." rain* 1 have nersr 4 ow» a better crop and I ueed lloyster's fertilise™ H D. BJUCKR LUNENBURG COUNTY. Kurt Mitchell, Vs.. Sept «. ItlT. /. H. ftorstsr (iiuno Co , Norfolk. Va •oar Hir < W til ku) i have >e«u u-»»n* your r»a»t bftecu years and it la a very eaajr matter {or m« to a*y that tt it belter .etpeciallj the Bonaniu. which I have not >#cn able to And for the past wo yea is, which xcels ty th t 1 ha re ver cultivate*! .t |r*w tobacco faster, nd I had better e."»ult*» from that than v I have erer u mml. ^ J. A. YUUNO. PITT COUNTY. 8. Kjyster eor Sirs Having used your fertilisers for the .•est two eea.iuiui .and having obtained luck highly nauaf wtory re»ult a I feel ;hat rou ml* tit be Interested to know how I feoi about m. 1 p«« hlrty - nine acre* f IoUcn thke year .mv very adverse cearif 1■> thnt wflt sell Apr ever mm I also find your f^nb ■ taal? f#od fo. other crops sad slftR ISO thorn a pais w" -"WilWro,.. COUPfTY. PftUNSWICK COUNTY.