1.W. WEST DRUG CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. DECLINE OF GERMAN '' MORALITY CHARGED. German Writer* Deplore fraud and Laxity in Economic mmd Public Lifa of Country — Minister Admit* Evil. Berlin, !i<rmany (via Am»lcr dam)—Complaint* of tha decline of the morality of tha nation are becom ing mora u id mora frequent in Gar ma-iy. At fir t the criticism wan di rected to tJ.c ifreat increase of disor deilirirss imonf young people, which wax largoly attributed to the abnence of ho mi.ny father* of families at the front, and to other war conditions, latterly, however, attention ha* been directed to <<i'icr aspect* of the ques tion, and article* not confined to the press of nny one party, have appeared pointing out that, in addition to the apectaclc of selfishness and complete lack of pntriotiiim presented by the va<t amount of profiteering and spec ulation in foodstuff* and other com modities during the war, there ia probably scarcely an individual in Germany today who has not rendered himself liable to criminal prosecution for contravention of ono or other of the multitude of official regulations. The frank admissions of the now famous memorandum of the burgo-1 ma ter of Neukolln are cited as evi dence of the manner in which even public bodies deliberatly exceed such regulations as those fixing maximum prices for varioua commodities, and this system of evading regulations has led in turn, it ia declared to a »y item of bribery which extends to official, as well a* to commercial cir cles, while the general decline of both public and private morality ia evi ' danced by the now frequent theft of foodstuffs and other article* sent by post, and the fact that n goods wntron cannot be left for a day on a siding without being pillaged. vne »urn anwie as tnui appvarvu j recently in Herr Naumann's paper; Die Hilfe, under the signature of Heinz I'otthof, and read in part a* follow*: "The warning of the Prus sian Minister of Commerce that the war must not be uxed for the purpose! of exploitation ha* been unsuccessful. The war i* universally exploited. So] universally that a very worthy and' respected merchant has dared to re mark: 'He who does not become rich \ in this war does not deserve to have expe'ienced it.' When munition firms and other army purveyors, sugar fac tories, fcrewc: ies, dealers in foodstuff of all kinds pay dividends of 20,30, and 50 per cent and more, when they double and treble their capital, and pre tint their shareholders with more share* merely in order to prevent the dividends rising higher, that is war profiteering, no matter how necessary and useful the goods supplied, and no matter whether some- firms' |>rt>fits do not exceed the limit fixed by the Federal Council. Until that is uni versally organiied, no cbunge is pos sible. Laws alone cannot effect a change. On the contrary, the multi tude of self-contradictory regulations has had the fatal effect of undermin ing respect for the law..,.At the present moment there is no one in Germany amenable to punishment who could not be imprisoned for contra vening some war regulation or an other. What a state of affairit The effects of it. will be felt for genera tion after the conclusion of peace. The evil has eaten deeper, however. The lust for gain, which ruthlessly places private interest before the good of the community, is by no means klimited to employer* in agriculture,' ' Industry, trade, and commerce, but liu also infected other clasaes which have not hithertu oeen accustomed to think on capitalist lines. Employee* And workpeople see What profits are i from their work. They also aee war profits are made, by what itmmim million* arc obtained from the Empire; aful they partially fnll .w the example of their "better*,' not only by nmna of demanding higher wagea, but alao, which la wor*a, by making uaa of rrookad method*. The chief of thene la bribery, whether In .he gume of tipe, or the making of perma nent provision* for people or allow ing them a *hare in the profit*, and ao on. ' In whir circle* of our economic life thia bribing of employee* ha* Ion? Kince become a recognized method .>f doing buainaaK, without which neither ari order nor a delivery of goods ran b« obtained. A second method in that of embezzlement and theft. I wiil not go »o far a* to asnert that both are already recognized a* cuKtomary, !>ut every one can *ee tha: respect for the property of other* haa been very se rjou»ly undermined. If a wagon re main* unguarded in the street or on the railway for only a short time it i* certuin to he half emptied. Two Aviator* iro Killed In ■ Seaplane Accident. Washington, March 2fl.— Kn.iign* Mirhael Joxeph Delehunty and Thorn aa W. Draper l>oth of the naval re Mrvei, lost their live* in a xeaplane accident at the FVnwola naval train ing utation, the navy department an nounced to day. Draper * home wan Brighton, Md., and Delehanty'a was Boa ton. "CURED ME OF RHEUMATISM." Richmond Carpenter Hardly Able to Work. Health gone Finds Quick way to Strength and Health at Last. Tell* of way to Rid System of Rheumatism. "I had Buffered with rheumatism for ■ long time when Mr. Harris of 205 Cherry street Richmond, told me atxnlt a real medicifle. My rheuma tism wax no bad I wait hardly a Me to work at my trade- and doing the-. rood time* when a carpenter can earn fTw.d money if well and strong I *«• almost down and out. My stomach was in l-ad shape and I could eat scarcely anything. My appetite was Cone and the pain* I had in head and back bothered me considerable. I was all rundown, hut Acid Iron Mineral did for me \vha» no yhther medicine ever did. It hmi cu«-d me of iheu matism." declare- P. H. Anderson, I!5 S. Belvidcri Stf Richmond, Va. Cured II* Rheumatism. "I can work pt/rny trade and do a mans w My/appetite is too Rood for these timekf when everything to eat is so high.! I sleep well and en joy living. Pains in head and Hack have left me and T huve gained tween 12 and 14 pounds in weight. In my opinion I think It the best all round medicine in the world." contin ued Mr. Anderson. "It" hii!< cured me of Rreumatixm" nays Mr. Andernon. Thousands of people have found thia medicine the only thing that would purify their blood, drive out uric acid and relieve the -lyrtem of tho«e awful racking pain* and It ia especially good in the Spring when everyone may wiaely clear the blood, enrich it and build up the worn-out tih*ues. Acid Iron Mineral ia a mineral and not 4 vegetable medicine. That make* alt the difference in the world. It in •a different an day ia to night. It i* made from ore taken from a medicinal iron mine located in MUamaippi. It ia then compounded, concentrated and ahipped in her re In to the Labratory of the Kerrodine Chemical Corp. in Roanoke, Va.. where it la teated, Al tered and bottled, a atronirer. non alcoholic, absolutely harmleia and moat eronomicte remedy for the blood. Moat drug atorea hare tt. rentRii impomc rCIICIlML VnliUilt TW IN BRIEF TTm Raqulremtntt ItiU Down for Bu«y Folk®. ■•ran* hum ba Mad mm or luttw April 1. int. Tax duo m«/ ba paid now ar aa or bafora Jaaa 14. ItHl If jroa wara alalia and jour nat la | emaa for 1917 waa *1,00# or hmmv ran muat (lla a ratara. U you wara marrlad and tlTlag with arlfa (or huat»aod) aad bad a W* la iwa of Ci.OUV or mora for 191T yau nun Ala a ratura. Huatiand'a aad wlfa'a lamina maat ha conal dared Jointly, plaa Incoma of minor chlldraa. tliroaia of a minor or larompatent, derived from a aeparute eatala. mual ba "ported by bla legal repreaaata tlra. HaYera penaltlaa ara tyotldad for tboaa who neglect or aaada lha law. For falae or fraudulriil ralurn thA-a la a penalty not exrcadlni I2,<M» Una or year'* Iniprtaonmant. or both, plua 100 per cant of tat. for failure to make ralurn on or before April 1, mm. Una la from 130 to 11,000, plua 80 par rant, of tax dna. Ratuma muat ba fllad with tha Col lator of Intarnal llavenue of dlatrlrt In which you lira. An agent may flla ratum for a par aoa who la III. ahaenr from lha country or otherwlae Incapmitaled. ( Karb rat urn muat ba algneil aad awom or affirmed by paraon execut ing II. mngie persona are aiimtrru iijuu exemption In computing normal fat. A married pfrwin living with wlfa (or husband) I* allowed W.tHXl exemp tjoo, plus $'•■<»» for each dependmt child under IN. A head of family, though single, la allowed ts.inxt exemption If actually aup|M>rtlng one or more relative*. Return* mil, f *how the entire amount of earning*, gnlna and proflta rerelved during the year. Official* and employee* are not taxa ble on the salaries or wagea rectivad from • atate. rotintjr, city or town In Ibi United States. Inter»*t on mate and municipal bond* I»aned within fha V. 8. la e» empt from' federal Incoma tax and ahould be omitted. Intereat on United Statea govern ment bonds la alio exempt, except on Individual holdings of I.lherty Fours In excess of Sft.000 par value. Dividend* are not subject to normal tax, but moat he reported and Included In net Incoma. Glfta and legscle* are not Income and ahould not he Included on the re turn of the beneficiary. IJfe Inanrance recelred aa a bene ficiary or aa premluma paid back at maturity or aurrender of policy la not Incoma. Paymenta received tor real or par aonul property anld la not Income, bat tha profit real I red thereon la Income tor the year of sale. Amounta received In payment of not<mi or niortxnijia la not Incoma, bat the Intereat on such notea or mort gages la taxable Income. from tha entire gross Incoma cer tain allowance* are mada In arriving at the net Incoma. Necessary expenaea actually paid In the conduct of bualneaa. trade or pro fession may be claimed. A farmer can claim paymenta for labor, aeed. fertlllxer. atock feed. r» palra on buildings. except hla dwelling; repair* of feni-ea and fnnn machinery, material* and ainall tools for Immedi ate line. The Minount of rent paid for a farm may also he claimed a* a tenant farm er'* eTTH use. Paymenta for 'Ive atock are allowa Me If I ourht f >r resole. Hot It bought for breeding purpose* cattle nre an In veatnient, not an expense, and cannot be allowed. A storekeeper can claim amounts^ paid for advertising, clerk hire, tele phone, water, light and fuel, also dray age and freight hill* and cost of op erating and repairing wagon* and tracks. a |Mi>->i' nm « nil niiim n'ii «»i ni?» profeaaln! ul auppllca, rent. oflh-e help, Iritphnnr. expenae of teain or initomo bite u«ed In making profeaalonul calls •ml expenaea attending medical con ventions. A dentlat ran claim almllar Items, except team or auto expense. which • re not necessary In hla pnifeaal.in Ex|>en«<i that are personal or con ne« ted in any way with the aupport or veil being of a person or family ar» not allowable. The costa of machine*, Inat runietita. vehicles or Implements that are more or lean permanent In character are not allowable aa an expenae. They are In vnt menta. Interest paid on a mortgage or other personal Indebtedness la allowable >>ti a |<ers«niil rcturti All taxes paid wtthln the jrenr uti be takr n out on a federal ret tin . < x cept federal Income taxes. Inherits! taxes anil assessment* for Iocs ' 0 provementa I/ *a. « sustained In >i'i* n« •< r through Are. storm or ablt>-< 1>«t ■ theft, except « hen i i i|iei lls j u aurance or othcrwl*" Wear and tear of r»»tni IH i n machinery nsed It biwn < rlaUBed. Vo;i Hin a'so rla1 ' i, to the n»> hie, leU.loi- r e tlu«. lu ml mr i» i i 'it*. HaUkr WMh Um AwrkM Amy in Franca Mirrh M.—The Aiarkaw artillery fontinuffl to heavily iktll town a htM by the Gaiiam and Gar—a haturtaa, ppeaita tha Tool Barter, with gmm. THa Carmam thaaieelvee hava reci procated ka kind, but tha doaae of *a« .lent against tharn by tha Amerirar" hava baan twlra aa large aa they hava received. Tha town of Richacourt north of Xivray, one of tha targata of tha Amwmuii, haa baan abandoned ao far aa American patrala which racon noi tared naar tha town wara abla to determine. Tha Amariean artillary alao la keep ing up a xtream of othar sheila on roo my poaitiona in thia region. St. Baua aant, northaaat of Richacourt haa baan haavily ahelled with hiffh exploaivn projectilea, while German (Irat line tranche* repeatedly have been hit anil leveled and enemy dugouts and nnipem poata completely ailenced. "Priti" or "Billy Boche,"' aa the American doughboy* are beginning to rail the Oermanii, ia a perxiatent aniper on thia sector. Aa fa*t aa th» Americana ailence one neat, another i start* tha annoyance, and then the job haa to I* done all over again. Thia forenoon a group of American niper* deacoverud an enemy neat close by and promptly opened lire on it. The German* replied with their rifles and then fired about three doKcn or ao grenadea. Apparently the Ger mans hi d come to atay and did not in tend to be chased out. One of the American TT-millimeter gun team < then got into action against the neat, and f wing to its accurate fire no more German* were seen at thi* particular pcint and there wan no further annoy ance. A number of these same little guns obtained direct hit* In enemy commu nicattnrf trenches while men, possi bly nflicers were passing through them, and also fired effectively, as did snipers, on parties of Germans who were dressed in light and dark blue uniforms, the first time these uni forms were seen on this front. One of the American sharp Shooter* re ported that he had spoiled a number of these new "sprnig suits," by knock ing the wearers into the mud with bul lets from his Springfield. Normal aerial activity continued to day, the weather being favorable un til late in the afternoon, when clouds •nd light snow flurries passed over the line. One enemy plane flew low ovfcr one of the American positions doing photographic work. The American •nti-air-craft fanners had a number of "hances during the day to show their skill and this they did. They drove off enemy airmen who attempt ed singly or in groups to prowl over the line. There were several aerial combats between planes carrying American observers at the guns, but they were without result, probably be cause the airmen were unable to get close enough to the Germans. Overcoats, which had been discard ed since last week were fond to be exceedingly comfortable again tonight ai a frigid wind blew in from the rnvthen't. Vernon School Closes. Saturday Mnrch the 1ft market! the clrsing Hay of a very successful term of Vernon school, IKib.son No. 12. The ;'ori am beginning at 10:30 A. M. consisted of several good recitations, songs, dialogs and talks hy the pa trons. The children rendered their parts well. Lawyer Reece of Dobaon made a speech in the afternoon, that was very jrreatly enjoyed. His sub ject being "Education and Our part in the World War." At the clone of his talk tbe patrons and t«acher Miss l.illis (lemmings, organized • War Saving Society, of fourteen members. The object of this society is to pro mote the sale of the War Saving* .Stamps. Very delightful music was furnish ed on a string band, composed of Messrs. Hamlin, Wolf, Draugiin/ and Mnwr.—Contributed. / ' TV I'nrumonia ftraaon. The cold, damp weather of March pom* to he the moat favorable for .he pneumonia lerm. Now la the ime Is be lareful. Pneumonia often ' <•• ulte from ■ cold. The quicker • ■ •Id I* gotten rid of tit* I em the dan er. A* aoon aa tha Brat indication of old anpea t take Chamber tain'* ouph RMiedy. A* to the value of 'hie epa'bt tn, aak anyone who ha* tmd r. Six reasons A WHY us 1 — Studies nerves 2 — Allays thirst 3 — Aids appetite 4 —Helps di*&»tlon 5 —Keeps tetih clean 6 — Ifs econcrrrtcal K£C? the skiers nd sailors supplied! Thres Flavors Chew if after every meal The Flavor Lasts! Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy • Fav orite for CoMa. J. L. Kaxlejr, Macon, II!., in >peak ing of Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. says, "During the pa.it fifteen yean it has bam my sinter's favorite medi-' cine for cold* on the lung*. I myself have taken it a number of times when suffering with a cold and it always re lieved ma promptly." Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Afeiti MOUNT AIRY, N. C Office in Merritt Building. Mount Airy Realty & Auction Co. J. A. ATKINS, Manager MOUNT AIRY, — North Carolina. If you want to buy or sell apply to us. — We handle all kinds of Real Estate, public and private. OFFICE OVER EARPS STORE. Chestnut Oak Bark Wanted! We are now issuing contracts for bark to be de livered at our sheds during the sea^mof 1918. We will pay 5 cents per 100 pounds more to those parties contracting their peel to us than to parties not hold ing contracts. We reserve the right to stop issuing contracts whenever we feel that we have sufficient bark contracted to meet our requirements. No contracts will be sent out by mail. Obtain contracts from Mr. A. Johnson, in charge of Mount Airy station. This February 28th, 1918. C C Smoot & Sons Co.

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