Mount Akf News* WmmH Mn. N. C. tUnk H. ItU. SHORT NEWS ITEMS frof W. N. Hutt. of Raleigh, .pml ■ hw days bar* tkli wtak vliittaf the orchard* in this a*Kiofi. Mr. John L. Banner mad* a buaineea trip to Charlotte Tuesday. Col. J. S. Ball haa want I y bought from tha Marian Muaie Houao ana of tha latent makaa of tha Graphonola. Mr*. H. C. Ellett of Princeton, W. Va., In tha huast of har stater, Mrs. Charlae Price In thia city. Miaa Nellie Shelton of Wertfleld waa a »sitor in thia city yesterday. Maaara. John Marion and Gaaton Chriatian are * pending a few daya I in Greensboro on huaineaa. Atty. W. F. Carter laavea today to visit hia son, Lieut. Edwin Carter at Camp Jackaon, Columbia, S. C. Mrs. W. R. Bright of Washington, N. C., is the truest of her daughter, Mrs. J, H. Carter, on Rockford street. Mr. Joe Davis has built a nice nix room pottage on the lot a mil* South of the city where his residence was burned a year ago. Mr. Ned Bolt of Camp Jackson is the gue«t of his mother, Mrs. U. A. Bolt, called here by the death of hia aiaiter Mr*. Roy Poore. Mrs. W. J. Edward* ar.d children of Pilot Mountain are guest of Mrs. Edward's parents Mr. ar.d Mrs. P. D. Webster on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Wright of Win ston-Salem spent the past week end with Mr. and Mr*. John Sobotta in ^ this city. , f I i Mrs. W. L. Reeee and daughters. Misses Gertrude and Edith Reece, and Mrs. Sallie Folger of Dobson spent yesterday in this city shopping. /) Evangelist and Mrs. McLees of Chatham. Va., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sobotta during their stay in this city, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McCracken of ' Winston-Salem spent the past week with Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Hollings worth in this city. Mesdames E. C. Biveru and P. L. Hawks left the first of the week to ▼iait their sister, Mrs. A. S. Mitchell in Petersburg, Va. Miss May Robinson student of Greensboro College for Women will spend the coming week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Robinson in this city. Dr. J. T. Smith and Mr. Rufus Cook of Westfield passed through this city yesterday enroute to their homes from Camp Sevier whf e they each visited a son who in in training:. J Mr. Herbert Foy has recently pur chased the home on Rawley Street from Mr. J. D. Sargent next door west of Mr. Sargent's home. This is • splendid piece of property and Mr. Foy will make it his future homey y Mr. J. S. Rose who curries the mail between this city and Dobson is pre pared to transfer passengers between the two towns and those who desire the scrvice can secure transportation to other parts of the county during the hours he is at Dobson between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. ' ' Prof. Eufus Mosley, of Macon. Ga, is in the county visiting his mother who lives near Burch station. He came up and spent Saturday and Sun day with the editor of The News and g while here visited some of the largs V" orchards in this section. Prof. Mosley it one of the most learned men who have gone out from the county and U interested in a small way in the orchard business. Next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in Central MethodUt Church Rev. Geo. D. Herman will baptize all infant*, children, or adults that may be present for baptism. He requests ! all parent* desiring their children :lk*ptixed, be on hand at 8:30.—Re M«nbcr 8:30 U 2:80 old time. The Act of Congrees to turn all clock* and watchea forward one hour foes into effect Sunday morning March Slat. Thi« act applies to church aar vieM aa wall a* buainaea. ■— ^|Mm ntanwl Mwfcy tnm a rWt to i riarl i m la Btckary. Mr*. Jafca Far aa4 Mlaa Lacila Hajrnaa Ml Tuaadajr to attaarf tka Bapttat wart *t*aa at Aabavtlla. Mia* Lilly Mar Oaorga kaa ra tornad froai a *Urt to ratotivaa in Graanaboro. Mia* Helen Carlan of Lambaburg, Vs., apant the week end with "fnenda •nd relative* in tfcia city. A daughter waa born to Mr. and Mm. Karl Hinaa at the r homo near thia city. Mr. and Mm. Gaorga Bailey have returned from a ahort »lay in Graaru boro. Mrs. George Hardiaon of Wimrtati Halem wan the guext of her iiiiiUr, Mm. 0. C. Abaher in thia city laat Friday. Miaa Bertha Bell and little Miane* Belle and Sarah Bent Graven will leave tomorrow to upend Eanter in Elkin. Red Croaa Benefit pipe organ re cital toniffht at Central Methodist church. Mr. Raymond Browning of Greeniiboro organist. Silver offering at the door. Mr. B. V. Holcomb left thin morn ing for hi* home in Roanoke, Va. af ter apending a few day* with hi* daughter, Mr*. E. M. Hollingsworth in thi* city. Mesdumes Thomas Hayriea and Iri* Porter Whitlock left Wednemlay for Hot Spring* Ark., to take treat ment for rheumati*m. Rev. Walker of Greensboro a*»i«t ed with the singing during the McLam meeting at the Pre*byUrian church in thi* city. While here he wu the I guent of Mr. ar.d Mr*. T. N. Brock. Lieut. Governor Reynofd* accom panied by Mr. A. V. West of thi* city spoke recently at *ix or eight point* in the county in the interest of the; War Saving* Stamp, he wa* heard by good audicnce*. '/ Mr. and Mr*. Boyd Nelson and children who live near Pilot Mountain! spent Tuesday in this city shopping! and on business. ' / • Mrs. Geo. D. Fawcett ha* returned from a visit to her sister Mrs. E. 8.1 Cook in Fayetteville, Mrs. Cook is recovering from a fall from a car, in which accident she had the misfor tune to have her Jaw bone broken. Prof. Britton of Guilford College will xpeak at the Friends Church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the interest of Guilford college. The .evening service will be an Easter pro gram given by the Junior Endeavor. Everybody welcome. Don't forget the pipe organ recital at Central Mclhouist Church tonight for the benefit of the Red Cross so ciety. Prof. Raymond Browning of Greensboro comes highly recommend ed and an evening of pleasure is as liured. A silver offering will 1* taken at the door. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Galloway of I Charlotte ai«' visiting relrnvai in this city. Tli< V' l.ia. s Mi- ionary ->K-iety <>f ! Centra! M. L. Church meets Monday ,:fUi noen In - |j»rl«ir of the church. M"'. T. I1 .limison will have charge of .ho literary program. Rev. Turn P. Jimison leaves thv '®*t of the week to begin revival services at Brevard street Methodist chi r~h in Charlotte. Mr. Eugene Smith has returned from a business trip to Winston-Sal em. I Among those from out of town who attend the funeral of Mrs. Roy Poo re yesterday were Mr. and Mr*. M. F. Hicks, Mi«a Lillian Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moon all of High Point; Mrs. G. F. Wright of Galax. Va.; Mrs. C. E. Kellam of Biicoe, N. C. and Mrs. C. E. Collins of Ararat, Va., and Mr. Ned Bolt from Camp Jackson, Colum bia. S. C. , / MAKftlKI). On March 16, Walter Joyce and Jen nette Sutphin at the reaidence of G. W. Hiatt, E*q. On March 20, Haiiten Collina and Rati* Baldwin, at the reaidence of Walter Sutphin. G. W. Hiatt, Esq.. officiating. — — * By lUr T. R. Kte«. Thori are itvtril tiling* rf laapor Um which I doaira to bring to Um attention of aur ftopU 1. Mr. J. K. Henderson, of Kimi villa, Tmui., H«cnUry of The Lay awn's Miaaionary Movement of The Southern Baptist Convention, will ba in Mount Airy Saturrfny ami Sun day, April |he nth and 7th. Ha will deliver aeveral addraaaaa at Tha Firat Baptist Churrh. Many of ear pao pla will ramambar that one of tha ■trongaat addressee delivered at tha trrcat Lay man's Convention at Greens boro a littla ago waa dalivarad by Mr. Handaraon. I hava aakod him U> da ' $ livar that uma addresa hare. Hia coming ought to ba a bleaaing to all tha churehaa. 2. Rev. W J. McGlothlin, D. D. LL D., Profeaeor of Churrh Hiatory in Tha Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, LouiavilU, Ky., will da liver a aeries of addrcsaea at The First Baptist Church in Mount Airy in June, ProhrMy 22nd-2f>th. 1 have| heard this series of lecturers and un hesitatingly ray that it ia the great eat series of lecturers I have ever heard. I sinecrcly hope t' at our peo ple wijj fully nppreciate this great opportunity and avail themselves of it. 3. There will be special meeting* at Antiock Baptist Church Friday and Saturday, April 5th and <lth. Servicea will begin at 11 e'ciock each day and there will be a morning and afternoon scaaion and an hour for lunch, which will be served on the ground. At each seasion there will he an addreas or aermon by Rev. C. H. Durham, of Winaton-Salem, and one by the writer. It ia hoped that the people of that community will attend in large num bers. 4. ine meeting uui nas just rioseo at the Presbyterian Church ought to be a blessing to thia entire communi ty, Rev. Mr. McLeei., the visiting min ister, ia an unusually fine preacher. The meeting was well attended; but what a pity it ia that a minister of such wonderful gifts and one so con secrated and sound in faith should come to Mount Airy and so many peo ple who need the help of such services as he held should be indifferent to them. 5. Beginning next Sunday morning, all church services will be one hour earlier, sun time, than heretofore. It is exceedingly important that the services will not suffer because of the change. Surely our people will be sufficiently religious and patriotic to give full and loyal support to this change. 6. It is rumored that an Easter Bali It is a shame that, at a time like this, when the whole world is in tears, when our men by thousands are fall ing in battle, when all who know (iod should be calling on Him, our com munity should be shockcd with revelry like that; and it is nothing short of bla.- pliemy to connect tho resurrection of our Lord with the revelry of the modern dance. tat us all hope and pray thr.t those who participate in that t-ort of Viing will be considerate enmi?h to call it off. / y Very Fine Aeolian. The Marion Mu-ic House has re cently sold a very fine Aer>!ian-Vocal liun machine to Mi, John Iianner of this city. This is a machine that plays any make of records anil is one of the finest and highest priced talking machines that ha* been made, in fact it is the highest priced machines that has ever been bought in this city and the music it renders is of a high order. It is equipped with a graduj)fa- for controlling the tone. a graduate / Paul Allred Want And Srale Column. Ellrin SiiV,«■»' in the past few day* to Rfe^|T. H. Kin* and Mr. Henry Woods. For Sale cheap Chevrolet Touring Car been driven lfiOO milts. Also have 1917 Ford roadster been driven 600 mile*—will trade for 1917 Tourirg Car or sell strrijrht. Twr More 1918 W|fin Tourinjr car* will a*|iv<? Monday or Tuesday of next week.' arrive » kK "Everytime you lickja War Savings Stamp you lick a German." Clothing i —For— Men and Boys We can nave you money on your Clothing: for Men and Boys. We bought it over a year ago. and we have got the goods at prices that are right. Our goods were bought before the heavy advance, and it* still advancing but we are prepared —just come in and see what we have to offer you. We have over 50fl suits of Boys Clothing and our Clothing cases are just as full as they will stick with Men's Clothing, and they are all of the finest quality, but at good old time prices—not war prices. The money you can save here on a suit is the very thing to put in Savingi Stamps, and a fine investment. Come and see our line of Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Our store is chocked full of bargains. Make our store your stopping place when you come to town. You will find your neighbors at our store buying Clothing for men and boys, because we have the goods and prices are lowest. Lundy's Clothing Store BUY LUNDVS CLOTHES AND YOU WILL BE SATISFIED IN FIT QUALITY AND PRICE. Mrs. J. K. Reynolds Pastes. Mr. J. K. Reynolds died of diabetes this morning at her home on White Sulphur Spring road nge sixty-five year, she had been in declining health for about two years. Before her mar riage she was Min Mamie Strother of Marlboro county South Carolina. Mr*. Reynold* wax a loyal mem ber of the Baptixt church and has a wide circle of friends, as Mr. Reynolds was for many years in the hotel bus iness being proprietor of Central hotel and later owner and propriety, of White Sulphur Springs. The funeral will be conduct*! at the home tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock by her pastor Rev. T. H. King. She is survive! by her husband and one sixter Mrs. Dunn of Lumber Bridge who has been with her dunug her Inst days. High School Debate. The triangular lti^h school debate, which i 1 held cnch vcur un ler the bu« pict.t of the State University, will be held on Friday evening, March 29. This year the Mount Airy High -choo! and the State Normal School wili dis cu'.k the question of compulsory arbi tration of industrial disputes between labor and capital. In the hifth school auditorium at 8 p. m. Eugene Spar ser and Kred Folger, representing the Mount Airy school will uphold the affirmative side of the query, while Agnes Jones and Oito Brockman, re presenting the State Normal school, will uphold Uie negative aide of the question. Dewey Winfrey and Honry Sprinkle will fro to Greensboro to uphold the negative side of the query there. The qublic is invited to attend this debate and thus encourage these de bater!. Last year Mount Airy was represented in the finals which are held at Chapel Hill. Hatching Eggs! Single Comb Rhode Island Rods and Buff Leghorn*, $1.00 for IS. FOSTER LINEBACK, Mount Airy, N. C. Route i Birthday Dinner. Mr. P. D. Webster celebrated his 50th birth day last Monday having with him on the occasion several of his life-long friends to share the hap py occasion with him. Those present were Z. T. Smith, G. C. Welch, Dr. C. A. Baird, W. W. Burke, J. A. Martin and J. D. Smith. It was an elegant old time dinner r.nd wu much enjoy ed by those so fortunate as to be present. Help Win The War. Cut the high cost of living with a I two story garden. Where you plant irish potatoes rake the ridge lightly * and plant the following: Mustard,! kale, turnip-, radishes and such .'mall; vegetable* as mature early. Thus j you get two early crops ofT same land. W. K. Kiger. Third Liberty Loan to Be Three Billion Dollars. Washington, March 26.—Three bil lion dollars with all oversubscriptions will be the amount of the third Lib- j erty loan to open April 6 and the rate of interest will be 4 1-4 per cent, i according to a detailed statement of Secretary McAdoo, published here to day. Bonde of the third loan will not be convertible into any future loan al tho tjiose of the first loan, bearing 3 1-2 per cent interest and those of the: second, bearing 4 per cent, may be converted into the new bonds. The maturity of the new bonds is yet to be determined but it was stated that they would be for a long term, probably between 20 and 30 years. Secretary McAdoo plans the establish ment of a sinking fund to absorb bonds thrown hark on the market in order to aid in keeping the price at par. German* Still Bombard Paris. < Berlin, Tue*day, aMrrh 26., via London.—The German* hare not bait ed their long range bombardment of Pari*, according to an official state ment from general headquarters to day. The announcement nay»: "We continued the bombardment of the fortress at Pari*." Life Was a Misery Mi*. F. M. Jooea, el Pslrr, OkbL, writes: "Prom the due 1 en tered lata wewaahnod . . . I looked with dread (rom one month to the next I suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until lite to me waa a misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, anc I gradually got worse. , . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . . ] decided te The Woman's Tonic "1 took lour bottles, '' Mrs. Jones goes on to •ay, "and waa not only {really relieved, but caa truthtulty say that I have ■o( a pain. . . " It h»a mow bee* two years sine* I took Cardui, and I am sttU la g ood health. . . I would ad vise any voaM or gift to use Cardui who la t saflercr Irooi aay tomato trouble " H you sutler pain canned from womanly trsuble, or H you led Mm neod ol a food stuaglhaolog tonic to build up yournaa -dowa { system, laka tha advieo ol Mis. Jones. TryCar dni. It helped bar. Wo believe It win help you. ADDrnffuts

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