NO FINAL MILITARY DECISION EXPECTED UNDER TWO YEARS. It may Take Evm Loaftr I* Adum This Rmu1( ia the Opinion of Soaw A—rirw Esparto—Victory ultimately WU1 Come te the Aliiee— German Drive Won't Mo*« Much Further.. U-Boats Im potent to Keep America Out. Washington Dispatch to Graanabora Nana. Washington, March 31.—From the American standpoint no final military decision on the waatarn front in Eu ro p* ia expected in laaa than two year* It may take longer to achieve such a result. The only alternative that ia considered hare ia a possible collapse of morale among tha German people, which might force a result, irrespec tive of tha German army itaelf. This viaw of tha war situation, it! will be notad, does not take into ac-i count tha poaaibility of a German mil-' itary victory. Neither officials of the, administration nor military experts' regiru a Gorman military decision as in the least degree likely. Th«y hold it to be inadmiasibte even granting further German progress in the pres-1 ent drive. Ultimately, if the war{ lasts long enough, they are certain i of an allied victory. But they can-. not, estimating the situation in a most conservating way. foresee the pos-] sibility of a German victory. By victory, is meant no local or evanescent triumph, but a military ac-! complishment that will bring the war! to an end. Amiens and other French cities may yet fall without yielding to Germany a decisive victory, in the opinion of American government offl German drive will mdve much far ther, but even if it does there will be no feeling here that Germany, by any possibility, can bring the allies to a pans where they must sue for peace.: German Internal Breakdown. No early peace of any kiud is look ed for in Washington. The govern ment is girding itselt up for a long j period of war—not so long a period t as has already elapsed, perhaps, but one that may extend for three years | more. An early peace, in the judgement of high officials here, can only be brought j about in one way—by a breakup in j lietmany, behind the military linen. This possible factor is receiving con sideration in Washington, but it ii not for an instant permitted to in terfere with war work. A German collapse involving the civilian and industrial parts of the war machine, is looked upon as a con tingency concerning which it is legi timate to speculate, but no more. The government does not in any sense rely upon it. Yet it will not be sur prised if such a situation should de velop in Germany, once the big drive is stopped and once its awful cost has become fully known to the German people. The American government well un derstands the war weariness of the German people, and it also frankly Iwlteves that they have been told by their military rulers that this wii be the last great battle, which will bring them a final victory. When that promised victory does not materialise it la expected here that there will be a serious time for the German govern ment. That situation ii burdened with possibilities which might conceivably , overthrow German's present rulers, or render them impotent. It might bring the war to an early end. Must Threw off Military Yoke. But this chance of a German col lapse is only regarded as a possible happy alternative to prolonged hos tilities. President Wilson who is fol lowing every movement these day* with the eloiMt attention, has for a long time kept the collapse of Ger man morale la Blind a* one at the de valopmaata wtuch My .horton tha From Ua« to Um to toa aditraaaaj himaalf to Um form of ipiichn to ton CoDfrwi to Um Gma p*opU thamaalvaa, alwaya with Um vtow to trying to maka than laa that thay can only attain paaca by throwing off Um military yoka. Although tha Praaidant has <iacid ad that tha Uaa for furthar talk can earning paaca ia not tha praaant, ha has navar dumiaaad from hia muid tha poaaibility that tha vary avant for which ha ao long haa hoped may yat take place—the separation of the Oar man people from their military bosses. But he is not calculating upon it, in any sense of the word. It ia jut an element in the situation which can not be wholly diamisaad. It la in the nature of an outside chance. What the government has pre-emi nently in mind today, as it watches and studies the military developments along the western front, ia a war that will not come to an and before 1020 or 1921. In either of those years, it is felt here, there is the best reason to expect a decisive allied victory. Mean time the war strength of the United States must be brought to bear at its maximum, for without that strength the allied victory can never be won. Begin Big Operations Next Year. .Stoppage of the German drive is expected, then perhaps a partial re bound, with gains on the part the allies. And then, in the judgement of military men in Washington, will come another period of digging in. The allies will not be ready this year to drive the German army out of France or out of Belgium, and pro bably not next year, although next year is expected to witnes.; the begin of • military mo'tment whirl) on German fortunes. Meantime American strength will be thrown into the scale, with increas ing volume. It is significant, with re -spect to American war plans, that the .submarine ia not now counted upon as the ominous factor which is repre sented last year. The United States is going forward with its troop ship ments and its cargoes of military and food supplies on the basis that the submarine will not be able to inter pose any serioiW? obstacle. This much is certain, in the judge ment of American officials—the sub marine can never hope to keep Ameri ca out of the war. Even at the height of submarine dcstructivcness last year it failed to keep America out, and this year the failure will be even more pro nounced, it ii predicted in Wa>hing-' ton. A much larger factor of Ameri can military strength, however, must he present in Europe before the allies can begin the process of defi:ritely whipping Germany. Meantime Ger many will be held within bounds with time working steadily against her. as the military and civilian officials here estimate the situation. Elevation of Foch Pleasing. * Allied affairs on the western front are developing in a manner greatly to the satisfaction of the admistration. The elevation of General Foch to su preme command, giving him direct control of the armies of France, is in direct with the desires of President Wilson, which were urged before the inter-allied war council last Novem ber. The President was willing then to go further than any of the entente powers in this respect, but it required, apparently, a military menace of ex traordinary proportions to bring into execution the plan that was then pro posed by his representative at the council. It is a matter of comment in Wash ington today that Secretary of the Treasury MrAdoo should be given a large measure of credit for the insti tution of a supreme command for the allied armies. Mr. MrAdoo, it la well known, has been an extremely strong advocate of one-man military direc tion. It ia declared by some well in formed parson* that Mr. McAdaa waa Um Ant nuui la Waahiagtoa to grp tha IdM, and that ha lninml away at It until it racaivad tha backing of tha praaidant. Whoavar may ha»a originated It, Mwavar, it la a fact that tha United Statea praaaad for It lone bafora tha afttaa wara willing to toha tha atop. Now that it haa roma, it ia mora than waicoaa to Washington authorities Tha Praaidant ia only too glad to haaa tha Amarican foreaa undar Canaral Parmhing o pa rata undar tha auprama command, for ha baliaaaa it to ha tha propar solution of tha alliad military problam. Elltin'a Soldier Boy* —Where They Are. Elkin Tribune. Albert Bivans, who *u an instruc tor in 0«k kidge Institute, entered the first oAceri' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe, and waa commission e<l 1st Lieutenant in the aviation corps. He is now stationed at Lake Charlea, La. i'aul P. Gwyn, who waa connceted with the E. A A. Railway Co., enter ed the second officers' training camp at. Fortress Monroe, hat been fommii sioned 2nd Lieutenant in the ordnance department and ia now itationed at Washington. D. C. Reginald Greenwood ia a member of the Fiftieth U. S. Band, stationed at Camp Greene, Charlotte. Andrew Greenwood, who was in the automobile business sold out and en listed in the aviation branch of ser vice and is now in training at Waco, Texas. Grover Graham gave up a splendid position with the Chatham Mfg. Co., and entered the Y. M. C. A. army ser vice and is now in the training camp Claude V. Long who was Teller in the Elkin National Bank, is now a Sergeant at Camp Jackson. Rom H. Lewellyn gave up a good position in Durham and enlisted in the (juartermaiter corps. He is now a first Lieutenant and is stationed at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio. Richard Smith, of the Elkin Shoe Co.. U in the ordnance department in Philadelphia. Ix>nnie Walker, of the Five and Ten Cent Store, ia now a Corporal at Camp Jackson. Charlie White, of the Elkin Drug Co., enlisted in the Marine Corp*, and when last heard from was in Philadel phia. He is uppoM-d to be somewhere in » ranee now. Samuel Sprinkle baa been in the service for several years, and ia now a Recruiting Sergeant, stationed in San Francisco, Cal. Edward Bivcns, who was engaged in the plumbing business, ia now in the Signal Corps, Aviation Depart ment, and is located at Fort Leavens worth, Kan. Messrs. Howard Blackwood and Paul Giiliam are among the number who will go to Camp Jackson next Monday. Messrs. Harold Click and Marion Allen have enlisted in the Aviation Corps and are expecting to be called into service at any time. Ourtownsman, Mr. T. E. Church, has three sons who are giving their service* to our country, and while they did not enlist from Elkin, yet they are "Elkin's adopted sons." They arc Edward Church, of Co. C., Sth U. S. ('oast Artilery, stationed in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Walter G. Church, Co. B., 4«Uh U. S. Infantry, stationed at Fort Ben Herrison, Undiana. W. J. Church, Battery E., 113th Field Artillery, at Camp Sevier, Greenville. S. C. Ernest Hudson, private, stationed at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. So far but one colored man has been called from Elkin. Julius Hampton, who has been working for Dr. J. M. Reece for the put twelve years, will leave Saturday for the colored train ing camp at Rockford, IU. THE WEAKENING OF THE "BIG BATTALIONS." It U a dupreui tiling M>« the statement of Mr. Lloyd Gaarge that tha tnaia^of tha war haa bee. reached seema not improbably to W trtia. What ha* baan persistently in sisted on, in thaaa coitmni, and what moat people who have carafulljr fol lowed tha war have always fait to bo inevitable, la being davalopad la tha present Garman offensive. Putting it a littla dilTarantly, Germany haa real ized that until aha can claar har wes tarn front, any othar auerjaa may ba writtan off aa a marc succas d'aatima. Aa tuna haa (una on, and »hc haa fail ad in bar various aima, it haa become mora and mora patent to har that only by a tramendoua victory ovar tha Anglo-French araiiaa can tha war ha brought to a tolerable conclusion for har. Having made up har mind to thia, aha haa aat to work to effect har purpose, in her usual thorough-going and iharasteriatic way. She has »p«nt month*, that ia to my, in piling up an enormous man* of men and material, which, when let Ioom, would descend like an avalanche upon the British and French line*, and simply bury them beneath it. In plain English, Germany has worked out the theory of the "Big Battalions" to the nth, and has staked her fate upon it. Now it has not been the habit of | the German high command to calcu late the cost in military operations. It has always held what it considers the sound theory,, that loss, up to a breaking point, is immaterial provid ed the objective i» gained. The theory of Kullur, which ia very much the theory of the hive, leaves no room for remorse or for humanity. Soldiers mast be used with the same cold blooded indifference as cannon balls. The sole question ever to be consider ed ia the pricc in casualties that can safely be paid. If, then, a victory can be obtained at the price, the bloodshed becomes a mere negligible quantity It has been said that the Germai high command has calculated the prici of passing the steam roller over the Anglo-French line at 1,000,000 casu- > alties. The estimate ia a hideous one, but it is becoming more and more evident that it is going to be a suffi cent one. The battle is a long way yet from being won, and already it is rairuiaim tnat me uerman losses amounted to 600,000. Appalling as this total is, when the way in which the battle has been fought is taken in to consideration, there is nothing ex cessive in the calculation. One French battery commander has explained that in a single day's fighting, he poured 30,000 rounds into German battalions in close formation. The same story could probably be told by all the bat tery commanders, with the result that after a week's fighting of such a des cription a casualty list of 600,000 seems tolerably moderate. Nor is there any reason to believe that the losses of the Allies have be gun to approach these figures. The Allies have been fighting, behind de fenses, in loose formation, and retir ing steadily when their positions be came untenable. In spite of this, the Geramns profess to have taken only 40,000 prisoners, and the German me thod, which is to estimate numbers in stead of counting heads, has been proved, from the firit day of the war to the last, to result in claims of the most riduculous description. Now these 40,000 prison* rs include all the wounded that the British have been forced to leave behind thetn. As a consequence the German claim aa •times an entirely different aspect the more cloeely it is analysed. It need not be said that the battle is not over. Indeed it ia probable, j that the crisis of the crisis has not yet been reached. General Ludeo-1 dorff's plan of campaign, which, with the assistance of Marshall Hindea burg, he is suppoeed to have forced upon the biwr, m Generml Malllii m lUcltrad to have forced the war upon the IlUw, ku " —iitt»-| lh« threnr and the Headquarter* Staff to* deeply. t« it po4#ibta to batiuu In * light to a ftuuh. The people are (ami to immmmd aa accounting ot the hideoua butchery of the campaign. And the only (radii which tboy will ronaider agaiaat tho debit of tho bloodshed, ia a dociaivo victory. Now •« it quite fleer from Ca.ioral Luden dorff'i reported word* that a decisive victory ia (till vary far off, but tharo ia Mouthing even clearer than that, and it ia this, that bofora the dorieive victory take* place there will have to be another Gorman holo caust ai fierce a* that of the paat week. For tho moment the German* are hald, and that holding amount* to practical defeat. But. n.i iian leen > La ted. there can he no hesitation now on the part of the General Staff, no matter what the coat. Reserve* must be found and flung into the crucible in a numoer Huvricieni to wtuit tnroujft carnage to victory by the sheer of brutal Uat of bodias. Now there is no rem Hon to see why, if Mmr«haJ Hin denburg could not succeed in the flmt week, he ahould succeed in the iwimj. It is the opening day* of an oTen*ive that are all in favor of the attack. In those day* the attack ha* all the advantage of a surprint, and ail the force of it fir*t momentum. The mo mentum, however, necessarily dies down, whilst the *urpri*e is wiped out. Then the defen*e is able to call in its reserves and to fall hack on its sup ports. It may lose heavily in doing this, though more in the way of what it ha* to currender than in actual cas ualties. Batteries must be fought un til there are no horses left, and no means of bringing them out of action rentstn. machine guns and treiwh mortars must be deserted red hot where they stand, after they have done the utmost execution up to the last moment. But it does not follow that the loss in personnel ever begin* even to approach that of the attack. Nor would it ever do *o less than in an attack delivered by va*t massed liivis-' ion* against loose formations behind defenses. For this reason the Allies, though not in the least concealing the serious ness of the situation, and not in the least underestimating the future chances of the enemy, have right to feel assured of eventual success. As the ila>» go by the enemy is drawn farther from his detraining stations, and so not only it his mobility im paired, but the problem of supplies is increased. Besides, though it is against all the laws of humanity, there U a material advantage in mak ing the country on your front a desert. But the desert, if the bull may be per mitted, is converted into a boomerang, when the conditions change, and the attempt is made to advance across it yourself instead of using it as a moat against an enemy advancing acroaa it. So, at the end of the first week, of what will probably prove to be the greatest battle ever fought, the mat ter stands. Tho German calculations , have utterly brcVren down in so far as they were based upon an intention of i breaking the allied line, and then out- j flanking and rolling up each wing with an overpowering force. The price, in short, has been paid to thej full, but the end has not been achiev-, ed. It will have to be paid over again, and paid over again with las* hope of achievement.—Exchange. $199 Reward, $109 The loaders cf this |«|wr will fee pleased to leant that there la at least ene dread-d illmH that aetenee hae beea able to cure In all Ita atagea, and that la eatarrk. Catarrh being greatly lafluenred br constitutional condltiona reaairea conaiitutlonal treatment Hall e Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and a eta thru the Blood a > the Mueoue ■urfaree at tha thereby de atrorlag tha feuadatioa ot tha dlaaaaa. fitlax laa patient strength br bollding up tha eaaetitatlaa a ad a> stating aa tara la datag ita work. T te proprte tara have aa meek filth ta . »< earatlva •aware ot Hall a Catarrh Car* that they ei«r Oaa Hand red Dalian far aay aaaankeMt |faUa te car*, had fae lias a Hi mi: f f egmr * ca. MiK Ms MW an II I—111k Na. tl. S. ARMY FIGHT MDC BY KM WITH All 111 Ow 100,000 Trwwpa Frrnm Th* American artny in France is t» fight shoulder to ahoulcWr with ttw British and French troops who nam *r« engaged in the titanic stroggl* with the German* in Pirardy, General Pershing's entire fore* has lotn gt9 •n into tha htni: Genera! Koch, tha naw generalissimo, who ia to uaa th* man whara ha de-irea. Mora than 100,0<N) Americana, in tanaivaly trained and fully uroutra4, ara availabla for immediata una 1b aiding to xtam tha tida of tha Germaa hordes. and large numbers of them, on raidrnad train* and in motor trudm and even afoot, already ara on their way to tha battlefront, eager to dm ihair part in defeating tha invader*. The miserable weather which ha* broken over tha country ia providing no deterrent to the Americana aa 'he* push forward from all directions to ward the battle zone. From the regu.n of the Homme southward to wh»rf tho turn* eastward, furious fighting baa continued on various sectors, but eve rywhere the enemy has been held, and even pushed back at some points. Nowhere has he been able, although he continued to throw great mass— of men into the fray, to gain ground, except an infinitesimal tract from the French north of Mireuil. British and French machine guns and riflemen, as in days past, again tore great holes in the ranks of the field gray as they endeavored to press on. So great have been the losses of the Germans in front of the British north of the Somme that Sunday saw them unwilling again to take up the gage qf battle. Along the Scerpe, the British themselves went on the offensive and to the east of Arras captured the vil lage of Feuchy. On the souther* end of the line, where von Hindenburg is endeavoring to pierce through to the old German positions as they stood before his retreat in 1916, the British and French troops, fighing together, have met the enemy :n furious com bats, but everywhere defeated him with sanguinary losses. Hooey by the too Going to Waste. Releigh, N. C. March 30.—On* mat em North Curolina county produced 35 tons of honey in 1917, reports Mr. Franklin Sherman. The beekeepers in this country assert that with pro per distribution of bee-yards three times as many bees could be kept in the county with equally food results. Even allowing that 1917 waa an un usually good honey year, the county could produce 100 tons of honey in average years if it were fully stocked with bees which were managed by good beekeepers. Yet this county dboa not include ten per cent of the honey producing plants of the eastern sec tion—in other words, over a thousand tons of honey are produced by the native plants of eastern North Caro lina in average years, of which acarce ly one-tenth ir gathered for the uses of man. Think of what this means when honey is selling for around IS cents per pound. Bothered By Cutworm* hi Garden? Of course; every gardner is. The earlier in spring the plants are set out, the more loss from cut-worms, and the later they are set out, the leas loss. Plowing the ground early and k» ping down new vegetation until ready to set oat plant* will Ml* many of them away, or star** The stems of cabbag* er toeaei* plants may b* protected by a Imm paper "collar" which wfcea first sat, removing this a* soon aa they get w*> rooted. The collar shoeM extend an inch above and Mew t* —fas* *f the ground. .» jj I

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