ffia^he Mount Setos. fOL. XL Moujn amy, jromra camolijta, Thursday, april is, is in. MO. AO AIRPLANES WILL GET THE GERMANS SOON. W« Already H*r> Mora dm Carmanr'a Total for Traia «■ furpooo* Aad by Mid Fighting Airship* That Cor Italy Carabmod. Washington, April 4.—Unci* Ham's Nituihon with regard to airplanaa in being made the sofejact nf special in quiry, by • board appointed by Presi dent Wilson, u a result of p iaa tc the effect that our airplane produr-, tkin prog ram ha* broken down hope-' laaaly and that wa ran randar tha' alliaa no a**i*tance in air fighting in The rapnrt of thi» board will not ba forthcoming for several waaka, but this ran ba said: The mimhar of airplane* turned out from American far tori** in the year| ainra we entered the war ia almoat AO per cant greater than tha total | number of martine* Germany ha* to-J day along the whole weatern front and i* consideiahyl greater than the total rumbinad number of Franch and j English along the battle line. The va*t majority of the*e plane*,) however, are training plane*. It waa! necessary to produce them first, and they have been produced first. To | have centered production on combat and bombing plane*, requiring trained i flier* liefore we produced th • piano* on which to train our aviator*, would have been childish. Today every aviation school ha* it* full quota of planes and planes art actually going into storage againit future requirements. With regard to combat planes, pro duction is approximately <10 days be hind schedule. That doe* not mean so much that the airplane production division has broken down as it does, that, in the exuberance and enthu siasm inspired by the great project upon which it embark*, it set for it self a schedule impressible to attain. Also, the combat plane* which are today being turned out are not the types of combat plan** upon which the original schedule was based. Change* have made there more pow erful plane*, equipped with more pow erful motor*, built to attain burden*. These improvement*, every one of them of immense importance and dic tated by experience in actual fight ing, naturally caused some delay*. ■For example, the Liberty motor with which our ftghting planes are being equipped is not the identical motor announced last Forth of July. That motor was built to produce 330 horsepower. The motor being placed on our new plane* has rated horse power 20 per cent greater or 400, and under actual test develop* a maxi mum of 460 horsepower. Exaggerated idea* a* to our real airplane program also has been re sponsible for much pessimism. There has been much printed about "A fleet of 100,000 airplane* blinding the Huns darkening the air over Ger many." No such program ever was con templated. The English and French require from 50 to 59 men in the aviation ser vice for each airplane. Our organ isation provides for 47. To man and maintain 100,000 fighting airplanes,! then would require an army of 4,700, 000 men in the aviation service alone.j Absurd, of course. Our present program call* for some 28,000 planes, of which about 10,000 would be training planes, 12,000 com bat and liombing plane* and about 6, 000 naval planes. All immediate requirements for training planes having been met the aomber of fighting planes delivered wlU mount rapidly each month. Be fore the middle of April, shipments of combat plrnes will be moving by car loads, and by the middle of May they will be moving by train!oads. There U every rtuon to expert that before m i<isummer oar •uppllee of plan** in j Wrmnn will mora than provide a ma rhtne far aarh trained aviator we ran have and that by lata « liiamar mir machine* la franca will almost doable the present total of Gorman, English French and Italian marhinaa com bined Juat one inatanea to point the in earrartneea of the etertea alleging a complete breakdown in our aviation program. "After spending more than tflflo.mm.nno," wrote one eaatam edi tor, "the aircraft production hoard has produced leaa than 1 ,M0 arhnol and > training plane*." All these figures are incorrect. Of the airplane appropria tion made by fongress, only xome $200,000,IMH) wm apportioned for air craft production. And instead of hav ing produced "leaa than 1,500 tchool and training planea," many more than, twice that number have been deliver-) Another Draft Call For 4A,M3 Selectmen. Washington, April 14.—Another draft call, for 4U.843 registrant*, has been sent to governors of states by Provost Marshal General Crowder Mobilization of the men is ordered on May 1 and 10, the war department an nounced tonight, and they will be sent to 11 forts and recruiting barracks, probably for training with regular army units there. This call increases to more than 200,0*10 the number of selectman or dered to ramp since late in March. This is a far in excess to the monthly average that would have l**en mobiliz ed under the original plan to call 800. 000 men this year over a nine-month;, period. Although every state and the Dis trict of Columbia are called upon to furnish men under General Crowder's latest order, nearly half of the 49,843 men will come from seven states. Illinois will supply by far the largest number, its quota being 8,047. Pen nsylvania ta next with 3,771; New York third, with 3.342; Michigan fourth, with 2,">93; Missouri fifth with 2,163; Wisconsin sixth, with 2,135. Nevada has the lowest quota. 49. Tl»e quotas of other states follow: North Carolina, 481; South Carolina, 287; Virginia, 754; Tennessee, 442. Roosevelt has Ballet That Wounded his Son. Oyster Bay, April 14.—Col. Theo dore Roosevelt received today the Ger man bullet which wounded but failed to kill his ion, Capt. "Archie" Roose velt, during a recent engagement in No man's land in France. With the bullet came a message from young Roosevelt telling his father that he expects soon to be out of the hospi tal and back in the American trenches. Both bullet and message were deliv ered to the former President today by Dr. 0. H. L. Mason, foreign secre tary <»f the Y. M. C. A., who fought under the colonel in the Spanish American war. The colonel displayed emotion when Dr. Mason drew from his pocket a bag containing the bullet which shatter ed hii son's left army. Ilia face brightened, however, and he gave vent to a "bully!" when Dr. Mason told him that Archie was wounded i while dragging three comrades from a spot under full Are. If you run your household on three 1 pounds of sugar a month per per son, when full comeK the grocer won't have to hang up the sign "No Sugar." Safe Medicine For Children. "Is It snfe? Is the flrrt question to be considered when buying cough medicine for children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has long been a. favor ite with mothers of young children as it contains no opium or other narco tic, and may be given to a child as confidently as to an adult. It is pleas ant to take, too, which is of great importance when a medicine must be given to young children. This remedy (• Most effectual in relieving coughs, i colds and croup. Obtainable every where. Loan Your Money to Uncle Sam Or Give it to the Kaiser—Which? The government of the United Stats* neks every American citizen to aubacrihe for third Liberty loan bonda. The money ia merelv loaned to the government and will be lined to free the United State* and the rent of the world from the graaping greed of the German imperial govern* ment. Every dollar loaned to the government will be repaid with interest! So much for what you can do for Uncle Sam Now. If you do not lend of your money and thia war ia loat, thia will happen to you: "Notice to the people: "A flne of 850,000 franca (about Sl.10,000) ia im poaed upon the commune of Luneville (a French village at that time in the handa of the German conqueror*.) The mayor ia ordered to pay thia aum in gold or ailver up to 50,000 franca Sept. 6, 1914. at 9 o'clock in the morning, to the repreaentative of the German military authority. All proteata will be null and void. No delay will be granted. "If the commune doea not punctually obey the order to pay the aum of 650,000 franca, all property that can be levied upon will be aeized. "In c-aae of non-payment, viaita from houae to houae will be made and all the inhabitanta will be aearched. If anyone knowingly haa concealed money or haa at tempted to hold hack hia gooda from the aeizure by the military authoritiea. or if anyone attempta to leave the city, he will be ahot. "Henamenii, sept. 8, 1'J14. "The General in Chief. "VON FASBENDER." That's how the kaiser collects from a conquered peo ple. And are you laboring under the delusion that the war lords of Germany do not hope to conquer and oppress the people of the United States? If you so believe, read these words from the pens and mouth* of the kaiser's band of military slavemasters: "The most dangerous foe of Germany in this genera tion will prove to be the United tSates."—Dr. Otto Hotsch in The Alldeutsche Blatter. "A* a matter of fact. Germany is the only great pow er which is in a position to conquer the United States."— Freiherr voh Edelsheim. "The American people will be conquered by the vic . torious German spirit, so that it will represent an enor mous German empire."—Robert Thiem, in The Alldeu tsche Blatter. "It is the duty of everyone to see that the future feTOen *poken * "The Germans seem marked by their talents and by their achievements to be the teachers and the intellectual, economic and political leaders of the American peoples." —Professor Johannes Unold. "Not only North America, but the whole of America must become the bulwark of Germanic kultur perhaps the strongest fortress of the Germanic races."—Klaus Wag ner. "Some months after we finish our work in Europe we will take New York and probably Washington and hold them for some time.We propose to take a billion or more dollars from Ne .v York and other places."—Count von Goetzen, German mlitary attache and personal friend of the kaiser. "America had better look out after this."—Wilhelm Hohenzollem, despot of the Teutonic peoples. "We are keeping books on you Americans. It's a long account and we haven't missed any details. Rest assured that that account will be presented to you some day for settlement."—Major Liebster to American Con sul A. Curtis Roth. Now. can any American have any further doubt as to the kaiser's designs, or to the methods of collection he employs? Having thus proved beyond the possibility of a doubt that the kaiser is bent upon the conquest of America if he can achieve it. and that he collects the last cent to tribute at the point of the bayonet, is there any single reason why any American should not offer to loan his dollars to Uncle Sam? If we Americans refuse to loan our dollars to our own government now. you can rest assured that we will give them to the kaiser, if our boys over there are defeat ed. And defeated they will be if they are not backed up by our money and the food, ammunition, ships and ser vice our dollars will buy. It's all very simple. You lend today, or you pay to morrow—pay Wilhelm Hohenzollern, the enslaver of free nations and free peoples. Buy your bond, and another if you can. and still anoth er, if you are able, even though you must save and sacri fie to do it. You'll do more than "save and sacrifice" if the kaiser wins. Remember these words: "If anyone attempts to hold back his goods from sei zure by the military authorities, he will be shot." That's how the kaiser collects! Overseas Movement Proceeding Rapidly. Washington, April 8.—Transporta ion of American troop* to France al ■eady is proceeding at the accelerated ate contemplated by the speeding up neasures taken after the battle of Pi ardy be Kan. Acting Secretary C re sell made thin statement today, but rould give no detail*. For military reason* the extent of he increased troop* movement ha* lot been made public. Following the conference* between Secretary Baker and allied officiate, irdetn were given under which a Brtt *h official statement was issued say £ in* that American form were to be brigade) with British troop* in or der to hnaten American participation in the war. Official* explained today that the prorata to he followed wai aimiWr to that adopted in placing American troopa in the front lin«« with the Franc* war training. It has been estimated that SO day*' training of thia character, Ameri can battalion unit* assigned with the Rriti*h organization!, will At the new comer* for active duty at the front. AH diviaiona now moved from thi* aide are composed of men who have had aeveral month* of preliminary training and who need only Anal In struction to Uk* their full share in the Aghting. SHOCK TROOTS BREAK AGAINST THE U. S. UNES| With the American Army in Franca I Saturday, April IS.—Aftar another night nf tarrlflc artillery (Ira and a bombardment with g»a shells, thai Germans continued today their ef fort* la drive through to tha third , Una of tha American position* naar Apremont forest, north wait of Toul. They mailt two attack*, both of which [ failed. Tha enemy's casualties in tha f»ur 'lay*' lighting are aatimatad at tietween 3«M| anil 4<Xl. Of thm r.um l»r, more than 100 ware killed. Al i though the enemy waited fully a half •>f hi* specially trainad »hork troop* | Kattaliop of MO ir, n he waa unable to penetrate tha American line* which remained unchanged. Of the M pritt oneri taken hy American troop* in the fighting on Friday northwest of | Toul, during which two German at tack* in force were repulsed with heavy casualties to the enemy. 12 have since died of their wounds. The American troops also captured two German machine guns, beside* a quan tity of «mall arm*, grenade* and other war material. Tha prisoner* taken belonged to the 2,'>th and (1.1th I-andwehr units, the Idth Pioneer* and the Uhlans. The prisoners said they hail hail no food for two day* as the American artil lery had prevented their rations from being brought up to their position. The captive (iermans quickly dev.iur ed the food given them by our man. Tha enemy froat arily ahandaned their own front line, allowed the Germans to enter it and then force them to engage in hand to hand lighting in the open, in which the American troops greatly excelled. This attack, which was the longest and largest scale operation conducted agamit the American troops since the entry of the United State* into the war has developed many deeds of in dividual bravery and heroi*m. A young lieutenant, whose home ia just outhide of Boston, with three enlisted men, attacked 19 Germans who had penetrated into one of the American trenches. inc nruirnaiu cauvu 1111 nir vivi - mans to surrender. One of them raised his pistil as if to shoot, but the lieutenant shot him through the head, upon which the others lifted their hands high in the air, and yelled "Kamerad." The lieutenant marched the prisoners into the rear of our line and then returned to the front and re sumed the command of his platoon. Five other Americans penetrated into a German dugout, where 12 of the enemy were slightly wounded. They resisted surrender, but our men threw grenades into the dugout, killing fcur of the Germans. The others quick ly gave themselves up. A small party of bandsmen volun teered for stretcher bearing duty in the first line and worked until they were nearly exhausted. The chief surgeon ordered them to return for a rest, but they hid until the surgeon disappeared and then resumed their first aid duties. A 19 year-old courier who carried a message more than two miles under heavy shell fire, fell exhausted after delivering hia message into the hands of the commander of the unit. After a short rest he begged to be allowed to continue his front line courier service. Another lieutenant, commanding a machine gun unit, just missed being struck by a shell which buried the gun but he ordered his men to dig out the piece and soon had it firing again into the German positions. Scores of officers and men who had been assigned to rear line duty plead ed for an opportunity to go to the front line. Hie artillerymen also did td ... ALL-DAY FICHT ENCAC CO IN BY THE AMERICANS lack wm Ordwrad to Awo|« Crtubing EWul mi Wad»aa d«7 With tilt American Army in Prance April IS.—Yesterday'* battle m I ha first all-day struggle In which tha American troop* have bean engaged. Two Carman attack*, which wara da livorod in forre againat tha Amartcaa pooitiuna nort'iweat of Toul, ware ra pulr.ed with haavy raaualtiee to tha •nemy. including "Irt pmoners laft in tha hand* uf the Amcicani. Tha American Iudmk wara alight. Hie fighting l>rran with one of tha moat violent bombardment* ever laid down in that sector. During Thura <lay rncht the German* kept up a har r taHing Are, throwing many gas ahalla into the American poaition. Tha ftrat attack began about 6 o'clock in tha morning and waa directed againat tha French troope 011 the laft (lank of tha American force* in the foraat of Apr« mont. While thia waa going on the Amer ican troop* made a counter-attack on the German line, moving forward behind a perfect curtain of Are. Tha enemy, driven nut of hia trenches, wan forced to fight in the open. A deadly machine gun fire and au tomatic rifle fire v a* poured into the enemy, who offered stubborn reaiat ance at first, but later retreatad to their aecond line, hotly pursued by tha American troop*. Deaultory fighting continued for aeveral hour*. The German* again attacked at 11 drove their men tbwiogh the explod ing shells until a few succeeded in penetrating the American front line. A counter attack which wan imme diately launched by the Americana ejected the enemy, driving him back to his poaition*. The atruggle contin ued to away back and forth for sev eral hours. wan* tne action was at tu neignt the commander of an American ma chine run unit reported to hi* chief that all the machine run emplace ments had been shot away, but that "every run is wmrkinr like hail." The attacks were made by tlx re organized remnant of 800 shock troop* who failed to reach the Ameri can positions in their gigantic raid on Wednesday. Their ranks were filled out by picked men from other units. The German prisoners who be longed to six different organizations, said that the attack was ordered to avenge the crushing defeat adminis tered to the enemy on Wednesday. Five of the prisoner* were Uhlans and all of the men taken were carrying haversacks well filled, as if prepara tion for a protracted stay in tha American trenches, corroborating the stories told by prisoners taken oa Wednesday, who said that the Gar mans had been ordered to penetrate the American third Itm at all costs. The American troops althourh tired from nearly six days of infantry ac tivity, went into their poaitions sing ing and expressing their pleasure at an opportunity to firht in tha opea in preference to what they term "Sewer Fighting " The residents of the villages be hind the lines saw tha Aaatrieaas moving forward and shoe tad words of encouragement to the truck loads of smiling men, who waved their rape and cheered heartily. French officer* have again praised tha remarkable fightlnr qualities and tha courage at the American infantryman and the tplendid co-operation shown by the American artillery. Soma units of the artillery were forced for long periods to work In (as masks. An artillery dual which was re turned last night continued with Hi He interruption until late this mora lag. 1

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