% '.*♦ ■ P«P *' X -«• « -* A Store full of Desirable Spring and Sammer Merchandise While there is a great scarcity of desirable merchandise, one would not think so in going through our big stock of Ginghams, Galetias, Devonshire Cloth, White Goods, etc. You will find what you want here and at prices much less than present market values would justify. A Beautiful Line ol New Silks Here are taffetas, poplins, failles, and other silks in plain anl plaid finish. They are wonderfully adapted to the season's new fashion in dresses, and sufficiently heavy to use for skirts. Here are also rich and elegant silks woven especially for more elaborate dresses and evening costumes. Prices assuie full value for what you spend. Children's Wash Dresses So new dainty, fresh and pretty that you simply cannot rettist their charm. Materials are Ginghams, Suitings, Lawns, etc. Frocks made of fabrics that wash, are cool, comfortable and serviceable. You will also find here a full line of Children's Muslin and knitted Underwear and at prices very reasonable. Boys' Wash Suits That Defy The Tub Cool, comfortable, sturdy suits for real red blooded American boys that kick and play in the dirt. Suits that will come out of the wash tub look ing like new. Suits that will save the wear and tear of high priced woolen suits—that's the kind of suits these are! Materials are Galetia, Madras and Ginghams in light and dark colors. Shoe Bargains Extraordinary i Our entire line of Men'? and Boys' Shoes and 3 Oxfords to close out at less than present wholesale § prices. You can buy Walk-Over, Stetson and 3 Boyden Shoes and Oxfords at just about half price. ^ We have also a few hundred pairs of Women's 3 and Children's solid leather shoes and slippers to = offer at half price. If you are looking for good leather shoes at old 3 time prices you'll find them here. Buy a Bond— But it Now! The greatest nation and all its ggaple stand behind them. Eililllllllllllllillllllllllltlllllllllltlllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllli!llllllllilllll!ll!ll!ll!lllllll!llllllllllli!lllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll BERLIN THANKS YOU | 1 Every time you eat a slice of white bread or take an extra lump of sugar. I _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR WANTED Oak, Chestnut and Poplar Wood. Wood to be cut 30 inches long, not] under 12 inches in diameter. Wood 12 inches in diameter to be split in mid dle, 18 inchos in diameter and over quartered. All kinds of oak wood taken if not worm eatjn or wind shaken, straight and clear of knots. The wook must be sawed. Will pay the following price deliv ered on yard on Need more street in Mount Airy: $8.50 per 160 cubic feet. Price delivered on sand clay road not over 7 miles from Mount Airy $4.25 per 160 cubic feet. BACK BAD TODAY? Backache is usually kidney ache and makes you dull, nervous and tired. UseDoan's Kidney Pills for weak kid neys—the remedy recommended by your friends and neighbors. Mrs. C. Walton, 125 Wilson street. Mount Airy, says: "I suffered some thing Awful from my back and it felt as though it was broken. I couldn't lift anything without sharp pains catching me in my kidneys. When I bent over or sat down for a little while I could hardly stand up. My kidneys acted very irregularly. 1 was so run down and my nerves were in such an awful state that I couldn't stand the least excitment. A few doaes of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Gwyn'sDrug Store, helped me won derfully. After I had finished one box, my back felt as sound as ever and my kidneys acted as they should. ] haven't had any trouble since." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan'a Kidney Pill*—the same that Mrs. Walton had. Koster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Why Constipation Injuries. The bowels are the natural sewer age system of the body. When thej become obstructed by constipation a part of the poisonous matter which thejr should carry off is absorbed Inti the system, making you feel dull ant stupid, and interfering with the di gestion and assimilation of food. Thli condition is quickly relieved by Cham beriain's Tablets. Obtainable every where. Surry County Women Put in Bad Company. By J. H. Carter. Today'* Greensboro New* carried the following article: "Mrs.. R. H. bathem, state chairman of the Wnm an's liberty lun committee, announce* that every county in North Carolina it present has- an organization of the | Woman'* Liberty loan committee ac- j lively at wt.rk in tne interest of the third liberty loan except the follow ing: Davidson, Davie, Macon. Meck lenburk, Surry Swain and Washing ton. Efforts have been made repeat edly to Mcure a chairman in each of these counties and so far these efforts have been unavailing As a last resort the state chairman asks for volunteers for leadership in the seven unorganized counties " Is it possible that Surry County, un like every other in the state, except six, does not posses a woman with enough organizing abality to success fully lead this campaign? I do not think so, and I would be ashamed to say so if 1 did. Is it possible that every woman of such capacity in the County is loaded to the limit in the Red Cross, War Savings, Food Conservation activi ties? The facts say no. Chairman A. V. West says that to his knowledge less than twenty five women in the County are actively engaged in the work of the war saving campaign. Chairman W. G. Sydnor of the Red Cross says that the number of women > who report at the Red Cross work room daily numbers less than half a dozen, and that when the present | quarters becomes crowded, other ar ! rangements will be mnde to accom^ ' mndate the workers. There are only , a few women actively at work in the ■ food saving sampaign. They are 1 busy, certainly they are, hut there < must be at least a few women in the ] county who could take on this work. I Statistics show that the social func ' tions have not been neglected in the I rash. More women in Mount Airy have attended card parties, regular parties, at homes, away-from homes, and social clubs since Christmas than have even visited the Red Cross head' I uarters since the declaration of war. f the women of Mount Airy would pend as much time each week in ted Cross work a« they do at the notion picture show Surry County 'hapter would do aa much work a reek aa it will do, at the present rata it (peed, during the next twelve nonths. It is with considerable con Idence that this statement is made, lerause I am convinced that the only vomen who become angered will be hose who feci its truth. Is it possible that Surry County, rho is honored to have within her •orders six thousand women, will long emain in a condition of discredit in .he State at a time of the World's rreatest test? April 10th, 1918. J. H. Carter. // MARRIED George Miilkiff to Miss Rosa Rakes Sunday April 13, C. W. Vaughn, Esq., >fficiating. / / Spring. Spring is looked upon by many as :he most delightful season of the year, hut this cannot be said of the rheuma tic. The cold and damp weather l>ring< on rheumatic pains which are anything but pleasant. They can be relieved, however, by apnlying Cham berlain's Liniment. Obtainable every where. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County. Frank J Chen*? makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of P. J. Cheney A Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State afore said. and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HAIJ.'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this »th day of Decem ber A. D. MM. A- W OLE A SON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally and acta through the Blood en the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F J CltENET A CO. Toledo, a Sold by all druggists, TSc. Hall's Family fills for constipation. Mount Airy Iron Works Foundry tad Mtehias Shop Repair Work a Specialty A large variety ef lasting* a >tfcer* made to order. J. D. If I NICK. ML Airy, N. C„ Ai|. M. 1*11. The Liberty Bond*. Columbia Missourian. I am th« cogwheel, the dynamo and the propeller of the forces of democ- | racy. I am to keep the enemy from enter ing your house and demanding your < goods. I am to keep desolation, suffering and bitterness from the gates of your home. The tradesman, the business men. the merchant, the farmer, the profes sional man and the laborer are my friends. On me the welfare of the nation de pends. I am loyal to my country. My flag is Old Glory with its red for courage, white for purity and blue for honor. My duty is to save and protect. In me there is strength. ' I want to make n« .re friends. I will see you April A. My name is Liberty Bond. Thirtey-Three Charred Bodies are Recovered. Norman, Okla., April 13.—Thirty three bodies charred beyond recogni tion, have been recovered tonight from the ruins of the building which hous ed ward No 14 at the State hospital for the insane here, which was swept by Are early today. The total list of missing tonight stood at 37, one name having been added to the list late to day after careful reckoning by author ities. The victims of the flames were boys and men from 16 to Sfl years of age. Three buildings, all of them frume, were destroyed. The property lost and damaged is estimated tonight at $40,000. During the Are 198 patient* includ ing 88 violently insane negroes and SO helpless negroes, were removed safe ly. although the violent negroes in most instances fought their rescuers. Sixty emptor** °f the hospital in cluding many women nurses, risked their lives to enter burning buildings and carry oat crippled patient*. ^ ifOUNT AIRY, f*. C. Office in Merritt Building. Water Softened With Red Devil Lye CU«n« ilia*—Hy Soft water makes waihinf easy, and just ■ little Rad Devil Lye in a tub ol With Red Devil wash water Jim UM lew than half the soap and the daintiest fabrics will be whiter than usual — with little or no tubbing — if s the nib that ruins. Work* Wooden throughout the home. H wifl keep bath-tubs, waah bowls, toAsts and kitchen sinks white, clean and sani tary. It whiten* and removes grease spots boas floors, windows, til* or marble, ,it^ Jom the household dirty work In a hurry — without trouble and with little espouse. Red Devil Lye also makes woo derhal soap, peels peaches in a {iffy. It is the real housekeeper's friend. Atk Ymmr Grecer. Sm thm I a*sls WH. SCHKLD MFC. CO., St. Lssis, Ms. VINOL CREATES | STRENGTH Positive—Convincing ProoA It ia all very well to oiki claima, bat can thay be proven? We publish the formula of Vinol to prova tha statements we tnake about it. 9 Mumim VtptanilMjmltBd Am— MhaCUnH. Lin aa4So<te Otycara pfc»iphif. Caaurta. Any doctor will tell you that tha ingredients of Vinol as published ibove. combine tha very elements oaadad to make strength. All weak, run-down, overworked nervosa men and woman may ywu this at our expense. There is nothing like Vinol to ra ft ore atiang th and vitality to feeble old paopla, delicate children and all persons who need more strength. Tit it. If you are not entirely sat isfied. wo will return your money without question; that prove* our fairness and jrour .protection. I. W. WEST DRUG CO. Dr.H.R. Hege Dentist ()>ce corner Main and Moore Sta^ Oppoaite Haw ka-Roth rock Drag Ca. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 12 m. 1 d. m. to 6 p. m. OFFICE OF Workmen's B. & L Association We Announce The Maturity of the 4th Series of Stock April 15th 1918, and all shareholders in this series can get their cancelled mortgages or cash on and after this date. OUR BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE 17th SERIES dating from the first Saturday in May. Subscriptions for shares and applications for loans can he filed now; firet payment to be made May 4th. A •> V " W. C SYDNOR, M. H. SPARGER, President. Sec. A Tree* ==

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