WHAT SHALL YOUR ANSWER BE? % A Country Worth Fighting for Is a Country Worth Saving for America it mad* up of 100,000,000 units of individ ual men and woman., . It has been wall said that Cod does not know America as America, except as Ha knows you and me and every individual wbo in the aggregate com prise America. You are America to the extent of your individuality. Your responsibility in this world crisis is exactly the same as that of America as a whole. America must put forth every ounce of its strength to save itself, but America will fail to do this to the extent that any single individual fails to do his or her full duty. Viewed from this angle, are you truly an American or are you merely a hanger on, shouting perhaps with the crowd, but doing no real effective service in this, the greatest crisis since man's creation? Go deep down into your soul before you make an swer to yourself, to your country and to your Cod to these questions: What am I personally doing to uphold the govern ment, to equip and sustain our soldiers and to lighten their burdens ? What sacrifice am I making to match the sacrifices of the soldiers who give up home and endure untold hard ships and offer their lives to protect me? What am I doing to increase the output of the things needed for war or to sustain the nation in its stupen dous task? Am I seeking personal gain of higher wage*, or shorter hours, or larger profits merely for my own indi vidual selfish interests? f' Am I concentrating every ounce of my strength, every power of my being toward arousing the nation, to ward quickening latent patriotism into a living flame, to ward increasing food production, or lessening food con sumption and waste, or toward the building of ships, the increased output of steel and iron and coal and chemical* and machinery, the expansion and at the same time the conservation of transportation facilities by rail, water and highway? Am I adjusting my family expenses by cutting out every unnecessary thing that the money thus saved may be dedicated to the nation's use through Liberty Bonds, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A. work, religious activities or War Savings Stamps? Am I merely a casual looker-on, an unthinking beast, with no realization of my individual responsibility to God and man, or am I consecrating all that is in me, all my powers of mind and body, to this great task, the most momentous to which mankind has ever been called? Am I a shirker, a lacker, a physical, mental or a fi nancial coward, or am I a man or a woman into whom God has really breathed the breath of life in its largest and divinest sense? GET INTO THE FIGHT! JOIN THE CROWD ! H>o it Now! Buy All The Liberty Bonds You Can! This is Your Part and no One Else Can do it For You! THIS SPACE PAID FOR AND CONTRIBUTED BY E. H. KOCHTITZKY Chairman Surry County Third Liberty Loan