I. V. WEST DIG CO. MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C. CEO. Ill OF HUN BLOOD —ANCESTOR OF KAISER. Thia war haa illustrated in tr«(l( fashion the importance of the educa ted ritisenahip in a democracy. When the war with Germany came on. the avenge educated wall - informed Amariran at nnro threw himself heart and aoul into the American cause. He di>l an becauae he knew what the war meant. Unfortunately, however, our aver age voter had >>1 tidied nothing about the menace of K»i»en m. had never even familiarized himself with the name* of Nietzche, Bernhardt, and Treitachke and knew nothing of tier many'* Caesar-like plan", to make con quest of the world. In fact, the dis tinction between the Government of Germany, ruled a* that country in by a "divine right" Kaiser and hia mili tary authority, an<t the present-day government of England in which the king ia only a figurehead and the people rule aH completely as the peo ple in the United Stules- even the se distinction* were hardly familiar to ' the average citizen before war came on. In the limited instruction given u oar public schools below the hifch school, no mention is made' at all of the change in English government nine* 1776, nor are fundamental fact* about the Revolutionary War, itself emphasized as they should be. For example, how many of our people know today that the British tyrant kins, George III who fought ua during the Revolutionary War was of Ger man blood, having a German father and s German mother, and that the preeent tyrant-Kaiser is on his moth er's side a lineal descendant of the same King George we fought in 1776? Yet these are the f-cts. Let's put these facts somewhat more in order. 1. George III was of German fami ly, George I being imported from Ger many and never learning to speak English at all, whi)« George II came to England from Oermany when he was 31 and married a German. Geor ge III was a first cousin of Frederick of Prussia and "had been especially taught by his German mother," says Lamed, that he must rule and not the people of England. 2. Coming to the throne, this auto cratic rule is what George III tried to accomplish; and tiie war against the American colonies was fought in the days when the King controlled Parliament—not the Parliament the king as now. As Larned wrote in his "History of England" years ago: "It was the blind obstinacy of King George, more than any and all state; of feeling among his subjects, that carried England into conflict with her children in America, and that gave an irreconcilable bitterness to the strife. He managed the doings of gov ernment in his own way." 3. Meanwhile, however, while Geor ge III was trying to oppress America and carry out hi* Kaiser-like idea of making everything bow to the King'* will (and hiring Hessian soldiers from Germany to conquer America,) Pitt, Burke, Fox, and other* of the greatest i' Englishmen of the time "were against the King and fought on many occa sions in Parliament tn tfte interest of the Americans" Chatham boldly de claring in a famous speech in the House of Commons: "If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop wax landed in my country. I never would lay down Pmy arms—never, never, ncrcr." 4. The liberty-loving English peo ple have since compelled the King to five up one power after another un> til he now has practically no authority bat In Germany, as we have seen, this idea • autocratic rale by a monarch •zista nunpant and uncurbed.—The Progi—aive Farmer. BATTLE IS STILL RACING. ExtranM Violent dominant note of Fighting th« Fir»t Day. With the American Army in Kranr* \t the conclusion of the flrtt hour* of the new buttle between Mun tcr and the (ime, the impi" • ion gained i« that tlw powerful German ■ nt* h h«i nut brought the enemy the r»»ul: he <• .peeled. H.e allied line in bent in tlie center quite iniitgniit £«uiily und the remtance the French We offering on the actual p » itum of the combat* appear# to he efficacious. Kxtrcme violence wiin the domin ai t note of the battle on the fir I day and ill pcate w ..aults with huge ma.« en of troop wni likely to continue at leu t for omc day . With the concentration of troops »uch a» the German* had been enabled to bring into line at the pmnt iho. cn for the attack, it was physically im possible for the defenders to resist in their advanced position*. r.nrmjp s ummmua rngnuui. When the manse* of German in fantry came over entente allied troop* spread lightly in theforward works, fell back coolly, fighting yard by yard, to the actual line of resistance. They held back the enemy just sufficiently to make hire show his strength and to permit the main body of defenders to make the proper disposition to meet him. Only at one point wax the real French line forced to recede and that was in the neighborhood of Ressorz Sur-Matz. After the German Infantry had started four hours of the most intense fighting had brought them only partly across the allied advance zone. They were battered thoroughly by the al lied artillery, whose target was so plain that the enemy's losses must have been frightful with very little to compensate him Tor h i sacrifice. Germans I'sing Picked Divisioa*. Some idea of the deter mined nature of the fighting may be leathered from the struggle on each wing. The vil lage of Courcelles changed hands numerous times, and, when this dis patch was sent, was in the possession of the allies. At the other end of the line, Mont Renaud was still making a magnificent defense, and reports tihowed that Le Pltmont was yet in allied hands. Then renter, about Re ssons-Sur Mctz, where the Germans made their m..: t cb.tinate effort and formed a pocket tending southeastward, i> the only part of the line against which the Uernuui-* have 1 e«*n -able ta-wwrl a real gain. The intention is to try to reach the bnni:s of the Oise and threaten the allied salient which ex tends to thu vicinity of Noyon. The Germans knew when they open ed the attack that their task would be difficult. Therefore, they sent into the fray only chosen divisions, which had been specially trained for the as tault. It is estimated that they en gaged approximately 20 divisions on the front line for the first shock, while behind these, ready to take the place of the exhausted divisions, there pro bably were a similar number, perhaps even greater. Bowel Complaints in India. In a lecture at one of th^ Dm Moina, Iowa, churche* a miaxTonary from India told of going into the in terior of India, whore ne was taken nick, that he had a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Remedy with him and believed that it saved his life. Thi* refhedy U u»ed *urre*sfully In India both an a preven tive and cure for cholera. You may know from this that it can be depend ed up for the milder form* of bowel complaint that occur in thia country. Obtainable everywhere. Sydnor & Sparger Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Office in Mwritt Building. WAS SAVINGS DAY MUST ' iS MAOC A BIG SUCCESS. Tbo National War Savings Cwmit Im. which ia carrying on, through ita Htat* ana local coauaitUaa, a Nation wide ram pair" to got all the paopla on or bef or* I una a to pladg* th*n> selvo* to sav* to tha utmoat of thair | ability and to buy War Saving* . .Stamp* with thair savings, baa given out tha following statement: "Those of a* who remain at bom* I whila others do the lighting have an •vor-inrrwuing number of opportuni ties to do definite and highly inpor Lant work for our country. We with to do this work as an expression of the gratitude we feel in being privi leged to continue at our uiiual tasks. >o enjoy the loving companionship of 'mr fcimili*". to meet mely with our friend* and noighI«.r*, to enjoy all The wurity of life ai d mont of the plea t lire* aiid tlie ec ifiumic priviHge. of peare times vlnlr other m> n who have toil to put aside nil these things, are fijjhling our hattlos for us an the soil of France and on the high icai. "Our new opportunity to erve ■■onics aa a rofull of dwutfnatini June ' .. N'ai ...rial War Savings Day. a ■ lay "A which =.11 men ami women and al! children of -ulHcient years to ap prociala t!ie day's sitcni.ii-auce are called upon to pledge themselves to ive to the utmnft of their ability and to conserve all possible labor and ma terials for the Government, and to buy War Savings Stamps with their sav ings. Our part is to do everything possible to make this day stand out among the great days of this period of the war. "Could any ore of us tie asked to do Ian* than this? Could any one of us refuse to do no little a thing to win a war for the wurld'a freedom? Could any one of ua put aitide thu plea for Having while all Europe is crying out in its agony to be released from the clutches of the monster that is befoul ing all it touches ? Could we refuse so simple n thing and at the same time ask other men to give their lives that our own precious live* be spared and our homes be kept safe from the ter rors of the Hun ? "Our duty is clear, our priviledge is great, our sacrifice is 'itLie, our work ia important. "National War Savings Day is to be the great rallying day on which everyone in our country is expected to pledge himself or herself to save and economize. This Having and economiz ing will first of all leave in the mar kets a greater supply of labor and materials for the use of the Govern ment with which to fight the war. And then the money savings of the individuals are to be invested in War Savings Stamps. "What the Government a A us to do is to pledge ourselves to buy at definite periods with our savings a specific amount of War Saving.: Stamps. The thing to be accomplished is to get subscriptions which will take i-are during the balance of the present year of the unsold portion of the $2,000,tw0.000 of War Saving ^tntrptf autboi i/.cd by the Congrcsa to lie sold during l'Jl8. , ' "When one --tops to think of the matter, it. is really a v'mcll thing to raise *2 000.000,000 in a country of more than 100,000,000 people. If everyone would do his share, it would be necessary for each person to sub scribe to only $20 worth of stamps. "The duty of us at home is to see to it that the entire amount is sub scribed. We miist work to that end. We must at'd to our already great army Oi war slivfrK. We must make more sacrifices ourselves and urge sacrifices upon others. National War Savings Day must be made the great success all of us hope for." Mormons Give up Wheat; Storehouse* are Emptied. Wheat storehouse* of the Mormon church in Utah are lieinjr swept clean for the first time in thirty yenrs to add to the supply for American sol diers and tie allies overseas. The Mormons have turned over to the food administration more than a quarter of a million bushels of (train, representing the great reserve store kept up since the days of Brighsm Young, thru contribution by church members of one-tenth of their crops. LESS ATTENTION NOW TO TRENCH DIGGING Trowpa ara B* .| Trmmmd far Opmm Warfare and Leg WukinftM , Jon* «. — A mar lean troop* in training at bona tra being rapec tally achooled now In prepare tion for tha forward mo»a of tka aJ I led armtaa expected to follow tha ultimata croaking of Gaiman'a of. fenaive powar. It waa learned today that order* have bom laauad to di vision com mender* to lay greater itreea upon training for open war fare. and reduce the time devoted to teaching trench uperialtiea. The men are being hardened to lung marrhea, given target practice without end and thoroughly tramr! j to take rare of them«elve* in the give | and take of open combat. Military observer* ay thi* change in the mid~t if the elfoit ! the Cermari general »mtf of the en tire war 'peak/ Mgniflcantly for th« pint of c6nfdence that pervade* the I nuuciU am! armie.. of America an«. |ti.- .iiIu- . Wh "i n.iin (if thi m now m training here reach Prance l ing marrhas and JWift maneuvering arainst a recreating foe may well be ! the order of the day. Why ( hin(« of Tactic*? Influential officers returning from the front have been insisting re<rent i ly upon greater attention to general | element* of warfare and less to the j line detail* of poaition fighting in I fixed trench line*. Theae officer* *ay , the American »oldier takea naturally | to training of thia sort and that he ' should be developed aa highly aa po* : aible in all around soldiering leav ing the detail* of treach warfare ed I ucation to be added by a brief post ' graduate course when he reaches I France. This view found ready *ym i pathy here, for it ia believed the old j stalemate of the trench line* ha* been I broken never to be restored. Today's news from the front added I to the growing conviction here that General Foch has outgeneraled the Germans on the Aim* front in hav ing brought them to a halt without weakening the defenses of the chan I nel port*. Territory has been yield ed. but no point of stategic value, and the Germans must try again to draw away the supporting line* in 1 Picardy and Flanders, or face the ne cessity of hurling their army into the wall of man power, French, Bri I tish and American, that now block* the road to the channel port*. Officers who have come from the ' front say that the American unit* pouring into France in a steady and growing stream despite German U hoats at both end* of the 3,000 mile water haul are arriving well ad vanced in training for the business ahead of them. Commenting upon the high trib- j utes paid by French and British of ficers to the Americans it was re marked today that while the engage-' mj.nt-1 in which the Americans have (seen £iv*n - chance a< yet have l>een minor affairs proportionately alway ■ the dast has been there. One officer recently back from the front pointed out that while French and British veterans are brave beyond words, ready.for battle whenever and where ever it may come, they are cooled by long year* of the struggle. The Amer icans are craving a chance to fight, for it is all new to them. Farming Next to fighting. The plan adopted by Klon College to stimulate farm work—probably the country's greatest need at this time — w excellent from more than one point of view. To the student who spends three months on the farm during the summer of this year the College will give a three hours' credit toward gra duation, the course to be rated as ag riculture. Students asking for this credit will furnith a statement signed by a minister, a justice of peace, and n postmaster, saying that they spen; three months at work on the farm this summer. Farming is the next most patriotic thing to actual service in battle, ar.d those who work honestly and faith fully on the farm should .eel the sens* of duty well done a* the soldier* wfco fight courageously at the fiont. mm CARCHNA uve TEE TOT \ n WAR SAVINGS STAMPS JUNE 28 j Day.—Oormrmor Btcktl P—iynat— J ana 23 28 War Sat- I ' iaft WmIl—«ry Person Win Bo Aikid to Ptedfco. TOP* The ant M« ram pa lien that moat be pat over with tha uan ear-reee that Mat the recent Had Cross and Liberty I-oaa drives la tha War Savings Ciu*> paigm. Thla maat be dona, Prealdent Wllaon aaya, on or hafors Friday. Juno U Ha baa proclaimed that day National War Savings Day aad haa calleif at mrr man. woman and child to aabacrlha all that In hla hoaaat opinion ba will ba able to par during tha remainder of tha rear to tha War Savings Cam flip. When Mr Vaaderllp aad hla aaaoclatea decided over a month ago that tha War Savfaga Campaign should be made to go "o»« the top" now. (r»'«h4 at taking a year aad a month to do It. they aoaght a plan by which thla oakl ba doae Tha State of Nabraaka furnlabfd the plan, for thla a tale haJ already subscribed several mllllona dollars over Ha quota aad had ralad over IZ par cant of Ita aaloa. Mr Vaaderllp at once aot about to know how Nebraaha did It. H» < >Jla4 Into coafereace Mr. Ward M Burgees. State Director of War 8avlngs lav Nebraaha. aad Mr. Klddow. Mr. Bargeaa'a right band maa. Together they studied the plan la the light of a national plaa. aad with the experience of ft* tww men who had worked It to a aacceaaful laaae, they obviated mlatakea aa4 each feataree aa to make It erea more thorough aad practleaaMo for other Statee Consequently. aot only North Carolina bat other atataa of the Dnloa hare beea asked to adopt this plaa aad put over tha War Savtnag C* rr.; >1(4 Jaao M When Clal. T H mee. War Savtags Director of Narth Carolina, waf called to New Tork several weeks ago. with other atata directors, to hafW thla plaa pat before them, he waa aaked If North Carfollaa could do It jar%" said Colonel rrlea, "what Nebraaha caa do. North Carolina can do. Welt pdfc It ever if It takee all the buattag aad tha dags and tho drama la tha whoBP South to do It." With thla coaTtcttoa aad detarmlnatlon. Colonel rrlaa came back and stf about to parfectlag the plaaa to make them moot suitable to North CaroOaS coadltlona. These plana hare beea preeoated through conferences b»id aff cooTenleat placee la the state to tho coaaty chairmen aad other War Barlag* Warkera Every coaaty chalrmaa haa la hla haada a detailed copy of th«| plana, aad he haa baea adrlaed to tallow tha laatractloaa atop by stop aa g!ia* him to avoid confusion aad to do tha work with tho graalsat poealble <afl{ aad effldaacy. Oaly aae tmportaat cbaaga la tho national plaa did Colonel Fries •.hla* beat to maha for North Carollaa. That waa to make the campaign last V weak lastead of a day. Therefore, tho week beginning Jane 0 confirming! through Jose 11 haa beea deelgnated aa North Carollaa War Serines Weak? The Oovernor of North Carollaa has laaued a proclamation calling for every! citizen of tho atata to obeerve thla week as War Savings Week by subscrUb-1 lag at this time all that he will be abla to bay daring the remainder of tha year The week beglna oa Sunday June W, with a statewide appeal for wV Savings la tha churches and Sunday Schools. On Monday. Tuesday. We<!nea4 day and Thursday, a house to house canvass will be made m evary townahlp la the State to secure War Savings pledges Every taxpayer or householder will make his pledge or give his excuse for aot doing so A record of every p«i son's pledge will be taken aad kept. On Friday. June It. tha drive win eli minate In a War Savings rally bald at every school bouse In the state. Tha State Director has called on every person In the school district to atterd th e, meeting either to C3lebrate the occaaloa of the township's subscribing Ita qaota or if that bo not tho case, to flnleh raising Its quota. la othar wnrdot> there Is bat one'thing for any township ta do oa that day, and that is to auk-, scribe Its quota to the War Savtags Campaign Likewise, there Is but onai thing for every persoa to do. and that la to do his >duty to the War Savlnggj Campaign, which Is his utmost The Oovernmeat ekpecta no less of every man. womaa and child In the state oa thla occasion SAVINGS PROCLAMATION All Citizens Asked to Plsdg *to l<vl and Buy War Savings Stsmps June 21 "This war la one of Nations, not of armlea. and all of oar one hundred mil lion people moat ba acoaomlrally and Industrially adjaatad to war condi tions it thla Nation la io play Its fall part In tba conflict The problem ba for* us Is not primarily a financial problem, bat ratbar a problem of In creased production of war ••senttali aad the saving of tka materials and the labor necessary for the support aad equipment of our Army and Navy. Thoughtless expenditure of money for non-eeeentlals uses up the labor of man. the producta of the farm, mines and factorlea, and overburdens trant port at Ion. all of which mast be used to the utmost and at their best tor war purposes. The great results which we seek ran ' he obtained only by the participation 1 ef every member of the nation, yoang ' aad eld. In a National concerted Thrift ! movement I therefore arge that oar i people everywhere pledge themaelvea ae saggaested by the Secretary of the Treasury to the praotice of Thrift, to serve the Oorerameat to thetr utmost hi la e? easing pradwstloa la all SeMs ■ armsry l* the atnntag e< the war, to conaarva food »nJ fual. a-.d umU lutirlili of nerr kind, to dayola thalr labor oaly le tba moat r«ca«aanr laaka. and to bay oaly thoaa which ara aa*antUU to ladlTldoef health and afrit lancy. and tha: tha paopla aa eYlda&ca of thntr loyalty II raat all that thay caa aaaa la Ubw|/ Bond* and War hilap Rtiapt. Tha ■•rurttiM laaued by tha Trraaary Da part man t are an manj of them wltfcla tka roach of narj oaa thai tha tear of opportualty lo ihla mat tar la wlda open to all of aa Tte prartlra Thrift la paaro times la a Vlrta*. aad bringa craat baaalt to tka MltMoal at all tlmaa With tha daaparata aaad at tha rlvlliaad world taday for aatar lala aad labor with which tn aad tha war. tha prarttoa of ladlyldual Thrift la a patriotic daty aad a aacaaalty "I aarnaatly appaal ta avary man, woman and child ta pladfe thamaalvaa an or bafara tha Murty-aighUi af Jam to aava constantly >nd tn b#y aa ragw larly aa poaalbla tha aeeurttlaa af tka (avarnmtnt and ta da thia aa far aa poaalbla through mambarahlp In War tavlnga toeiatiaa Tha twanty-algMfa af Juna anda thla apaoial par.ad af aa liatmant In tha graat valuntaar inaf af producttaa and aavlng Kara at May thaaa ba nana uaanHatad aa (•igaad) WOOTWW WILMN. , v i i \ i i 11 iiYi ii a iMMill

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