OFFENSIVE FOUGHT TO A STANDSTILL. Hm position on the Montdidier front i la "tahllUed. That la tho information which ha« lieen received by thia pa par thin mnraiiiir from England, on the bant authority, and It minu up lha ra-, ault of tha laat (ierman offensive. Thia, offenaive haa tieeri fouirht to a Htanil ■till. At an expemte too hideout to contemplate, for the truth ahoul that i» now known, von HindetiburK haaj flattened out the anitle of a nalient in the Noyon *e 1 y >>l i n, for ii Icnif a he ha an re I K I hi* dale i own him If !*- :• 1 I .1 in# Uto winter l.c uod von T .idetidorff, in r-n ultation with the Kaixer and the ( rrr. 'i IVinee, dec;,.! -I 1 tho pi* ■ eent plan :i• a -uro or.i (ou King the Kntentir in \ deprivtii i f 71.• ndp of Russia, hefuie :!,<• Im"ij?1). 1.! til" .*-w ally in Amui • j ■ »jl.l Ik .nit- avail Ahlo, The jrrcjit offensive which. waul to • t : ! nr.. t.i 1' lit,! ri ,-u , ..-r.efe armie , and to opto the way vo the X'Han i .! to la.::;; the second ',-i -, fttth ■. w.i to 1 eypy Yprf->, to «"»• ' t' ' .! '■ 1 the 6ii:r•! l»f', jftnd to Siv ni by the rolfi >h* up of U;-' I 1 ■ -it. lilo 'ritriit; the linn! Oil\ 1 ... h v.;ij* Ul «H1 I.I.M lite valley ,f ; .« io i'at. ; .Ute fwut t<5|Tci jvc, with ("i>m}>n»;n< a* it - immv -ite objective, and ibt oc cup.-.' 11 of j'aris on the 2Ktho of, June, for ita ultimate Intention.—all Iheie, yin' aftc • another, ha'.e Lwa cruihe.J before even the imme lime ob jt-i?i'.' 1 li.i.l I . 1 iftuned, mi.<11 le.i.". the ultimate. r.«pn>'-"V «*- I'tt- rtTO'ctant, di-ao t m r of fenuiv!-. ha:'..d wi. prentSr jorcc. prot>sl»iy, tl 'ip nny «sf th# • the!'!.. i»; in j..< .n. Tit Ru Un fi ust, Hi h(-« tri. ri l «f ■ "frf svtijab!® »nn, a'lj vk< « T ioo4r>r!T r.1 ' fir* The- ' ■«,- * *?•r >i f f 3.»(t rt tT'.-w v.'tH « vie • i • I.'i .• •: « more H «•••: • ? ft it ♦!*? vnni.-.l ifimi t; ■ " ..-r' ; in tl> "(i •' <■' iv •iO }.i» com jsk ' - r.v? Cc'vwral von JiiMit lit (1> ,'T i to tbn force at tin- I ■>,, t 1 j .ijt (>f tin now nltaiit. Not <.h', did h«» ff«;t«i the ap*\ ih a few htiromrf-tik" blown, but • t! it in tbe flnnfc o violently th: to name h!n; elf the Crown frinro had to n.nVe n ilo^J" aU; effort, whirh likewise ended in a com f Jiletv fa,; . "'nk i • • •> ' . th»r to th< left, inv! failing" tn thi«, «uy Oer-ei:>! I' ■■ ' rig « I, ! • ■ • von Hindenburg well knew, have a po litical effect which extremely ilan „ g»rou«. For thU reason he suddenly halted the fifth Guard Division etui thaTwwty-eighth Division which were on thair way to a rent camp, and sent them to crush Pershing's men. In stead of effecting this, they ware rruahad them eel vea with a loaa of •am* thouaand priwiwra. The da feat, tactically, waa, of rouraa not arr ioua. Hut what ia aerioua, and much mora aerioua than the Kaiaar ran ron templata with equanimity, ia tha fact that tha anaara, onra poured out upon tha "contemptible littla army" of Eng land, and renewed when tha A mart rana took tha flaid, ara finding tha unif reply. Tha "Old Contemptl l>lea" haa become a nama to ronjura with it tha Rrltiah linaa, and tha "Young Omtamptfblea" mint I* vary rapidly becoming almont in ominnua in tha I.eipzigerat i. e. Cat many, taught ftritt to helievc that the l.'nitcd K111I..m was no g-od and then that tha United Statu wa- no good, finding ln>th storiea not merely rldiculoii' liut dangeroua may liegin to form rnnrlti ion-! al tli.' for.' , ht r»f the I fiiiifer.'t. aa whirh have been al moJt treanon bef re the war. There in tha. important* of eflneral Per«hin(F'» victory, and it n not one to be 1>;'Mly diwnunteth • It ill1 ifMU, ho* v«r, tha!. the Koriir--l'lat!t will lie a'mo.t driven '.ii a mora furlmi- attack timi: evee to cover it If bef< r the -(.reic-th <>f e tJniied Stnt i i developed fii ; the hi.jx- of victory for the Kaiser. BATTLE IS WAGED ON BIG SCALE. Ausirinnt Tryiftg to Break Do ...n Eo»-iTiy Front by a Pinccr Mo/oni r>5. W»>' the AimtrWn* attempting to '>>eak d"wn the Itr.'ian front by a r»»: fl' «r »'ivf;n t. it a44< tha' •he hattV wilt hi-t eereral dnya before •> dcir ion i reached. The dispatch faflowa: •'TW' diHn'kirl by QYii.] f*w:vie itevetep'mft &$***£ a fv' n? of V..}'rjtr: *• •-•. T«r$ &rn)U>"« ' \X f r' * - ti f. - < fi i :i f r 0" t: tli <:•• ii"wy >' C, ' nrt tUf A • Afc«Au *m! thiit of Central Km r • t1 :»• V ■ ■ " r* *■' ■ < * - >r ^yi.'.W;3 . . iffi ' 0?Vj''';'•'<■*• }<•>;. «•-••' T:"'S tV, > I IV':1 ViVfu * . - s-.d *>*»♦ «as :■ u fat m fr !s t ♦ til th j t'l- Italian de'f* •••*; aU'^S the I" vi. 2 a> ii i"i ttoa-n lu Ba. -ato 1" • . i .: ' ■» cross the Piii."' anj <'ut the routle which are proterti x th*- Italian lines along the ri\i,r. The enemy 1. >pe.i, thru a irreat in :rer movement of at tack. to bwV the " t of the Italiai' ai" jr. '• h • :•»>• »■ w. I !:vfi everul orul hi* start intr point." KnmcmUT that National War Sav in a* Day i . June 28. t'ledge your self mi or before Umt day to save to the utmost of your ability and to buy War Sii.n .. Stan. p. that there miy be more m«ney, labor and material* to itad up Uiom who light and die fer you. WILL RE-CLASSIFY DOUBTFUL CASES. To M«k« More Nearly Uniform Clan 1 Percentage Thru-out the Stat*. The immediate correction of all in equailtiea which nlit in the claaaiAca tmn of retemtrant* in North Carolina will be undertaken an the reault of in ■tructiona from the Prnvont Marshal General communicated l>> Major John W. I-urijc-ton Uj the local hoard* in the -late. The orilem uontt-mplate a rig oroua romliinic out proceaii by whirh all douhtfill ca*e« will be reviewed itnH racial ifiod to the etui that the difference-* which wdnl lwtw«"n the percentage of clnaa 1 men in the var ious countie* muy lie wiped out. The national average for rlaiia 3 in 2H.T t>er cent hut under the report; filed < n ''•.»! I man! up t . it. e 1, »<•. i tute average u: >er cent a fI h the nwagt- ewanty ratio ranirin" from V ;>«r t finl to 2t» per crnt. It in held; th*r a vs lOtkui of r. per cent fr<«n '.he > ttvcrairc i ufllciaiit U. P'.t a hoard nptm iiK, liry. T-t gnv i-nari i.t a^fa-nl nynt i: instructed to m i - I,;., ••■t- ,1 Monday, Jur.e i: >ri" .. -i■ i .m tit" ie-<"la'iilicuU'. . p: ■< i per-| \:<:u I jiiwi the Avurk i- un'lf-i- waj S,:.; : nla-; *'*■' -wij He lorfl. hoards, Th-e t?l"£ am -ni piy .rental tha wt' ity fr>r ma^ngj ties, "V«u w|0 nolo tfeaf under thu Ufc-j ;r -am." *»ys Major tofstan, ''it l;e - . iiiaijvialiUex that exiit at prewr.t in the c.aa.Uicatiou in th..< riml'Het will exiat on arcftmt of ■ i!:'Ti t COrditlon-i in tho differ-] , i ■ ■ • TV" * i , V v , 11 j-.uch differ( ■ of CfihdUions fxi-tiriif In :.H« tur^u: tit-' '.»«ns ic. this «tate '•■y. W*»! I jitfii : r. iSortvu* 'tfiru thf: ti'vi-ailt- pf- • "• rejr.s t I" c«,u:-.ty afeaiHJ . ; it flWvi : - 1 . 'i , . •■- -■ ' • tfee <■;.! ihiit tbew * .. .. „ ... .. . , i.,. ,. ! ' in <«:i"r to 'w»v« uriftura tK>glt« in • 1! of :.bc i-unti-'j in tlii. st.ite mtA ■ '. iiv ap;:-( »:r,a;ciy the camo jNtC* it-' f tim» «•> v».~V J«>> . i7 is «h 'Hi . • ( Is- - Oiuj Week, (or the t-'kamiflaticn of all (touhtfat or. -fn{ apfwa! njront and the memlwr* ol ttn< advisory board.* St<-p« in Classification. Definite .step* to be taken by the 1 Kovt-rnment appeal n^ent and mem-, lers of tho leipil advinory boa;d to re-examine all doubtful eases in tle 1 f«-r e.J clax'e*, Major Im^Mon rat ' line5 af follows: j "1. The government appeal a Kent U directed to rail a meetintr consisting of the jrovernment nppenl nfsnt, tlic legal advisory board. mrmlnri ot_the local board and the rhief clerk of tho local board, and read over carefully the telegram her*to attached, as Wall as thia letter of instructions. "2. The chief dark of the local board should than b« requested to da I War to the government appeal agent« 1 ami member a of the legal tdv laory board all of tha <)u«ationnsirw of rt| intrant! Il deferred rUaaaa lay groupa, aa follow*, towit: Tha <|uaattannalraa In rlaaa 2, divialon "a," quaatlonnairaa in rlaaa 2, divialon "h." <|Ue«tlonnairea In rlaaa 3, dlviaion "a." i|ua«tl»nnairaa in rlaaa 3, divialon "b," <|ueationnaire* in rlaaa .1 .dvirion "r," ami ao im thru all Ihs deferred i!a»«ea, being careful t« keep each group -eparaMy lalwled for the information and guidance of the government appeal agent and tha legal advisory board.-{The division* of the varioua rlaaae* other than aa above indicated may Im railed for, the tlxiva auRKeation lieing only illuatra-1 live.) 3. The Viral nm - ry board abd the govtrnment appeal agent should then divide them ••Ivea into rommitttei of two, a ih«> mav deup tvi* able, divide up the queationnalrr^ be , Vu t and. I"', u.rh immitt* *ut all of the ra-tc* that ap :ir doubtful, ti ii the committee* hou) I meet a' n I'OWttitt of the whole r,nd make a closer o-aminaliim a* a Riffimitlw of the whole, in t-rdft. to ■«!(.»•{ the en *« that In the the committer should he reclaitji Thr -ifl r - having been MV 1 i i).! be returned to th<» local oat-l with the rei i mnic 'iaiion of the1 T.rncnt .ippc.J agent an I the le ,'U »•-' !.<—!, o. by oitije,', that they he r«tiwsifi«d. A lift of tiws* a fr. jk> r<5rtimmewled hnuld be made ut in 1 riplicate \>7 the government nt, one copy to bo fum l.h - i4 • 1 ! 1 ' » I • : to '• 1 Xf. the gowriimcn'. *p|< ai Itoilt i d ouu cyjy tv Ufi XntWlUwied, to thi< '-(Tice. "•I. TV" lix'Jil 1»i»nl rhould then - • nr ! re examine the CMe.-t recorn- • W'tulcfl tcr rectos ifif-ation, nml uj* n h_ . ; IIT, itifitt. raj.- ■ i''•ation,! ■ .'ir. ■ - I t«. liv:- - . -it t»j till iitn-nt a T 111! at'ire a ' !(-<- . ti" 'i. Tlw i- • rtim • ' ftppea! njrent -'■i;! ' the"! rhRt thii list \d'h the ' r«et "flwer Ictiw. maJi' by ' ■ I'rhffrit i.pjnaii ul this t-ya* a^ory IkmbA, It *p (■ U», :W . civ t > tiii I rici bumur i-s caHwl ' i'j. ji t«w. you tin not cocilis*': / ! Ki: . / ' i* Vt" t : in ' B, ('. or 0, on &■■ - of their original phjr i ;' v rfl ■ ii i: ci% feo {>'4i te vo*y !j, a-t'l it hofH i that the er/J f 'Chi Om Work' will s-ce suth ma V ••in! cha r re*. thif state will not ,-h- t impelled .to make encyst^ on nc w tiniiilkiotion in ttooftr •l '! i.'» t' i • ' 1 1*1 »•: t I(t in Class 1. Hi. In Pel. in County Q|N I. OM ) A iufiut'ico .. 6*U 2? AUviurHicr. , l<*>a 28 Ulct-tmnv 73 1(5 \-'tm 2S ...... .371 28 iwr, .yt 33 . . 1 7''. 24 ('•Id v. ell IS ("artnli-'i IU.' a -'^82 fartaret, 211 uf Caswell 214 2« ( 'atawfra 4»>5" 2ft Chatham r. Columbu* <5«ii , 2» Craven XH4 3# Cumberland H07 32 Currituck 17* 27 Pure 31 » Davidson MR "ft . Davie 181 IS Duplin 830 34 Durham 1035 27 E'teernmb* ,890 31 Winiton-Salem 1M3 ■ 85 is JrwUln ,U 1U £•*•» 7*0 20 l:"1?"' 24i ai '•raham 107 •»« (•ranvtllo r,|;i cn« :un ia (•atifoni So. I ., ,iH < .., 'Ijtlotl.- .... II.,, 1 » "li-kl. -burk ... j,, ~,y trhe» Ui> IB m , itjfwnery . . . ,• , ._'i42 ;»j Moore ?'o 544- •)"» • Orai "H px Pnmttcn ■/.<. H>!K(UOtMlk .'i"S ;>«< 1 n I'orquiman > .. ... orf, i.V." - 25 .. 5 .. ^70 ^3 ■' "imi 1 <1 :. 7n- j(2 • N-«. 1 •/:. ' So 2. . ZJ 1 >. mirl»sn .. . ►)"»> Rwan !»• .hihhr! ford ;tl •' 1 m r •> "117 27 < ;P «&<:. ,:W>. S; 1 ' • " ■ ... ■ ■ • > }A T ait *.!. anifl .... 1 •»,» 1 >'*«*» 1 j• 1 : , 1 ni > Vinc.i Walt* No. 1 |j W 1 .1 No. 'z . . .. 1 W.j hjitgUm ,!,i W ■ar.uwi :»'!i 1 10 *K « " If ■X . •' •?» . . i . ... . . M V../lit in ;.!'!« 17 Vut.i'uy ......... i 18 H War on The Loafer 3ring.i Qu:ck Rcsul? . h, Juti« 1*. War a..:: 1 rti'iral • .ivr»nwy" hove h"£ Hooi » i'r&m tfe^iant of !)«-:{$&(*.' t* s _ ' • l . y • i1 <■ ' ru" rtijbj *i.. -!>■' fS■ ttfcn-f. nf t<«{ ' ;■■■••", •?'-* b<- ■■■' "tn.t 1 \ ' 'Jk--' >n't •• W'Vl vVMhinjrt'r! a» tHe l«*« •>iB ff4llt IJp. Tfc« 1*4 : ■ v r' its • ... ■' air tht» .• • ft >. ' ' ft - ' ■ fV !1 >*t fftp wftl * if feMlfrt . Tf.• - 1 frtf.l ■ tfef ' *+'1 attAfett-if '.h;. pU«!it \riwjiy i - '&», ip*r, Ht •■"i.s.-fmit r..'.c«»siil<:fat>W u#tiu whkli <'rrs!.! 'l-s worked. • " r«jwpir? V:(h, H" and it i* fMpmcn talk in tialei-.rh '.Hut ww» Wyood ( »|« are (n('!'iv- . Ms iv.'.tiw (liwrs as t" crini': jl- rh ft'. «'< m ' v that <■!« > th ■ ■> a|>rat«t.t !y but run I " I' "h ar.ii a biockiiflr stiU, fsvpreaats * ifttifK the nt • v lie-, .!!>• to k"tp rh-' government (joirR ami tho-ur ma chin* director* merely watch the r«v r rjarft. The ilepa»tm*r« ha* the n»rae« of n wti who to have no otb< r vivrk. Ami the numt>er is. amazing Hartley Withers, the editor of the E-'-nomist, of I-one on, says: "Money .-pent in Uf time (>n thing* not needed >' money given to the enemy." National War Saving* Day in only one (lay; our men in the Army and Navy havo their day every ilay. ( Help your Govirnment and yourself at the i-ame time—buy War Saving Stamp*. Labor and Material are eiMiitial to vict.iry; u»e both *parintfly. National Wor Paving Day ia the stay-at-home's day. An American Soldier On Hi* Wmy to B«rlm. Reatleaely tha (older paced the rail way platform. A GrMiiiborn ritinn noted wall til* •nMltr't impatience, and mcanwhita illKoviind a purpose in hia and manner. "You are on your way to France ?" be atked, approfe-hing Kim. "No, I'm on my way to Berlin," tha »oldier replied. A moment of ailenea panned. "What will he your fair to Berlin?" "I don't know." he aid. "I don't know how Ion;' I will be making the • in All tbnt I know in that I'm tjo init to Berlin before I raturn." "I am ifoing to help pay your fare" •id the citizen. "Of rooriw I know U'trle Pam look.. nftjrr that now, but K Yii-'iody mi: t pay him and I'm the v Y •• aount on me. td balp pay ■ ir <«■[•• i.«m every utep of '.ha r ! I -hr!I *xm" 'hi to jjD woll ;...1 and lack f r nothing. I !' f-« , in mc-tinc X '"" expeB»M by ■ u; war avinv >tampa—all that •he- law will allow mo to own then ' " .-•••! *'■■* il'i-l 1 ill t !'■ -I d • I h'i»f»j i-a-y h« ay of a Staler «.o Her !i/r atul re. .. ,'1 - -o!])': ijwa u 0M Glory •V-.p j ' a-it'jfe a "h.- .. !rn-ic« over b .u . la,rU :.:id barrier -,n the to Ep|iSfi|& ' • '/■;/ ' - The iprit that wouM not send che away and aowtly mp nwMpnp t- handicaps, is the tr io Am^ri • on. spirit. So regular rml-Mnoded k of Air.i '-'ca crn:!d hout v.hen he >,/ rtl.iri ■*v,, ht. l not helped , far,.- Brriin, nod n to Watt., tho trip i'l p. : 1 le. r>av G rant Fa.i to L)riv« » 'ill / .in, u-.»a» With Ca» v:(f •; ' A»w.'ri'"»n forces ci; (ho * ht; ■ ■ - I t ' '■■■ '-t ji''';.!/ t ? -• r?-on: ' ^ ?-V'. i- cam - in it* - Y/'.re, « ■.•hw irb stand iiur v A At* ' r>r ' - • i *fee rlv» «r last ttijrfrt t«. •' 'if f'haolcwt , » n ' V!'*"'' «f ft • Am-'rwv -e >«« i tr ■ rjv»r 1 y neii!« of \ h-.. -y tain Iw.-an falling late he h'i '«en *»ti bKTlreasa in the • j atrial activlt.i «] nir tha Marne front, hut th« infantry ha* not Ki i-nfrajred inth* m*t 2-4 hours, t Thf .-my artillery :ir» in the *ec pont of Chatean Thiurry has b«>en n<» tnr -"mo time, acid th« A .Tt - in fire has incrcn°ed propor ti.>n«sely. The German* laat nijrht started to ronittwt u foot-bridee H the M»trt»e at this point,, hot r ili ovcml, and abandoned the at'cim-t even before the American machine jrtinners on the hank could Ket into action. To the wei-t the O' mans have taken to drem-hing certain localities with mixttrd frao. On* of these plare< ii tieHcau w -od, the eCrmana appar ently thinking that this wan the only way to the American trop« out. Rut it was not, for they are still hold inir all their poiitinhi and at the »ama time are riv^n* the enemy clouds of * American pas to worry about. Germa* airplanes todsy and laW last evening were very active. Thera was hardly a moment when hollow (•ark of the Archie* was not heard. The enemy has l«en especially actif* against the sautafw Walloons. Ilia downpour of rain lata today caaaad % temporary lall in the artiUary dael. ^