u. i FUNCN noon ON HEELS or THE HUNS Ammhmmm Tntpt mm M Hm Wttk the Amerwaa Arm, m th. Alan* Main* front, July *^-WKIl tkfl mmIm of the MtHMfim Rhrtma uck • S '• B M iVWIVM M ataadily cloeer together. the Herman "o»n prince's pnmli arc driving their man mam laxly in an effort to hold Lh.-m off Ions enough to axtrl «»te the armies threatened at the bot tom, north of lha Marne. • The Amsncan and F ranch troop* ara navar far t>ehind lha retreating force* and the viriaua raar guard ac Hwi. ara not sufficiently raaiaLant to enaMe the Hermans to proceed in the orderly manner planned. At Dornans, north a4 the Mama and eatf at < hateau Thierry, the tienum counter attacked, taking the position, but were promptly driven out. They occupied Treloup, treat of t»ormani, and have held it. ' Minor advances have lieen made by the alliea in the woods In that part of •he iter tor, while further to the eaat, south of Rheima, here were additional r MlffMMI. The Americans have occupied Ceor poll on the road te FereKn-Tardenois and the French positions have heen advanced until Oulrhy-l-s-Chateau la dominted by the runs. Nearer Hoixsons the firrmsn failed to hob) all their poaltiona, nothwith h tending reinforcement) and their dcipernte need. It la estimated unofficially tonight that the enemy 1 oases are mora than 200,00<), of which M.OOO were inflict ed try the Americans. Thp prisoners alone number 20,000, uiul the loaaaa in dead and wounded are appalling The French used more armored rars than uaual, and cavalry or mounted patrol* were effectively employed in clearing the forests and maintaining contact. Toward Soissona there has been in creased artillery work and bitterer und steadier fighting. The French ane dm poind of in the canteens. The gun: werti roaring on all *ide« but Jual gunne, it was announced had beer raptured, and the Y. M. A. twli charge Tile commanding officer or' dered tK# Y, M C. A. men oui, ex plairttig not only that It was too hot but that the men would gather whjre wver they were and German ahelln had • habit of foinf where the Germar oMamn ipi .tad crowds. DUE MEN ME WMID IT TIT. A. ^ I ,'.ftmtrt»«n V. M. C. A. Wwkiri Taeeh R«nM« »*ldiere Uaatut T radaa f With the Doi.rnmnl at Waahlaglon y»lrH In lead economic am* t philanthropic aap»«rt to Ruaela, tte* N*UmuI Wrfr Work Coaaell of *ft» T. M. C. A. la actively recruiting lo relaftwee the PUd Triangle worhara already manning Nut. o»w (liar*. Agricultural aiperta. phralcal direc torn and regular Y M C A aacretarlee u well aa otbar me. familiar w*Uk welfare wort la communltlea ara being aaaght A farther conn I dare Hon of* definite foliar t*»ard Ruaala haa aiai virtually aa a "go-ahead" order la tba aaaoelatloa. Tba Y M. C. A.. thrnagh all uacartalntlaa of tba paat Mw bob tba. baa k«-T* 10* of IU aeeretarlea la Ruaala. Tbaaa nr.aa bar* haaa kept buay day and night Is an effort to build up tba morale of tba eltiaana and aoldlera of tba unfortunate «iaa try. Tba aaaretarlaa today ara la all parta of Ruaata. In tba dark daya of Ruaata tba American aecrelarlag afoad bp" all arar that country to ear** tba people la aeary way poaalbla. Thoaeanda of Invalid prlaoaara war* taken cara of aa tbay returned from Oarmany Moat all tba men wera broken In baaltb. They died, almoat without exeeptioa. with ruraea agamat Uarmany But greater even than their hatred waa Ltietr wonilur that their countrymen aouU hare maile "p»a«a" with -ur.h aa aaemy. "Tba Y M. C A. laadara la Ruaela," aald Dr. W W Alasaader. direc tor of the War Punimnul Board of tba Southaaatern Departmen I, National War Work Council, "have never doubted tba eaaentlal aoundneaa of tba Ruaalan people Deaplta all dlfflcultlea and Inevitable loaaea and dlacour agementa, the Y M C. A. haa remained In Ruaala. aeeklng to aarve and watching for a better day Tba day la now evidently com In* " FiTeen new *«&retarlea, with ability to contribute aome conatnu-tlva dement to the Ruaalan life of the future ara being aaarcbed for throughout tba Houtheaatern Department Soma agriculturlata ara wanted, Maa bualneaa men. but tba call cornea stronger for man akllled la rural Y. M. C A. and Community work. All ara to go with tba purpoaa of haipiaM Ruaaia belp baraelt ——————— / American Woman Furthest Front (By Delayed Cable from Chateau Thierry From With American Fortjoa tn France )—Mra Clara fllmmona, Grafron, Maaa . woman Y If C. A. wort* ar furtbeat front, placidly ruaa canteen while abella drop In adjoining field. Makea hot chocolate and dtatrt^utae cook lee to men golag Into ae tioa. Military policeman killed by abell near her hut. Kuabaad with T. M a A. Corcaa la Vladlvoatoft. Raaala. NEEDED IN Y. M. C. A. For OvtfMM Work With Red Triangle Fore** — 500 Recrulta A(kW Far Out Of Southeast During July "Faaa the word on, and paee II galokly. (hat M* ol the moat capable, aaraaac and big aouied Christian buai aaaa maa are aeeded Immediately out ad tba Southeastern Department tor overaeaa work with ibr Had Triangle Forcea." according to Ur W W Ales ander. dlractor of tba War Parsoanel Bureau. Army and Nary Y. M. C. A., for tba Southeastern Da part man t. Tba faota of MO for tba department for tba paat month waa aicaadad by 121 an Uetmec's | Tha call now comaa for executive®, of much bualnaaa experience and ap» ! alalia'! In all Uaaa. No man la Amer laa ta too bn atataa of tha loaUtutan Department recently sat with tha aa Uon'a landing Y M. C. A. woikes* at tba Capital City Club e< Atlanta, Oa Tha quota* tor tha Southeastern atataa. totaling approximately 99.000, 000. wara dacldad upon aa follow*: Florida. 9(77.1*4. Oeorgla. 9L»43. 7*4; Mlaalaalppi. #2*0.000; North Caro lina. 1**0.28*; South Carolina, 1044. s9t>. Teaneeaee, ll.0M.t20, Alsbams. 9(04.000 918.000.000 ta tha Y. W. C. A. Of tha total amount tlS.00o.000 will h» turned over to tha Young Women's rhrtatlan Association la ordar that th*y may carry on tha many war ar tirl'ie* that they harp undertaken Krery town and commaalty of the Southeaat waa represented by lt« leading citizens at tha conference Chief among the International figure* were Dr. John R. Mott, General Seer* tary of the National War Work Coun ell, Geo W Perkln*. fonnar leader of tha Bull Moose pcHy. a 4Mnbr of the executive board of the United State* Rte^l Corporation and now chairman of tha Army and Navy Y M C. A. bureau of finance Others In tha party war* A. H. Whit ford and t'haa. S Ward, directors of tba aa tlonal campaign, and A M Cotton of the Boy*' Earn and Olv* Campaign The T5 Men ArTfo Be Found Where Battle Is Hot "If you want to know what tha Y M C A. means to tha soldier*. (th day of Auyuat l»m at ona o rlorh P. M., Ifi.MKinn in tiaadi, in dannm inatlona of tMm.on aarh, baartna data tha lat ilay of Juna ItflM, dua anil pay abla in 20 yaara from ilata with in taraat rnupona at tar bar! at nix par payabla aamfc annually. Raid a war* i«aoad k«jr tha County. Board of Commiamanara of Hurry County for tha ■ .rpaac of buildirm repairing and anuipMr a rahool build ing in Dohaon GraaHarl School Diatritt, aa axpraaaari by tha will of tha poapta in aaid Dlatnct radar an alaction hatd for that purpoaok Thi» tn« lat of July, HUB. E. H. WRKNN, fhm. Co. Board K^ralios. J. H. AU.F.S. (Tlark to Board. NOTICE. Stat* ef North Carattaa, Depart ment iM Slate. To att to whom those presents My mint—greeting*: WWrea*. it appear* to ray natii 1 faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary diaeolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, da r>oeit«« nerved), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preli minary to the i.vnuing of this Certifi cate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, i Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the raid corporation did, on the 2rtth •ia* of June 11*18, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the disaolution of raid cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which raid conaent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on Hie in my aaid office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand rnd affixed my official teal at Raleigh, this 26th day of June A. D. 1918. J. Bryan Grimes, Sec. of State. T earns 6 Laborers Wanted! Steady work and high with wctbly p*y. Apply io, N. C Granite Corporation, Mount Airy, N. C. J YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE ' FOLLOWING REASONS: The buainess of this Company is to act aa Executor of Willa, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and truatee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found it Its place of business ever ready to give proper attention to the affairs of your estate. The Trust Company will see that your will Is drawn cor rectly and, when named as Executor, makea no charge for properly drawing up the will or keeping it under seal in its vault. DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman, W. F. Carter, EL H. Wrenn, P. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcefct, W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, Preaident. E. H. WRENN, Vice-President. GEO. D. FAWCETT. Sec. A Treaa. Ajfc wmm !»■!» ilmw tlx New PhMm K» Um Aladdin Swority OB —Atwwy mUmbim, kmm [audmnI *»»/ Why Tolerate a Hot Kitchen? Uk • New Perfection Oil Cook Stove. It will do your cook ing perfectly, give you a tool kitchen—and free you from die dirt, work and discomfort, from coal. wood, ashes and smut. The long blue chimney gets every atom of heat out of the kerosene and concentrates it directly on the cooking utensil or oven. The New Perfection lights like fas and can be inatantly and iee» rately 11 ylalnl for any cooking need. It bakes, broils, roaata bods or toaata to perfection—with no smoka, smell or dirt. And it keeps the kiteKaa coal. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner dm with or without cabinet top and om STANDARD OIL COMPANY