where Mm attended a houae party Mr. Mr*. D. E. Nalaaa of Ararat were viaitora here I ha Nnt tka wit Maaara. Krank Boylaa and John A. Y«u»« at Greenaboro are a pending • faw da ye Urthla city on huaineea. Mr*. J. 1 ItUnaon of Greenaboro la tka gueet at Mr*. U. L Robinaon on Franklin atreet. Mr. (Thaa. D. Foard at Wilmington, N. C., la ruiUni Ma uiater Mra. 1. R. Paddiaon on Pine atreet. Mr. H. «. Hitchcock, at Rock Hill, 8. C, ha* accepted a pneitlon aa hook kaapar for tha 0. C. I^rill Ca. Mlaa Roth, Annia and Carrie Red man at Pilot Mountain were vialtora In thla city Friday. ^Mr. I.ucttn Wrmn la apendlg • faw ilaya hara on furlough. Ha haa haan ia training at Pari* (aland for aawa montha. Mlaa (iladya Martin laft Saturday morning for I<e>ington, N. C. where Mia an pacta la teach muaic and tha Hth grade In tha achonl at UliwoM. Mra. C. H. Haynaa, Mlaa Ethel Hay naa, and Chart aa and William Haynaa laft aavar*i day* ago ta viait tka camp at Spartanburg. Mlaa Ann McCarfo of Leakavllto la > tha gueet of har brothar Mr. T. B. Mc Cargo at hla farm ana mila from thla city Corp. R. P. Paddlaon, Motor Truck Co. 410, Newport Nawa, Va., ia >pend ing hla furlough with hia pa rant* ia thla city. Mr. and Mra. Oacar Yoklay and km Hale and Maadamaa J. A. Yoklay and Mteee Hale laft the ft rat of tka weak by auto to viait Mra. Hala'a daughter Mra. Harry Nana inHingnport, Tenn. Mra. Charlaa H. Hlnaon of Lincoln ton and Mlaa Annie Rudiaill of Kinga Mountain arrived Tueaday to apend • week with Prof, and Mra. Eppa on Cherry a tract. Atty. A. E. Woltz and children of (lutanli, Mr. and Mm. G. C. Sprinkle of WinnUni-Salem and Mian jUella YoHrr of Hickory vixited tha family of Dr. J. L. Wolta tha ft rat of the week. 4kr. Inaiah Staimonn and Mimi Nor* Venable were united in Marriage Sun day A ujfUHt 2S, at the home of the hride, the late Mra. Htore Venahle. E*q. A. D. Barker perforuung the cer emony: Their many friend* extend congratulation* and rood winhea. New* haa been received here of the death of Mr. T. E. Johniton, a travel ing Halraman for John E. Hur»t Co., of Baltimore. Mr. Johnron had been coming to thia city for a number of year* and tha merchant* here will feel keenly *ormw in learning of hia daath. /Ur. M. S. McMilltan of Tana. Va> recently found an old Spani*h coin in hia orchard. The coin ia about tha *ize of a silver dollar and bean the date of 1788, along with the picture of the king of Spain at that time. The coin appear* to he pure silver. Mr. J. G. Burru* and hia non. Dr. M. V. Burru*, of Rockforii, were bu« inexa viaitor* in the city Tueaday. Dr. Burrua ha* recently moved back to Surry from Kanaaa where he ha» practiced hia profeaaion for several year* and will now lorate at Rock ford. At the evening service in the Pres byterian church next Sunday a num ber of letters recently received from our soldier anil tailor boys will lie reail. Quite a few of thege men have recently lanileil in France anil any word from them will be of comiitier able interest. Corp. Dave Johnson stationed at this city for the present in here to en list men between the ares n' K! and M for tbt tu-my TTe want" r .cn for the QuarterTister* depa-tment nnd car. use either skilled or unskilled la bor of all ki-'.dn Men in this depart ment can se:ure way* in keeping with what they can do. Those inter ested can tad ( orporal 7ohn-.or. hers most any time ;r inqn'ry can be left at the post office. \ 4ail did grest damage in many parts of the country during 'he past few 4ayi. In the White Plains sec tion last Monday afternoon fifteen farms were badly damaged by hail, in many instances the tobacco was a to tal lose, and thee* are among the best tobacco farms in the county. Or last Saturday a road mule the pr .fer ty of Mr. Martin Eada of White Plaint was killed by lightning. ^ <(*ttester the* 12 year old son of Mr A. T Stesrart was ran over and hadlj injured by an automobile last Thurs. day In this city. Lawrence Banner ol Greensboro, was driving the machine The little fellow lost several teeth an< had his jaw bone badly crashed aloni with several cats and bruises. He ii tn Martin Hospital and should rarer er, test hie Injuries are sach ss t< keep him confined for quite a while. I(t rallaway, 0< ft Cm. weii, VMM Ml hie Mr. and Mrs. W. P. rilMwM bndw and hifcf. Mr. and Mr*. Earl PnM> laave «*• wwk i* nulu thetr future boaae to Ummtiri. Mix hM Coeharham W Kappa MUI w th» gueat W the MIhm All rri mi Cherry atreet laat Krwiay. Miaa Adelaide ImU armed Sat urday to take charge of Um millinery department of J. U Hirrluo't atore. Mlaaaa Nail Koiger »nd l^vinta Powell have rat umad from a viait to frienda la Parmington. A daughter waa bam to Mr. |M| Mrm. la. 8. Lodwirk, on Eaat Elm «t, an Monday of laat waak. Mrm. I. T. TMrlington of Smithfleld will arriva the flrat of tha weak to vialt Mra. W. E. Merritt. Miaa JoeepMne Moore nf Greena boro ia the guert of Miaa Elate Mpar grr on Franklin ■treat. Miaa Minnie Sommera haa returned to thia city a/tor upending two raontha S»t Thomaavilla te».-hln« in the or phanage. A aon waa ham to Mr. and Mra. C. K. Weetmorrland an Eaat Kim atraat Monday of laat waak. Mr. J. D. Mar rent and daughter Mra. J. 0. Martin and Miaa Myrtle Banner left thia morning to «pend three week* at .Stone Mountain. Newa haa bean received here of the aafe arrival in Prance of Meaara. Robert and Jamea John ion, of thia city. Kyle Thoaapaon of the IT. 8. Navy waa the goeet of Mr. Jeeae Allred Friday an route to Norfolk after upending a furlough with relativea at Kappa Mill. Rev. T. C. Balea haa been appointed to look after tha work of ralaing a fund for the led Croee by aolieiting ■mall donation! of tobacco from the farmera who noil on thia market. Mr John Hegler and family and Mr. Swain of Kerahaw, H. C. arrived Tuaa day to viait Mra. Slaughter near thia city, they made the trip through the country. Meadamea. Terry of Reidaville and Norileet of Mfaahington, D. C. and Miaa Laura Powell of Reidaville have returned to their homea after viaiting Mra. J. G. Powell In thia city. ''Miaa Lavinia Powell ia entertaining the following houae gueata at tha ree i idence of her parent* Mr. and Mra. J. G. Powell on Rockford atraat: Miaaaa Elisabeth Atkinaon of Wine ton-Snlom, Helen Bohncon of Parm j ington, and Ollie Terry of Raid villa and a book Bowdcn of Farmingtun. Mr. and Mra. M. F. Sattorfieid and children leave today for Chaae City, and Danville, Va. Mra.Sattorfleld and ' children arill viait relativea while Mr. j SaUerileld make* a tour of Kaatern Virginia with n view of locating in that aeetion. / * School opona on Monday. AH things are now ready for the schools of thia city U> open next Mon day. The teachers are here and the buildings are ready for tha children. Prof. Epps, the superintendent, haa Iveen hare some weeks and han the work wall In hand. The new High m-KooI principal. Prof. E. T. Hinea, ' rime thin week. Ha will have charge j of the work at the High school build i ing. Prof. Hines is a single man and : an A. M. graduate of the University ! of North Carolina. Elsewhere in this j issue of The News will he found a list of hooks that the children will need. /' ^ Dr. Divert Mores to Jtuart. Two years ago Dr. G. T. Divers, hri;ther-in law of Dr. Moir S. Martin, iame to this city and bought an inter est in Martin Hospital. Since that lime he has been actively asnociated with Dr. Martin in the hospital and proved to be a most satisfactory assis tant in the business. He was popular in our city with the public both as a professional man and as a patriotic citizen. Recently his father in law, i Dr. Martin, died and left a large es tate in Stuart. Va. In winding up the estate much of it by purchase fell to Dr. Divers' family, and this caused him to decide to move to Stuart and | locate for the practice of hia profes | sion. He sold his interest here to Dr. Moir C. Martin and left last week with his family for their future home. During hia stay here Dr. Divers made many friends among the people of thia city and section who will .follow lilra with their best wishes. ^Church Building Burned^ The Ararat Baptist church two rail ' ea north of thia city, the same being the church of the colored people of 1 that neighborhonr was burned Satur day night about 11 o'clock. A Bap tist Association was in aesaion at the tm« and tha congregation had been away only about ar hoar at the time the building was seen to be on Are. It 1 waa a good frame building and tha | opinion of tome ia thai. It waa burned • by an incendiary, though they hava too clue t« the guilty parties. TW raltaf rf tW Wi( Im4 4 l» <■ urtu to la iMi 1mm W rnflrtm ;w "W»ly M par Mrt of tho it u*ad last yaar. Ta rat off It aubaanbara oat qf wtrjr hu» drad will cmm May whirHin ta a papar that ta paid la idvanr* sad will naturally a tap thoaa that ara la arraara. Now aa »a undarataad It thara muat ba a aaviag la rrory nowa papar oAm of 16 par cant at blaak pa par orar what was uaad laat yaar. Thu la aa Iroa clad rulo aad muat ha ubayad. And aa on tha lbth of Hop tarn bar Ilia Nawa will go lata aba at twa hundrad laaa hamaa than it la to day going to. Wa ara not going to annoy oar aubarrtbara about thu rut in* and will laava it la aarh individual aa to whothor ho raraa ta pay ta ad vanro or tako rhaneoo on having hia papar atoppad. Wa ara not aaying that wa will atop ovary papar that la not paid In advanro, hut wo will ho rartain to nhoy tho rulo and uaa only Ml Bpr rent nf tho papor wa uaod laat yaar. Wa will rortaialy not carry ayb arrthara <>n our llat whon t hay i»W hind and rWuaa to laka now aab arnbora who ara arilltng to pay ia ad vanro. Statement by Fual Committe*. tt Km bant nIM to the attention of the Unl Pool CtaaitlM tk*t ear tun cittsena arc cntieiaing tha local coal daaiara far the pneaa they ere chtrfini for real. Shortly after April tat at thia jraar whan tha naw prim want into a/Tart tha local daaiara agreed with tha Chairman of tha lo cal Pual Committee to hand la coal on a (ran margin not in axcaaa of |8 par ton. Tha coat of lump coal to our daaiara haa bean approximately $*.00 par ton, thia indudee tha coat at minaa and freight and war tax added. Thaaa pritaa vary noma owing to tha loca tion of tha minaa, but all minaa are under Govamawnt aupervicion and cannot charge more than tha price net by the Government for the particular I mine. It ia poaaible that iome coal that our dealern have Handled coat them a little more than tha price men tioned above and noma pooxihly a lit tle IeKi, but an average coat ho far aa we have been able to aacertain at th'.a time haa been about 11.00 per ton. Thia would entitle the daaiara to sell the coal at JH.00 per ton which would be a grona margin of 12.00 per ton. Out of thia 92.00 the dealer haa to pay for unloading the coal, hauling and delivering Kama, atand the loaa in i weight and ovar-head expenaaa, which we conaidered at the time the agree ment waa entered into would leave tha dealer* approximately ninety centa to I one dollar per ton profit over and above tha actual coat of unloading and delivering and for loaa in weight, but doex not include over head expenaea. A limit August I HI ma dealer* com plained that the grow margin of 12.00 per ton on the quantity they were getting wan net sufficient prolU and stated that their expenre handling hand increased nine* April lit and therefore nuked to be allowed to charge $2.25 per ton gross margin. The (Vxnmitto* thought there should he Home difference in the price of lump coal and stark coal and aifreod to allow the dealer* a price of 18.25 per ton for lump coal which in forked | and 17.75 per ton for slack. We com-] pared these price* with the price* that i are being allowed dealer* on otherj market* and we-consider them fair to' hoth dealer and consumer. If between j April 1st and Augimt l*t, consumer*! 'in the town of Mount Airy Hnve been( charged in excess of SXtKI per ton] for coal it would appear that theyi have paid 50c per ton too much ami if they will report thi* to the Fuel Com mittee investigation will be made and if it i* found that the dealer ha* charged in excess of $2.00 per ton gross margin the Committee will re quest the dealer who made the charge to refund to the consumer any over charge which has been made. Since August l»t if you have been charged in excess of $8.25 per ton for lump coal and $7.75 per ton for slack coal you have been required to pay more than the dealer* have been allowed to charge anil thi* should be reported to the Committee. We feel that the man that ha* to take slack coal should not be required to pay a* much a* the man who get* lump coal and we believe that the pub lic will agree with us that the dif ference in price which we have re quested the dealer* to make i* fair. We also believe that the price* named above are not exceaaive but fatr to both dealer and con*umer. The Chairman of the Fuel Committee will be glad to grant any one in Mount Airy a permit to buy coal direct from the mine* if he ran secure same and show that the coal will he distributed ! so that no one will receive more than ' his norma) requirement* up until April 1st, 1919. G. C. LOVILL. GEO. D. EAWCETT. J. I>. SARGENT, Local Fuel Committee % Planters Warehouse For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco Mount Airy, N. C. To the Farmer* of this part of the state: Another seaaon has come and we are again ready to serve you in the sale of your leaf tobacco. For almost a quarter of a century we have aerved you and we hope it haa always been to your advantage. Certain it ia that you have given ua a liberal patronage which we aaaure you we- appreciate. Four yeara ago we increaacd the capital of our buttineae by selling an interest to C. W. Fulton and greatly enlarged the buildings and made many improv merit*. He remained a member of the the Arm until last spring we bought his interest and now the*entire business ia owned by the three original partners, W. T. Haynes and his son W. S. Haynes and E. L. Brown. We never began the sale of tobacco in any year under more favorable cir cumstances than we are now facing. We have the building and the capital and the experience. We challenge any warehouse in the state to take better care of the in tereata of the farmer than we do. We claim that we can get the top of the market every time and all the time, and the hundreds of satisfied customers in all sections of this part of the state will say that we do all that we claim. Every citizen who Uvea in the trade territory of Mount Airy will do well to sell on this market. His intereata will be taken care of here and we will leave nothing left undone to make it to your interest to sell with ua. Again asauring you of our appreciation of past patronage we are anxious to e « serve you again. Your Friends, Haynes, Brown & Haynes. Clothing ^=FOR Men & Boys We are receiving new cloth ing for men and boys every day and we have the stock and the values, we have several hun dred suits of men and boys clothing carried over from last fall at the old price. We han dle nothing but up-to-date clo thing and furnishing goods. Our clothing receiving now or ders were placed for these a year ago therefore we are way under the market. For price and quality see us quick for clothing will be twice as high by Christmas. We have ev«ry thing in wearing line men and boys. Come See Us Lundy's Clothing Store

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