orrm r actoby told TO RUN DAY AND NIGHT "™h Pm«i rhut M»»»•■>*■« Aatfcar ! W to Draft Utor Fraa DtW la Ma if >.r...«ry ' '■'jfc Point, Oct. tH1» Managa >n»nt of a local coffin ami caakat man • ' iirinjf plant »aa today authori* * . jy the offlewlx at Waahin*toa to n't labor from other plant* of the .f it wan nacaaatry to run day t«<4 night ko thul iha praaont output i uw roiH'ern rainht ha ilouhlail. Tha i ten art* wan alio an ordar for avary t*n that ran !>a tun red out, tha an — r rodurt to I* ahippad to Waah i an fa»t aa available. Whathar • aiR ha n*ee»aary to raaort to tha 'ttcy of drafting wui Lara from her wood working plant.a of tka city ' *.l not t>ran amartained thia after i hy tha management of tha plant !HA (uj.w ua inoqa Jtuuc| ;m|j pauajkii »iim 11 tni| uoi)aanh 'II nmmencing immediately two ahifta ker* would lia employed ao that • i ml for coffin* ncrclerated, doubt - hy 'ho naliun wide epidemic of h ni1u«n»a, mijfht In) met. ' am«- coffin manufacturer di al . il some rather interesting aa well aa xta riling information while •lixcuaaing trade condition*. " !'imaaville, a town located a few •l» summer. Spanlab authurttlca repudiate any claim lo Inllueiiu aa a "Spanlab" die eaaa. If tba pwipla of thla nmiitry ilo not rake car» the epidemic will b» coma ao wlilfipn-ail throughout tba Cmtvd Statea iliat eowi «a aball hear tba illaaaaa called "American" Influ enza. In reapnnm to a request for U. 9. Pulilie Health Service baa authorized tba following official later view : What la Spanlah Influancaf la It aomathing now? Dota It com* from Spain 7 "Tba dlaeaae now occurring In tble country and called 'Spanish Inlluen ta' ree*n»6le* a vary runtagloua kind of 'cold,' accompanied by fever, palna Coughs and Sneezes Spread Diseases la (be bod. fjM, eara, bark or otber iwrta of the txxlj and a feeling of aa vera tlckneaa. lu moat of tba caaaa the symptom* disappear after three of four daym, tha patlMU iIm rapldlj >■«»> In*. Some of tha patlenta, howevar. develop yneumoola. or Inflammation <* tfta ~aa£om —I—ill* mm* mmmr at tfcaaa wnltnilrt rmmmm Mm WlMkar thla ao-t-allad Spaaiata' luflueoia la ' IMfleal with ihi- aptdaiiiira ,>r lufluoo | • at aartlar ymrm la- mm yat know a. "^pMaiali-a dlaaaaa. H • >■ •■nil at tention to tha fact that tha fSrroinn* mention tba dlaeaae »a orUwiliig along tha eaatem front In tha aunimar auil fall af 11117." How can "Spanish influence" be rec agnized? Tlwri la na mi rertnin wa.v In ! which » alngle cnee « nth , J »r heinl, recognition la eaay where there la a group of i-aaea. tn coniraat ; to the outhrraka of ordinary congha and colda, which uaually occur In 'he | cold inontha, epldeneca of lnfliien/.ii, may occur at any aenaon of lha year Tliua the preaent epidemic ra„"d moai , luieuaely Id Europe iu May, Julia nud I July. Moreover, In the caae of ordl I nary colda, lha general aymptnina: (fever. pain, depreaalon) are by no mi-nna aa aevere or aa Hidden In their , j onaet aa they ure In iulluciiza. Final I ly, ordinary colda do not epreail I through the Himmunltf "a rapidly or; ao ezicualveij aa doea uillueuxa. I "Iu moat caaea a peraon taken alrk | with Influenza feel* alck rather and 1 denly He feela weak. Iiaa pallia In the eyea, ear*. bead or hark, and may lie «iri> all over Many patlenta feel j ll/zy, a»me vomit. Moat of the pa tlrnta complain of feeling chilly, and with thla cornea a fever In whlctl the temimratur* rieea to 1M to H'i In moat caaea the pulaa remalna relative ly alow. "In appearance one la atrurh hy the , fact that the patient look* Kick. HIa 1 eyea and the Inner aide of hi* eyellile I may he all^hfly "hloodahot,' or 'con- j gealed,' aa the dortora aay There i may he running from the A>ae. or there may be aoine cough. Thaae aigna of a cold may nu» be markel«wd m*» aid 'he pbyalrlan In r«^*ignlzlnf 'Spas lab Influenza, for It haa be«a foumi They're in to Win Fair targets, every one of these men, for the German riflemen and machine gunners hidden behind the parapet But they are not thinking of the bullets whizzing past them; of the shells bursting over their heads. They are intent on one thing — to scale that bank, take the bridge head and win th* day. And these men are made of the same stuff as all true Americans who read these words. If wm arm thm *amm stuff, Imt as prove it. Lit uc ft into thm fight a* they Jo—to thm limit— for Victory I Thit Spmc* Contributed to Winning thm War hy \, W. BARBER, Supt. Water and Light Plant wbln rurp—riaa «fcowi llttio »r mIb rrmmm* «b«»« rhu wirmal ft to hi* ibM »ha laboratory IkvwHshmm imv hrtni iimmI* rfcrvititfti ib» ttotlotMM HMMtrrh f'«ttlQ<>H niiMrti|, l Ih» fpvrr >aot» from tltr«t» to four doya and 'bo jNttlant ro» WW n». Hut trhtlv tha proportion uf death* In &lie preaent epidemic hna generally low. In plaeoa lbo outbreak liHit Itwn aovorr and dentha hltf >»*«*>>» nufmroua Whan death nr. rum It la uaimlljr tho re*ul t of a roio pllmtJon." What cauaaa tha dtaaaao and how la It spread? "Ha<-torlolofclaia who havo mudN In (ItuniZH epidemic* in the |a»at havo found In man> of th»- <;#*••* a very Hn* ill rod >inp**d i?«*nn epllod, after Ita dlacovor*r, WielfTer* barlllua. In other rft«r»* of n j-parent I y the aame kind of d?*ooa« ttiero wow found poetwiomrel, the Krrnia uf lobar pneumonia. Hllll other* hava been eauaed hy atrepto cocd, and hy othrra gemm with Ionic umbos. •>o mutter what I'nrii. ulur kind or germ cnuaea ilia- epidemic, It I* now believed that Intluenxu I* always spread rnun person to t>erson. the germ* being carried wlrti the air along wttli the very «m* M '1 T'tplft■ of mucus, axp*>ll»4 by coughing or forceful talking. ami the like liy mw who ulreudy liua the germs "f lit** dis ease. They may also he carried about In the uir lo (he form of dual coming from dried raunw, from mughlug and sneexlng, or from careless people who *|dt on the floor and on the sidewalk. As In moat other caidiiug dlaeaaea, a person who hs* only a mild attack of tht- disease him*' If may give a very ■evere attack to others." What should b« dona by those who catch the disease? "It la very important that every per son who become* sick with Influenza should go home at once and go to t>ed overcrowded homes. While tt la not always possible, especially la times like the present, to avoid suck ov ercrow ding, people should consider Ihf health danger snd make svery effort to reduce the home overcrowd ing to ■ minimum The value of freah llr through opea windows cannat bo »*er emphasised. "When crowding la naavoldable, aa in street cars, care should be lakea to kefp the fn.v so turned as not to In aale directly the air breathed oat by mother person "It la especially Important to be sure of the person who roughs or neezes without covering his moatk ind none It also follows that on* ihould keep ont of crowtta and stuffy places as much ss possible. k**p lonx-s office* and wo 1% shop* wall ilred. spend some time out of doors ■sch day. walk te work If at all prac i'-ahie In short, make every poaalbl* •(Tort to breathe as aiarh par* air aa r>s*IWe "In nil health matters follow th* ad ilce of your diirtvr sad obey the rega allons of yuur hw-al and Mat* health "C*»*e up *«ch cough and *■**■*, If yaw don't yaatl a»r*ad dlseaaa." Selz Army Shoe for Women America's foremost shoe designers havefurniahed u* a real army typeahoe for women. They have been scientifically faahioned to combine the comfort tfivmg qualities of the regular army laat with the alyle ahapelincaa good dreaacn require. Women who seek comfortable shoes — aomething they can give all-day wear without experiencing the uaual foot diacoraiort—will readily appreciate this new Sate model. It has every ele ment of comfort thaft contained In Men'a Army Shoes, bat it is aa aoft aa • glove and very draaey in appearance. MATTHEWS MERCANTILE COMPANY ■> I la S»l» Real Estate for Sale! The F. H. Bald ridge home on North Main Street for ule at a Bargain. See us at once and get a bargain. We have several nice hopes for sale in Mount Airy. We can fit you in a farm. W<^ ha*e them for sale from 3 acres to 400 acres. Improve#^Uid unimproved. If you have a farm to sell, see u- at once. We sell at private sale and at Auction. L1NVILLE-BALL REALTY A. AUCTION CO. Mount Airy, North Carolina. YOU SHOULD NAME THE SURRY COUNTY LOAN & TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: The business of this Company is to act M Executor of Wills, to administer estates, to serve as guardian of minors and trustee of property under wills. A board of careful business men direct the affairs of the Company. The Trust Company never dies and is always found at its place of business ever ready to fir* proper attention to the affairs of your estate. . The Trust Company will see that youf will fa drawn cor rectly and, when named as ExWntdr, makes no charge for properly drawing up the wi|T4>r keeping it under seal in its vault DIRECTORS W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman. W. F. Carter, E. H. Wrenn, F. S. Eldridge, W. A. York, G. D. Fawcett. W. W. Hampton, W. G. Sydnor, J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. F. CARTER, President. E. H. WRENS. Vice-President. GEO. D. FAWCETT. Sec. ft W