J. P. GBAYDCM QUICKLY STOPPED KIDNEY Whan tha kidiMjra hurt and tfceback •ora, don't gat ■carad and pro Mi*! to load tfca »tn—eh with a lot of drags that aarita tha kidneys ai.-i ir mttaU tha satire urinary tract. Kaap «•>" kldne. a clean lika you kaap tha *■■»!> ' 'by flushing tham with g| Mild iinMilata tha kidntfi to .hair ■"*" *a» activity. TSe funrtian of tha ktrfuey* fa to filter tha bloed Tha • hard and trying. It hi aW1 tef-l* e«. ential they ha kept bi haal Ifcf'.l ~..t,.lition at all tinea. J. F. Grayden a1 HtmpaoaTlIk A. C. aarmi (a hava found a food natural war fw I.repine tha kidneys and en ffra •yxtea la good haalthful cwndi tit.*. In a xigned interview ha says ia part: "I waa run ifcwn in every way. I offered tarnbly from kid aey ami 'mural trouble and waa elxo aar- btlfus. I Inat ray appetite and coui 1 init sleep. I Raw in tha nawm-1 paper where thin new kerb medicine Oraro waa doing *o murh for people ia the anw rondition an I war artd I d idad "hat if it could help other* it aaulii Iielp me. So I bnuirht a bottle. IT.i* fii t Ixitlla of Draco ha« helped ■i1 oi'.re than anything I ever took. Although I am mei.t i» purely a combination of ■atural ingredients. It contains no Mineral acids or dangerous metallic ■alt*. It in easy to (jet, pleasant to feai ■■ and its effect* are quick afe and Wre. Dreco ia now dispensed by be*t druggists everywhere and i* parti calcrly recommended in Mount Airy fey Hawk.s-Rothrock Drug Co. Publ ic ha* Completed First Period of "Daylight Saving Washington, Oct. 'Jfi.—The Ameri ear public tonight completed it* fir»t period of "daylight saving" satisfied with it* results. Althought officially clocks were not to be turned back an fccur until t o'clock Sunday morn im"; for the average citi7.cn the change of time wiw made tonight either by torni..g back the hand* of timepieces or stopping them before gong to bed. At th" naval observatory ail prep arations had been made tonight for thi- 'hange in time. The clocks at thr .1 • ervatory, by which he ration «- ui time, were not t" !>.• turned fci.'k T morrow at noon the ■ b-erva t- y m* . 'y will -ent out 7Mh instead of liOth meridian time. By crder of Director General Mr. A loo. ail railroad train* en route at 2 o'clock Sunday morning will pro rev 1 to the nearest station for a wait of one h >ur and then rc-ume iheir •rhedule. EXCITING SCENES OCCIH IN GERMAN RE1CHSTAC ■wiw orrurrrd la til* C«i ■■■ rwich •1M dvtag tlto >»i aaittnga at the house om Prllay and flstnrday. In Lhc course of the dlmmion, the Poluh .teputy. KorfanU. hoUy attack ad Um I'oiiih policy at Um (rani me t. Ha Maml that U ClMKritM aio> a the rfw materials dapartmcii' told 8,000.000 narkn worth of earjMU and other rnoala taken trwm Poland S«vm > w dred . thcwaaml poor P>li-ii people wrrt tarried off to (»«i many ■ken they VI tha Ufa of slave*, while Bri»r:"li*r CeiMfwl PWaudski (nf the Polish tartan.) whom tha Pi tiah nation rapnM highly, waa still held in Um fnrtrwM at MagtWiw;, despite ail appeala. Tha depvty rnn • liaiaJ: "We ara not blaming tha f»ai iimii people for tbese p*r**cutio«e, but finrma:* milita.r -m. We attend the Kami of raco <«•>' att m to the Cm man people for tha • mow > vrral." Tha independent fnriali t. T9r. Coh.t,' who declared that fhe war waa I< af after tha rtr.-t Kattle of the Mama.! '■id that fSene-aF f ode-ulorf at tha end of Sepwmler pmp'pn) th® for mer ion of a government empowvi to nerotiate an armistice with Prwai-| dent Wil.'on. at It waa impw nble tot guarantee tha maintenaiw* of the w ir inurh lon|f*r. "Tha question cannot lonrw he availed," ,na id I>r. Cohn, '*wmr with tha Ilolicnzollern or peace without the Hohcnzollera*. World revolution will follow or world imperialism and world militanm, and wo will over roflw them. Wr extend oor hard to >>i;r friends beyond thj frontier in thin strug*!*." The -peerh waa received with such commotion, rnea of "shame!" am] ap plause, that the President threatened to h-.ve the chamber cleared. Th» i oure debated the bill amend ing the constitution, wit ch was pass ed Saturday. Several speake-s dis played anxiety to show that ths re form* w> re not dictate"! by the eiemy but M been advocated since the "pring of 1917. The conservative, Herr von Graefe complained that the prpposed reforms would destroy all the crown influence and declared that the proposed re form: would refuse to co-operate in ' such a break wit'i the past. State Secretary Grneher and War Minister Major General Seheuch, both , ieelared that there was nothing in the reforms which could endanger the firm structure ef the nrmy or the per ona! relationship between the Prus ian king and the officers. Bronchial Trouble. Mrr. A. E. Sidenbcrder, Rockfidd, Ind.. states; "For an attacks of bro nchial trouble which usually aasails me in the Spring I find Chamberlain's CoiiL-h Remedy the orly thine that gives mo relief. After using it for a few days all signs of brachial trou ble disappears." W. f. Merritt Co. Let Us Hand You This Bag of Money —It Represents the Big Saving in Fuel You Can Make With Cole's Hot (last in Your Home ^ Ji 1 OUR GUARANTEE 1. We f uarantee a saving of one third In fuel orrt any lower draft stove of the umc sijc, with sultcoal, hkr itc or •lack. — Wn u , trant<»«j Cole's Hot Blast to use less hard c t! for h«-atmg a given tjace than any base burner m i le with same sire fire pot 3. We guarantee that the room* can be heated fr u oitni((lr. I.ittls i: olated mi idsHCs whirh occur daily among tka men mmr-«a> pi an J! of intense interest to the assemblage. srousing grief, joy, and most of afl. enthusiasm. W« dasmked most »h idly the various ^atilrni he ran fronted bodb in the trenches »mf in the rampa hark of the lines, sh >wtng the great guod mo«pti»hnl by the' war relief organizations. Asked arhnt tke American sofcflers wanted and limited more than any, other tfiirtg, Mr. Thomas replied. Tiiiiiimiiimsk^ * The Krervk lan gungn make* a great appeal to the young- men, be added but they had re | ther learn thin from the FVenrh girl* than in tke Y. M. C. A. school*. Ci garettes and randy, he eoc tinned, are ratisherf hy the boys, and little art* of kindness break through their re serve; but the main thing for which they hunger is coatpanionnhip, and reminders of those they left behind. Urging that the people at home should as a sacred duty write the boys aa often as powihle Mr. Thomas made a touching appeal. One young fellow.; he said, went to the p"t>toffiee dai'v for three months in search nf mail.! Hii inquiry got the response, "I'm1 sorry; there's none for you." At thf | end of three months, with money long since exhausted, and in sheer despair over the apparent loss of his old friends, the boy drew his automatic and ended bis own life. Thr loneli ness of the soldiiri nt Mme is ap 1 palling, he continued, and n.any over here will he he! I to account for their negligence in writing. As a whole, he said, -he American soldiers in France B'e leading clean lives, and the constant companionship with death has transformed many of I them. In working with men of this caliber, narrowness must be avoided .and freqcuntly the religions worker has to close his eyes to little wrongs the boys commit. But through pre senting religion to them in the same manner that ev'I confronts them, he added, the heart and soul of the man j is touched and gradually the wrongs I cea- c. »- r . l 1: in fart, only an c<|uu! portion of it is 'croto'l to worship. ( lean tmuw ment is afforded constantly and every 'hing possible is being done to pro ; vide for the comfort of the troops. In their typical manner, they accept J worship with the following words: "If you"!! b* with us in the ent"r tainmcnt, well lie with you at the ervices." This mutual co-operation, , he believes, is doing more than any ' otlier thin* to pave the way for re ! lijrion. The worker is constantly inspired : by the immediate results observed ! among the men and almost daily he is enabled to see wh< rc he has saved a squI. Drawing from his pocket a ! -mall souvenir, Mr. rhomas told of the life and death of the youth with ! whom it was connected. This boy, I he said, drew him aside the night be ' fore he was to go over the top, and I asked him how to get back to God. I The next day. the lad was killed. In i ridents of thi: rort, he said were nu merous, but the victory of religion over vice always carried an inspira tion. At the conclusion of Mr. Thomas' address, brief plans were discussed i for the organizing of leaders and I workers in the approach ng campaign for funds. During the November drive, it is thought, Guilford county will do its bit toward financing the great work Mr. Thomas and thous ands of others are doing, As an en couragement to these efforts, Mr. Thomas stated that the man who gives his dollars or hi* pennies to ' the support of this necessary reli gious work, if unable to fight him ( self, has fulfilled his duty to the men who are actu-.lly faring death. Dr. J. E. Banner DENTIST Oin Between Creed's and Post Ofiee Mount Airy, N. C OFFICE HOUR8:. t to IS—1 to «. Swiay* for rokof of •offering • to »•—I to 4 - — TO MAKE CAS MASKS or CAMON III SHELLS umr a*tdiar». Murk — frol of tins I »*mI kn >mn eofUrtad ia tk* town •n.l rttl bat vary little aa y*t has btmn I'.onm m cooirtry diatrteta. At ] ll'ia Mrfunw mi tS* yaar dwra ar* I Mir h"-k*ry rtmtm ia ptruraltr, and rm»M»r»bl» * mounts of waiaota. | ■kirk arc admirable far Ikii purpnar. , Many of Ihr hickory nuta tun thick •halt* itxI ar* Itttla aard for food pur- 1 puaa*. rkaM nuta ara .parially |naf ( for nakinf ekmaal. and thajr ran kai MMd ai jrathared in tfc* wnoaia, and ( i tak that attention ha called to tha ' natter in tMa wny aionir with tha ft* i' nwtm iMtMRfnt on tha lubjert, urr tha collection of aa many mb rrom th«- wood* and Aefdi. Be poaaiM* i for rharrnal making. "The Boy Staaa- of Amm, tfi«* 'imp Fir* Oiria. tl«a Y. M. C. A., tha Fnnd 4 nuta ar* not being gathered, but are atill en the ground where they will likely remain indefinitely. All auta anil seeda are acceptable! so long as the hard sheila have not l>e(fun to decay. Nuta should be IT*-' there.! aa soon aa mature and thor oughly cured by being apreail out in ' the aun. They »hould be well stired once every 24 hours so that the cur ing may be uniform. Aa soon aa pos sible they hould be cracked and the kernels eit or used on the home ta-' ble aa a staple food or placcd in the market where they will readily bring' 25 or .10 cents a pound to the produ cer. (In soma sections, especially in ea-acrn Tennessee, the farmers real ize thousand* of dollars by cracking walnuU during the long winter even ings.) Whole nuts not rtt for crack ing and the shells of those cracked should be .pnmptly turned over to the local brunch of thy Red Crosn for shipment. It will not be necessary to remove the outer husk. i r, is material is r>eing assenu>ieor.iiat:on Plants of the Gas Defense Division of the Chcmical Warfare Service, U. S. A. where they are rapidly maile use of.1 One station is on the Pacific Coast. The other i.; at the plant of the As-' ti*>ia Light, Heat & Power Company, Astoria. L. I. Here 1500 persons, in cluding 000 officers and enlisted men , are employed throughout the 24 hours of each day in the converting of this material into enrben. Shells are bum ed and while red hot are partially drenched with water, dried in super heated steam, cooled, ground, sized by a screening process, reheated and after further treatment placed in 225 pound drums. The material Is now in the form of small grains of a black color about the size of fine shot. In a second plant nearby another in ere dient is mixed with the granules when' finally it is ready to be put in the cannisters. Seven pounds of nut shells, 200; peach pits or the equivalent are enough for one gas mask. During the carbonization process the raw ma- j terial loses about 90 per cent in weight. About a half-pound of the finished product is used in each can nister, the latest type of whi< h aie very efficient. Because of the fact that the mral sections are not yet responding pro portionately in contributing their part toward the assembling of such material, the Gas Defense Division i represented by 1st Lieutenant W. M. Jackson, who has charge of the cam paign has appealed for aid to the County Agents. As this is an ex ceedingly grave matter, it is urged that all County Agents take such •teps as they may deem practicable toward impressing the importance of the rituation upon the farmers and in assisting the local branch of the Red Cross in providing for collections. Special information in regard to the matter may be obtained at any time from the Gas Defense Division, Che-i mical Warfare Service, It. 8. A, 19 W. 44th St.. New York CKy." ™" | ^ A Beautiful Woman. X Du you know that a beautiful wom an always has a digestion? If your digestion in faulty, eat tightly of meats, and take an occasional done of Cnan t*-rlaln's Tablets, to strengthen your digestion. Price Me. N*. 1. Ow hwa H.ui It A*y. 7 U C. C. Harm* koua* >nrf lot Mo. t. Om Iinm j 4 'it on Rim ] krwt, • raw, known an A* J. L| No. a. Om lot •« which i» mm I oom boon and uoc two rom It tdjotninic C. C Kayraor* and W G.I fednor. No. 4. Ono Maui ami Willow b (iallaiMf nrcW cnotamtnc H r*i mora or las*. No fc. Ona lot naar Z T. Smith'* kliotmmr, Tjrt Taytor anrf atfcani. No. A. Ona trart at M an Wania > . Mil jum oat W ika toaa of; Mount Airy coaUnuinK auaut >0 arras j idjwnin* tW lands «r Dr. W. 8. Tay-' or, W. u. Aydnor, C. R. Kaaaa* and j rthian. No. 7. Om bona* aa>l lot on Main itieet, adjoininv thaiand i of W. J. lyerly and R. J. Oaflawiy, <«u ba-1 n( known a* tha fmmerly or- \ optad' ty J. D. Smart and now oc , upied by E. M. Liimfl* No. t. On* Ifcmafe and lot on Mill itrcat, two room*. aumlerf as follows: I Beginning o i a ntilte oak. C. M. Aron s comer and runs East with his line IS chains to pointers, his comer, thence South with Mac Jonas' line frlH chains to a rock in fleld; thence wist 12 chains amy 50 links to ■ Spanish oak at the udg* of Jeac« Cae »ar's field; thence North with his line ft chcina and 50 lir.lcs to pointers, his corner; thence West !T chains and SO links to pointers at the edge of the ^ field; theace 32 chains to the beginn ing, containing 47 6-10 acres more or less. This sale is made to satisfy a debt' of about $850.(10 with Interest and j cost to be added. This October 7th, 1918. W. F. CARTER, Com. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the power conferred a pen me by 3 deed of trust executed on the 8th day of December. 1918, by j Ed. Short and wife and recorded in Book 48, page 413 of the Record of Diet's of Trust of Surry County 1 will, sell to the hi«*hert bidder fur ra.->h in front of the Fir«t National Bank of Mount Airy on the 9th day of November. 1918. at one o'clock, p. m.. wie following de scribed real e-.tate, to-v.'it: Forty acres o.' land, more or less, known as the Lizzie Jackson share in j division of il. _• A. G. Sho-: esU-te. ad joining the Inncs o? A. C. Short, G. W. Hintt. For particular disc rip! ion see oeed tearing deete December 9th, 1909, Book 54, pr.ge 109 of the Record of Deeds of Surry County. sale is nade to catisfy a debt of $*40 with interest and cost to be added. This Oc'.obor "»h. 1918. W. F. CARTER. Com. NOTICE The Highway Commission of Franklin Township by virtu* of an election held by the voters of said township on the proposition to issue <20,500.00 Highway Improvement Bonds which election was carried in favor of the issuing of said Bonds and hv virtue of the laws of the State of North Carolina, Chapter 284 Public Laws of 1917, and order of the Com missioners of Surry County, m pur suance thereof, will sell on Saturday November 9th 1918, at the Court House in Dobson, North Carolina. J20.500.0ft Franklin Town ship Highway Improvement Bonds, to be issued in denominations of $500. each, bearing 6 per cent, payable semi-annually, the aid bondV to run for thirty years. Sealed bid* will be received until the said 9th day of No-1 vember 1918 at 12:00 o'clock M., con-' ditioned upon approval of the legality of said Bond.-, a certified check of $1000.00 will be required with each { bid. Right is reserved to reject any I and all bids in which care checks will! be returned. This October 9th, 1918. L T. ARMFTELD, Dim. Franklin Twn. Hfry. Com.] NOTICE T! e undersirr.od havit g qualified I Executer of the last will and testa ment of the estate of W. E. Whita kor, deceased, this ia to notify all per sons holding claims against (aid es tate to prevent them to the under iir'H'.t within twelve months from this drte or same will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to (aid estate wiU come for ward and settle same at once. This October 1. 1918. W H. WHITAKER. Executor of W. E. Whitaker, dee. | Administrator* Notice. Having qualified as administrator I nf the estate of H. tT Jenkins this is to notify all persona who hold claim* ' ■gainst said estate to present them | to the undersigned on or before the Ird day of October, 1919 or this no tice * "* Jay or Itctooor, or uiis no-1 wul he pleaded in bar of their] All penmu indebted to said estate | ■ill make prompt settlement. This the Ird day of October 111*. J a/ a /• piirstMw a< the koiil(r?lft( Ml« » 53^"-. •'• J, a w ^ W. » * Octobar 16t», nil. Morrcr or imilc or land. WWwu, on tha I Hth 4h <.f Orto fter I91H, the urimifM Coauaia ■ ionev offered far sale Mm lands here inafter daaerthari I* tha behest hHi lar, when and aheie V. f. Mhalton but Mt the uW tand« at the price of Twaacy-Nina Haw il ad Mltn; and where**, • 10 par rant tad n Aid »nd 9 ra-saia of thw tanda ordered: Strm therefor* by ifcli of said or tar of ra-aala. I will offer to tha high ■>l bidder aC pnMk aurtion on tha premises. on tha Mil day of XairaWf 1*18, d t o'rfork r. X, the following real iwtate. to-wit: A trart of hand containing ninety mite arrew, —» er taaa. lying and be in* in Mount Airy Township, Surry County. Mortli Carotir*. on the Warda f;.jp road. adjoining the lar.ds of W. K. Kintr and ether i. the -..mc hem* : he land unlerH mid in the proeeed iiijt ea'itlnl. Grove- C. Hrtrrk and otbe.-a vs. Mintie Shelton .ind others, in partition proceeding*. Terms of rale: One third cash, haf a ice in one ant! two year*. Bonri-. with approved seeuri'y for tfra deferred payment*. This Ortober l!>th, 191S. J. H. FOLOER, Com. TRISTEE*S SALK By virtue of the power conferred upon me by Deed af Tru-J er'' jted by J. 8. Bowman and wife an the 20 day of April, l'.ilT. and recorded in Book <52, page 13, I will iet! to tha highest bwider tor ruh, in front of the Pim National Bank in Mount Airy, on Friday, 29th day of November, 1918, the folTo^riag ilcsrribed real estate, towit: A tract of land in Surry county, ly inic East • f Mount Airy, being a part of the el the J. S. Bowman home place, deeds to name are on record, same beinir lots Nos. -3W, 207 ar.il 208, shown by deed of February first. 1915 Including all of the >ands in the said survey in this sale. October 2*. 1U18. W F. CARTER, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE. As administrator C. T. A. of the e» tate of H. T. Jenkins I will offer for sale on the premises for cash to the highest bidder an Saturday 2