Y. J AJVUAftY 29UL. I MO. ► and tMwrtiad ay to At bath tab ju»t I—kU tfco eofl door in ardor to fit it t^ie hftth tub, thv prioriy pi i ha a (man'■ rnpo broke, and ho fall to the floor on Ma ftm and died from atran filiation. A number at paoplo weto admitted hit* the Jail and viewed tko maaina aa they wora flrat aeon this mom inn, and it waa decided that no eoroner*a inqooat waa noodod aa it waa a eiaar caao at nuieide. Some time during the night Poaton made careful preparation for thai deed. Hi* Kuit on ma neatly packed and there waa another handle containing his personal effect* tied up carefully.1 A small testament waa found lying n^ar hi* bad and another waa found in his suit rase. Officers made aaauh for any note or laeeeare written by, deceased, explaining why the met was' accomplished, but none waa found. Hia, bed showed that he oaed It during the night. His remains will be bu-ied at Triplett church near hia home. Poaton was 51 yean of age and sur vived by his wife and four children. He was a well-to-do lumber dealer, merchant and farmer and up to the time he killed his neighbor last fall was a respected rititen. Since the tragedy the widow of Morrow brought suit against Poaton for Wiling her husband, in the sum of $10,000, and for the injury done to their son. suit was entered for 11,000. The crime for which W. L. Poaton waa to be tried next week waa the kill mg without provocation of hia aaigfc-j bar. Morrow, at Mrzeppe n«ar Moores ville, last October. Mr. Morrow and his son were passing the Poaton home and Poeton shot and Mortally wound ed Mr. Morrow and seriously wound-1 ed Mr. Morrow's little boy. Attorneys for dec eased state that Poaton sraa mentally unbalanced at the time he committed the homicide' and if he had lived to stand trial aj plea of insanity would hare been en tered Tot some time Poeton'* health had been on the decline. . ASHfcVILLfc MAN HtLL) ) UNDER "DRY" LAW Athcrilte. Jan. XI.—Otia gtyfaa en Joji At diatinetion of bain* tka first man ia tka Aaheville district to ba arrested by federal officers for viola tion of tka new national prohibition act, which want into effaet on mid night of January 16, Stylaa being ar rested law night by C. H. Smith. fad anU agent, and C. J. Ingle, captain of detec three of the city force. He ia charged with bringing to, ' Alio tile (area gallon* of whisky in, ▼iaiatioa at the law aad his big Oak land too ring car was also seised by the' officer*, who found mm at the w)|iaky, which Stylaa hi charged with 1*1^1 hare laat llaliiiilaj Stylaa mad* a bond of $600 far Hie appearance before Commissioner Von no L. Oudgar, far a preliminary, al though ha amid aot at thia Mm make bead far tfm of the oar Tm Lom Vetera Carry A can ba prariM upon by Ma nip-! portara In North the primary; and atUl tion. if Hiram Johnson ram, will ba' ran u an orthodox Republican or aa Senator Johnion't telarram to tha secretary of atata t«-day followa: rinut wire mgni lerwr, cnwn, what ia the final data for candidate! 1 to qualify In preaidantnl primary el ection tn your state. Pleaee outline In mm wire what requirements, such ka filing petition, ate., muat ba fulfill ed by candidates, in ordar to gat place on praaidental ballot," Holland'! Rafuaal Dmm'I End London, Jan. 24,—In iiplometic j quartan tha baliaf wan expressed this i morning that the Dutch reply refua ing to surrender tha former Carman emperor doaa not clone tha incident., It ia hald that the allien have aa strongly committed themselves in the peace treaty on thia matter that they cannot withdraw without further con versation ■ with Holland. In tha opinion of doaa observers Great Britain in particular took such an emphatic itand at the peace con ference that Down in* street will have to make soma further aon At tha Mime time pub °' opinion I in England regarding the trial of tha former war lord haa changed con-' siderably since tha conference. At that tune tha country appeared vary keen for bringing tha ex-kaiser to justice. ( In recent days, however, the faeling seems to have become more or leas apathetic. Maaoetic Gram! Lodge W bUi la RaWigh lUMfk, Jan. 20.—The grand U|« of North Carolina Mason* assemble.! in Raleigh tonight far the 133rd ann ual communication, teak immediate action on a suggestion in Grand Maat ar Henry A. Grady's report, and ap pointed a committee to investigate the feasibility of a Masonic mountain re treat and summer resort in western North Carolina. Six hundred or more Maseru from all parts of the state are in attend-. a nee apon the seesiort of the grand, lodge. The first night** sessions wet* largely given arm to the reading of | i ones to of the offWvn A net gain ef 1,768 members fori the state daring tte la»t eight months' eras rsportsd by the grand secretory while the grand treasurer reported a total receipt ef tSMM, • gain of approximately $15,000 ever the re ceipt* for last year. CWtfcW la Chmrfd WHk Prwi it—rimg * Chattanooga. Jan. M. Charged with makinz a profit ef IOJ* en an erereaat costing Mm flMO, Otto Qui proprietor of the Hone Credit federal grand Jury fey United State* •» the iifiihsl had MtofM to jw*tif> the *ale en Ike greeads that make epf«k*7dekto to tftliaway. ^TM* is the^fkret enee to^e^enrd a* ■orris waa arraatod laat Ml st a local Hub. whan ha antorad tkcn wWl easa waa cnllad bate* Judga J. L. Wabb In iipala. eavt, it waa bald that Morria. amWr tba old law. had t*a liquor for Ms private oas and ho was found aat guilty. Daairin* to m> eon) th« whisky aftin. ha aahad tha court for an ordar to tha poUco ta This was (irsa and ta make it doubly aaf* Morris app salad ta Jode R. M. Wall of police court ta alaa gtrs him an ordar. Armad with tbaaa ord ers ho spproachad tha pollca dash sergeant and da-nandad Ms liquor. It was r-r-» today from IS to 1SH cents per pound. To this is added freight to destination and the fair and rmvishie profit provided for in the for I control act. "If you feci that you are being charged an inordinate price for sugar you havs a perfect right to turn the matter "-r to your United States at torney n h«i will sea that the public is not mulct by being jhargnd a price that if unreasonable or unjust." NEWSPAPER AT SHELBY IN HANDS QT RECEIVER 1 h« Shelby News, a weakly news-| •per, thi» week asked for • tern porary receivership through Judge Allan, who ii presiding over • tons of court It Lincoln ton. The reeeiverahip being granted. Horace W. mm of |Im ity 2*. at which time it wfll be decided whether to publication No prweing •re to be mot, it la statod, hot J. T. | who haa been editor of W. H. lOller, haa the step was taken to clear op plant I A Hick Flint Hm Mm IWw Nm* AmI Jaw High Point, Jan. l»._ Hie face terribly disfigured, BfWe blown away, jaw-bone and teeth deatroyad whan a ahall exploded near him during the last fJerman drive ia Franca. Private John Hiatt, of Lexington, who waa with the .10th division, to-day wears a face "just as good aa the ana ha had before the war." Mr. and Mr*, matt Have he«n visit ing in High Point Mora Mr. Hiatt return* to th» Walter Rani hoapital, in Waahinirton, to undergo further treatment. The maturation of the man's jaw bone, teeth and face is conoidared one of the *urgieal marvels at the war. Bite of akin and gristle from hi* body ware oaad in building up a new noea. while a silver plate wan' made into a jaw bone, with a hinge.' which enable* him to chew Ma food with the name ease aa he did before the ahell exploded. , Mora Tractors for North Caro Weat Raleigh, Jan. M—-There are 2,400 tractor* in North Carolina, ac cording to estimate* made by the Agr icultural Engineering Department of the North Carolina State Callage. The firuree ware *ecured from eight or ffn of the leading companies. The rate of increase of porver farm ing in the State ia shown by the fact that previous to 1919 there was a total las* than 1.000 of tractors. Oaring the year just cloaad 1,000 machines wart •old. Manufacturer* eel naete aalaa of ap proximately 3,500 tractors in 1920. The most common siae of tractor* in use are thoae ranging from IS to 2a horsepower at the halt. The risa. how ever, depends upon the use to which the machine is to be oat. There is vary little call for a machine at less thaa 16 h or*o power, and the largest siaaa rid in any qoanlty are Tt to SO horse INCOME TAX DODGERS PAY OVER f1,600,000 From Ma early youth, Mr. ("hatha* chareh. Foe ••art of •i CIVin ami • ■■ ■—li ■■ n# »lu DasmI Qf in tlM fit* paepla of Elk in and the *ur rounding country mourn tha loaa of! ana of tha haat cititena whoee Ufa wa» an open book raad of all man. Tha funeral mi »ltn will be con ducted on Tkanday by Bar. G. C. Rrinkman, paator of tha church. Pilot Miifi. Tmrm Auctxm m* At 914J00 Pilot Mounta.n, Jan. 23.—P. W. Lawrence juat aaat of town, told Wa farm to the highest bidder Saturday. The land wan cut into sections and •old to several different partiaa. Tie farm contained about 172 acrea, ar.d brought from IN to $100 an acre, the entire amount being about! 14.600. Mr. Lawrence ha* purchased a fine farm near Hig+i Point and will move hie family there in the near future. Tha many friend* of Mr. Lawrence and family will regret to Jooae thi-m. The place recently aoid •« one of the old land marka of tha community. Wal Go To Rood* For Tobocco TWta Reidsrille, Jan. 23.—Superior court at Wentworth has bean in ssasion thia week and Jodie B. P. Loaf ha* Men to it that much business haa bean trans acted. Tha Caldwell*, at Madiaon. chaned with purloining leaf tobacco and disposing of it an the Re-dsville and Madison market*, ware given road nantancea. The old man. who wa* sentenced for throe year* far receiving stolen food*, appealed. The other* plead fiOtjr to the charge. "Slim" Cardwell was sen tenced far thraa and a half years, | while the others will nerve three years, j To PniMl bflwii'*. Ovtaf to Um fact that inflwnu i* a«a>n abroad in mu land, and while M has not yat gotten a boM in tmr town it U in a>my strike as at any w» < rWiiM that on and aftai »ry is. 1K0, no hags will ba city. Daring th« Amy Of To AHhmI Senator's Trial Grand Rapid*. Mich., Jan. 28.— Venirmen, defendants, witnesses and * small legal army baga" aiilslng here today for the trial which open* in federal mart Tuesday at United State* Senator Truman H. Newberry and 130 other* charged with corrup tion conspiracy and fraud in the 1918 senatorial election. Hearty 700 witnesses, it has hew estimated, will he called by both sides and the trial is expected to extend into March. In an effort to speed op the proceedings two Ten ires consisting at 360 nasi en were drawn and a question - s . »■ —S a - *- I I I e a ^ iiTf circulated uy uit ronrr ifmu «o eliminate all but IK, who were order ed to leptn t tomorrow. *•