NlUitti FOB SALE A Am Mm aad araia t*rm, iVfc mDm fi »■ loekfarT 1» «ew»; W irn ctamt, » trrjj tW*^*.**1 TeaS** tors, t rtLirv* ttStfrjLi Siw at aala: On tfcirjl «4' aiw !■ year, om third la lw INK, wrtfc hlwwl aa ilrfwrM aay aart* If aarttaa wiak It; will utvtde th. place art* twa fanaa. Thoee inter ■at»« arf arWaac la bar aiHa, J. A. M«taagt»aa. Valmann S-U-e- Mlfcufn■!■. N. C. rom BAH Om CWmlat pS'JStftt tfc FOE BALE—4 ■an baaada at Barry 110 takaa tha aaa Mr*, loot* 6 phone SMS. Mc ZGG8 fna thoroughbred priie win nar Bat Orpingtoaa far hatchinf at vary reaa enable ariaaa. L. 8. Ludwick lit Taylor St., ML Airy. 44Ap. MOUNT AIRY STEAM LAUNDRY FOR SALE—8aa R. V. Doyarla. STEEL SAFES—Wa rapraaant Harr inc Hall Marvin Safe Co. and have la atoek varioaa aixaa of atael lira proof aafaa and portable vaalta. Car ter-Mania Purnttara Co. 2-lt-e r un KENT—* ma MOM at am oar Town, naar lit. Airy, nod Itrn gard—. good pUc* far tfcooe working in town or at th« FUt Bock. Addraoa, R. W. Bay, Ararat, N. C. rARM FOE SALB—SM mm, ooo oI Dm boat grain. wttl* and tobacco farms in Randolph county, situatad on* mile ft ui railroad, ilx miles frees Aakoboro oa Back Crook. 50 mm good bottom land aad 60 acrca upland randy for eolthratioB. 75 acros of food tobacco land will bo opened on this place during the year Well wired and watered,! dwelling* aad a bar*. Hadrick A Walton, own era, Ashoboro, N. C. t-t-p FOR SALB—Good farm land, suitable for tobacco, wheal, corn and the usual crops. Can bo bought vary reasonably. Apply to W.FNichols, BaBstrille, Va. 2-lS-p FOB SALE—Valuable farm 8*4 acres rod, gray and sandy land, in Mont gomery county, N. C- five miles from Candor. Land suitable for cotton, to bacco and grain; throe year old Al berta peach orchard of several hun dred traee; two tenant houses; about | 90 acres in cultivation, balance in tiro bar. School and church near. Mineral | rights reserved. Price $86 per acn.. Terms, one-third cash, balance one I .and two years. The Makenworth Co., Greensboro, N. C. 2-20-c FOB SALE—78 acrea good grain and tobacco farm on Lowgap road 10 miles west of Mt. Airy. A big bar gain to quick buyer, on terms. Sea or write the owner. R L. Greenwood, Galax. Va. tf. FARMS FOR SALE—A well improv ed farm, well located on a national improved road. Write for full partic ulars and description with price and terms, to W. A. Randabaugn, Owner, Powhatan^ Va. 2-lS-p Dollars aad Cents. Counting it only in dollars and cents, how much did that last cold coet you, A man may not alvaya stop work when he has a cold, bet perhaps it would be better if he did. It takes about ten days to get completely rid of a cold under the usual treatment. That time cat, b« much shortened by taking Chamberlain's Couc'i Remedy and proper cure for yor.sel', in fact a bottle of this remedy in the house is a mighty good ii.vestment during the the winter and spring months. MATURE NEVER IN A HURRt WMiIng Laaaen From Win Old Motife er, Man Will Lorn to Curb Hla F o*l I ah ImpatlcnM We aometlmea *rt Impatient at the alownesa of world Improvement We aaa tha cruel tie* of • graat war, eruei ttoa beyond belief, and wa are atck at keart to think the world la not la a ■and overnight to abolish war. Wa flea Ignorance leadtag to poverty and arretrhedneo* and we woodar that ed •eatlon la not raada entTeraal at ma Wa aaa preventable aleknaaa prodafr tod dlaamllty aad suffering aad wt are hopeleaa at the alaw dlaeamlnatloa of modern medical knowledge aad P*e Ami than It ii bam la an oa that (latere oarer to la a harry. Oat to flalarada tha Warty amntalna tarn • laiahHng aaa af paaka toward ttto ar Lang'a and tooktoc <t of that rhaaa af rack aaa nataraHy thtoba mmm > ift.t - - "iffiinii •ormiptn n wiwrt ini »■ mm these mighty paaha. Bat thai thoaght to wraag Ooeto ■Ma haee learned that Ike maaatoto rangaa ware atoalj aad Uapei oeytlbty aarrad eat by the aftlaa af rato aad ilw< by Ma wife aad Mm* i«miU before be died that ha had m f«n rf d«rtli »i«toia. Ma bad] wma laid to reet ia Moantahi Tie* C—alary Monday aftarnaaa. Ha baleagad to the Junior Ordai the aiam ban of which condactcl tfu burial aai »teaa. Tha apallinir baa, given undar Um auapicea of the Chric Leeirue at th« High School building Friday night proved to ha an aacaaion of much an Jayamt to tha larga number of pupfli and paranta praaant. Tha "Old Bltu Back Spoiler" was uiwd throughout tha evening. About every ana miaaad at laaat one wo d and of coorae go< turned down. Tha Miaeion ntudy claaa of tlM Young People* Miaaionary aoeiety at tha M. E. Church mat with Miaa Can Hiatt Thuraday night, Jan. tttk Twelve member* and fear riettor* be ing praaant. The new book "Making America Safe" wma takaa ap far atodj Tha laaaaa waa vary tnteieettegty ex plained by tha efficient aupartotandaal Miaa Flora Hutchena. It waa decided at thia m«eting to aaat twice eact month. Miaa Myrtle Harrta ia to bav< the next mealing Fab. 4th. mi court at Dobaon this wmIl Uttle Miee La era C*h entertain ad ibaat » tow of bar frienda tbod her ago oa last Saturday arming, H being tha eccaa'Mi of bar sixth birth day. Cum were enjoyed for a tte« after which delightful refreehmenta war* aarrad. Tha High School hara and alao Um school* of the county have been k» pended for two waaka by order of tki county health officer* aa a precaution againat tha flu. There arc ao far only two very mild caaaa in town. Miaaee Clarice Nalaon and Maud Fulk who are teaching at Shoals apent the week-end with home folka here. Mr. Clark Callum and wife moved to Winiton-Salem laat weak. Mr*. S. A. Forkner of Ararat ia the guest of her daughter lira. S.W. Fulk. She wil aso visit her daughter, Mr* J. W. Beasley, near Richmond before returning home. Rev. J. W. Combe attended quarterly conference at Pinnacle last Friday. J. S. Patterson attended a good roads meeting at Dob son Monday. Miss Flora Hutchens, teacher of the eighth and ninth grades spent th< week-end with relatives at Yadkin ville. J. Rierson Smith of Winston-Salem was the gueat cf his parenta, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell have been on the sick list for a few days. Mrs. Robert Boy las and little son oi Winston-Salem attended t)ie bursal oi Mrs. Boy lea1 brother. Mr. Eddie Flip pin Mondxy. The Junior Order has bought of C. M. Bernard a two story brick building on Main street and will fit U|. :h« second stoiy to be used as a lodge room. The lower story will be u*e<] a* a store. Mysterious Radio Wares M«) Emanate From Venus messages art being received on th< earth from some other planet, as sue Rested by William Marconi, it is no' Mars sending the signals, but Bio.i1 probably Venus, says Dr. C. G. Abi-ott director of the Smithsonan astropby sical observatory and assistant sec retary of the Smithsonian institution Dr. Abbott makes no claim that Ou mysterious wireless signal* do comi from another planet, but says if the; do. Mars is eliminated as a possibility because known conditions on tha planet probably would not remit tlx I existence of any form cf living Teachers Honored Misses Sallie and Jamie Hadley en ; tertained at 6:30 o'clock Friday at I j three coarse luncheon in honor of tb oet of town teachers. Covers were lab for twelve. The hoeteeeea were assist ed by Mr*. Eugene Paddison, musi was furnished by the vicxrola and vo cal selections rendered by Miss John IX)ST—White and red spotted cos without horns. Finder please phon C. E. Lawrence at No. lift. WE HAVE OUR CAFE OPEN FOI business. If pre seed for time si* yoq want a meal at a reasonable pie the "Cerium Cafe" to handy, tf clean wholes mm. well roshai food, sppetls Ingly served, appeals to you "mak your way to the Oil I— Oafs" hi th flnlitowlth Week. 14)4 iufi ii n Hi mi r 1 III t mm Washington, Jan. 29.—If wireles. tare. THE BIG SIGN > JACKSON'S "Where The Whole Family Should Trade" Six Complete Departments To Buy From Here you will find one of the mod complete line of Lsdies Reedy-to weer in this country. Abo the prettiest line of Ladies Hats for spring. No better line of Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Shoes can he found than we carry. And if yon care to save a little mensy on each pair you hoy you can do that hy trading wife us. Clothing Men's Suits to $47.50 and as low as $12.50 per suit Several suits just received that hare been used for samples will be aold at one-third off regular price. Big lot of jobs in Boys' Suits just opened and the price will be about % off until they are closed out. Men's Hats We have just received a beautiful line of new 1920 Spring shades. Young Men! be sure you see these before you buy your next hat. Notions Neckwear 25c to $3.50 each. When you see our line of Men's neckwear you wont know when to stop buying, such lovely patterns and wben you look closely you ^ill see every tie possesses quality that is hard to find in neckwear now a days. Dry Goods We have just replinished our stock of Dry Goods and must say that we were lucky to hit the early market after Xmas when we had the pick of the new Spring stocks just opened. Here you will find anything you want at prices very reasonable. Many things we are selling and will continue to sell (till closed) for less than values. When you are in town don't think of going home until you have seen what we are offer ing tCe trade this spring. But if you will our store your headquarters we will trp to make your visit a pleasant one. W. C. Jackson PASSENGER SHIP FROM GERMAN PORT ARRIVES II la The Firat VmmI From Gwum Port To Awnrift Sine July, 1914 Nnr York, Feb. t—The first pi» enger ship to aail from a German port to the United SUtea since July, 1914, and the first American |iasssager ship ' in many jreers to undertake a similar ! voyage. readied here today when the American Una steamer Msssharie ' docked. She sailed from Hamburg 1 January 9, calling at Southampton, and brought M passengera, all from the Engliah port Captain Adrian Zeeder, inastii at ; the Manchuria, said he could have , filled his ship to overflowing at Ham burg with passengers for Amartaa . had paaaport regulations and laatik t tions as to travel permitted. Applka | tions ware numerous and Germans i rotted their regrets Uytt they could not. come to thia country It required eight days of U hears with her to Germany, offload of the ship said. This work could have bean done before the war in about 24 hours and the delay Was aaid to be due to the listless manner in which the Oar man dock workers labored. Hm offic ers aaid they were low of spirita, ap parently suffering from malnutrition and displayed littls ambition. Food/was said to be eearee, bat those with money have bo trouble la getting all they want, skip's officers declared. A party of fire from the Manchuria dined at a prominent Ham burg hotel aad paid for their Mai 4*0 marks. On the other hand a story was told of one of the German docker* begging from the (toward of the skip a piece o4 froeen beat which he eager ly dee oared raw. The Manchuria brought with ker from Germany >00 bag* of mad aad a quanity of cargo, including phoe phates. Sydnor & Sparger iMonum Afenti MOUNT AIRY, ft.C nil mil it ■ am lia MUST A CHILD BE PALE 7 Pallor, "Tirsd-outeoss and Pc App«tita Almost Always Ro soodiod by Popt It Builds Up tho Blood Thus iBB tko Body Thcra Is but m IscMMts SXCM for • pals. nut-down. liatloss child, j sad tikst is sosm ssrioos disaaaa of < or aor* of tfca rttat organs, wUek tf| s rota patent physicist). Unlaaa condition < yonngator wbo takss no plsssw fell romping or playing can bo vary srteOy halpsd by s eoaros of the whole body. Godo'i Pnptfi Miagan can bo had in botk liquid and Mkt form (na dtttmoM in tta effect), Um liquid, of eoorao botaff preferable for you at children. Wkm bayin* 1>h>ii Muipn, bo mi* tho mm "QodeV ie on the ptebp. WHfcoat -Cnde'i" it ia not Ptpto-Hufu.

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