That Mid ooads (tall M €mmi bonda, tha principal and intar •M to bepayaW* at dm bank in tha atr at New York. 7th: That a tax sufficient to pay _ 1 and interest at tha bonda ba anually levied and collected. 8th: That a statement of tha dabt of tha muncipallty haa bean filed with Bu Clark of the Board of Commiaaion ers, pursuant to Chapter No. 138 Public Lava at 1917 and amend menu thereto, especially Chapter No. 178 Public Law* at 1919. !Hh: That the amur irty Minjei at property subject to tax ation by the Town at Mount Airy for the fiscal years in which taxes were laat levied ia declared to be $2,220, 10th: That the amount of the net debt authorized outstanding and to be ."ithoriaed |301,7MM. Ilth: The probable period of uaeful naaa of the improvement of property authorsied by the ordinance ia declar er! to be forty years. 12th: That said bonda shall he iaan f l in denominations of $1,000 each, shall he dated October 1st, 1919, and shall mature as follows: t2JX*> Oct. 1, 1922, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1 <2.1, -2.000 Oct. 1, 1924, $2,000 Oct. 1. 192.1. $2,000 Oct. 1, 102B. $2,000 Oct. I, 1927, $2,000 Oct. 1. 1928, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1929. $2,000 Oct. 1. 1930, $2,000 Oct. I, 1931, $2,000 Oct. 1, I »32, $2,000 Oct. 1, 1983, $2,000 Oci. 1 1934. $2,000 Oct. 1, 1*86, $2,000 Oct. 1. 193(5, $2000.00 Oct. 1. 1987. $_>00n.0f) Oct. 1, 1938, $2000.00 Oct 1, 1 t. 1, 1946. $5000.00 Oct. 1. 1947. $W00.0o Oct. I. 1948, $5000.08 Oct. 1. Li:»49. l it That said bands aha.l oe siyn e I by the May > and Secretai y and Traa»u. rer to the Board of Commis sioners of t'.» Town of Mvint Ajry, and levied with the eor;i ate seal of the Mid Town of Mount Airy and at tested i>y the Clerk to the Board of f ommi« :i«>ner». And the r<«id bonds ball ' av« xupons attacLcH for Jie interest to be paid thereon, which ■ oupnns shall near a fac- ximilrl ■'unaMre of tile Secretary anJ Treaa urer of the Town of Monrt Airy, *ben so siftnud, -ealed ard deliverer! •rail c>>rttit te a bindi«7 and valid 1 li - iti n ,f the Town of Mji it Airv, t > the payment of which, D.irr-LhfT with the mte-est, all the rig..t'.pri>p-l e*ty arid effects of tha T:. - n of Mount > irv shall theisLy ba forever irrevoc ably pledged. 14th: Tut tha Ordinance shall be in fore* from and after thirty days ?-om tha date of paeaace. Pur-ad and ordained, this 10th day «f October. 1919 E. C. Bivens. Mayor. F H. Poor*, Sac. A Traas. Tha forejDi.ia Ordinance was pass ed and ordained by the Boar-i at Com missioners on the 10th of October 1918, and by virtue of the authority vested in tha Board of Commissioner*. ► ids were received by the Board on ttoa 3rd day at December, 1919, and V* kaad* have been awarded to Jokn Nov sen 4 Co. of Chica*o, 111. tad any persaas deeirinc to protest agaiaat the validity of tha said bonds, or to briar any action to di the validity, ars notified that te eammamaa said acttea wttMa days frem tha date at this natice and >>«foe* the delivery of said b This February 3rd. 18S8. P. M roan. Secretary A 1 taa>ad try tha Secretory and Tranaorsr. and the corporate seal of the Town of Mount Airy thereto affixed. Tha brtar aat to ba evidenced by coupons bear ing tha lithographed signature of tha Mayor, and whan Mid bond* and cou pon* ara executed aa aforesaid and delivered to tha purchaser, tha wm shall conetitute a binding and valid obligation of tha Town of Mount Airy, to the payment of whi-h the faith, credit and property of tha Town of Mount Airy shall be irrevocably It ia hereby recited and set forth that the hon<» authorised to ha leaned by theae ordinances and issued for tha purpoas of raisin* funds with which to pay off and disctiargr neces sary obligations of the Town of Mount Airy made and incurred in the naceasary expenses of the Town. 5th: That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of tha bonds has bean levied and shall he annually levied and collected aa other taw. flth: That a statement of the debt of the municipality has been filed with the Clerk pursuant to Chapter No. 171 Public Laws of 1919, and ia open to public inspection. 7th: That the average assessed val uation of property subject to taxation by the Town of Mount Airy for the 3 fiscal years in which taxes were lavi- , ed aa shown by the aforesaid state ment ia t2,»>y tfca ^»