I THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2M, 19S». flJW PCX TSAR OV ADT i -TmwrU MapU Tmi May Civ* North Caroim* $1 ,§00,000 This Ymt WMt tW apes at stawdaad *rw» ranging from «2 to t4 a gallon last year, C. B. WHHaaxi of A* DtfWtn of Agronomy, states that there ikoald be [ sufficient sirup produced this Mason in the countien of A»he, Wautauga, and Avery to hrinf in an income of $1 ,£00,000 at a very ermservative estimate. Last year the Linville Improvement Company, of Linville. purchased new equipment far the working of two hundred maple trees to teat the pos sible profit. The results of this experi ment were food, considering the saas . on and the fact that the work was closed too early. "In a successful sugar-maple oper ation," states Mr. Williams, "the spil es should not be drawn and the equip ment pot op until after the maple buds have swolen quite extensively, as • lata frwi< and thaw may bring the best run of the season any time pre vious to the opening of the buds. Such was th* caas last ssason, following a freeze in early April. Many orchards lost this flow of ssp, as they Sad already taken the equipment. "Last season was a poor one for maple sugar and sirup in all parts of the United States, the periods of freezing and thawing weather being too few. The price* received by the operators, however, made up to them the loss from a decreased production. "A large number of owners of grov es have already signified their inten tion of operating this season, and they will be given all possible encourage ment to secure this great wealth which is now being lost by the ownets and the State." The Burke Republic*ni Instruct For Pritchard Horpnton, Fab. 22.—The Burke Republican convention Saturday in structed delegate* to state, congres sional and senatorial conventions for Pritchard for President, John M. Mnrehea J for national cooiraltteeaan and delegate at large to the national convention; Frank Linney for staU Chairman and H. C. Carlness delegate turn ninth district to the national con vention. There was considerable preference for Wood as a second choice, also sentiment for Harding and Lowdan but no Instructions were given as to other presidential candidates than Pritchard. h Persons subject to periodic MOious attarke win obeerve that their ap petite falle these JeM before an attack. That la, they da not realy crave feed M eat bonaaae It la ssaal tieae. II 4hsy vB eat only a Light neal and no neat, thei^talw two ntamberWln'i REAR ADMIRAL PEART DEAD AT WASHINGTON Washington. fab, 20. -Kaar Admir al Kobart K. Parry, lattoad Aaramar of the north pot*. Htad at Ma hoaM Kara aariy today after • two ;a*n' illnaaa of pamfcluaa anatnia, during which M blood ti of no avail. Sailor*, attarbaa of j naval hoapltal. and Many ' man cava of thair llfat» blood during that parted in tha rata affort to pra long tha llfa of tha country's fora ■aoat axplorar. It had haan known to tha axplarar'a family far waaka, hot kapt from tha public, that hia Itfa waa daapairwd af, , but no oaa thought tha and aa aaar Ha will ba buriad la Arlington aattaa al raraatary with tha fall naval haiw af Ma raafc Maw day morning. Tribute te tha aihlaaamaate af Ad miral Paary waa paid by Stratary in tha following aw te Km Paary: -Voicing tha laatlnate af tha ; whola navy, I daaira te aipaaaa daap sympathy in your hmaiat If any earthly eaaafart aaa My yaa hi thia hoar it moat ba tha aa—lama that tha whola count! y an i i»i with yaa and | that all aaar tha warld thai will ba profound ragrat at tha daath af year diatingviahad huaband. Ha had tha honor to acrompliah tha raaliaattan af a graat ambition and to racatva tha plaadita af all nationa. Hia graat achlavanat brought particular dia tinrtion to tha Aawrican navy af which ha waa an honorad and diatte guiahad officar." Will Woum Voters B« Subject To PoB Tax? A. L, Brooks bi Graeaaboro Ntwi: There Ku b**n mi effort to f rigfcten til* wm fhMi veefhg when they ob tain tkt ballot by aaasiting that they wouM ha** to pay a poll tax. Aa tba poll tax ha* not frightened men away f-om the ballot box it will not friirbten the women. But there i* a complete r.nswer to thia threat. The Constitution Art. V. see. 1 pro vides: "The General Assembly (hall levy • capitation tax on every male inhabitant of the state over 21 and un der SO year* of ag*." The XIX Amendment does not pur port to affect in any way the poll tax which in purely a matter of state reg ulation and therefore the adoption of that Amendment will not strik* the word male oat of the constitutional provialon which require* a poll tax only on "males." Cona. Art. VI. sea. 1 preacribea "Every male person bom in the Unit ed State* and every mala paraon who ha a b«*n naturalized 21 yaara of an* and poes**sing the qualification aet out in thia article ahall be entitled to i vote at any election by the people in the state, except aa herein otherwise provided." The XIt Amendment will | strike the word 'male' out of that sec tion because it prohibits and discrimi nation "or account of sex" so that "every person" (instead of evq(rv "male person") etc., will be entitled to vote. Art. VI. sec. 4 requires that every person presenting himself for regis tration shall be able to read, etc., and shall have paid on or before the firat of May of that yenr "Hi* poll tax for the previoua year, a* prescribed by Art. V. sec. 1 of the Crestitution." Now, turn to Art. V. sec. 1 and you will find that the poll tax i* only re quired of "Male persona,"and the XIX Amendment will in nowia* affect that section or impoee a poll tax upon any one except a* provided In that section, i.*. "on male persons." Qlaaa-Decorating Old Art. The art of flaea deroratftiK l« r a modern Bohemian accnmp!Mmi. i. It thrived In the aeventeenth ••nnur> Tha Kmnao cathedral af 1 . 1T2». baa at ad twa window* which *• . d-roratad with Old and l*ew Twin meat acanea. Oecoratlre «Ma«* «ta« a favorite farm of rhureh omaioentatlae Tha eharrfcee of tl> f'aertii paaaaaaad »aay high and arlde wlodova which ware hrlgflttr and ar mUcally decorated Amaea Hjlrlua who later became Pope Plu It eh •erred. Tha cwrtculum of the dlrlatoa of tiftwliml arta af the Cnlrendty at Pta|M hm<«d courage In palBttM. woad earrtm( and gtaaa ornament attaa. No l^raa wae reefer red rm a etadeat EDWARDS Foil A CLANK AGAINST PROHIBITION | an anti-prohibit ion p platform. | H« criticiaad W. J to fl«*t tar hi Km party' »l and rfaclarad that ha I Mr. Bryan will thay tuka i mid ha la tba pr.rty'i la to aaa of na L H la ; It ta a C H. Hay dMIV M. 14^-Tha ef ( vice in North (MM of dM of Col. A. D. Watta. of both North Carolina Ez-Sboriff, C. H. Iflfwi, of Surry county, I* to bo officer of tho internal in *• atete «)th headqoartera at SttUtviilt. Ex-Sheriff, Manly McDowell, of will b« (Mm tho title of agent in ehargo with hoad at Croon abort), and will spec ialise on iaeam tax eofloeti—«. Col. T. H. Vsnderford, now Moral prohibition offieor far tho atate, will con tin oo in that capacity kit will bo 3* tho internal revenue bureau haa do rid ad to tah» North Carolina oat at tho Virginia district and to croato a new prohibition enforcement district comprising North Carolina. Twnum and Sooth Carolina. Cot. Vandorford will supervise prohibition enforce ment officers and will become a aort of rational director of tho federal government's enforcement campaign. Thia, therefore, conatitutea a promo tion for Col. Vandorford who will have added responaibilUies and n»ore terri tory under the new arrangement Heretofore North Carolina haa been in tho Virgi-ia prohibition district, with the sup» -viaory office lxated at' Richmond and Col. Vandorford direct-; ing the local work in North Carolina.! Abolishes ~Sapd liaoi" The reorganization plan aa an- j nouaced hare today has the effect of; abolishing the titlo of "supervisor" of' internal revenue which was held by, Col. Watts. Under the announced ar rangement. which was brought about' after long conferencoa between Com missioner Roper and Senators Sim mons and Overman, Collector Josiah W, Railey will be the principal tax rollecting officer in the state. Sheriff liaynea will be a field agent in charge of the various Held officers and invea tigators; Col. Manley McDowell will be practically a chief in the income tax field, paying particular attention to this part of the government's revenu es, and Col. Vandorford wiil be the federal officer to trail the moonshiner and the bootlegger. The revenue service reorganization in North Carolina haa hung fire since the resignation of Col. Watts and i it ia understood that it has worried the North Carolina senators quite a . bit. The desire was to satisfy every* body and at the same time provide for a distribution of the tax-collecting machinery throughout tho state. With offices at Salisbury, Greensboro, Ral eigh and Stateoville, it U felt that the demand haa been fairly well met. I Raiaigh, Fab l^-Awnrtail > «,0M ef the beoka whieh ware prawM ad through the BM.ro.ity ef nMnU of North Carolina for th. army, navy and ate rim Map. itrinlto, bat now the U 8. navy has Mt to atfar tkaaa «Ao rafts*. Tka term af enlistment ta skart, boy* can enlist for 2 «w<, the ace of enliatment ia from 14 to ^5 year* of aca. Boy* can also anliat ia tha arto tion department for 2 year* and ana yaar at tha training *choei for aria tan. Mr. Guakie urge* the h»y« to toko tha ckarn the government off or* to aoo tka big world, and at tho sauae time got good pay. Ha Mb tka boy* the Navy i* fine, tho food ia goad and tka pay big, but they arc expect ing a raiaa noon. Nowhere dooa a koy have finer opportunities than 'n tka (J. S. Navy Tke boy* who want to eattat can call at tka Navy Roc rutting Sta(iaa, Winaton-Salem. N. C. at tka Poet Of fice. Poster* have been pat ap ai mad town ahowing what the navy ia ioiag. Think it over, boy*, and rail at aaaea, J. R Cuakie ar Chief Boataeala Wright will be glad to talk to yoa about what arkool you can go to. Obituary Herbert R. Taylor wai born Juae 16, 1902, departed, tkia life Ftbnary 16, 1920; age 17 year*, 6 months. He waa tke aoa of Mr. and Mr* Vestal Taylor of White Plains. lie had been affHrted for quite a wkiia and suffered a great deal witk a com plication of diaoasea, and for the past five montka confined to kia bed moot of the time. He had a great resolution and desir ed to live t>ut when be saw tkat die ease and Buffering were fast gaining he became reconciled. Ho aatd that he was so tired and wanted to go ay yonder. He called both young and old to kia bed aide and in a lew bat audible voice with an earnest sxpusoiaa and Ma eyae set directly on aack onoa faae, aakad them if they ware ready to ga up yonder, what ever tka answer ke would aay. "Well, I want you to fa." Whan a child Herbert had a spirit ual mind and a gnat easaftka af right and wroaf. Be waa maak at tached to tka church wad oAoa talked of wanting to lata. Ho laavea a father aad aether CM brother aad aaa eiater aaaiely. Perry aad A tea. Oaa sinter Mtie Taylor MOW kavtag prince tod kte ahate Anaa'^BeU.'Cke died la tafaacy; ho Jaavea also a heat of ! eta Urea ate It