tk» Imm at a wo« l»o llred in the Rwkford | Hla purpoM wae to rak her* raeney. It waa niirht ■ ar in the had aalaep. He I an *T» ni t (.iippem I ha had | MM her. Thaa ha ntM tha I at aaeh tMnga aa ha tba brid in Ma wm tommd a pair at xpaaa mold thoee day* a well-to-do family 9tobee i at atar nvtdanre that cltneb ei Ma eaaa and prorad Ma gnUl Latar, Mr. Haynaa thinks, ha than* in INS. Ha mi n M people tall of tha and ha recalls that part of the story ia that * negro woman killed a lamed Lewia Forlcrter who the town. Oat of thia eaaa a hanging daralopad. hot Mr. Harm ia not able to recall the irtory fbrther. Tn conversation wtth Senator R. L. ffaymorr since die article on the flrat page of thia paper waa printed wa were impressed with the need of fur ther word about tba father of the un fortunate Cain tfrotbera. Haymnre saya tlyrt he hae I Bar. Hence Cain all Ma life aad ia not a finer citlaan M lived aa to tba Cain haaily. All the the Bar. Cain, now an aid at All tha far I hot fraat the | ia Surry. Down on te rural route. No. j 2 from tWa crty Ihraa a wnman at mid. I >ile aire, Hr>. Batty Darla, who at the fortunate few who are able to! get mora than they aspect oat at the { trame of life. m . Mr* Davia haa i who ltraa down in the utate at South Carolina. .Sometime laat fall, aa the story haa reached ua, Mrs. Davia went down to viait thu < laughter, and while the i at once to improve, time wm a well and etimm man. Pram this experience a friandahip 'leveloped that «oen lad to a lava af fair and Mm. Davie and har oa i *t ient auaad to acraa and to I mallied on the 25th ai laat. But aa bad luck would hare it) the citizen contracted the flu and1 died on Noveaaber 14th. juat 11 dayaj before the data aot for the Mra. Daria i MM lOituw- br ». Hlww Gardner Mi be Mr nnt Offtmor. In the ftnrt pi— Mr. Blvene kUIm that Mr. Gardner is a —if made mm. Ma parnti dying whan ha waa a child. Ha than worked on tha farm and ia a cotton miU and au umulatad noofh moftsy by work in* at different jofci. to (cat an ifcw tlon. Ha attended A tk ■ tolla»a a* Raleigh and latar studied law at tha Urtveraity. Daring all thia tiaaa Mr. Gardner mad* Ma own way. Mr.ttiw ma »«ataa that no nn* can da tkw> thing* but a man of excellent ability and aatf determination. He aiaa «ay* that Mr. (today ia qualified from a buainaaa standpoint to car* far tha different intaraata at tha people at the state. That whil* a lawyer, Mr. Gardner ia aiao on* at the leading farmers at C3*reland county and connected with varione jndaatrial poi aaita in Ma haaaa comity. Aa far aa training for tha office goea no on* haa had better opportuni ties than Mr. Gardner. Ha haa served the State aa Lieutenant Cotamw and I ia well equipped for the many dntiaa of the Governor** office. Mr. Wrens aaya that Mr. Gardner ia net and haa never been a machine politician bat ia making thia race up on Ma own merita and ia mar* than willing-for tha people at the state to leak to tha nan and Ma pnet life and ■cccsnpiishinant and judge accord ingly. Mr. Gardner haa been atthe in Church life, being a member at the Baptiat church of Shelby, and Me character and ability are such that na mistake will ha made by canting a vote for him in the primary. It ia aiao aimonneed by Mr. Birena that Mr. Gardner -xifl addrtaa the *ot» ere of Surry County at Oohaan on the ftrat day at April Court. * Dr. Danua C. Abaher. Major Medi cal Corp* Q. 9. A. iiaa r'tunwd to thii city after apet-tma'a ywir in Siberia j Daring hia iham Dr. Abahara asaw tima in Ohm and Japan and hia varfc teak him aa far into the interior | ot Siberia aa Lake 2,080 milaa weet of ' tha Dr. Abator telle ua that tha tha tmiiUay by thorn. lite Doctor atrihaa a hopeful in Ma eatimate at tha arnment, he aaya they and while they have mm things in thttr constitution are wrong, yet he worn no raaann whyj they may not eventnalfe aatabllah a| permanent and atahie form at | ment, gradually eliminate la tahen trm m la by ti no* a bad fch» after all. ia It? ^ItthdnZTiWyta bTtaTemr| ^Bt^Nukar Mb the trip flmJ .N A. ■. TUlay ia at Me at Itot *. A. Kami* waa dka tn i iwa FOB SALE—-Whit* mumI baby — IX. YEAR 1»I» WAS BY 66 par cant the m «v«- did. Oar be tha cmm. W. tf YOU NO MEN for Railway dark*, 1110 month. H»|>ai i—i For free |>artic\ilar wrtte J. Liiiaaed (I ; Examiner) 444 Bqi Building, Waahington, D. CL 3-12p EGGS _fro« thoroughbred prin win ner Buff Onhtton far nat _ vary raa«nnahl« prices. L. S. Ludwiek 152 Taylor St., lit. Airy. 4-Wp. TENANT WANTED- A man with family. Good land, atock, too la, 5 rowa i nltaga, a No. 1 rhanra for a tohaw crop. Ma ae at onee, J. Luther Wood. Boata 1. Roekford, N. C. »-lfcp WANTED—Maaaencvr Not, rauat be 14 reara oidoroMer. Good jab for f*a £Jirh bey Apply to Waatarn Un ion Tttagraph Go. t(-c. THERE IB a hot augar maple traaa and ho ed. Sae L. U'renn. 1-Jli FOR a ALE—Ona pair heavy draft hmiM, 9 yearn oil, weieht 2000 lba. Cheap to qatrk buyer. A. 51. Short, Lebanon at. tfc. FOR SALE—5 paaaenger 1819 Ford ear or will trade for a roadater or real aetata. H. G. JarrolL t-f WANTED—Men and boya over 17 yeara old. Good opportunity to learn skilled trade paying high wa« Mangel Bo» Co. Winaton-Salem. N. C. STHEL Hall Co. i ill ami imfrm and portable Ur-X*rtin Furniture Co. Herr tfc. LOOK FOB THB BIG SIGN, "Jmck Itne at rrerythin* |T POB for H«ht EGGS FOB par setting of 16. Let oa 2 or 228. C. E. days aba t. Lundy. Phone Mia. a-ase lost- aJPHHHIHHI in caaa between llawley streets and Dm Mm Milla, going down Willow aUaat. If found please return 8a Ne wa Office and raenn reward. l-t-e Com,, vu ««to i Choir for V eVwuve W\« a* \hem. 1^"* TJt Mr*, homeiover — When your husband, tired out by a dey's hard wotM come* home, taj*e a nice, comfortable chair fxjf hym to sink into and reposlr. Come-to our fire and tiet a ' comfy'*»chair and»suorise him. You also will enjoy it. $nd it will be an ornament. We also have for you ail the furniture and rugs you need. Our furniture is stylish and is strongly made; our rugs are in rich design. Our PUALITY is always HIGH; our PRICE is always LOW. Carter-Martin Furniture Go. Mo«X Avy^llC Prank Garter, dr. Drew wart in She ia mourned in bar home circle. to wtwd by God took bar home to Por hor life mi one of Sko «M buar ail the Her motto waa: 'help others"— And her niniatryi bar luuiia. How that smile heeled rhildlah How U baniahai all thair faanl And brought comfort to the Who walked wtth bo Joy and pain they Loving daeply all the And the thtag that mm at I In the h Aiwaj a, She la cone, hor loved onee miaa bar. Bat look forward all the while. To the time when they shall iweet hor. And. again. behold her nail* —Grace Doao Booth, In memory of Dell* Welch. Having been appronteH by theBoatd at Cnwaaiaaiiwari of. Sorry County, aa apedai agent to collect the remain der of the (flail Special School tar, I take thin method at nottfyia* the the hooka are in my hands, m wiahrne to par hia tax will ha at Deheon m /hat at thia ia • ill in talk* Co •tjMt the Hrnmmmm at an < raakea the itifwit that Ma or tracta* la a 10-20 horsepower china, yon are apt to have viaiooa o< a machine that will da tha work at tram 10 to 20 horse* or mulae,' G. CSartar, Agricultural of fact a hone ori win | power at enargy and a 10-20 tractor I (Ml flat d* tha werk at even 10 hi»r*e«. "An Englishman one time fhUnahi | ed that if a horse walked 2H aiiea a* haw and polled 160 peenda oa tta traea* the wovfc dona warn the aaaaa aa lifting a weight at 33.000 (Uataoea at am* foot" in oa TJbe figare at 38,000 power and ia called the "X horse oa pull fourth* at a hunepuwn, and keep it i up all dajr, hot ha can exert 2 or t for a faw valuable ia starting a I roach tha eetft ipata ia I field. A tractor rated at 10-20 ert a poll at 101 HOMES FOR SALE •" ' :-v i- • if DWTT PAY HKN BENTS— BUY A HOME! ■ One eight room dwelling on Spring and Pender Streets. >. One fire room houee, with water, lights and eew