E. M. LatOU, Active * F. P. Sparger, A. E. 9m*k, V.-Pim W. W. Chriadaa, Aal Ctthfcr. G. C. Welch, Statement -»< THE BANK OF MT AIRY. Mt. Airy, N. C. M*4« to dM Corporation Ci niiiiiii, F«k 28th, 1«00. ' . " i ■! ■ ^ 11 Loans and discounts, $983,548.23 Overdraft*, 749.83 Liberty Bondtt 81,960.00 All other Bonds, .♦ / 20.708.33 Banking house, furniture and fixtures, .9,520.63 Cash on hand and deposited with other hanka, 166,338.23 Total $1,201,870.26 Capital Stock, Surplus fufld Undivided nroflte, .. Unearned discount, . He-dkK-ounU, Accrued interest due Departs, Total, $1,201,870.26 F. P. Sparger, C—htar of um above , imnly iwur thai Um afcovs ititiunt it trua to tk* b«*t of my kaowUdj* and boliaf. P. P. SPARGER. CMktor. Subscribed and iworn to befor* me thu the 8tJl day of MareJi. 1M0. W. L. DUN MAN, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. J. By«Hy. A- Y. W«*. G. & W«lch, r. M. Poora, Dfewtef* niro^nra. *■ D Sargent, A. G. Bowman. H. L. Stone. Z. T. Smith, L W. Barber, O. C. Welch, S. P. Graves. F. P. Sparger, A. B. Smith, B. H. Kochtftaky, T. J. Smith wick. H. H. Cat—, uiretiurs. w G Sydnoe> F< M< Poor*. W. J. Bjrerly, B. S. Scott, A. V. Wert, and C. H. Haynes. FOR 8AL*~Nioo six rm Immoo en Pmdmr >troot, largo tot. rood harm oloolihi lisfcu nJ wmtor WHI mII rhoop to quick purrhoaor. Apply lo U. M. Co-tor, Ut Airy. N. C. Rexources over One Million Dollar* First National Bank . Mount Airy. N. C. Has given satisfactory service to its customers for more than twenty-five years. • What can we do for you? GEO. D. FAWCETT. Pre*. C. L. HANKS. VicePre.. T. G. F\WCETT, Cashier. (WON CAFE AND RESfMIRANT ON HANHUN STRST The building known aa the S. C. Stewart grocery •tor* has been fitted up for • cafe and i—taurfcat You will find it the beat cafe and mhiir—I in the State of North Carolina. We want to welcome you when in Mount Airy, to come to this cafe, you will be treated right —whan you eat here once you will WE LEAD IN PRICES. You Can Gat A Meal With U. From 25 canto Up. The manager of this cafe baa had 20 years' ex perience in the beat cafes and we are in shape to please one and all. A cafe for ladiea and gentlemen. You can get fresh loaf bread every day at thia cafe baked at the Mount Airy Bakery. We invito one and all to give our cafe a trial. C. L. LOWE, Manager FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE GIVE US A TRIAL DRUGS, CIGARS AND DRINKS ■il MOUNT AIRY DRUG COMPANY ■K ». Salisbury. March 9.—MIm HmI*! bam am duty at tha —argawry haa ptul, ham new bacoma whola tima city nana. Bar wi>lwi hava baan aaanrad ; through tha Joint ro-oparatian at tha city, tha Mad Craaa and tha Matro Miitan UU Tnaarnnr. comply. Mr*. IhiinW, who ia daatgnatad by tha atata haard of haalth aa all ttaa nuraa for Rowan coanty haa arrivad and talcan up bar work. Har »opport ia mada pooaihla by tha Joint co-opara tion of tha local Bad Croaa %nd coun ty romaiaahmara Sha will dovota moat of har tbna to work in tha coanty and will |iva spacial attantion to in fant hyriaoa. Both Mr*, llaaaatt and Mlaa Lynch will hava officaa to Dr. Armatnmff'a ■uita of room In tha eanrthouac. It ia piannod to aoan pat aa whola time dontiate in tha coanty. Ow Iktmm la 1cm Durham. March 5—The boost ia the of ieo from 00 rant* par hun dred pounds to M cent* by the local manufacturers, effective March 1, has caused en ice howl in Durham by those who use large quantities, and is get ting the fee question hot. Housewives, who have bean paying M cents fsr 60 pound blocks of ice, havs been notified that hereafter tfcey must pay *0 cants —a 10-cent raias to hmisshsUs. ami Ths ice cream manufacturers are hard hit, and they are making a vigor out protest. A co-operative ice plaat, independent of the iee manufacturers slrsady here, is being discussed with i ■ome proepect of becoming an actual ity with those who use large quanti ties of ice. Uncavnr Coffin And hi Salisbury Exca Salisbury* March 6.—Ceatsaetor Btad«haw's men excavating for ftous er garage, corner Main and Liberty streets, exhumed portions nf coffin snd some human skeleton hones. "Hie coffin was near the corner of so old brick building that had stood tilers for more than a century an that was 1M years ago the county jail. The old est inhabitanta cannot account for a grave at this point and it is probabis that it held the rimains of some one who was executed at the Jail and bur ied in the jail lot. - - One negro workman found the knee cap and put it in hia Docket saying he was going to carry it for good luck. Bralteman Hurt Going Through Tunnel Asheville. March 6.—Harry ilunter. a brakeman on the Southern railway, ia in the McDnwell hospital at Marion, believed to be suffering from • frac tured skull as a result of being struck by a boulder aa be passed through a tunnel in the mountains between Asheville and Marion. He was found on top of a freight ear of the train unconscious after passing through the tunnel, and was rsmovsrl at Marian and taken to the hospital there. This is the first accident of the kind that local railway officials say has Eaglaitd Amd Fraaca WUI Pay Ln4n, March B.—3. A us tan Chaat barlaia, ckunUtr of Um ntllifiB, tanauncad tonight that England ami C? k^jl 4 ft ral, iVa rraiict ma ic>w iw w rvrwww wv Angto-rroach loan inaad In tha Unit ed State* la IMi and «w takia* ■to pa for Ito ropajraaant. Tito Btat Ltutltr "My ixUntor* hahtta have ntraaa* tated th<- o»a »>f an occa«i<-rv>l la*»Hva. I ha*« trtoH morv bat found „ thing hotter than Oamh«Hasn'« T,|»i •*,» wHtoo Goorro #T DaaleR J'adwick. Vt. Mr. DariW'. U aroprlrt- af th* Har.twcV fnn < n« of ;ho rxM hotoh rut Now Bag'ind. baa rultuie tn kiwi in thie part of North Carolina, C. L Htnu, state a*-, part, told beekaepera of Lvnoir county Kara yeatarday. Ha ia an encyclopedia on the aubjeet and declared the tndoa try one of great promise. TWre are probably leaa than S.OOO.0M Uvea ia the state, ha laid, and the masher ahould be much larger. A eoaipietaly stocked and equipped hive should coat only «M or 912, Saau said ia an inter view, while in a single favorable lea* j ■« the product of a hire AwM ha worth several times that much. A BIT OF ADVICE First—Don't Dalay IWt If you raffir from buka^u; Heed achee or diasy apeil*; if ~t>u raat poor* | ly and ara languid m the norniaf; if! tie kidney aocraltcn* ara irregular' and unnatural in appearance, do not; lelay. In such canst tha kidaeya oftenj Doan'a Kidnoy PUN ara especially prepared for kidnoy troubta. Ttioy, ara recoauaeaded by thousands. Caa, Mount Airy residanta doaira mora eaa-. vinring proof of their cffacthranosa than the statement of a Mount Airy citixon who haa uaod them aad willing ly taatifiea to their worth? Hagh TUley, farmer, 20*. Orchard, St, aaya: "I mad Doan'a Ufeey Pitta Mae tine ago aad found them to ha, Just as lapieeeated. I had a great deal of trouble with my back aad kidneys, but Poan'it brought me great relief. I recommend Doan'a at every opportu-' nity." Price 60c, at all dealer*. Dent i ly ask for a kidney Doan's Kidney PUle—the Mr. TWey had. Foeter-Milburn Co, Mfra.. Buffalo. N. Y. What 1920 WiU Br* The buaineaa man. farmer chant of today in order to ha fnl must read a reliable, progiemhm and indepeadent daily newapap keep op with the times. Tha year 1M0 will bring tha hi which wgyow I* Una. The Greaoaboro Daily News it "Now Leading Them Alt la North Carolina," for the reaaon that ia aa| plies thia demand. Tha Cr.ea.liar. Dally Newi ia will equipped to handle properly aad quickly. This ■erved not only by the fall ed Press Service, bat malaU'aa and operate* an extra private leased wire from Washington to Among the special feature^ of the Daily Neara service m the David Lawrence art:das. the C. W. Gilbert trticlet (exclusive rights "or the state for butt), the Washington service of Theodore Tiller, special Beleigti •quailed, as well ae many including a colored lay rr.0« per year, daily oaly. *00 per year. Bead far vial nfc.iHgttta uid be iwhirt Daily Na»s 3r.iait.ri, N. C 'ti rr r -v wr at The White Star Garage UIAS * BQWLXA, Fw>*l«lwi AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING * ACCESSORIES VULCANIZING * RETREADING NORI MOUNT ABT PIm: BmI MM ASHBY SCHAUB'S OLD STAND INEXPENSIVE, DELICIOUS AND WHOLESOME Everyone enjoyi good broad. Nothing could bo more delicious or wliulssun than broad or biscuits »ado with Daa Vallay. White Satin or Dm Bitot Self Rteing Flos*. These brands hove bow the standard for the last . ?* yer-* hi »h«»!«ands nt homes that appreciate the necessity of using high qpality flour in the making of good broad. Got the bread habit. Thors U noth brsod is inexpoaslis. lhc worth of any owe of thooe j famous aid brmada of floor eootaii* mora calories than Ms worth of boof or HUM, or tlJI worth of eggs. Uso phsty of broad aad loss of the aoro ox ponsivs foods. It will bring down the high east of Itring. Dan Valloy Flours ara milled by a special procosa, by which all the nutritive value of the wheat is re tained. Now obtainable in pre-war quality. * DAN VALLEY MILLSy Dmnrille, Va. j » i mm jm*A \JC3