WEST DRUG CO. IF'W # MAIN STREET MOUNT AIRY. N. C, Cheaper Flour MIT NOT A WAR FLOUR TODAY The U. S. Grain Corporation HAS DELIVERED TO Gmite Mercantile Company Wholosola Distributors A large amount of flour which will w offered to tlM residents of Mount Airy and vicinity through the retail trad* under the Brand United States Gram Corporation Standard Pure WW Flour At s price not to exceed $1.65 por 24I/l-lb. Cotton Sack Ho—ewiven will find that it works easily. .The fermentation ja *igofoua and healthy and the Malting loaf ia of superior texture ami goad color. Far paatriaa, biscuits and cake it ilia a delicate, tender croat sad crumb. < Wa wam tea bum mt aayooe who assarts that this is a War Pfe«rer teat H contains sohstfeutss.) To tha Rstsil Grocar. If you wish to be able to supply the demand that will probably coma to you for this Flour, (at in toocfe with Granite Mercantile Company. After you have eacurad s stock, this office will fumiah you with win. 'low display advertising. Future ads will carry names of retailers handling this Floor. THE UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION 424 Basboii' Bask -Tn ST. LOUIS. MO. Tobacco < • * Averages $123.40 Per 100 lbs. January 1. 1WO. The American Agricultural Chemical Co., Greensboro, N. C. Dear Mr. Norrdl: PWane book me for live thousand (6000- bags of Zell't Bright Tobacco Grower 8-3 3 an^Zell'i Special Compound 8-2-2. I will gi*t you shipping dates and points to be shipped Just as soon as I can see my tenant* 1 had excellent remits from Zell's lasty ear. and wish to make sura that I will rat it again this spring. We had the worst season last year that wa have had for many years, doe to excessive rain tall. My crop did not suffer (rem burning where Kelt's was vrnd, and said for nearly a quarter at a million dollars. Plaaae confirm this order by letter, and ohUge, Years vary truly, (Signed) J. M. CALLAWAY. The News, $1.50 per Year. *1 ; MM. SMHKT OF mumnwa ■— J MSA WMI Mm L«V* aaalyaa -| rvtWma "an da' Tit t« rrrrr rmnty to | tka atata. metutdlaa MI. 1 J rarml aarray Mpwrkar tor tlM atata I of Iwk Carolina. wtth hiadfin at M4 National Loaa uwl Back _ <—Ha. » C I* order tor (ha ekarehea of a _ (W tarrttmy to whtok tfcay ara aitaat#* and to enatrfkata r»»aa>l'aaftoa of the mrM. wWah la tka Ideal hi e*«rr CH»ttin heart IT to aaaaaaarr fhal itir artnal eaMI ttaaa wWrt astet la «»eh manly ha pnrtanee of CMa work. fka movement to ratlins upon tha naatora of all da nwtoatlaaa aad «tk»ta who are % fmm'4 latollf to rell atone rondltl*n« fa randar all fka aarfituro ixi"«IM» toward* th« root citation of tha wot* TW» Information afar kains tohn toted hy asnarta. la tain back to fh» eokltlfa where the wtmiI Pmteatant denominations with rhcirrhea to It* rownty n apamiuli ntndt it and d» rlda on tka to—ly*» rhorrh a< daflaaa ara made by church** of sack denooatoa-1 ttoa that an dealraa. to tha dmnml and atkar boarda as that tkaaa hoards eaa aa apaiata tatalttaently and rtfa«• ttraty with tha tooal eoanty Lharek la ilMMlM to 4a Ita work aa a aato. n to aaMkar dk attempting to dlctata ta latitat loaa. waV otant laatltatlona. otkar organliatloaa ud Indlrldaala ansa Acrompanyln* a general aurrey of a county la a mora detailed aarray af aacfa community, a community katas nfiiM aa a salt o Territory not da* __ -Jfhto tka Malta at aay trada eomm unity to eaaaldaiad to, tlaa wtth tka tt la coat it la moat cloaaly aiaa la omHtad to la omMtad to tka lawiallna af Tka a array takaa of tka eoaaaaltr* « ttoaa, tack aa aatarai aourcca of lacnaia ai_ ui«w market coadlttaaa, relation* af ww, ara aad kaalaaaa man, lad aa trial data., ate. Tka aoetal Ufa aad orgaataattoas of tka community ara eorarad la da tall, togatkar with otkar laformaUoa tc throw light on tka atata of tka aa The third link la tha surray chain tba aanray of each church hi aaoh unity This Nto oat lha * tat Ion. mlalaw. I driertpllTt _ and aqulpaaaat. . miliar and »p*cial mactlnc* | ulatad raavlta lharafluM. atallauoa aa to araa eovarad by tha parish, number of f—"*— raarhait. pariah iimblawi Ud othar data to a rnaaprabaw atra tMo* of tba pariah, aad m«l»! 4 by lafonaaUoa aa to lha yr»< of work oaUtaad far tba ahweh a paator aad tba-aMctai "—* Tba irlpta of aaah a aratwatto atady Of oburch ooadltKMU U apparaat by tba rroulta of tavaatlcatloa already ■Mb la aaato aacllnaa of tbo South. If tba cbarfht ar» lo arnnpHuh tba graauat poMlbl* amount of |ood Tbo ooadlllnna round to aaiat ta aoaaa taartara ar» rather atari 11 a a la oaa roaaty h> tba Bnutb. for iKtaata, tbcr. i .* «4 charcbaa. af vhteh 14 — aad only U of •blah naia ■ . i Dm to I ChUM eharka, C« *' , —bU«t to cWii SM.M».0t rertifl-at*» of depoeit. MS, 1M.S0 Ptetol Mvtiw* deooeita M.M f, T. G. Pawcett, ik> n named bank, do that the above itatrmcnt la tn»» to iM baat of my knowledge and belief. T. <« t aaMar. Mabacribed and eworn to before mm tMa Mar a. 19 • • L. P. Wrenn. Notary Public. Cm. D. Pawcatt, Tkaa. u. l. r. Thaadora Sanford of Fenmora. Mich. fruit without pain in the raatlaaa nifku. By fMm tain'a Tablet* ha ia now able to est pain or sleepiaaaneaa. If troubled __ indigestion or constipation (ire theaa tablet* a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. ESMKDM OKMTIM GET READY FOR "FLU" Yov llvtr Aothra, To IjiIni FmiUUd lad Ftm frn Tak « Q*WI«K t» abort • NU ovtralffcl u4 to i>rav«at actio ua to»pBiitto» take oa« tiloub at hoitbM »llk a awallaw of •tto-tUi Idi R* mHi m uwn, ii« ptpli|, >o tltkmfef iftor ifM*. Mm* Moralig your ww kw vaaiafca*, Kr Uttr to a'Mva, jr«ur ^Itwi U purl | Mi itfrfiM t>4 yon «r« fo-tia* | Im wtU a haarty appollto for brook • fad. Eat what y®« Waaao—m ln>r» - . . . ..r-T~ ^ ?3H|M ■•vui liv "4*a* 1* t«rtty <*<»•> V. IWBLFE DRUG 01 SucccRiofi to (iwyn Drag Co* M ttai Srw 1^. |V will Al y IHWy u nBuMi w« i a. Aim ifciijn MOUNT AMY, — Mm* C ifc i OFFICE UPSTAIRS OVER HODGE'S BICYCLE SHOP—JUST BELOW P. O YOU SHOULD NAME TIC SUin COUNTY LOAN S TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS. The boaineM of this Company It to act m liMator of Wills, to idniakter —tstsn» to ssrre as inroiu of •ad trastee of A board of earofal besintes men direct the affair* of the The Trust Company never dice aad ii always fooad at >w piece of bauca over ready to gtr» propst atteatiaa to the affairs of yoor estate. The Trast Coaipaay will see that yoar win is drawn or rectly aad, whoa asmed as Executor, aiakes ao charts for ptopeilj drawing ap the will or keeptaf It seal in its vaatt. W. W. Burke, A. G. Bowman. W. F. Carter. E H. W P. & Eldridge. W. A. York. G. D. ffaweett. W W. Hampton. W. G. Sydaor. J. D. Smith. OFFICERS W. r. CARTER, President E H. WRENN, Vice-President GEO. D. FAWCBTT. Sec. * Trei Little time and ' no trouble I It takes very little time and it no a trouble to bake with Occo-nee chat j) Self-Rising Flour bacauae it contains buk.ng-powder, salt and soda in pap ■ portions for perfect baking. Wafflae, biscuits, hot-cakes are good every Time wnn v/cco-nee-cnee. i im cost is unusually km, because ifs . cheaper to buy the extra lunmi— this way. Oat a sack of Occo use chae Self-Rising Flour today. ! OCCO-NEE-CHEE *"» «Ma a - ■"•a —_