Niswfss miliums CAM. PHONE No. 287 for prompt Jitney *rrvtr« 4ay or nigh* S-M-p FOB SAIA—I have a ivnbrr of S t MorMpowtr FlMulu Oil lainiM. X-n. P. at 9MJW, «-H. P. at Blft.M T J gmHhwtefc. WANTW—Inmni bay, must ba U *«■«• <4d or oidsr. 'food Job for tfca rU bat. Apply to Waatam Un ion Tslagmph Co. t/-c. THKHbi IE a hot Um coming. Hay •nor mafic traas and ba protact ad. W> L. Wrann * :M-c FOR 3 A IE -Ona pair haavy draft baraaa, V raars oSd. inifkt 2600 lbs. Cfcaap to (gieii buyar. A. M. worn SALE -f> paaaaag.r IHI Pord ear or wil trad* far a roadatar or H. 0. JarraU. t-f prAim*—Mas and bays war 17 1 yaars aid. Goad upaaitunity to »tbel sai N. B-2B-C. Wa rapraaaat Harr ^Marvin Safe Co. aad have of ataal flre and fm liliU raulta. Car Purnrtara Co. tfc. KOGfl POK HATCHING—Prom thor * augfc arsi White Laghorna. 11.50 at IB. Lot us hara your dars ahead. Phono No. -_4WkWt_ C. E. Ltindy. S-20e WE YOU gtran your arifa and "" a sqnara daalT Buy sugar ■a and baaotify your bom*.. I- P. Wrawa. ■ff» fts Hatching—from pure toM prtea winning Banad Plymouth Ik* ham |1J» par aattfatg if 16 M. T. McEnight, OHy Bawts ». »-l»-Pd. BGG6 POE SALE from my priza finning Whits Rocks, U. R. Piahsls (Mat, WObaurtha dirsct. WhlU Wjran +ttaa from C. T. Eallar and J. Mar tta'a Ctenada diraci, grand pen of lUck Ifinorcas, ally at the abava (IN par eaHiiig of 11 H. Barton, Airy, ltouts 9, Box B, 4-2-c. JNG MHM, 17 upward, dasirin* aflway Mail rWrksnip. $110 month, for fa* particular^, sxamina . 1. Leonard (former Government ainer) 444 Equitable Rldg. Wn«h - D. a 3-2d-p. Qrovs Dairy, Mount Airy, an furnish you with a a lot big and evening. Laara ' orders with phone No. BB 'AH rlNlSI!IN(i Cut this out, td H to us with on* roll of Alms aim We will develop and print •Mh Of them ud re tarn to you of charge to convince you that lo Wetter work than the average, iding jroo tend with the roll the M and addressee of I persona who Kodak*. Thia offer rood until M, 198i Victor S. Stephenson, . Box 814. AsheviM. N. C. lt-p. rfl In If bat R tol Mn. Lewie Wiser to < to e few dare from e fear weeke stay j 0. W. Aiilijlw has Me There will he Mdfe Beptiet 20th. at 2:90 em) Sunday et llo*dock,| evsrybody ie invited to i The Ptne Ridge school will eioee to I three weeke, it ie taught by Jeeeie | Uwrewe. They here given entire We ere (tod to note that there hi not been e nee of fin in ear district. V•». J. W. Graham hee been eer ■ick for a few daye bat ie Improving. | G. R. There to erecting an room dwelling at Ptoe Kid re. J. W. Graham hae built i tion to hie store hoose at this | Mies Jet tie Robertson was a visiter j et Pine Ridge Saturday night WHUe Lovill iHaraed bene a few days age from a beshwas trip to| Sooth Carolina. Beet wtahm tethe Meant Airy ] and its readers. Nettoe By virtae of a dsed of trust osecot ed to nw by John Thomas and wife M. E. Thomas, en the 1Mb day ti March, INI, to eeears two certain notes of 9900.00 sach, payable to J. M. fides sad W. McKinney, matilng Dee. let, 190* and Dec. 1st. 1910, sub ject to credits at $904$ paid March ttth, 1909 sndfl 10.00 Dee. 9th, 1911, the balance with accumulated interest remaining unpaid, snd on sppH^ation of the holder of said notes. I will sell for faith to the highest bidder in front of the W. H. Marian Music House in Mount Airy, N. C.. on the 13TH DAY OP APRIL. 1900. et ONE O'CLOCK P. M., the following reel estate, towit: Lying and being in Surry County, North Carolina, Beginning in Cm cen ter of the Hatcher road in Ed Davie' !»!•« run* South 78 deg. Eeat with Ed Davis, line 378 feet to P. A. Deather sge's cornet; thence North 52 dec. Fast with raid Deatherage' line &.S9 feet to Ed. Davis' corner; thence North 1 deg East with said Davis' line 428 feet to s stake in Stevens, line; thence North 78 deg. Wi st about 729 fset to said Hatcher road; South 5 dee W-st wjth said road 869 feet to the beginn ing. Containing 12.98 scree, more »r lees. Sale made to satisfy the balance due cm aid debt and costs. Thi* March 9th, 1920, J. H. Eolger, Trustee. ESCAPED UN OPERATION By Taking Lydia EL Pink kam'i Vegetable Compound. Many Such Case*. Cairo. 111.—" Sometime ago I got sr bad with female trouble that I theaght i would nav* to be operated otL I had a bad displacement My right aid* would pain ma and 1 wan •o nervous 1 could not hold a giaaa o t water. Many time. 1 would have to atop my work and ait down or I would fal an Um floor to a fitoC^ I eooaultad totd££ FATONIC i» «WO* AOO-ITOIIA^) itiy/nnl—uring w«unf, ars i A HtMmJSim mmd >» 1*1 ttw un«l^lMn*W «m I nniMhil > r-' OalramiMI ■w •.*••***• M ll Miili iwaial mkai««llt*NM mmmmr. <0»r » W »■ «w. TM«aia> OMpfiaMe Business ftKEDHUM If Hi |«iiwrt« fn «Mt plaC-O. NMmm, it R. C. Po»r»'» oM (tend. Mom* Airy, M. C I carry a fall tea of fiary and hoary gnemim at aB tteaa. Win ha glad ta km 70* mm ta G. C LOVMX CO, ASK YOUR Everybody'# Self-Rising Flour Mt Airy Drug Co. FOR QUALITY AND SERVICE GIVE US A TRIAL DRUGS, CIGARS AND DRINKS ATTENTION FARMERS!! O. B. WEBB, Moot Air j, N. C Insure a Big Crop in 1920 With A Fordson Tractor Power to tpmrm for all farm work —doM the work of 6 to 12 good mule*—easily handled by one maa. When Spring weather begin* you will be ready for big business. The speed of Power Farming enables you to take advantage of the good weather and overcome the serious delays caused by the heavy Spring rains. With the Fordson Tractor there is no getting behind with your work. You should have a Fordson to do your plowing, jfour discing, your planting and many other kinds of farm work. It will solve your labor problems and enable you to make more money—bigger profits —than ever before. It means fine crops—quality, larger yields—quantity, as well as greater pleasure and satisfaction for your efforts. ORDER A FORDSON NOW. Factory demands will be unusually great this year, and delay may mean heavy losses to you. REMEMBER—The Fordson Power Farming Unit can be operated by one man. This unit eoasliti of the Oliver Plow, the Dunham Culti-Packer, Roderick-Lean Automatic Disc Harrow, Smoothing Har row and Amsco Tractor Seed Drill. ' Granite City Motor Co. Ford Can—Ford Sorvico—Ford Porta—Fordson Tractors PImmm 310. Mm* AW. N. C

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