AO m at Central Methodiet Ithudi front M* en will be. in • way, preparatory aei vices for the revival which the pMler hopee to have la Apr! Robert E. MeCraw, aged 28 year*. a geod and reliable citizen of Ararat. N. C. R. F. D. died of influenia follow ed by pneumonia, on Feb. 28th. Ha la ■wived by * wife and onr child. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sumu of Montana who spent the winter with relative* in this section. leave this week for their hoae, acrompanied by Miee Ethel Simmons tf Weitfiold who will teach school In Montana. R. J. Matthew* left Tuesday for Charlotte where he expert* to main and write ineorance. provided he can find a place to live, but vacant houaee are said to be very icaree in Charlotte. Mra. N. C. Marion baa leturned fMi Milton, W. Va. where ehe at tended the bedside of her father Rev. Cwn who waa 01 with pneumonia. Rev. Coman waa aoeaewhat better when Mra. Marion left him. Mra. J. H. Prather and daaghter, Mra. Jooaa Brown of Spartanburg. 8. C. arrived Saturday to visit Mr. and Mra. Will Prather. Mra. Win Prather haa been quite sick bat is recovering. L. A. Lineberry recently sold hi* farm 6 mites north of this city and hnw this week for Carroll county, Virginia where ha haa bought a nlea farm near Snake Croak. Tho Young People's Missionary so ciety of Central Methodist church aaot with Miss Annie Sattorfleld last Thursday evening at Sprit* street. After transacted a social hour was enjoyed which U After a rUt to her father, ft. D Clarke, in Ihia city Mr*. Ullian CUrke White Ml the first at the wuak for New York City, frai there ria win aafl for Park to iksa at all the hi Mount Airy Sunday ■era top for the Near Cast Belief Fund. a ftmd to preside food end nhelter far the ■> tarring orphans of Armenia. Anv who were not prraent Sunday can Hand thetf contribution at once to tK«tr pastor. The children of the Sur' >» .chool- win take their contri tatkn neat Sunday. Work tfco Fulton Block. Mr. J. H. Falun has a fare. of mo mrttaf a building on the corner ai Main mm) Franklin atreet in tMa city thmt will ha ooe of ths Mat imposing structures km CoBtneUr D. H. Cook ko ihaigs ai the work and bo will push tha Job aa faat at material can bo aeeared until it fc ftniahed. They already have moat of the rough lumber, brick, etc on the grooada and soon the walls will bo up. The now haildiag will eonaiat of see stsre rooai oa the eeraor. of at traetivo design throe storiea high. Above tha flrat story the building will alt aad back over Mr. Fuhon's other two building* now ocupied by the Moant Airy Drug Co. and the Steal Shoe otors and the Talagraph office. It la definitely certain that thla room will be built aad it will go up two atoriaa above the ator« rooms, making the entire Mock three storiea high, if material can be secured. To speak with a degree of accuracy if material caanot bo aocared only one story will ha pat ea tha atore usaas. Mr. Paltoa haa not rented any at this now pioyaitj and haa no Inforaw tion to give oat aa to how the new building srfll ha aaed. It woaid wake hotel and sra undaiataad that it am> be aa aaed. fat that caae the ground floor of tha ooraer building would ho uaad for lobby and dining raoas, of ficee eta aad tha aacond aad third stories for raoaas. Mr. Fulton la using aa attractive style of anWtectaro aad whoa coas pleted the aaw building wiU be one of tha aaoat haaitanmi aad eentraUy located in tha city. Wtaa RuMtMl William r. R» Ki>i«kU of Col» bu on., ml sale—r to Siberia. who b speeding up rat> rtnlnmaata (or tW Tanks 4uin« poikv work on tha Trans Siberian railway. records aa amoslos lurMrul at Ik* Installation at etram baat to to the Knights of Cotoiubw dub a' VlaiHeoetufc The aaw radlstnr rnwmtn i ■ i I piping «uaTc*a ami quk-dj undeceived wbeu Yankee sol dUrs took Mm to the basement ami Initiated him Into the rites of staking • (amaca Naval Milk*. Thar* u a um«i form at atrtka la prugrva* la a portion of Victoria. Aoattralla. Angered hj the hick prtcw • harged for children's shooa and iwots. pnrcats hara baas aatallag ■hair bojs ami girls barefootad la xUtul. Tbia ami proAtaorlag aiaaa urw ha. baau imliMslaatlcallji ap plauded by I ha children, who aojoji 'he novel!/, and in uianj caaaa, wharo t>ar«u la ha TO oat Joiuad In, buuta hara boon discarded baXura tha hotna M out of alght. An aniualag factor* haa bava iha action of a local bootsatV •f la sending bla uwa chlMraa bar* foutad. Aa thara la ao school rata uhlcn prascrtbaa luocwaar, a ad m dM day* ara loaa aad wana. tha strkfca la running its merry coma farv Aiatmao Ova« Chwsaa. Tha omlnuad luilm of Chlaaaa ta to Pan la halag »law ad with ikra nod agliatiaa la being carrtad oa by tha rocanrfjr formed Aatl-Aalatic lesgoa, which has aa lu parpuaa tha aaM-urtaf of tourr -iringaai Irani i era tloa lawa. The chief fa alt faauitl with ihe fhlaaoe I* IIn,i ihoy eater lata ■■all baalaeaara hihI aetl at au» price* that ua-al Iwtieas' a"< raw aot rat* pet a l'»l tui has ran higt no srraoal armada. >wth rti«»«irva Iaaam to th- t°> »e lu,ft|a Seldom doee a town htvt the op portunity to rasp audi a rich harraat ■ A auua meeting will ha held in the town hall at 7 JO K M. Monday. a ' ommittc* at cittssne of CarraO coun ty who arc Hitaruatad will ho present to praeeat tha facta in tha earn. All loyal citisena who stand for a "Binror and Battar Mount Airy" •hould ha pruawt to land their enthus iasm and fo-opai stkm Th« incraaaad commerce that wooM result from a food road from Mount Airy to the Durfllr pike would be worth many, many timea tha *ma!l contribution that is asked from dfe u E. Smith Entertains. On Wednesday aftamooa Mrs. A. E. Smith was the charming hoetaaa at the first meeting of the Entra Nous club since the influenza cloeinr ordi nance stopped all social activities about aix weeks ago. Her attractive home on Franklin street was decorated with a wealth of pink and white carnationa and aapar ina ferns. Beak waa played after which the hnataaa waa asaiatad m serving a detectable salad course with coffee and whipped cream by her Mater, Mrs. W. J. Byerly and Miaa Florence Smith and Miss Pally of Boston. Mrs. Winston Fulton and Miss* Mary Hollingiworth and Myrtle Beamer tsar* this afternoon to spend 'he woek-eod in Greensboro. While there they will aae Edna Goodrich in "Sleeping Partners." Bargain h Dodge Roadster ■ A-l CoMlitMM. This ear is equipped with two brand new tiros on rear, front tiro la fair condition. Now Diamond Grid Bat tery, guaranteed eighteen Brand now top. Will giro peoooaoiaa next Tuesday. First chock far $7t* gets H. ML H. B. ROWE. CALL PHONE No. 287 for proa at jitney terries day or night. t-26-p NOTICE. North Carolina, Surry County. By virtue of authority contained in a carta in dwd of trust executed to the undernijjnfd by L. A. Dunman and wife, D«*. l(Ha 1»1G, tame being duly recorded in Book 58, pare A, office of Register of Deeds of Surry County, I wiu sell at public auction on (h - pre miaea, Saturday, April 17th. 19S0 at two o'clock P. M. to the highest bidder 'or cash, the following described land: Begin niag on a chestnut. J. D. Draughns, corner. West 83 poles to Rockiord road, thence Snath 4 degrees East with said road IH chains to fork of road, then with the road South IT degrees East 8 chains; then South 10 East 4JO chains to a rocky ford oa Caudle* Creek; then with said creak South 45 degrees East SH chains; then Sooth 41 East t chains; than Sooth 22 degrees East t chains: than Sooth 48 degrees East IJO chains; then North 8) degrtss Bast S chains; then South 77 degrees East 4.10 chains " rffedbn to the Siouth at 2nd branch at a I then Saoth 88 dag. East IS chains to a large rad ask; then North 11 dag. East If H chains to a stake; than North Bli chains to a white oak; then Weet 11 chains to a stake; then Sooth 11 chains to the beginning, con taining 88H acres, mora or leaa. Said sale is made to satisfy balance of 8*40.81 and into—at doe on the bond secured heraondar. This March IT. 1M0. S. F. Craves. Trustee. The Beet lasaUee "My sadantarv habita n»<-«ssi tateu the ase of an n-cas'.mal stive. I hare triad ra-n. hut found if thing better than Cham'**-!*^** ~»M -ts," wiites George F. Pwlrti. I'a Vt. Mr. Ilanial* is nmpriet * the .w—lr .f Ja ; V I b-'U-ls ' New England . Announcing The Showing Of Out New Spring Goods SPRING FOOT-WEAR Jackson Bros. f Rising Prices On Gasoline and Oil Only Emphasizes the Wisdom of Buying the Car that is Economical of Both. Chevrolet > 20 to 30 miles per gallon of gas. 5,000 to 10,000 miles and more on tires. Touring Gars, Roadsters, Coupes, Sedans— there's a Chevrolet to suit every taste, at a price that is fair and square. Let your dealer demon- I strate this car for you. f ' I Universal Aiito Distributors Winston-Salem, N. C.