APRIL 16th. 1M0. mowwt Axmr. worm Carolina, trumdat, Thia mom local at offlckli waa caring tor th« WORRIED BY NEWBERRY CASE of Serate Majority The Ruhr. Why? the Midtnt of w" forbidden by the treaty. ia—d I* *+»e that dered tempi Into the Rohr. The oniyj thin* >■—Will for imi to do ' diately occopy Frankfort aad the oth-1 ar Carman Htiaa. "We have itran France'i poattion fa qaito different from that of Amarica Hid En eland. W« are Mi next door to Gal-many and wa feel tha dan err of our poet-1 Hon In a war In which Aawrtca could not faal it. Why haa Balfioa taken an 'dentical position with Franca* Ba -auaa tha Belgian people are la tha «ame dangerous ettnation. They are llrtaf nest door to OafMay and are "Miffed to surrenders 14 teaks AFTER KILLING MAN oTdmA IM Ha W. Cnw Back ud He DM So Athena, Tenn-, April 11.—After 14 geara, during which time he tiring in aataiitj iwaihiii ammiaed name, Richard Derick today aatoaiahad Sheriff Lawaon. of thia county, by waTdnff into tha Jail and "urrendariaff for trial on charffaa of having mordered Hoffh Duggan near Thf killing took »Un 14 |«ri ago ♦hi* month and almost had been for- ] rotten. Pew person* ran be found now who ran ted any of the details. Deride >u indicted at the tee bat he enp id arrest, left the community. later sent for his family and under another name has lived and prospered. He told the sheriff that two weeks j ago he promised Ms wife, who was on her death bed and has since died, that he would bring the children hack to Athens and give them their right name. In carrying oat that promise,' he said, he could do nothing hot sar-l -ender to the sntWftiea. face a trial snd accept his fate. Circuit court will open hare tomor row morning and the Dertek eaae will he ad»nted an the dsskst so K ran be heard this week. * , 0~r S0.000 I. PtttaWrgli Dto trbt Pittsburgh. IV, April 10.—Hers than «e.ilMa.ikmsa lathe FUUhuigh district. it was seteatod hp raOread and IndaaMal astheritles, ware Mk tialghl aa a reaaH the stoihs sf this sasttoa today. Hal a raOread ea sapod wMh the Iha saet h ma repertod *at hi aame •/ Ito toi the day'i work completed. ft wu a day Ml of work hot geod nature and food faUowahip |imiai<||Mw|liout Were it not for the introduction of til* euf f rag* im* the been of the It waa apparent from tkc btftminf | that tha Soaaai B. Anthony in tha mind ef I Ilia iaeue em > little wi had hardly firm tha i Might bat from tha ■ when Chairman Clyde R. Roay, la h(a| opening addiaaa. aigniflad Ma aa betas aimflar to th»» Of Simmons. Die fight waa a. Thar* waa' to HShJ throughout tha day. Tha eonrantiaa waa called to hy CangreaMMm Clyde Hooy, af ninth diatrict- Mr. Hoey to addreae tha aeeembly. Ha ta a fluent | feetfra delivery, »umatlm«« term a J the "Young Zefc Vance of tha waet," and daring the hoar that ha apoke ha carriad the complete attention of hie vaat la his ktjnioCf ipMtk on atato b-| ■an hrfm tka Dnonatk (talc eon-1 rantlon at KlMfk Tboraday. Kcpra Mntmiiv* Clyde R. Hmjt, of tka ninth ronpcliail district, aa temporary •Kaii wan rrrirad tkm work of tk« par- ( ty in tke adminiatration of the atata'a affair*. advocated paaaaga at tka1 •facia) aeaaion of tka aaaamMy of tka ronat'tutional amendment niaaUm full auffraga to woman, and doclarad tka Deaaocrata boldly accepted tka challenge of tka Kepablicaaa. predict ing tkat tai tka Nora«b«r alactlew. -tka RapaMkana will ba bortad under an aralaacka of ballota frw wMck tkora will ba mo political ri—nartlw la Nartk Carolina." Former Hm4 Of CMMr—'a Hm At WhMtak k Dmmd Raidarflla, April It—Km waa re ared kara today af tka death tkia mam lay la St Loala. of F*af. H. W. mm f -, - -t„ ■ « « . a May—, formerly mptvivimmmnk ■ um MiOifct Cktldraa-a keae at WW tka kady *01 ka takan to Mitoaiaj Va- to Mil Moadny, tka funeral aarrtea to ba iw*irtil by Bar. W. A. I llnm at Wtoatoa aad after lwik| tka rtata aat to Mla threa illri«. two mm aad a daagkt STKAMCJt STEM'S CRKW ABE SICK AND MU1SED b Ok Trip To T. How York, April 10.—Cooapiotto* ■ trip to Cap* Town. which tn aftor • ww 1k« •teamor arilod oat of thia port) tart January, ate d*n btfor* i tM prohibition Sho earriod a crow of 12* apparently had ahippod for tho aolo norpoao of |ata( aahnr« at all Ufa an tho ocaan war* aboard In a "jorial" Mood tho aaOors an allofad to ban threatanad to throw tho immigration offlcor maiboaul whan ha «wt oat to the Am at Port Elisabeth. Capo Colony. At Boat Lon don. another Sooth African part, po plar. After participate* in flghto In Ea *$ London, soma of tho "taodr of limb, had to ha 1 tho (bip'i rail fro* tho pior. At Durham ium« of tho craw ipwt •ii day* in Jail, uatO tha bant waa ready to nail. Two man wnro (hot aboard ahip whan a rorulrot la Mid to cona off by aceidant. WtoT""** frrrad by rirtpt 17 to be at tbe likrwiae called. Wltlrin ■ few Dr. Looie J. Battle, Mr. Kitrhin'i family pltyfician. Had rae-| ad to the eapttol in an automobile and A* four docton worked aver Mr. KiteMn for almnat an hour. Than aa ] A capital dnork.*eper, William Kan-! ne>, waa iiUral at Mr. Kitefcla'i offlet door to keep oat Um enrk aa who had onmreg»ted I" At corridors. Only a few achai i.« mdndlni Kepraacnf nf Ceenria. ware utalllal New* 4 •beat tkr capital ind pat • damper en cuwfmmf or DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS