The moat natural thing in the world fc fer • ckM to aak fer eanrfjr. Amd+mmm* zZrft*, Lmrj^2fiLr«sTmh l*W it i» of the very but quality. m4 ti» child that » p^ThutW*-. to tiW hoax mi taught to aak for Huylar't in tk (Mat will bs afafe to nifty a perfectly natural craving fer M*ntt m a mi hcaJthfai way. W. S . We On* CMpwy Tobacco Averages $123.40 Per 100 lbs. i. The Dear Mr. PImm book ma for five n. c. (MM- tea at Z til's Bright Tobacco Grower H-S-» and Zail's Special Compound S-2-2. I win you shipping data* and points to ba (hipped just aa soon aa I am sas 1 had excellent reautta from ZaH'a laet ysar, and wish to ■ this sprin(. We had the worst I will gut it _ last year that we have had far many years, doe to ~ " ZelT* My crop did not suffer from burning who for Marly a quarter at a million dollars. confirm this order by letter. rate fall. oblige, - Tours vary truly, (Signed) J. M. CALLAWAY. Vernon Hill, Halifax Co., Vs., The Gen: C., 10. ltlt. m. c. The beat way I can tell you what I think at your ZeU't Fertiliser for Tobacco is to enclose a copy of account aalae made at Edaondson's Warehouse, South Boston, Virginia, November 21, 1819. Two curing*. X£99 pounds, brought 9L973.54. This la about <123.40 average par hundred pounds. I have triad newly all standard fertilisers, but Zeil's slwsys gives tnbacis batter color and weight than anything else. I think vou will find that this is about the best sale made in this section of Virginia. Tours truly, (Signed) TUNE BROS., By Add Tone. AUTO PAINTING To T1m Car Owm» mf Sorry Cswatji We wish to announce that we arc well prepared to do fir** claaa auto painting. We have experienced and up to-date painters and use only the heat paints and Tar nishes. Oar price* are moderate and wort guaranteed. We alao carry a stock of accessories, Goodrich tires, yas oline, oils, etc. If interested call or write as your pat ronage is solicited and will be appreciated. ROBERTSON * CHILTON 4-9-p. WHITE PLAINS, N. C The White Star Garage UAAS * BOWLES, Proprietor. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING '* ACCESSORIES VULCANIZING * RETREADING NORTH MOUNT A HIT ' r%m»t feral MM ASHBY SCHAUBS OLD STAND Vialat M TlUay, Jo Grada: Mm Hoffman, niaa Harrle, Valeria Jackson, Mary| Ellaahath Partridfa, Francaa Ikm Tumay, Rokwt Johtiaon, Pariah, Frank Trant, ftnrgiaa Sheriff*, Mary Lyn First Grada: Dora holla Graraa, Vlr- [ Harrla, Mbth BMsaard, Allrad, Wlllta Owyn, Hugh Martka.| William Tal'ay, Gaeil Brown Davta, Wood row Thempaui, Ja Combe, MUca Foy, Ralph Harman, Clara Ball Milch, lUna Pendleton, Fllen Aahbiirn, Nallla Athburn, Rachel Bray, Loaiaa Aahhorn, Battle Waat, J alia Lund jr. Lucy Shelton. Florence Mathews, Arrie Stewart, Graham, Bohertaon, Laonard Steal, Hale Yoke ly Lester Badarett. Alma Edwards, Paulina Kay, Martha Binder, LaaHa Cook, Bualah Poora. v s — > Civic Lm|m MmO X The Mount Airy Civic Lm(h wiB hold it* rifnlir monthly mitln| to morrow, Friday afternoon, at four o'clock at ths Hirh vhool buikMng. All BMmbMi ami thoae wishing to join arc courteously invited to attain!. The mwtinf thin month will ba espec ially interesting. Armt Ends A World-Wido SMKh For Bm Of JawA Haw York, April 10—-A world-wide ■earth for a fortana in )i»da. the property of Mra. Clarence Millhiacr. of Richmond, V*., haa endo-1 bare with the arroet of James E. Foye. who had in hi* possession a check for ttOJMM paid bjr a pawnbroker far nine pearls believed by the police to bo part of a necklace valued at $275 000 loit by Mrs. Millhiaer here last May. Whan she missed the pearls Mra. Millhisor notified the police she had given^ two bars of jowen valuol at 1800.000 to Foye, then an employe of the Biltmore hotel, to be placed in the hotel vault and found only one pack age when she as!.sd for the jewelry. Send Jap Ship Arotmd World Tokio, March M.—A Japanese mil lionaire is planninr to send an exhibi tion ship around the world to intro duce Japan's products to foreign lards. The steamer •< to ba a 10,000 ton vassal reconstructed so aa to af ford room for exhibition shelvee and rooms for entertainments, and la to start in April. . MUSIC TEACHER IS ENTHUSIASTIC Miu Cantril Daclarw Tan lac la BmI Medicine Ska Erar Hoard Of "I am simply delighted o»sr My wonderful improvement line* 1 began taking Teniae." was the enthusiastic statement mad* by Miaa Louise Can tril, popular music teacher of 8406 Km street. Los Angelas. Call Tor aa long as I can remember my kidneys troubled me and I rarely ever got a good night'* rest," the continued. 1 lost my appetite completely aad what I managed to swallow by shear force at wffl would ferment and caaaa so modi gaa that my heart would pal pitate terribly and at times I rams asar fainting. I fell off from ana hun dred and twenty pounds to ninety eight and was ao nervous and weak I had to give sp my work. "Medicines and treatments did aot do ma a Mt of good and 1 toat faith to them. A friend of mine kept taabttog that I try Tanlar and te please har I did. Now I cant thank har enough, for the way Teniae helped me is nothing sheet of raasarkahls. My appetito came right hack and I eat anything t want without the slightest trouble. My kidneys seem to bo hi perfect shape and,I sleep all night long IlkeiJ a child. 1 hare gained no much In weight and rtrength aad nia »o. hsonr ! ;it medicine 1 erer h»ard of." Tanlar is sold in **nnnt Air" by I. W We mwniii rJMi mWm *r «b ten •r mhmn ymm trmvl TO>ACCO