The White Star Garage LaBAS * BOWLES, PwpriHw AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING 4k ACCESSORIES VULCAfazmG A RETREADING ASHBY SCHAUVS OLD STAND AUTO PAINTING T> The C»r Oiwwi ml Sarrji C«—tyi W» wish to annoonee that we are wall ynptnd to do tint elan ahto painting. Wa have experienced and op to-date painter* and nae only the beat paints aad rmr niahea. Oar pricee are moderate and work guaranteed We also carry a stock of acceeeoriee, Goodrich three, gas oline, oils, etc. If interested call or write as your pat ronage ie solicited aad will be appreciated. ROBERTSON 4k CHILTON 4-9-p. WHITE PLAINS, N. C Resources over One Million Dollars First National Bank Mount Airy. N. C. Has given satisfactory service to its customers for more than twenty-five years. What can we do for you? GECkO. FAWCETT. Fro*. C. L. HANKS, VtM-Fm. T. G. FAWCETT, CmkUr Raleigh. April 1A—" rally I do not intend to ktna* a w— bar of any overall dob," declared Gov ernor Bkkatt. whan aakod today if ha amid affiliate with the overall organ ization being fuinil by federal and railroad employee hare. "There ia no good in it, and there ie puatttea harm. It wiB ran tha price en i»reialle to • figure that eananot ha paid by thoae who of The ondarsignad having qualified ae Executor* of Uv win af Gtle* Whitak thie li to notify all par rlaana agamet aaid ae tata to praeent them to the undereitrn ed, duly verified. at Julian. N. C. with in twelve month* or thie notice will ha plead hi bar af their latoeety. All par owing eaid estate will „ with J. T. Jonee. Pilot Mountain. N. C. with whom all hooka and nataa will be left for eeOee tieni. A. C. Wfcttaker. G. L. Wbitaker. Executors of Giles Wbttaker, W R Badgett, Atty. Pilot taia, M.CT Now is the time to buy your Fordson Tractor. Farm Tractor manufac turer* know that more mschiaes will be wanted during this coming year than can be supplied. This is particularly true in regard to the Fordson. Its popularity has created a demand that makes it certain that some farm own ers, desirous of obtaining the Fordaou, must be disappointed. Get yoor order in. Make sure of getting the Fords on your farm quickly so that you may become thoroughly familiar with its operation end be able to use it to the best advantage right at the beginning of your Spring woik. Tito fin J— ia all that you upirt>J. Sim pi* to oparata. compact, straw; light ( nlgln only 27M panada.) p—aiful, >rnawaini| (oparatinc am karaaana,) Ion* Baa* a baa uphatd tba Font nam tractor axparta will ftw jam m taquaat—tka atoeka, parta and i upair» that wt kaap raady far ianaadtata daHvary to yoar term whan you tal»p>aar Ha waiting for alo*» maila or axpraaa Nrvtaa. Sulk to aaaat actual farming uailWaa aa Mr. Ford's farm—piunad undar mry aakiatiag rondi GRANITE CITY MOTOR CO. Feed Can—Ford Tnsfa Fstdw TiaO— Feed Srwicm Mmm Stmt Moumt Amy, ML C What I found out about overalls "T USED to think that it didn't ■»——* what 1 tort of overalls I They all —1■—11 the sametozse. "SometLues they wore well and sometimes they